My Divine Diary Chapter 988: The gods’ new goal


Gu, the God of Thunder, recalled the scene of the battle and asked solemnly: “Chi Pu, when we were fighting Cong Renfei before, we suddenly lost the ability to teleport. What happened?”

He believed that Cong Renfei was Chi Pu’s second senior brother and should know something.

Chipu Demon King smiled and said: “That is a formation that can suppress the fluctuations of the surrounding space modules. Only a few disciples of Shuangjian Sect know this formation, and all of them are captain-level law enforcement disciples.

This is what the master taught us specially to restrain some disciples who violate the sect rules.

So, knowing how to teleport through space does not necessarily make you invincible. ”

Eighteen gods: “…”

Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Barry first searched in the mall and found that there was no corresponding formation, so he asked: “Chi Pu, can you teach us this formation?”

The Great Demon King Chipu shook his head and said: “This is a top secret from the top of my Shuangjian Sect. I don’t dare to spread it outside without the consent of my master, and even you can’t do it.”

The eighteen gods were so jealous that they went crazy in their hearts.

The God of Redemption – Bai Shen asked listlessly: “What is the pot-like magic weapon in Cong Renfei’s hand? I was photographed and suffered for three years. When I think back to the scene at that time, My head started to feel dizzy.”

Until now, Bai Shen has not come back to his senses. If possible, he does not want to meet Cong Renfei again in the future.

As soon as he mentioned this matter, the expressions of other gods all changed, showing fear.

The Great Demon King Chipu said: “That magical weapon is called the ‘Three-Day Confused God Formation’. It’s not just you who are afraid of it, but I am also afraid. I can’t imagine what kind of person would develop such a cruel magical weapon. It’s simply Destroying humanity!”

Bai Shen asked curiously: “Chi Pu, don’t you have this magical weapon?”

Chipu Demon King shook his head and said: “Master gave Cong Shuling, Cong Renfei and me a protective magical weapon each. Cong Shuling is a small sword called ‘Ruyi Sword’. It is said that it can kill any enemy within the range of perception. Quietly, but I haven’t seen her use it, so I don’t know the details; what Cong Renfei got is the enchanting formation disk that you saw. When he was illuminated by the formation disk, he immediately became confused and unable to control himself. You have also seen its power. It is not at all Unable to resist.”

The gods stared at Chipu curiously and asked: “Then what is the magic weapon your master gave you?”

Chi Pu laughed loudly and casually pulled out a small ball in the air: “The magic weapon the master gave me is called a crispy ball. No one can break the defense. Even the magic weapons of Cong Shuling and Cong Renfei can’t break it.” There is no way to break through my defense. As long as I hold the crispy ball on my head, I am already invincible.

My master still cares more about me and is worried about my safety, so he gave me this magic weapon. ”

After speaking, Chi Pu put away the magical weapon and smiled without saying a word.

The eighteen gods were once again so jealous that it was difficult to keep their faces calm.

They also want powerful magic weapons!


After they left each other, the eighteen gods became more and more uncomfortable as they thought about it, so they got together again.

Hongguang said helplessly: “I suddenly discovered that a good magic weapon may be more useful than the various spells we have learned.”

Bai Shen and Xin said with lingering fear: “Yes, our magical abilities are too single. Once we encounter some special magic weapons, we can only become lambs to be slaughtered.”

“I originally thought that with our strength, we could come and go at will in the infinite land, and no one could beat us. But now I found that this is not the case. It is not bad to meet Cong Renfei this time. If we meet a powerful hand-held person in the future, The little character of the magic weapon, take a photo of us…”


Thinking of that scene, the Eighteen Gods took a deep breath, and their scalp became numb, spreading to the soles of their feet.

“It’s really possible. According to Chi Pu’s description, as long as there is a special magic weapon, it doesn’t require much spirit to activate it. Wouldn’t that be…”

A kid holding a real gun would make even a strong man panic.

“What should we do? We have no way to obtain powerful special magic weapons. This kind of powerful magic weapon may only be available to the three innate gods, but it will definitely not be our part.”

Yi, the God of Bathing Light, suggested: “There are no powerful magic weapons in the mall. Even if there are, we can’t afford them. But there are methods to refine magic weapons, which are not expensive. We can learn how to do it first.” Refining the magic weapon, and then designing and making the powerful magic weapon of your choice.”

The gods lifted their spirits slightly and entered the mall to browse.

I found out that as Yi said, the method of refining magic weapons is not expensive…

They thought about it and found that this was the only way to go.

It’s just that they don’t have much confidence in their refining skills and don’t know what will come out in the end.

