My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1234: Crossing the forest, pressure from 5-star difficulty!


The overall situation has been decided.

After the most exciting siege of thousands of people came to an end, the highlight of the main game was almost over.

More than 80% of the contestants have given up on going deep into the rear of the race and are focusing entirely on earning more points.

The reason is that the camp’s perfect services are on the one hand, and more importantly, the difficulty of the main competition is too exaggerated.

If it weren’t for Sumo’s appearance, the four-star Rolling Stone Canyon would have eliminated at least half of its people.

Not to mention the five-star gravity swamp behind the forest, which almost made it clear that all contestants would be discouraged.

Naturally, in the remaining ten days, the breakthrough led by Sumo became the only highlight.

The first is the two-star difficulty of the Lost Forest.

From the perspective of the audience, overlook the entire forest from a high altitude.

The entire Lost Forest is actually not very large, even smaller than the Lingyu Lake. The overall terrain is like a long and narrow corridor, stretching for more than ten kilometers to the west.

If you can pass through this forest smoothly, you will immediately see the endless “Boundless Sea”.

The final location this time, ‘Kirishima’, is somewhere within the boundless sea.

“Do you need to always fix the direction, to the west?”

With accurate terrain observation and the correct direction of travel.

It stands to reason that as long as they keep heading west, the contestants can successfully get out.

However, after actually understanding the information, Sumo discovered that the interior of the Lost Forest was far from as simple as imagined.

The first is the difficulty inherent in the Lost Forest.

The interior is not as diverse as imagined, but is composed of four different types of giant trees.

A: A giant pine with thick and simple branches and mottled skin with a strong sense of age.

B: Spruce with a canopy-like crown, broad, thick, dark green leaves, and a steady and tough temperament.

C: A camphor tree with special white flowers in full bloom and a faint fragrance.

D: The leaves are like thorns and look like hemlocks with daggers hanging on them.

Four types of plants, A, B, C, and D, are randomly grouped in the Lost Forest, arranging the terrain into various patterns.

For example, the initial location arrangement of the contestants is: North A, South B, West C, East D.

Taking the camphor tree as the target direction, the contestants set off to the west.

But after going forward two hundred meters, the combination will immediately become North B, South A, West D, and East C.

At this time, we have to target the hemlock again to continue to ensure that our direction is west.

Continue forward two hundred meters, and the terrain may change again, or return to the original combination.

If contestants want to ensure that they are still walking west, they have to repeatedly determine the direction.

Human attention happens to be limited, and back-and-forth changes will quickly consume attention.

If you accidentally make a wrong step, it will be difficult to adjust the direction later.

And the most disgusting thing is the direction adjustment after getting lost.

It’s fine if you’re alone, but if you go in the wrong direction, you’ll have to exit the forest and start again.

But it’s not that simple when there are more people.

Some people think they are on the right path and still insist on going in the direction they believe they are, and no one can stop them.

Some people think that if they take the wrong step, taking another step will be a waste of time, so they simply stop.

The two opinions clash back and forth, and after the conflict breaks out, attention will be consumed again.

Even if the current route is indeed correct, it will be difficult to go forward more than ten kilometers under the contradiction.

In addition, in addition to the difficulty of the Lost Forest itself, the rules that come with the terrain also greatly increase the difficulty.

After entering the Lost Forest, contestants who enter together within the same time period will be randomly dropped to a certain point inside.

It is not impossible to finally get the correct terrain map through repeated explorations, but it is definitely difficult to complete in a short time.

Coupled with this is the fatal rule of ‘no raising five meters above the ground’.

After combining the three factors with terrain difficulty, even if someone has tried dozens of times, it is difficult to ensure that the two-kilometer daily mission can be successfully completed, let alone guarantee the direction to get out of the forest.

At this moment, it is noon and the sun is shining brightly.

There are quite a few people who plan to follow Sumo through the Lost Forest, there are more than 40 people.

In addition, half of the alien races also planned to give it a try. After gathering, there were already over a hundred people.

Such a team broke into the Lost Forest in a mighty manner. It would be a lie to say that there were no differences of opinion.

Zhao Qingfei took the lead and set the most basic rules first.

“Lord Su, don’t worry, no matter whether you go right or wrong, we will never express any opinions.”

“Yes, just treat us as pieces of wood.”

Immediately, someone from Longqi was praising him, and his eyes swept over a famous San person present.

