My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1240: Lonely final, win the championship in Wushan!


Chapter 1243: Lonely final, to win the championship in Wushan!

Compared to the sudden changes in the outside wasteland, and the lively competition that lasted for a month.

This was supposed to be the focus of the first Ten Thousand Paths Competition, but instead it seemed extremely lonely and desolate.

Although many Su Chui and “foreigners” who have recently become passerby fans still firmly support their idols, more ordinary viewers have actually given up watching the game.

No way, the time ratio for the main game is 1:4.5, but the time ratio for the finals is 1:1.

In the daytime in the wasteland, the survivors are busy dealing with various arduous tasks, and everyone has endless work in their hands.

They were so caught up in the busyness of this deserted land that they had no time to stop and appreciate or care about someone walking around on the deserted island.

Even if this person is the human Su Shen, this game is the final of the first Ten Thousand Trails competition.

After all, the outcome of the game is already determined, who cares about what happens in the process?

And after waiting for this last winter rain, it is the beginning of spring.

The survivors will not be allowed to continue fishing during the upcoming busy farming season, otherwise they will miss this wave of sowing, and a large-scale food crisis will inevitably break out in the second half of the year!

Of course, the current finals are indeed boring and there is not much to watch.

The game probably didn’t expect that there would be players who could go through the first eight terrains to Kirishima in the first race, so there were no terrains similar to the first few terrains on the island. Stage level.

When you land on the island, you are at the edge of the rainforest.

Through the rainforest, you can reach the final destination of Wushan.

Mountain climbing, the top of the mountain is the goal of this final.

Whoever can win the championship will get the ultimate prize in the finals.

“Hey, the final mission is finally displayed?”

Put away the boat and put it back into the storage module of the armor.

As soon as Somo arrived at the edge of the rain forest, the manual in his arms couldn’t help but vibrate.

Open and check.

There is no reward for landing in the finals, so the grand prize will only be taken by the person who aspires to win.

All the records from the previous race are still there, but there is an additional description of the terrain of Kirishima on the last page.

[Terrain: Kirishima (Difficulty: Unknown)]

[Description]: An island surrounded by natural special oxygen fog. The fog is dense and mysterious. It only disperses between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day. The rest of the time it will quickly cover all areas, making the island look like An isolated island, completely isolated from the outside world.

[Additional rules]:

1. Kirishima can only be walked through when the fog is covered. Entry at other times will be forcibly moved back to the starting point.

2. Contestants cannot be exposed to the fog for more than two consecutive hours, otherwise they will be directly eliminated (restrictions will be lifted after resting for more than half an hour).

3. The plants on Kirishima can absorb fog, and you can use the plants to build a closed camp to achieve condition 2.

3. The temperature will drop gradually at night, with the lowest point being minus 50 degrees (3 o’clock in the night).

[Daily tasks: None]

[Challenge Mission: None]

[Remarks]: The Wushan rules will be opened when the contestants arrive at the foot of the mountain (limited time: seven days)

“This final is not easy, isn’t it?!”

After reading the information displayed in the manual, Sumo was slightly scared.

Unlike the previous main competition, the rules will protect contestants from fighting or harming each other.

After arriving at the Kirishima terrain of the finals, all these rules are now invalid.

It is not difficult to imagine what will happen if you enter the mist-shrouded rainforest under such circumstances.

“It is emphasized that the rain forest can only be entered when the fog is shrouded, which gives an excellent environment for an ambush.”

“You cannot walk through the fog for a long time. You must rest for half an hour. This makes the participants’ rest time staggered and unable to keep moving for a long time.”

“Once someone wants to assassinate others while they are resting or on the road, it is as easy as picking something out of a bag.”

I have to say, it’s just a slight change in the rules.

The difficulty of the final changed from the terrain itself to the dispute between the contestants.

In such an environment, even humans cannot maintain the peace they had before.

After all, everyone has a treasure worth tens of thousands of points.

As the saying goes, money attracts people’s hearts, and it is inevitable that there will be one or two people who are blinded by lard and want to fish in troubled waters.

When the rhythm is disrupted, everyone is in danger

“I’m sure those people from Lujiang would dare to attack me in this environment.”

Sumo shook his head secretly.

