My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1229: Migrating up and down, the dragon (bai) flag (piao) comes…


The bonfire is hot and the fish is fragrant.

The viewers who came to eat through the live broadcast of the main game said that they were numb!

It’s really uncomfortable to feel like someone is trying to find some advantage over others, but instead being ridiculed.

A few days ago, they were able to use Soma’s “miserable” as a meal, but later they could only use these ordinary contestants.

Today, even these people have changed and want to stand up and scream at them.

Is there any royal method, or is it not about survival in the main race? !

Immediately, some people twisted their lips and angrily closed the viewing interface.

The most outstanding performance was from the Green River Territory, a deputy lord named Liu.

Looking at the grand bonfire below, hundreds of contestants were drinking and clinking glasses with juice they didn’t know where they came from.

Looking back, I saw that the people in my own territory were still trapped in the oasis area at the interface between the canyon and the desert.

How can I not be angry about this?

I just want to rush into the main game and blow Cui Zhanjiang’s head off!

“So…this is why you bought the Spirit Fish?”

Squinting his eyes, the lord “Lüyinjiang” who came following the smell had a slightly subtle expression. He stared at the spiritual fish on Deputy Lord Liu’s table and smashed his mouth. He didn’t know what he was thinking.

The managers who came next to him were also swallowing saliva at this time, and the sound made Deputy Lord Liu sweat profusely.

The business Cui Zhanjiang is responsible for happens to overlap with his. This time he severely offended Sumo, the dazzling human star, in the main game. You don’t need to think about it to know that he will definitely suffer a lot when he comes back.

For him, this was like pie in the sky, losing his biggest competitor.

That’s why I had this delicious grilled fish to comfort myself after the recent hard work.

But which one who suffered a thousand cuts called the lord over?


“You said, I am listening?”

“How about we buy a few more, this spiritual fish is indeed quite fragrant.”

“You are right, before the territory is annexed, we should really enjoy it.”


Seeing the regretful expression on Lu Yinjiang’s face, everyone present held their breath.


Although the Green River Territory is not a very large territory, it currently has at least one million people. ..

Why was it reduced to the point of being annexed because of such a trivial matter?

So Soma, does he really have such a great influence?

No way?

Looking at the grilled fish on the table, a group of people fell into deep thought.

For a while, the only sounds left were the swallowing and admiration of Luyinjiang.

“Hey, this spiritual fish… smells so good!”

The red sun in the evening slowly sank along the horizon. The bright red color was like a burning flame, dyeing the clouds in the sky into a brocade of orange and red.

The slightly cold night wind and the blazing heat from the bonfire blew in my face.

Besides Qi Jie, Xi Ruyue, Guan Mao, Zhang Jun… those who first joined the camp, there were also seven or eight people who chose to join the camp in the next two days.

There was no beer, just juice that the contestants found pressed in the plains.

Drink in one gulp.

Not only has the heat brought by the scorching heat of the day been dissipated, but the whole body seems to be a little more transparent.

After drinking, Somo picked up the wine barrel and filled a glass for everyone one by one, which made all these people feel flattered and blushed for a while.

“Su Shen, you are so kind. This glass of wine…this glass of juice is well deserved.”

“Lord, let me pour it.”

“No, this event can’t be held without you, don’t be humble.”

Sumo has always been willing to do this kind of cost-free win over people’s hearts.

Especially under a circle

After these new members discovered that the human Su Shen did not have the airs they imagined, the originally tense atmosphere in the venue suddenly relaxed.

Soon, Chu Chaofei, who was in the same territory as Xi Ruyue, stood up and raised a glass on behalf of everyone.

One cup for you, one cup for me.

The half bucket of juice was drank up in a short time, and several grilled fish were also eaten.

At this time, the contestants who seemed to be chatting in the distance, but actually had been paying attention here finally got a chance.

“Lord Su, I am from our Dragon Banner territory. I have long admired your name!”

A contestant named Zhao Qingfei came over, his face full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Before entering the main competition, all of them who had obtained quotas were called to the conference room, and carefully issued orders that should be followed unconditionally by Sumo in this main competition.

For geniuses who can enter the main competition, such strict orders can’t help but make some arrogant geniuses feel dissatisfied.

However, in just a few days, Sumo’s achievements are so frightening that even if you kneel down to look at them, you will feel terrified!

“From Longqi? How is the Dragon Lord?”

Sumo tilted his head: “Speaking of which, he still owes me some talents. How long has it been since he thought about paying them back?”

“Huh? Is this happening?”

“Just teasing you.”

