My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1249: Change, the power of alliance!


The issue of the Tianyuan Alliance officially moving into the western suburbs, vigorously developing Qinggang City and incorporating it into the alliance’s territory did not last long.

In fact, whether it is Hunting Tiger, Aldrich, or Somo.

As managers, the main task of the three of them is not to dwell on the details of the plan here.

Human energy is limited, and the main task of managers is to control the direction and make decisions.

The only thing left is to grasp a general direction and find people who are good at this direction, and this matter will be inseparable.

As for the final one or two, this cannot be decided by human power.

As the saying goes, success depends on people and planning depends on heaven.

Most of the time, even Sumo has to admit that luck is also a part of strength.

“Let’s go to our flat beach first and see the recent changes!”

“After seeing you Pingtan, I have to ask Alliance Leader Su to visit my giant city. In the past, time was too tight to find such a suitable opportunity.”

Both of them invited them warmly, and Sumo couldn’t refuse.

So I was dragged around the western suburbs by Xiehu and Aldrich all afternoon.

Compared with before, the changes in the two shelters can be described as completely new.

Literally new!

It has been a shelter for hundreds of years, and the main structure is still usable because of its careful maintenance.

But those aging parts related to daily life have long been in danger.

In the past, the foundation’s merchant ships would not bring these worthless items, so major shelters could only rely on their own “wisdom” to find them.

Take the seven underground floors managed by Liu Lu as an example. Even to repair a sewer pipe, you have to go to other floors to steal or rob. You can see how embarrassed the major shelters are.

Either plundering it, or imitating it yourself.

The ones looted by the former are most likely semi-finished products, and those that have just left the factory are almost non-existent.

The materials required for the consumable parts that the latter imitates are difficult to find, and the quality cannot be guaranteed.

So for a long period of decades, major shelters were stubbornly holding on, and they were absolutely unwilling to mention this matter until they collapsed.

Now, as major factories in Tianyuan territory gradually start up, new assembly lines are being built one after another.

These wearing parts, which had low technical content, suddenly became the largest export goods.

Because the price is low and can be deducted from other supplies, even some micro-shelters now dare to bite the bullet and place orders.

And members of alliances like Giant City and Pingtan.

At the cost price, there is no need to hesitate at all.

Everything that could be changed was replaced, and everything that could be added was added. Aldrich even went against all objections and replaced the door of the shelter.

It was almost evening and we finished visiting Pingtan and Jucheng.

Sumo thought and invited the two of them to Tianyuan territory for a visit.

This is purely a dimensionality reduction attack.

Anyone who has played survival and construction games will know that the difficulty of development between underground and above ground is absolutely huge.

The underground space and layout have been determined as early as the initial construction, making it difficult to make drastic changes later.

But if the development of a place on the ground is not good, the worst case scenario is that it will be demolished and rebuilt.

And as long as it is not restricted by terrain and space, even a small shelter like Horsens Shelter with little experience in building layout can be used. ….

Huo Village, which was slowly built, still looks more imposing than the two major shelters.

“All these changes are witnesses of the development of the alliance!”

As the manager of Horsens Shelter, Kevin is indeed a weirdo.

Coming out of the village construction site, this guy was wearing a blue safety helmet.

Obviously not only came here to supervise the work, but also participated in it immersively.

“Although I lived in Horsens for such a long time, almost always there from birth to growing up, neither I nor anyone else in the shelter had much nostalgia for the underground.

Perhaps due to the influence of our parents, we think about moving to the ground all the time. Now that the opportunity has come, how can we not cherish it? ”

Faced with some doubts on the faces of Hunter Tiger and Aldrich, Kevin looked at the once vast wasteland in the distance, which has now become the rudimentary Huo Village, and did not feel any embarrassment.

On the contrary, his heart was filled with pride and satisfaction.

Here, he witnessed with his own eyes the tremendous changes and development of the league in the past six months.

Completely different from the Southern Suburbs Alliance, which seems to be inseparable from each other.

The Tianyuan Alliance equally brings a lot of hope and opportunities to everyone who joins.

Kevin originally thought that as an ally, it was enough for him to be protected by the alliance.