The human contestants all nodded in agreement with this rule, and there were no surprises when it came to the alien race.

“Lord Su, we aliens also promise to abide by this rule.”

“Whoever breaks the rules will be dealt with internally, so you don’t have to worry.”

A few older aliens spoke out one after another, with extremely humble tones.

If you hadn’t really seen this scene, it would be hard to believe that these top aliens, who had passed five levels and six out of six, would be reduced to this situation in a main match.

“Okay, you can follow if you want, but I can’t guarantee that the direction is correct.”

Sumo nodded slightly and stepped into the forest first.

The long-lost feeling of weightlessness reappeared, and when everything became clear before my eyes, I had already entered the dense forest.

A white light flashed, and the contestants waiting at the entrance were teleported one after another.

“It’s broken. The map I recorded doesn’t have this part at all. It’s hard for us to even tell where the west is.”

“Could it be that the changes caused by the large number of people have pushed us deeper into the forest?”

“Don’t say anything. Have you forgotten the rules before coming in?”


The nervousness of suddenly entering a strange environment makes most people choose to talk to relieve their mood.

However, after being reminded by Zhao Qingfei, the surrounding area quickly became quiet.

Everyone lowered their heads slightly, focused on Somo in the center, and waited quietly.

“No wonder those who tried before couldn’t get out of this mysterious forest. It was even difficult to guarantee two kilometers in one direction. After this random release, it was impossible to even distinguish the position, let alone determine the direction. , I walked more than ten kilometers without getting lost.”

When a group of people entered, Somo had already used several common methods to identify the direction.

However, every method failed without exception.

In other words, the results obtained are not so certain.

Whether it’s the direction of the tree’s shadow cast by the sunlight, the density of the tree branches and leaves, or the moss on the ground, or the undulations of the terrain.

The Lost Forest did not set up completely meaningful interference, but left a specious result to the contestants.

“You really know how to grasp human nature”

Sumo pondered secretly and understood the reason for the two-star difficulty of the Lost Forest.

Compared with the previous terrains that tested the contestants’ physical strength, this level pays more attention to the contestants’ character.

As long as the entrant can firmly determine the result of his or her own judgment, he will never be affected by the interference conditions released by the terrain.

In the end, even if you can’t get out of this lost forest, you can still complete the two-kilometer daily mission.

However, this happens to be the hardest, especially for these top human and alien contestants.

A mind that is sharper than ordinary people happens to be the biggest obstacle to clearing the Mysterious Forest.

“This is the west, we are heading in this direction.”

Since he could not determine the correct direction, Sumo pointed to a location at random, with a look of confidence on his face.

For a while, other people who were still a little confused suddenly became confident.

After all, when entering the Lost Forest before, no one had ever acted as confident as Somo did now.

Coupled with the terrifying record in this race, even the audience above almost believed it!

“But this is obviously the south, how can God Su say it is the west?”

“Who knows, maybe Su Shen has his own considerations?”

“Hey, this is really strange. Have you noticed that Su Shen has always gone to the south?”

“Yes, those people in the past, even if they were full of confidence at first, would stop to identify the direction after walking one kilometer. Why is Su Shen so determined to keep moving forward?”

“Is it possible that the next terrain is actually in the south, not the west of the boundless sea?”

“It’s very possible!”

The pace of nearly a hundred people never stopped, and they continued to go south under the leadership of Sumo.

I have never felt such a smooth journey, and I have never experienced the trouble of constantly judging the direction.

Not to mention how happy some of the contestants who had been lost inside dozens of times before were.

About ten minutes passed, and the manual vibrated.

Sumo stopped and took it out. He smiled when he saw the completion of daily tasks that popped up on it.

The bet was right!

The Lost Forest, which is quite difficult for others, is not much different from an ordinary forest for him.

The arrangement and combination of each section of terrain is changing, affecting the entrants’ judgment of direction.

But can this impact also cause the system to malfunction?

Sumo opened the system panel and placed it in front of his eyes, staring at the daily icon on the panel.

Ignoring the changing effects of those plants, the biggest disturbing conditions have been eliminated invisibly.

If you want to interfere with his judgment of direction, you will have to use more obvious means.

“Work harder, it’s only more than ten kilometers, we can get out in two or three hours.”

The completion of daily tasks further established Somo’s identity as a leader.

Even those foreigners who were worried before now completely believe in Sumo’s control of the direction.