Su Mo smiled and took advantage of the joking moment to find someone like Zhao Qingfei in his mind.

It seems that he is the mayor of a city under the Long Banner territory. He worked diligently during his tenure and had no outstanding performance.

I didn’t expect that after the main competition started, I would stand out among nearly 10 million people. It was really a twist of fate.


Zhao Qingfei was a little speechless. He didn’t expect that the human God Su would actually joke.

Wait a minute, wasn’t it rumored that he was always serious about words?

“But having said that, there is indeed a shortage of talents in my territory now, especially management talents like you… Really, your Longqi family has a big business and there is no shortage of manpower. I will certainly not poach Lord Long like this. Do you mind? How about it? Do you have any idea of ​​coming to my territory after you go out?”

Su Mo asked questions like a barrage, and Zhao Qingfei was dumbfounded before he stopped: “Don’t be surprised, I can’t walk when I see talents.”

“Is your territory…really so short of manpower?”

Zhao Qingfei was a little stunned, but he couldn’t help but move in his heart: “I don’t even know where your territory is, and I have no way to go there.”

“That’s right, we can’t let the Dragon Lord know the location now, otherwise he will definitely move your Dragon Banner to develop near me. My small place cannot bear the impact of tens of millions of people.”

Hearing Su Mo’s somewhat arrogant response, Zhao Qingfei fell into silence.

If anyone else said this, even the top lords of large territories would have to spit it out.

But Soma, his territory.

Zhao Qingfei knows that Long Anguo can definitely do this!

Even if the entire Long Banner territory is not really relocated, they will definitely assign people to create a sub-territory as soon as possible and occupy the pit first.

“How many people are coming from Longqi this time?”

“Ninety-one people.”

“Hey, there are quite a lot of people. How many people are there in the lower half?”

“Forty-six people.”

Zhao Qingfei answered honestly, and when he mentioned business, he suddenly felt awkward when facing Long Anguo.

And in a sense, the pressure Sumo passed on to him was much greater than that of Long Anguo.

“Do you have any idea to go to the upper half of the district for me and bring your people to the lower half?”


“Literally, I seem to have built three more vehicles, and I am a bit short of manpower to help me drive.”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Sumo’s mouth, looking quite kind.

But if familiar people like Chen Shen and Qiao Yuansheng saw it, they would definitely say it’s over and someone else is going to be sold

He even helped count the money.

The Tianyuan territory has developed so far that it already occupies half of Qinggang City.

Whether it was Yehu, Aldrich, or Kevin who joined at the beginning, or those managers from the southern suburbs who later joined, who didn’t have great ambitions at the beginning and wanted to negotiate cooperation and profit from the alliance?

However, today, no one can escape, and they have all become a brick in the alliance.

Sumo wanted the bricks to go to the west today, but all the bricks obeyed and ran to the west.

I want bricks to go east tomorrow, but all the bricks are running to the east.

Not only did he not have any complaints, but he also had to constantly praise Sumo, the leader of the alliance, for his unique vision.

If you follow what he says, it’s impossible not to get ripped off!

Sure enough, Zhao Qingfei, who had been deep in thought just now, suddenly became happy, with uncontrollable joy all over his face.

“Lord Su, the round trip is thousands of kilometers. If we bring so many people here, the cost…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll provide the car and you’ll provide the people. We don’t charge you a penny.”


I’m afraid Somo will charge based on points for customs clearance, and then charge a car rental fee based on the number of people.

When he heard that no money was required, Zhao Qingfei almost smiled crookedly.

How happy are these guys to be able to bring the territorial brothers from the upper half to the lower half?

If he returned to his territory, wouldn’t Long Anguo praise him for being smart and capable?

Taking a step back, the Kuhaha brothers in the upper half of the area may not have passed the canyon yet, and suddenly they saw him driving over to pick someone up.

As long as he thought about that scene, Zhao Qingfei felt so happy that he broke into a cold sweat.

“Of course, the bandpass service must still be charged according to the market price, otherwise other contestants will have objections.”

“That’s for sure. The price set by Lord Su is simply a benefit. We are all our own people and will never break this rule.”

Zhao Qingfei patted his chest to assure himself, and called out to the others in Long Qi who had been waiting beside him for a long time.

Sumo looked around and couldn’t see the brilliant ‘Yu Tie’ in the future ruins.

That’s right, the three human gods were all talents discovered by Dragon Banner, Golden Eagle, and the Northern Territory from the war after the alien war.

Now that the war has not started, naturally it has not been discovered.