It is difficult, or absolutely impossible, for people in Horsens Refuge to join the production chain of Tianyuan Territory and become a part of it to earn profits.

In fact, however, the opposite is true.

Whether it is the major factories in Longteng Village or the trading market in Hope Village.

The people in Horsens are treated absolutely equally, and there is almost no difference in treatment between the people in Tianyuan Territory.

Of course, the salary level is bound to be lower, with a gap of about 20%.

But Kevin thinks this is completely reasonable.

After all, these factories did not fall from the sky. They were built with the Tianyuan Territory’s own money, using the taxes of the people under its command.

Horsens didn’t contribute any money and still needed Tianyuan’s help everywhere.

It would be strange if there is no salary gap.

At the same time, the power of the alliance is not only reflected in changes on the material level, but also in changes in the spiritual outlook.

“Look, you can’t even push these lazy guys in my shelter in the past.”

“What now?”

“Everyone is screaming for work, wishing they could work in shifts 24 hours a day, it’s amazing!”

After Kevin finished speaking, Aldrich and Liehu were speechless.

In fact, this is not just the case in Horsens, the situation in Pingtan and Jucheng is also similar.

Take Pingtan as an example.

In the past, strict tasks and management mechanisms were required to urge managers at all levels to take people out to find supplies.

If the oppression becomes tighter, small-scale riots will occur.

But now there is no need for Yehu to urge him.

Most of the time, at dawn, tens of thousands of people pour out of Pingtan just like a large construction site.

Or collect the ruins in the western suburbs and bring them to the flea market near the Fifth Ring Road for recycling.

Or go to the outpost behind the security wall and earn money by doing a assigned job.

It’s not difficult and the pay is generous. ….

At the beginning, many people complained that this was the behavior of a “wanderer” who went to work for others to make money, thinking that they were embarrassing the gopher man.

But as more and more people make money, completing tasks also improves their lives.

Hmm. That smells really good!

“In three days, there will be a celebration for the expansion of Hope Village into a town, and everyone is invited to come and join us!”

Looking at Yehu and Aldrich who were in a daze, they responded in a daze, and they still couldn’t come back to their senses until they left.

Sumo was a little surprised, but at the same time he couldn’t help but sigh:

It’s not that others don’t work hard, it’s because Tianyuan’s speed is too fast!

It has just passed the beginning of May in the second year of the wasteland. It has only been sixteen months or about five hundred days since humans have been in this strange world.

Excluding the initial period of time when the New World did not appear, it is now exactly one year.

One year.

The Tianyuan territory came into existence from scratch, and an independent kingdom was created in this strange land that was larger than some modern islands.

Hope, Soaring Dragon, Murloc, and Desolate Bones are the cornerstones of the structure, forming the backbone of the development of the Tianyuan territory, continuously absorbing nutrients and transfusing blood for the development of the territory.

Huo Village, outpost camps, giant cities, flat beaches, and branches and leaves spread out from the branches, which greatly improves the territory’s ability to resist risks.

It is hard to imagine that in the original Hope Village, even the simple colored steel houses had dozens or hundreds of people crowded together. Newcomers even had to put up a tent to hold it up until a space became available.

Nowadays, it is possible to own a home, and if you work hard, you can apply for a private room.

In terms of economy, although resources are still extremely scarce, the territory has fully launched basic trade activities as previously expected.

Small commodities, industrial products, consumable parts and other materials are extremely circulated in the market, and they are often snapped up as soon as they go on sale.

Especially in recent times, some handicrafts with special abilities added to the handicraft enthusiast route have also begun to be sold, becoming in-demand products that the upper class of major refuges are rushing to buy.

In addition, modular products will soon dominate the market.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying the territory’s gold-collecting speed will be in the future!

At the same time, with Sumo taking control of the World Cauldron, all he has to do is wait for the World Cauldron to be fully charged.

The world origin infusion that the entire New World enjoyed before can be enjoyed alone once in a while.

This is simply cheating in terms of resource accumulation.

I believe it won’t be long before a hundred flowers bloom within the territory’s control.

“The future is really promising”

Looking at the sunset slowly setting, Sumo seemed to have a blazing flame in his heart.

Previously, the fire only burned within the territory.

