My Divine Diary Chapter 990: Fear and loss


After the Infinite Land was built, the development of things was not much different from what Su Hao thought.

This land happens to be the core base for the three of them. As time goes by, it will continue to expand outwards.

Theoretically, there is no so-called boundary.

And after so many years of exchanges, the various knowledge scattered in the infinite land has indeed developed something different from Su Hao’s current application direction.

“My Healing Game”

In other words, almost every few years, Su Hao can harvest some new applications from the infinite land, which greatly expands his thinking structure.

No matter how powerful a person’s brain is, the breadth of thinking cannot compare with the brains of billions of ordinary creatures. After all, as the old saying goes: The bigger the forest, the more birds there are; the bigger the birds are, the more birds can be found in the forest.

Su Hao has maintained a humble and progressive heart for a long time, and now is no exception.

He does not think he knows everything in this infinite land.

The miracle of nature’s evolution is beyond imagination.

“With Infinite Land as the center of the universe and exploring outwards, this is the right way for me to explore the universe. During the period after the Infinite Land was built, my harvest speed was far faster than before. This is what I want .

I can discover how beautiful and magnificent the miracles and treasures hidden in the universe are. ”

If I had only relied on the three of them at the beginning, I am afraid that I would not have gained much now, and would have stagnated on the old knowledge system.

And this is exactly what Su Hao doesn’t want to see.

If one’s own thinking consciousness has no pursuit and no vitality, then what is the meaning of a long life?

The so-called immortality, the so-called power, the so-called knowledge, cannot cover up the hole deep in the soul.

Su Hao will never allow himself to become such a walking zombie.

“I am Su Hao, an ordinary person who pursues infinite knowledge in the infinite universe. I believe that there will be endless miracles in the universe, and I will find them.”

Su Hao recited this sentence silently, and then wrote this sentence on the top of the most conspicuous log board in the pinball space.

He hoped that he would remember this sentence forever and not let it deteriorate.

Su Hao’s rare self-examination: “Has my pursuit changed all this time?”

Then he shook his head decisively and said: “My original intention has never changed and will never change. I just want to explore the universe forever, freely and safely, witness the miracles of the universe, and find the unknown of the universe.”

This process is lonely, but people are born lonely. This is the characteristic of intelligent creatures, and they are destined to be lonely the moment they are born.

Su Hao suddenly thought of Yashan and Fengcheng.

“Will Yashan and Fengcheng follow me into the endless future?”

Su Hao hopes that the two of them can always follow him, because in the distant future, when he suddenly wants to look back, at least there will be someone who can share the past with him.

But whether Yashan and Fengcheng will follow him forever is not up to him, and Yashan and Fengcheng decide for themselves.

If one day the two of them lose their Taoist heart, are full of despair for infinite life, and plan to commit suicide, Su Hao will respect their choice.

I just hope that day doesn’t come.

After thinking for a while, Su Hao exited the pinball space and returned to his body.

Then he sent a message to Yashan and Fengcheng: “Yashan, Fengcheng, I will return to my true form and let’s go out for a walk together.”

Su Hao, who has now studied the ‘Balanced Luck Line’ in depth, is no longer worried about being inexplicably attacked when he goes out.

He suddenly wanted to have an in-depth chat with Yashan Fengcheng using his body.

Since we have encountered risks in the distant future, these risks need to be eliminated in advance if possible.

As long as you are mentally prepared, you will not be easily disappointed with the future. If you are not too disappointed, you can maintain a relatively balanced mind and it is difficult to despair.

Su Hao took Ya Shan and Feng Cheng to wander aimlessly in space, and finally arrived at the Cross Star, the origin of this world.

The three of them walked and came to the seaside of the Yunjian Mountains. They found a flat place to sit down and looked at the distant sea.

Su Hao suddenly smiled and said: “Yashan, Fengcheng, do you still remember how you were preparing to die of old age in your last life?”

Yashan and Fengcheng were stunned and didn’t understand why Su Hao mentioned this matter. After recalling it, they couldn’t help but smile and nodded: “Of course I remember.”

Yashan also said: “Fengcheng, you are old for the first time. I can feel the despair and sadness from your expression. You yourself said that your heart is also old, even for young people. The girl can’t even get excited anymore. Haha, now that I think about it, it’s quite funny.

Speaking of which, it seems that I haven’t seen Feng Cheng go to play with a girl for a long time. ”

Feng Cheng said with a slight embarrassment: “Sometimes I am interested, but when I actually go there, I feel a little boring, and then I don’t look for any girls anymore. Generally speaking, it is more interesting to discover wonderful planets. .”

Feeling the body slowly aging can indeed make people fearful. Even Yashan and Fengcheng, who are so powerful, are not immune to this.

Su Hao said: “When you died, did you ever think that you would never wake up again? Did you ever think that all your knowledge, strength, desire and efforts would be in vain? In There is nothing left in this universe. The universe is still the same universe, but we are gone.”

Yashan and Fengcheng were slightly startled.

Su Hao’s words completely brought them back to the past.

The first time Yashan died was when he, as the boss of the ‘Temple Forest Society’, risked everything and used his own life force to use the unique skill ‘Decay’ of [Mingzi], which greatly reduced the [God] transformed from Su Hao’s body. In order to protect his people, he eventually died of exhaustion of life force.

At that time, he must not have thought about this problem!

Ashan’s second death was due to natural aging. At that time, he really thought about what death meant.

The third time he died, he followed Su Hao to the asteroid and blew himself up without hesitation. This time, it was also the first time Feng Cheng died. Feng Cheng probably didn’t think much of it at that time.

The next time they died for the fourth time, the two of them were still fighting Landlords. This should be the least emotional thing, and it was gone in an instant.