But as he said “Hello Su Shen” one after another, Su Mo couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction.

His eyes touched Qi Jie, who was still dreaming next to him. The latter was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed.

Isn’t it true that with the expansion of two camps in the plains and lakes, the business will become more complicated, and some of the currently recruited contestants will not be able to handle the responsibility?

I didn’t expect that someone would actually come to my door. I was so happy.

Instead of digging among the scattered people, it is better to directly select the ready-made “own people” in the Long Banner territory.

“This is Qi Jie, my chief butler. If you need anything, just come to him.”

After pushing Qi Jie out, a group of geniuses from the Dragon Banner Territory immediately surrounded him.

The left sentence said, “Brother Qi, hello.” The right sentence, “Brother Qi, just give me instructions if you have anything to do.” Qi Jie beamed when he heard this.

“We are all brothers, and I am no exception. I will definitely not miss out on the errands I can arrange for you.”

“The treatment is also given according to the best, which will definitely make those casual people drool with envy.”

Why did the people from Longqi just take the opportunity to come to the camp after it had been established for three or four days?

Having seen a bright future, I want to build a relationship and take the initiative to find a job.

To convince these arrogant geniuses is not based on false reputation, but on real achievements.

Recalling the lively scene when three tons of spiritual fish were transported back to the camp in the afternoon, Sumo couldn’t help but grin.

These days, this wasteland is reality.

You plan to rely on connections, but in the end, others will insist on strength with you.

You want to rely on your strength, but these people come up to you to talk about relationships. It’s really weird.

“Okay, let’s finish eating and drinking. Go back and take a nap. There are still nineteen days left.”

“Okay, Lord!”

The sky was slightly brighter the next morning.

The three buses drove out of the camp one after another and headed towards the upper half of the area.

In order to save money and save survival points, Sumo didn’t invest much in each bus. At first glance, it looked like the condition of the bus was damaged in the war in Iraq, and it was dilapidated.

In actual driving, there is no comfort at all. Even the best drivers can jump out of their seats.

However, placed in the context of the main game, this is an artifact that cannot be ignored.

Each vehicle can carry up to 50 people, has a battery life of 600 kilometers, and can be charged while walking during the day.

This means that if you set off during the day, you can go back and forth between the upper and lower zones without charging.

“Two people take turns, without resting in the middle, and they can arrive at night.”

As the first person to develop a relationship with Su Mo, Zhao Qingfei became the team manager without hesitation.

Under his management, the three cars will pick up all the contestants from the upper half who are willing to move to the lower half.

Although there is no income to speak of, Sumo does not strictly restrict them from generating income in the process.

One car has fifty people, three cars has one hundred and fifty people.

Even if the upper half of the area is unfavorable, it can still be pulled three times. Someone has to get on the bus first, and others get on the bus later, right?

Apart from our own people in Longqi Territory, could anyone else…

No, we have to get rid of the two people from Su Shen’s territory. They are the big shots that Qi Jie has warned several times!

Except for these people, if anyone else wants to get to the lower half first, then they should obediently pay their points.

According to Sumo’s consistent “charity inheritance”, Zhao Qingfei did not want to charge more.

But even if you only charge 50 points per person, you can still make a huge profit of 2,500 per car.

In the end, a driver can easily earn at least several thousand points.

In addition, they brought fresh water, food and other supplies from the camp according to Qi Jie’s instructions before going out.

There is also a profit share from the sale of these things, and after careful calculation, it is still an income that cannot be ignored.

Very profitable!

Very smooth!

Holding the cold steering wheel in his hand, Zhao Qingfei’s mouth was twisted like a **** of war.

From early morning to noon, from noon to dusk.

The middle section of the road between Earthfire Desert and Rolling Stone Canyon is very flat, smoother than the Giant Plain.

And there is a very important point, there are basically no obstacles along the way.

Even if the dog holds the steering wheel, he can easily drive the car into the upper half of the area.

“Hey, Brother Zhao, there seems to be someone there?”

When it was estimated that there were still more than a hundred kilometers away from the upper half, the sharp-eyed driver saw the flickering figure.

The other party also saw their three buses connected in series like greedy snakes, and froze on the spot. ..

What the hell?

Is it a mirage?

What did they were three buses in this bare divided area?

“Come on, drive over, our business is coming!”

Zhao Qingfei smiled evilly, and the indifferent expression Su Mo had when he was driving his first off-road vehicle flashed through his mind.

What a show-off. I didn’t expect it would be his turn to show off today.

Isn’t this a shameful output? !


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