My Divine Diary Chapter 981: The world is big


For thousands of years, the Infinity Gate and the Double Sword Gate have found many life planets in the universe. After studying the biological characteristics and natural environment on them, they have designed specific plans to connect these life planets to the Infinite Land. , becoming a part of the infinite land, making the current infinite land extremely huge.

Most of these planets do not have intelligent life, but each planet has its own unique aspect. They are connected and integrated with each other, and the life planets in different galaxies are isolated from each other.

In Infinite Land, planets in the same galaxy are divided into the same area, while life planets in different galaxies are divided into different areas.

For example, the Xianghu system at the beginning had more than two hundred life planets, and these two hundred or so life planets together formed a Xianghu area, which was very large; for example, the newly discovered Martial Arts planet, after being merged into the Infinite Land, It will be named the Martial Arts Zone and is only the size of a planet.

As long as your strength reaches a certain level, you can move around in the same area. However, if you want to pass through different areas, you must hold a pass, otherwise you will not be able to pass through the world passage.

The vast majority of creatures living in the infinite land have no way to pass through the world passage and go to another world. There are even fewer creatures who can obtain passes to travel through different areas.

Those low-level creatures without strength can only move within the scope of this planet throughout their lives. Even if he knew that there was another world on the other side of the mountain and the ocean, there was nothing he could do.

As time passes, most creatures ignore the existence of the world passage and return to their own lives.

After all, no matter how big or wonderful the world is, it has nothing to do with them.

The wonderful things belong to others and are left to these ordinary creatures…just to watch the fun?

In general, there are not as many creatures as you think who really care about the infinite resources in the infinite land.

The three of Lu Yijiang came to a brand new world. They learned from Cong Renfei that this was the boundary of infinite land, and that the world they were in now had no intelligent life, only various unique lives fighting for it. Try your best to compete for living space and reproduce.

As long as they walk along the land, they can go to the central area of ​​​​the infinite land – Xianghu District.

Taicheng looked around, jumped up and down, and suddenly said: “Yijiang, Gaoqi, do you feel that it is very light here?”

The Martial Arts Planet they live in is very large, and its gravity coefficient is much higher than that of other living planets, so after arriving on this planet, they feel that their whole body is light.

Lu Yijiang nodded and said: “It has indeed become lighter. It feels very obvious.”

Gao Qi shook his head while using the learning machine to look up information: “There is a corresponding explanation in the learning machine, but I can’t understand it…”


At this time, huge footsteps came from the depths of the jungle, and the sound of breaking grass blades became increasingly clear.

It was as if a huge monster was about to walk out of the jungle, making the three of them wary.

This world does not have the vitality of heaven and earth, and they cannot integrate into nature through vitality. Therefore, in this world, their perception is greatly weakened, and they do not know what is about to come out.

With a “huh~” sound, a huge elephant-like creature walked out of the jungle and seemed to glare at Lu Yijiang and the three of them.

This giant elephant is completely black, with a triangular head and dense scales all over its body. A strange sound comes from the giant elephant’s body, and its huge size gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The three of them had never seen this kind of creature before. They all stared carefully in surprise and took a defensive posture, planning to run away immediately if the situation went bad.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Gao Qi suddenly said: “Wait a minute, this monster is a little strange. Look at the scales on its body.”

The two of them followed the instructions and found something strange. The scales of this monster were slowly moving?

The three of them boldly took a closer look, and what they saw the next moment made their scalp numb with horror.

What kind of monster is this? It is clearly a huge monster piled up by countless rat-like turtles.

Gao Qi couldn’t help but ask: “What is this?”

Before he could continue to check, Tai Cheng, who was quick-handed, had already fired a small energy bomb, hitting the giant elephant composed of turtle insects.


After a muffled sound, the giant elephant suddenly exploded, and countless turtle insects flew away, covering the sky and the sun. Many turtle insects flew in their direction.

Lv Yijiang and Gao Qi’s eyes nearly popped out, and they shouted: “Taicheng, what are you doing?”

Then he turned around and ran away.

Taicheng followed the two of them, scratching his head in embarrassment and saying: “Haha, I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn’t expect it to really explode.”

This kind of mentality is like seeing a pile of cow dung while walking and having a firecracker in your hand.

Dry firewood and a strong fire, they hit it off immediately.

Seeing that the turtles were not chasing after them, they turned back curiously to see what this unique group of turtles was. It was like seeing a steaming pile of cow dung when they entered the village for the first time. Their curiosity overcame them. of the fear of the unknown.

Then they saw the group of turtle insects gathering together again, squirming continuously, and finally turned into a huge humanoid creature.

“Huh? In human form?”

Gao Qi touched his chin and said: “Maybe they imitate creatures they think are powerful to scare off other predators.”

The three of them observed for a while, then bypassed the strange pile of humanoid turtles and carefully entered the depths of the rain forest.

They are extremely curious about everything in this world.

Not only are the animals different, but even the plants are completely different.

They will encounter huge worms that suddenly emerge from the ground, bite their prey, and pull them into the cave;

I also encountered a tree that suddenly turned into a predator. After shaking its branches and leaves and swallowing its prey, it took root again and turned into a tree;

I also saw an animal that stuck its head into the ground and then turned upside down to disguise itself as a flower. It seemed to be sleeping? Taicheng, whose hand was itching, pulled it out casually, and then looked at each other…

What they saw was beyond their imagination.

Lu Yijiang exclaimed: “It’s amazing. This is the infinite land. I never thought that there is such a place.”

Gao Qi said: “Cong Renfei said that there are many different intelligent races living in the infinite land. That must be very interesting. Yijiang, Taicheng, let’s go find the legendary intelligent race in this infinite land! ”


So for the next three years, the three of them wandered around the infinite land, passing through world passages one after another, going to different worlds and seeing all kinds of wonderful things.

I am also full of expectations for the future journey.

They will think: After passing through the world in front of them, what will they encounter in the next world?

The world is so big that there are no wonders, and the universe is so big that everything is possible.

On this day, they crossed the world passage again and came to a yellow desert with no end as far as the eye could see, surrounded by howling wind and sand.

“Let’s go, through this desert, we should be able to see the whole world.”

“Haha, I’m really full of expectations.”

The three of them have become accustomed to the desert as soon as they come out. They discovered early on that world passages are generally built in the harshest environments in the world, and few people can reach them.

After the three of them ran in the same direction for two days, they finally arrived at a seemingly deserted town.

Seeing this strange building that was obviously built by intelligent eyes of the three people glowed like light bulbs.

“Great, this is a world with intelligent races, let’s go in and say hello to them.”

After speaking, Lu Yijiang rushed into the town first, and then saw a group of lizard people staring at him in shock.

Gao Qi frowned and said: “Yi Jiang, wait, don’t be impulsive…”

However, Lu Yijiang didn’t listen to him at all, so he could only follow him into the town.

Lu Yijiang greeted the lizard people expectantly: “Hello, my name is Lu Yijiang, can I be friends with you.”

The lizard men looked at each other.

The well-informed old lizard man recognized the identities of Lu Yijiang and others, and muttered to the other lizard men: “This should be the legendary human being! He looks quite strong.”



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