But now it is finally time to release it completely and bring it to Qinggang City!

It’s just that some people are happy and some are worried. The expansion of Tianyuan Alliance’s power is naturally a blessing for many allies of the alliance, but it is very bad news for another giant in Qinggang City.

“Damn Tianyuan, **** Sumo, he really showed his hidden ambition!”

In Qinggang Shelter, Tang En’s roar came from a conference room.

He was angry.

It’s not because Tianyuan Alliance wants to expand its territory and invade the city. ….

Because when the alliance was first established, he had already guessed that such a day would come.

The real reason for his anger is.

“It’s okay if he wants to expand his territory, we also welcome him to develop the city.”

“But why should we open up a second opportunity to join the alliance?”

When the alliance enters the city, it naturally cannot develop slowly while guarding one-third of an acre of land.

After Aldrich returned, he spread the news overtly and covertly.

The next alliance will recruit new allies again.

But there are very few places, only six.

“There are only six places, so these southern suburbs managers have to fight for them?”

Twain slapped the table, very dissatisfied with the current development.

Previously, Qinggang held a development meeting. When the managers heard that he wanted to unite all shelters to rebuild and develop the city, even if it was to develop the southern suburbs where they were located, they all left as if they were hiding from the plague.

But now that the Tianyuan Alliance wants to develop the western suburbs of the city that they have no access to, these guys are willing to jump on it, promising to send people there to help, and promising to provide in-demand materials to repair the city.

What the hell, is Qinggang weaker than that Tianyuan Alliance?

Have these people forgotten that most of the credit for the stability of Qinggang City in the past should go to Qinggang Shelter?

Tang En felt the obvious difference in treatment, and at the same time, he also felt that the situation was declining.

Some time ago, Qinggang Shelter also made a lot of money by recruiting some people to cooperate in speculating on the secondary market.

But with the recent completion of the market next to the Fifth Ring Road, the money that can be earned has suddenly become less and less.

He deliberately wanted to use the same methods as before to defeat the opponent with force.

But every time I think about the fact that the bodyguard here is Yehu and that this is the territory of the alliance, I feel a sense of powerlessness that the situation is completely out of my control.

The past was before, and the present is now.

Before Hades fell into sleep again, he had repeatedly told him not to offend the alliance.

As long as everyone can continue to develop peacefully, there should be no conflicts.

Twain knows the reason.

That’s because Hades saw hope in treating the side effects of frozen sleep in those special creatures that were captured.

I also sensed a lot of opportunities to take advantage of the situation among these monsters and strangers.

Rather than alliance with Tianyuan, fight to the death with these former neighbors in the city.

It’s better to use your energy to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity to strike suddenly!

“Then what can we do? This is not a problem that can be solved with fists?”

The commander of the outer city, Edmund, shrugged, with a hint of indifference on his face.

“The manager has told me that we must not send troops unless there are special circumstances.”

“Yes, we can’t fight Tianyuan, Lord Hades has said it so many times.”

“Those people in the southern suburbs just adapt to the changing circumstances. Maybe they will wake up after a while.”

“What are you afraid of the Tianyuan Alliance? Can they still develop to the northern suburbs of the city?”

The conference room was full of chatter, and everyone’s words were sharp.

Twain was furious just now, but now he collapsed in his seat.

This deputy manager is too frustrated.

He has neither military power nor much initiative, and is tightly checked and balanced by Hades’ various arrangements.

Although all the old die-hards in the past were killed, there are fewer obstacles to doing practical work.

But it also means that any outrageous plan he implements now will be opposed by these new young people who will come to power.

“You are so afraid of Tianyuan, why not we also join the Tianyuan Alliance.”

After listening quietly for a while, Tang En suddenly said coldly and sarcastically.

Every one of these guys seemed to be scared out of their wits and almost surrendered to the Tianyuan Alliance.

Rather than continue to hide it, he might as well expose this matter and shame these guys.

What surprised him was that the noisy conference room suddenly became quiet.

All the sounds stopped suddenly, and everyone’s face showed a bit of contemplation and emotion.

Even Edmund showed a bit of interest.


These **** guys don’t really want to join the Tianyuan Alliance, do they? 39314804.


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