My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1232: Taking stock of assets, you can be as rich as your country!



After a highly stressful battle, one is often exhausted to the point of almost coma.

I don’t know how long I slept for. When Somo fell into a drowsy state and gained some consciousness, the sky outside was already getting brighter.

“This sleep… is wonderful!”

The headache caused by a long period of deep sleep quickly turned into a feeling of relief after waking up.

It was as if all the shackles on my body had been removed, and I could only feel the long-lost relaxation on my shoulders and back.

Looking out through the window, the sky has turned white, but the fire in the camp is still blazing.

Get up and stand by the window on the second floor of the command room.

Sumo looked sideways out of the window, quietly watching the contestants staggering around the campfire.

It seems that the celebration last night was very intense, and there were piles of gnawed fish bones everywhere on the ground.

Little bits of fire danced in the night, making crackling sounds, reflecting the tired and determined faces of countless people.

Some people lowered their heads to rest, some people hugged each other to sleep, and some people gathered together and still chatted.

Compared to the last bonfire party, after a period of getting acquainted and yesterday’s battle.

Now the contestants have completely lost their initial unfamiliarity, and the atmosphere is far more lively than before.

Although the wasteland is no longer a purely humane society, it is still an extremely valuable communication opportunity for these top contestants.

Of course, such joy comes at a price.

In order to persuade all contestants to join the hunt, the camp offered a huge reward of one thousand points per person.

On this remuneration alone, more than 900 people spent nearly one million points.

In addition, there is also an unlimited supply of spiritual fish feast, where everyone participating in the battle can eat as much as they want, feel full, and enjoy themselves!

As long as you don’t waste it carelessly, even packing some to eat tomorrow is within the allowed range.

“It’s a pity… It would be nice if the main race could last for dozens more days.”

It took a lot of effort to open up the current situation in the main game, but there were only ten days left before we quit.

Sumo looked at it intently for a while, thinking greedily.

But soon, he adjusted his mentality and no longer thought about these impossible things.

The progress of the main race is far from the time for rest. There is still a five-star difficulty terrain waiting behind the Lingyu Lake.

And more important than the celebration is the huge reward left behind by killing Godzilla yesterday.

Sumo turned to look at the only table in the room. Sure enough, Qi Jie had delivered all the loot to the room.

“There are millions of points invested alone, and nearly a thousand survival points. It would be a big loss if we don’t make a big deal.”

Back at the bedside, Sumo picked it up and inspected it.

The first is the highlight of this battle, the legendary sales bill.

There is no big difference in description from the epic sales sheet, Sumo plans to use it in the last terrain.

That is, on the gravity swamp with a difficulty level of five stars.

According to the principle that the more difficult the terrain, the greater the rewards. As long as the swamp is not a special terrain like the Spirit Fish Lake, the items produced will definitely be much better than the previous terrains.

Secondly, Godzilla also revealed a points redemption coupon.

The number is quite large, a full 100,000 points.

Although it is a small number compared to the nearly one million spent, it can be regarded as a return of blood.

As for the remaining items, they are still similar to the reward items for killing the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

[Random Merchant Item Reward*3]

[Random route related item rewards*3]

[Second main game death immunity*5 (can be given to others)]

In terms of the number of regular prizes, Godzilla’s rewards have been doubled several times, which can be said to be a huge profit.

However, based on the experience of lottery draws these days, Sumo does not have too many unrealistic expectations.

No way, the best thing currently obtained by all the contestants through random rewards is only worth 30,000 points.

In order to win a big prize with this, it is better to organize another Godzilla battle.

Use the redemption coupons one after another, and the room suddenly becomes bright.

In terms of random item rewards, there really weren’t any big items. The best thing was just a vehicle boat with 20,000 points, which could be used on lakes and later on the sea.

But in terms of item rewards related to the route, there was a reward that surprised Somo.

[LK-01 primary energy fusion tower construction drawings]

“This thing…why does it look more and more like the fusion tower in Sunny Harbor Sanctuary?”

Sumo flipped through the drawings. Although it did not contain information related to fusion, it was very detailed on how to build the tower, and even the labels of the materials used were clearly recorded.