Barry secretly thought: “The first goal of learning to refine weapons is to be able to use them smoothly, no matter how effective the effect is, don’t force it.”

As a result, the Eighteen Gods became extremely busy, studying crazily every day.

It can be seen that being instantly subdued by Cong Renfei’s ‘Three-Day Mysterious God Formation’ caused a great psychological shadow on the eighteen gods.



After Cong Renfei took Lu Yijiang and the others away, they came to their residence in Shuangjian City.

Lv Yijiang and the others exclaimed: “Wow, Cong Renfei, is this your home? It’s so advanced and awesome!”

In the past few years of traveling in the Infinite Land, they have seen many advanced technological products, which has opened their eyes. Unexpectedly, the scene they saw in Cong Renfei’s home was even more sci-fi, beyond the imagination of the three of them. .

Cong Renfei was half lying on the soft sofa. Hearing this, he smiled and said: “Smart home, not bad! Once there are any scientific and technological achievements in the infinite land and independent center world, I will find a way to move them to my home. What you see is almost the most advanced product of the infinite land and independent central world.

However, these intelligent machines look no different from normal people, but they have no independent consciousness. Everything is just a simulated personality.

Now the Infinite Land is setting off a ‘super hybrid psychic technology revolution’, and many technological products that are mixed with a variety of advanced energies have been born, but they are not yet mature.

It is said that it is possible to break through the limits of artificial intelligence and allow machines to develop independent consciousness. Haha, I don’t know whether it is true or not yet.

However, I am quite looking forward to the achievements of this kind of super psychic technology. It is estimated that it will only take more than a thousand years to achieve relatively complete technological achievements. ”

Lv Yijiang and the others were full of envy. They also wanted to have such a smart home.

Gao Qi asked curiously: “Cong Renfei, who are you? You are so powerful that even Chipu, the Great Demon King who is known as the strongest in the demon world, is so polite to you.”

Lv Yijiang and Taicheng looked at Cong Renfei curiously.

Cong Renfei said: “I don’t know how to say this… Let me tell you this, Infinite Land was designed by my master and uncle, and I participated in the construction of Infinite Land. It can also be said that we are watching the infinite land gradually take shape and open up.

As for the Great Demon King Chipu, he is nominally my junior brother, but he should be older than me. As for his strength, it is hard to compare, as I have never really fought him.

The many creatures in the infinite land you see now are only my juniors. ”


Lu Yijiang and the others took a breath of air.

The simple statement “The Great Demon King of the Demon Realm is my junior brother” is enough for them to digest for a while, not to mention the other party’s participation in the construction of “Infinite Land”. This amount of information is a bit too much for them.

It is unimaginable that the young man who has been chatting and laughing with them is actually such a powerful boss, almost standing at the top of all living beings…

Gao Qi asked: “Um… Cong Renfei, when was Infinite Land built?”

Cong Renfei said: “I don’t know exactly, but it was probably built more than 7,000 years ago. At that time, each world was independent of each other.

My master said that the main purpose of building infinite land is to allow creatures in many worlds to flow and communicate with each other. ”

Gao Qi asked: “Should our planet also be connected to the infinite land and become part of the infinite land?”

Cong Renfei said: “Yes.”

Gao Qi said worriedly: “I’m worried that the strong people in the infinite land will cause harm to our world…”

When they were wreaking havoc on the infinite land, they didn’t think anything of it, but when they suddenly discovered that their hometown might be invaded by others, they thought differently.

Cong Renfei laughed and said: “Don’t worry, there will be corresponding protection mechanisms. As far as I know, Tiangong has a huge department that specializes in detecting various world crises.”

Lv Yijiang and the others were confused: “What is the Heavenly Palace?”

This touches on their cognitive blind spots again. Renfei explained it to them patiently and then asked: “What are your plans next? Continue in the infinite land, or return to your own planet.

In two or three years, the passage to your planet will be opened. At that time, you can come and go back whenever you want. If you have a pass, there will be no special restrictions. ”

Gao Qi said: “Let’s go back first. After all, the infinite land has no natural vitality.”

Cong Renfei said with a smile: “As far as I know, the Shuangjian Sect and the Infinite Sect have set up special construction teams, and have begun to make plans to introduce vitality. I believe that in a few hundred years, it will be useful in the Infinite Land. Exhaust your natural energy.”

Lv Yijiang and the others’ eyes widened slightly: “!!!”

They suddenly discovered that the Double Sword Gate and the Infinity Gate seemed to be omnipotent…

The figure of Su Hao suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help but ask in his heart: “Is Mr. Jia Wei really, as Cong Renfei said, an innate holiness conceived at the birth of the universe?”


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