Damn it, this Ten Thousand Paths War is too insidious, digging holes everywhere.

The audience above was blocked by the fog and could not tell whether it was aliens or humans.

Fortunately, he only planned to enter the finals alone and did not provide any passthrough services.

Otherwise, he will bring in a lot of trouble, and he will have to be blamed for the large number of casualties in the end.

And now, there is only one person left in the finals.

The difficulty of Kirishima is not worth mentioning. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you cannot be exposed to the fog for two consecutive hours.

“You can reach the foot of Wushan Mountain within seven days. There is no need to rush now.”

It was still early morning, and there was still more than half a day before the fog rose.

Since there were no competitors, Somo did not rush to test the rules of the terrain. Instead, he chose an open space near the rainforest and started building a mobile camp using Kirishima plants.

The gravity armor that was dragged through the gravity swamp looked very thick and heavy, like an artifact.

But in fact, there is not much technical content. Except for the skyscraper structure, the rest depends entirely on the strength of the material.

What is really valuable are actually the two modules that come with the armor.

First, a secondary energy module with energy stone attached.

Second, a first-level storage module with storage capabilities.

The former is used to provide energy for the armor to move forward, while the latter is used to store small boats on the boundless sea, as well as survival supplies in the finals.

First take out a fist-sized metal storage cube.

Sumo stretched out his hand and lightly touched the surface, and an illusory projection of light and shadow popped up in front of his eyes.

It’s a bit like the storage backpack in the game, with 3*7 on it for a total of 21 spaces.

The boat is huge and occupies nine squares.

The remaining supplies are divided into each grid, including spiritual fish, fresh water, and a few handy tools.

Click on the alloy ax icon from a distance, and the metal storage cube begins to tremble.

About two or three seconds later, a vortex was generated on the surface of the block, and the ax just selected popped out of it.

Compared with the body shape, the ax head is almost several times the size of a cube, making it difficult to imagine how it was stuffed inside.

“It’s a pity that the storage module only has one level, so you can’t bring too many things in.”

Sumo sighed secretly.

Speaking of modules, after exploring and studying the mother bed in the past few days, he has finally figured out the way inside.

Although the specific principle of the module is still not clear at all, making the raw materials is really simple.

Like carbon, graphite and diamond have completely different values ​​in different forms.

The module mother bed also has the ability to turn decay into magic. Many low-level modules can be made with only a few common metal inputs, and high-level modules can be made by just adding high-grade metals that are not hard to find and some synthesis. Elements.

As for the more special modules, such as the storage module, you only need to add additional space.

Currently, because the space crystal cannot be brought in, Sumo used his survival points to forcefully produce the storage modules in the armor, which cost a lot of money.

But as long as you go to the outside world, with the power of tens of millions of spaces, you can completely produce continuously.



Get all thoughts out of your head.

Suma shook his arms with the axe, sweating profusely, and concentrated on cutting down the wild banana tree at the entrance to the rainforest.

I don’t know how long this Kirishima has been sealed. The banana trees are really strong.

Even if you pick up the slimmest one, its diameter is as thick as the waist of a bear, and it is estimated that the tree is no less than a hundred years old.

And wild banana trees that are thousands of years old can be found everywhere in the rainforest.

After a long time, Sumo finally cut down two of them, briefly disposed of the useful straight parts and carried them back to the open space.

As for other waste branches cut down in the process, they are used for making fire.


The fire started, and the grease-rich waste branches ignited into a raging fire.

Sumo took out another iron pot from the module, stewed a spiritual fish with some fresh water.

By the time the delicious smell of the spirit fish wafted out, ten logs of even size and length had been packed away by Somo.

After a simple bite of lunch, the taste of the spirit fish is indeed not as amazing as before.

Even if the sixth-level Fish King is currently stored in the module, it is still not as comfortable as a bite of Mapo Tofu.

Throughout the afternoon, Sumo was busy making a mobile camp.

When the sun was about to set and the horizon became slightly dim, a camp car large enough to accommodate two people appeared in the open space.

The frame of the car is made of thick hardwood. It has been carefully polished and the surface is as smooth as a mirror. It does not look like it is made of new material that was cut down just in the morning.