In addition, the drawings also come with several preparation methods for special materials.

The combined value can be worth at least tens of thousands, or even 100,000 points!

“It’s a good thing. Maybe with this construction blueprint, I can buy nuclear fusion information later.”

After counting the loot, Sumo let out a sigh of relief and regained his focus.

When he washed up and prepared to attend the banquet outside, he didn’t expect Qi Jie to be waiting at the door.

Waiting with Qi Jie, there were also many faces that were either unfamiliar or familiar.

Dozens of people didn’t even go to the Spirit Fish Banquet, but waited at the door for him to wake up.

“I’m really tired these days.”

Sumo smiled, knowing why these people were waiting for him.

After killing the beast with a million points, there are only ten days left in the main competition. Everyone knows that he is about to set off on the terrain behind him.

Those contestants who are already prepared not to go back to see what they are doing naturally don’t care, they will be happy if they can.

But others who are interested in seeing things later are unwilling to give up this precious opportunity.

“Let’s go, let’s talk while eating, I happen to be a little hungry too.”

The group of people walked out of the door and sat down in an open place next to the bonfire.

Some people skewered fish and others barbecued, and the atmosphere was quickly heightened.

“Lord Su, this beast has passed through the mountains. When do you plan to set off to the back?”

Zhao Qingfei was pushed out and chatted with a smile: “There are many brothers who plan to go back and have a try. They are waiting for your arrangements.”

This was a bit abrupt a few days ago, but it makes sense after a big battle.

It is definitely easier for the contestants to help each other than to venture into unfamiliar terrain alone.

“You all want to go?”

Su Mo nodded: “Anyway, it’s tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If we delay it any longer, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch up.”

Given the definite answer, many contestants who were worried that Sumo would refuse to join the challenge were relieved.

Since Lingyu Lake is only a one-star difficulty terrain, many people have actually visited the Lost Forest behind the lake these days.

Including Lao Dao and the male gun brother, they also went there for a few walks to see if they could expand their business.

However, until the end of this battle, no one could pass through the maze-like forest and find the entrance to the next terrain, the Gravity Swamp.

Including the daily task of the Lost Forest: walking two kilometers in a straight line, so far only a handful of contestants have completed it by mistake.

If you want to find a regular way of harvesting wool, it’s better to have plenty of time. Maybe someone will focus on research.

But with only more than ten days left, almost no one wants to waste time.

“A maze-like forest?”

Listening to these people’s busy discussions, Sumo couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

You can’t even walk through the two-star difficulty forest, and the five-star gravity swamp behind it won’t scare these people to death?

In addition, he never intended to break through forests and swamps in the conventional way.

If these people still want to be the same as before, I’m afraid their plans will be empty…

Day 21 of the main race.

While Godzilla had not yet refreshed, Qi Jie successfully climbed over the Beast Mountain and came to the No. 2 Camp at the Spirit Fish Lake to hand over all the points.

The number is somewhat exaggerated.

“There are now 923 contestants in the lower half, and our revenue from bandpass services is 2.65 million.”

“The daily operating income of the camp averages about 80 points per person per day, and the total income is 730,000.”

“The income from various power-leveling services has increased steadily recently, but due to the impact of the initial ramp-up stage, the total income is now 1.894 million.”

“The fixed fishing points of Lingyu Lake are variable, the average is 40,000 points per day, and the current total income is 372,000”

“In addition, there are miscellaneous incomes, which add up to 430,000.”

Qi Jie reported one by one, holding a detailed and neat bill in his hand, flipping through it and adding it from time to time.

Fortunately, merchants sell these sundries, otherwise it would be too difficult to record them with the most primitive wood chips.

After talking about income, let’s talk about expenses.

“The biggest sum we spent yesterday was one thousand points per person, totaling 730,000.”

Not counting the 193 aliens, 730 is the number of all human contestants.

Everyone participated in the battle, and no one was injured or killed, so no additional compensation was paid.

“Some supplies have been replenished from merchants these days, as well as modular items purchased. The total cost is 312,000.”

“Among them, I bought a total of 37 item promotion coupons, which accounted for the largest proportion, and spent 185,000, and the rest…”

Qi Jie recorded it very carefully, even the items with 300 points were clearly recorded.