From slow to fast walking, from fast to trot.

The speed of the team is getting faster and faster, and there is no longer the embarrassment of having to stop and identify the direction after taking a few steps.

Soon, two hours passed.

The woods ahead suddenly became sparse, as if they had reached the border of the Lost Forest.

Although I haven’t seen the entrance to the next terrain yet, the change is inspiring enough.

And the most important thing is that everyone saw a figure in the distance.

It is none other than the salesman who belongs to the Lost Forest!

The businessman who looked like a wooden pile was standing under an ancient tree, smiling as he watched everyone approach.

“Did I just choose the right direction randomly?”

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, strode over, and took the sales order from the merchant.

Although the ordinary-level sales list does not sell exciting goodies, the text displayed above reveals key information.

[Mysterious Forest Sales List (South)]

“Is this the southernmost part of the Lost Forest?” A contestant who saw the words couldn’t help but ask.

But unfortunately, the businessman behaved no differently than usual.

Although the smile on his face was stronger than that of the businessman in the previous terrain, he still turned a deaf ear to the problems.

And he was facing Soma who was the first to approach from the beginning to the end, as if there was a blazing light shining in his eyes.


Realizing that there seemed to be something wrong with this look, Sumo was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively:

“Are you the businessman in the southernmost part of the Lost Forest?”

Changing the way other people asked before did not change the meaning.

What is a little surprising is that the businessman who usually never responds to additional information actually nodded.

“Hello distinguished and wealthy guest, welcome.”

Noble and wealthy?

The faces of all the contestants present changed after hearing the answer, and they couldn’t help but curse secretly in their hearts.

Damn it, is even this wooden pile businessman such a loser?

Just because Sumo has more points than the rest of us, does he act like he is greedy for money?

“Hey, it’s true.”

Su Mo couldn’t help but be a little surprised. He didn’t expect that a huge sum of five million points would come with such benefits.

If this is the southernmost point, wouldn’t it be?

Looking towards the left hand side, the entire team set off again without stopping.

Walking from noon to dusk, around four in the afternoon, we arrived at the end of the Lost Forest!

A moment.

The sound of crashing waves in my ears suddenly became clear, reflecting the real end point.

Through the gap between the treetops, you can already see a ray of blue swaying at the end of your sight.

“Is it that simple?”

The contestants who have been trapped for several days look at me and I look at you, their faces are full of surprise.

Especially those aliens who claimed to have powerful special abilities all lowered their heads at this time.

It had been less than four hours, and Sumo never stopped leading them.

How could he be so sure that he was going in the right direction?

But this question is destined to remain unanswered.

Just like the sudden appearance of fresh water in the desert before, it became an unsolved mystery in the first race.

“Are you the merchant in the westernmost part of the Wandering Forest?”

“Hello distinguished and wealthy guest, welcome.” The businessman nodded and naturally took out the bill of goods from his backpack.

The clearly marked ‘West’ above also proves that the direction of the just-turned-change was correct.

In this way, the front should be the five-star difficulty “Gravity Swamp”.

No, does the swamp refer to

Going forward through the businessman, about a few hundred meters later, Somo stopped.

At this time, the trees around us were extremely sparse, enough for everyone to see clearly the barrier between them and the boundless sea.

The manual has also begun to vibrate, prompting the contestants to pass the current terrain and reach the next terrain.

Why is it a beautiful yellow-orange beach?

The beach is like a huge piece of silk satin, soft and smooth, without any pollution.

The sun shines on the sand grains, as if each grain is shining with golden light, as delicate as diamond powder.

The sea water surges up gently, then slowly recedes leaving a slight moist mark, like a kiss from nature.

The air is filled with a light salty smell and fresh sea breeze, without any imaginary swamp stench.

Is this a five-star difficulty terrain?

With a trace of doubt, Sumo picked up a fist-sized rock from the ground and threw it hard.

While in the Lost Forest, the stones still drew a beautiful parabola in the sky.

But as soon as they crossed the border between the forest and the beach, the stone suddenly fell from the air and fell onto the border as if someone had grabbed it by the throat.

And what caught people off guard was that almost instantly, the stone was absorbed by the sand.

It was as if the giant beast just opened its mouth and swallowed this stubborn stone.

In less than two seconds, he completely disappeared from everyone’s sight.

The small pit left by the falling stone was completely restored in a very short period of time, and no trace can be seen anymore.


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