The wheels are modified from old tree roots. Their thick width allows for stable driving even on uneven ground. As for the shaft part, Somo designed it to be wide and long to facilitate driving in the rain forest. time push and pull.

Going inside the car, the space is much larger than the tent bought in the Dihuo Desert, enough to accommodate a small tent and some basic daily necessities.

The top can also be opened for easy access to stored items.

On one side of the car, there is a foldable small dining table, which can be used for cooking and eating.

“Hey, I’m much more proficient in doing these crafts now than before, and I don’t even need the help of the system.”

This feeling of making objects with your own hands without the help of system upgrades is simply not very satisfying.

After lying in the car and feeling it for a while, Sumo laughed with satisfaction, and numerous thoughts flashed through his mind.

The energy stone technology in the future ruins is the biggest opportunity for the Tianyuan territory. Various products derived from the energy stone have almost completely changed the lives of the survivors. At the same time, it has also changed the ecology of the New World, causing the original technology tree to a certain extent. Was redirected in another direction.

Energy, vehicles, tools, equipment, construction, home appliances, weapons, medical equipment.

Even currency!

Nerve stone, a product of tiger balm, can produce wonderful chemical reactions when combined with any original items, bringing a completely different experience and effect.

And now, there is an even more abnormal module based on the energy stone.

If the future ruins hadn’t been completely closed after entering once, Sumo would have wanted to go in again to see what kind of huge changes the two together would bring.

For example, if several modules are added to the Energy Stone vehicle, can it reach the level of the Red Spider Caravan’s tank?

To take a step back, even if it is still not as powerful as that tank, can it achieve half the level?

The foundation can cultivate caravans covering the entire Blue Star. Can Tianyuan Territory cultivate the same caravans?

A series of questions kept flashing through Sumo’s mind.

It wasn’t until the sun set and the fog suddenly thickened that he came back to his senses.

At this time, looking out through the small window of the campervan, the white mist seemed to seep out from the land.

One group after another, one after another, spreading quickly.

The view was originally poor due to the setting sun, but now it was blocked by the fog, and it instantly became as scary as a ghost.

Generally timid people will feel a burst of fear from the bottom of their hearts even in the camp car.

“Can’t you tell what this mist is?”

Sumo stood up and came outside the car, touching the oxygen mist as thick as white smoke with his hands.

Using system identification, no entity was detected when the green light was emitted, and the corresponding attribute panel could not be brought back.

The identification in the manual has no effect, and is completely ineffective in the face of white oxygen mist.

Take a few breaths, and it’s like inhaling the mist from an air humidifier. It doesn’t feel like much.

But when Somo looked back, he found that the camper made of banana wood seemed to be breathing at this time.

As soon as the diffuse mist comes close to the wood, it will be sucked in with a swish.

So even though the car door was half open, no fog could enter it.

“It’s time. It’s time to go!”

After confirming that there was no direct danger from the fog for the time being, Somo pulled up the shaft of the car and entered the rain forest on foot.

The feeling of being wrapped in mist was fashionable and acceptable at first, but after half an hour it became a bit uncomfortable.

It was sticky, as if it had fallen into the tide.

And the most important thing is that the fog also blocks the line of sight, and you can only see things three meters away at most.

This makes it very difficult to identify the direction. Even if ordinary contestants enter the finals of Kirishima, it may be difficult for them to get out. If a foreign race suddenly jumps out and attacks me, even if it doesn’t kill me, it will be a big problem if my camper van is damaged! ”

As he pulled the cart forward, Sumo was not walking very fast. He was still thinking about other threats in the finals and preparing for the second Wanjing Battle.

This time, hundreds of aliens entered aggressively, but were thwarted by a few difficult terrain rules.

Not only did they fail to enter the finals, but their progress in the main game was completely overrun by humans.

However, next time, Sumo guessed, not only will there be some changes in the rules of the game, but the aliens will also make targeted preparations for the main game.

It should be difficult to experience the lonely finals like now.

“I hope this tripod can bring some surprises.”

Sumo looked up, and the thick mist was still drifting upwards along the airflow.

But surprisingly, a huge mountain with a vast outline loomed high in the sky, like a miracle.

(End of this chapter)


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