Then after living for eight thousand years, he gained a long lifespan and powerful strength, but still could not escape the end of decline.

It was also this time that Yashan and Fengcheng were truly afraid of death.

Because at this time, they already possessed power and knowledge that ordinary people could not possess, and they also made a lot of efforts to survive.

Eight thousand years, almost non-stop hard work.

However, in the end, the shadow of death cannot be escaped.

The more I work, the more I fear that the results of my efforts will come to nothing, and I begin to wonder: “What’s the point of all this I’ve done in the end?”

After death, there is really nothing left.

Perhaps there is no concept of ‘nothing’…

It was this fear that made them cherish Su Hao even more.

Ashan nodded and said: “Actually, I have thought about it, but I should have died long ago, but now I can see many unimaginable miracles. I am already satisfied. Facing death, facing ‘nothing’, there are still some Insurmountable fear, apart from that, there shouldn’t be many regrets.

I have to say something regretful…”

After Yashan said this, he was silent for a moment.

Feng Cheng asked curiously: “Boss Yashan, do you have any regrets?”

Ashan said: “After everything I have seen, my wife and my children cannot be with me to witness my happiness.”

After finishing speaking, he couldn’t help but smile: “Fortunately, Boss Wei can witness all this, and of course you, Feng Cheng, are also included.”

Feng Cheng nodded and said: “Me too. When I followed Boss Wei to self-destruct, I didn’t think so much. I just didn’t expect that I could wake up again. After I woke up, I often thought about the things we protected. Whether the person survived successfully, it’s a pity that I can’t see it anymore. Other than that, I don’t think I have any regrets.

Well… because the people I cherish have always stayed by my side, namely Boss Wei and Boss Ashan. The others are no different to me, right? ”

Su Hao laughed and said: “You don’t have many regrets, but I have a lot of regrets. I once wanted to do many things, but I couldn’t do them. Now I have the ability, but I can never go back. ”

Feng Cheng asked: “Don’t you know where the planet we have been to is?”

Su Hao said: “Yes, I don’t know where the planet I went to is. In fact, I don’t even know where the universe we are now is. Or maybe we will find the planet we have visited in the future. , but after all the vicissitudes of life, it may no longer be recognized.

Everything in the past is just some information stored in our memory. ”

Su Hao came again: “In the future, we will meet countless people and countless things, and this information will continue to accumulate in our memories, more and more, until everything in the past is completely covered.

I am not even sure that in the distant future, we will forget our origins, our past, and our fear of death.

There is no doubt that with our current technology, we can live that long.

Until the planet is destroyed and the star collapses, we may still be alive, one hundred million years, one trillion years, one billion years.

After such a long time, will we still remember the joys, sorrows and joys of our weak childhood? ”

After hearing this, Yashan and Fengcheng began to uncontrollably fantasize about what they would look like billions of years from now.

However, this developed soul brain did not successfully deduce what it was like at that time…

Such a long time has exceeded the limit of imagination of this brain. At this time, they once again felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

As for whether they still remembered their origins at that time, they were not sure.

Most likely, I don’t remember!

Perhaps the word “lost” can be used to describe them at that time.

In the past, they were still trying their best to pursue eternal life and were not qualified to think about this issue.

Now that they have gained eternal life, they have to face this profound problem.

Ashan couldn’t help but turn to look at Su Hao, his all-powerful Boss Wei: “Boss Wei, I feel that after a long time, I will definitely get lost. What should I do?”

He does not think that he is like Boss Wei, possessing an ‘eternal heart’ that is so tough that it cannot be destroyed.

In the distant future, he will gradually become lost and eventually self-destruct.

Ashan doesn’t want to lose all this, nor does he want to lose his boss Wei.

Feng Cheng also looked at Su Hao blankly, waiting for Su Hao’s answer.

Su Hao just smiled and then said relaxedly: “Delete the useless information and keep the information that you think is precious. As long as the complicated information in the future does not cover up the things that are precious to us.

During this period, I suddenly discovered that our soul brain is not perfect, but has great flaws, that is, it cannot automatically forget some insignificant things like a normal human brain.

So, we need to set up an automatic deletion program to help us clean up excess information in the soul’s brain regularly.

In addition, ask yourself: What is my eternal ideal? ”

Yashan and Fengcheng looked at each other and said in unison: “My eternal ideal is to follow Boss Wei and explore the endless universe.”

Su Hao nodded and said: “Then, always remember this sentence. As long as you don’t forget it, you will never be lost.”

“Believe me, your boss Wei will not be lost in eternity.”


Generally speaking, when a person says “I will never forget this sentence” or “I will never forget this day”, it is not far from forgetting.

For example, the comment posted by Penguin Space ten years ago, or the cry with tears posted in Moments.

When I look back, I may have forgotten…

Su Hao understands this very well.

For example, now, if he had not looked through the ancient records of Pinball Space, he would have forgotten his life as Su Hao, what he had experienced, what unforgettable pain he had, and which girl he was hurt by Heartbreaking…

To be honest, I can’t even remember the name of the person who owed him money.

The past seems to have drifted away like a puff of smoke, leaving nothing behind.

But his failure to remember does not prevent him from loving those who smile at him, nor does it prevent him from hating those who have hurt him.

To sum it up: I love all the people and things that have been kind to me, and I am grateful; I hate all the people and things that have maliciously hurt me, and I have never forgiven them.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Su Hao must really write down the things he does not want to forget.

Su Hao said: “I have another way to make you never forget the past.”

Yashan and Fengcheng asked in surprise: “What can we do?”

Su Hao showed a bright smile: “I thought about it, but I didn’t think about it well.”


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