After some inventory, the final balance…

5.034 million!

I spent a staggering amount of money yesterday, and the final balance was still over five million!

“So many?”

There was surprise on Sumo’s face. He had to admit that he was a common man and it was impossible to calm down after receiving a huge sum of money.

If only he had gotten that epic sales order back then, he would have had as many points as he does now.

What else should I consider if I clear it directly?

“Lord, this is not over yet, there are still nine days until the end of the main game.”

“Not to mention too much, based on the current average revenue of 412 points per person, we can at least earn another three million or so.”


I thought that the bandpass service was just a piece of cake, but I never thought that the camp and power leveling services started by Qi Jie and Lao Dao could actually make money so crazy.

Hearing this exaggerated number, even Sumo himself was a little confused.

Dragon Flag Territory, one of the top super territories in the human camp.

With all 91 players present in a main match, the total points accumulated at the end was only two million.

But now, given the camp nine days, the points earned are half as much as the 91 people accumulated.

And this is because the Long Banner territory depends on the camp for food.

If it were those individual people, I’m afraid it would take at least three or four hundred people to add up their entire income to have this much.

“Thank you for your hard work, I didn’t expect you to be a good person who is good at management!”

Su Mo narrowed his eyes: “After I return to the territory, I will tell Yuan Sheng Qiao that when the fourth village in the territory is built, you will be in charge.”

It was rare to hear such direct praise from Su Mo, and Qi Jie’s stern face suddenly relaxed a little.

“Okay, it’s all at your command!”

Although the fourth village has not yet been put on the agenda, what he cares more about is the attention of the lord Sumo.

As long as the lord knows that you are such a talented person, are you afraid that there will be no place to shine?

“Lord, I also helped you with those leeks…ahem, I helped you earn points, don’t forget me!”

The veteran who was listening on the side quickly added, his anxious look immediately amused the male gunman next to him.

Gah leeks, is this something you can say?

If it weren’t for the protection of the rules of the main competition and the face of the lord, those contestants outside would have tied you to the crooked neck tree at the entrance of the camp and whipped you!

“You too, you have merit.”

Sumo nodded with a smile: “When we go back, the territory will develop the land in the western suburbs of Qinggang, so it will be difficult for our scavenger route to work. But then I will arrange an armed scavenger team. It’s up to you and Yu Ao to explore other places within the five hundred kilometers surrounding the territory.”

“Wuhu, the lord is my heaven!”

The old man roared excitedly. Where could he see the anxiety he showed just now?

This guy is really capable of pretending!

Su Mo complained, but he had to admit that no matter which territory a person like Lao Dao went to, he could achieve good results in the end.

As for the male gunman who is ruthless and doesn’t talk much, he can cooperate with the old man and make up for each other’s weaknesses.

“Okay, now I have to focus on clearing the main game. The development of the camp should be carried out according to our established method, as long as there are no accidents.”

The main event has been successfully completed, and there are no other matters that require special attention in the remaining ten days.

As long as you follow the mature cycle and eventually spend your points reasonably, you will be successful.

As for using some means to suppress the alien races, trap all the alien races in the main game to reduce the difficulty. Somo didn’t pay too much attention to this.

Nothing else.

Since the contestants from the first half of the area moved down, the camp has stopped all cooperation with foreign races.

In addition to the normal sale of food and drink supplies, foreigners are allowed to enter the camp.

The rest include power leveling service, commuting service, and yesterday’s battle, the Spiritual Fish Banquet.

Foreign races are not eligible to participate in these activities, and their progress has fallen far behind the human contestants.

Even the night owls and centaurs who first cooperated with the camp are not that rich now.

Compare it with the data of human contestants, which is the level of a medium-sized territory, and it will not make any splash at all.

As for the foreign races in the upper half, it is even worse.

Under the pressure of Horse-faced Dalton, most alien races now have less than 5,000 points.

Believing that these alien races can go all the way through eight terrains to reach the finals, it is better to believe that the game will directly drop a champion.

“There is only the last difficult terrain left before the finals.”

“If you get through, you will be the winner!”

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