My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1225: After conquering the giant beast, the clown turns out to be me!


“I’ll give you all the challenge points, plus an extra 500 points!”

“I’ll give you 550, and you give me a spot.”

“600, for the three of us, let’s give you 2,000. Reserve a spot.”

“900 I will give you all my points, just a chance to get through the canyon.”


Dalton’s requirements are very demanding, but the contestants present are still scrambling for spots like crazy.

The exaggerated siege scene quickly promoted a spot to a full 1,600 points.

“Crazy, these guys are crazy!”

Pulling the male gunman back away from the crowd, the old man wiped the sweat from his head.

Although the two of them could afford the points, there would be other additional requirements if they thought about it.

For example, give up part of the fresh water market, or simply let them sell the water wells at a low price.


Absolutely impossible!

Using a hen that can lay eggs to buy a bottle of milk is not a cost-effective business.

And Dalton can spawn a motorcycle from the merchant, can others spawn it too?

“Let them play for two days. We don’t need to go to the finals anyway.”

“Earn the points you can earn, forget it if you can’t.”

Feeling relieved for a while, the two of them walked back to the hut and sat down.

The scorching heat of noon came, and the old man gulped down the water in frustration, and poured the newly produced portion of the well into the big bucket.

After a while, there were scattered contestants in the oasis.

“Old Taoist, why don’t you go over and take a look at the quotas sold there?” a familiar face joked.

As if the old man had expected someone to say this, he replied without raising his head: “Whether you want to go or not, it has nothing to do with us. Besides, the price is just killing a pig!”

“Kill a pig?”

Some people laughed, seeming to agree with the old Taoist’s vulgar statement.

To sell water, you need to at least save a start-up capital in the early stage, and then take huge risks to buy water wells.

The final profit, even if it lasts until the end of the main game, is only several times higher.

But selling canyon pass quotas is a hugely profitable business.

“Then you have to work hard. When the time comes, you will draw a similar vehicle and sell it to us at a cheap price?!”

They were all jokes made by acquaintances, and the old Taoist didn’t care.

While talking and laughing, he scooped out all the fresh water in the big water tank and got more than two thousand points.

But just as the two closed the stall, they were planning to go to the merchant’s place to have a try at night.

Not far away, the horse face approached quietly from nowhere.

“You old man, I didn’t offend you, did I? You still say bad things about me in front of others?”

Dalton showed an evil smile and glanced up and down.

“Bad words? I’m sorry, I can’t wait to kill you right now.” The old man replied calmly, without any slight disadvantage in his words.

Anyway, in the main game, let alone fighting, even malicious fights will be judged as violations by the game.

When we quarrel, who is afraid of whom?

“Is it just for this fresh water business?” Marton still smiled, not minding the squeeze in his words.

“I know you want to go behind the canyon, let’s talk about it, how about it?”

In fact, the water selling business is not so competitive that it is life-and-death. ….

Even the fresh water produced by the wells in the oasis is not enough to supply all the contestants.

The business of each ‘water stall’ does not conflict with each other, and there is not even a price war.

“Talk? Do you want me to give you the well in exchange for a place?”

“That’s not the case, and I also know that you won’t agree.” Marton shook his head, and his words suddenly became sincere: “I am willing to use a micro well in exchange for your small well, and provide a way to pass through the canyon. quota, and this quota does not need to meet those requirements, you can keep all the challenge mission points and canyon clearance rewards.”

“In this way, you can continue to stay here selling water, and he can also explore behind the canyon.” Marton’s voice was full of temptation.

He knew that Lao Dao could not let go of the hen that continued to lay eggs, “Small Well”, so he did not touch the root cause, but used a more gentle way to exchange.

In this way, the veteran can still ensure his income, and the male gunman can also venture into new terrain.

Sounds like a win-win.

But what he did not make clear is that currently most of the wells in the oasis are secretly controlled by the Wuyu Alliance.

Either exchange for quota, or purchase with points.

Once Lao Dao, the biggest competitor, gives up, other people in the oasis who persist will definitely choose to give up, and then all water selling rights will fall into the hands of the Wuyu Alliance.

By then, Laodao, who only has micro-wells, will simply not be able to withstand the squeeze of the market.

As long as he shouts out the slogan that you can get 10% off from him if you don’t buy from a regular store, I believe the smart contestants will understand how to choose.

If you want to get the micro well back then, you may not even need a thousand points.

It was the veteran’s turn to hesitate, which did not go beyond Marton’s expectations, and he soon made a decision.

“Please go back. We are not in a hurry to clear the canyon. Maybe we will refresh a motorcycle tonight?

Maybe you and I will become competitors again and do business with customs clearance. ”

“Then you really dare to think.”

Marton shook his head slightly, with a hint of a smile on his face and chose to leave.

The test has yielded results.

Whether it was the veteran’s hesitation just now, or his desire to clear the canyon before leaving.

The reason why he didn’t agree was probably because the price he offered was not enough.

“Enough of the publicity test, let’s clear the canyon and bring back the information on the terrain behind it.”

“I still don’t believe these people will not be moved.”

It is already evening, and most of the heat in the air has dissipated.

With full confidence, Marton arranged for a while and led people to the canyon with great fanfare.

At this time, there are many players doing daily quarrying tasks.

Seeing the off-road motorcycle appearing at the entrance of the canyon, the people who were still in the canyon suddenly became energetic and quickly retreated, fearing that they would be affected by the subsequent customs clearance.

And some aliens staying in the distance have also gathered around at this time.

I didn’t get close, I just watched from a distance, silently praying in my heart that humans would fail to pass the level.

Unlike the lower half of the area, humans and aliens can barely live in peace because of Soma’s reconciliation. ….

In the upper half of the area, there is a tense situation between humans and aliens.

Both sides wished that the other side would die immediately and not be able to advance to the finals.

“Everyone, give way. The formation may be bigger later, so don’t be accidentally injured!”

The first batch of humans to pass the customs are of course the Wuyu Alliance’s own people.

After the modification in the afternoon, the back seat of the small off-road motorcycle was extended a lot.

Marton was sitting in the driver’s seat, and the two people behind him were straddling each other closely, making it look a little crowded.

But that’s not all. In order to bring as many people there as possible, another person was squeezed in.

Then a person walked up from behind and tied the four people together with a rope made of rattan.

“You don’t need to ride too fast on the first trip, as long as you can pass the test.”

Feeling that the motorcycle was shaking a little and was difficult to control, Marton thought to himself.

Twist the accelerator and the car starts to slide forward.

After a moment of refueling, a puff of black smoke was emitted, and the speed suddenly increased.

“It’s gone, everyone can rest assured.”

“No problem, this car is very powerful.”

“Trust me, just wait for my good news.”

After a few consecutive calls to attract enough attention, Marton turned off the accelerator and rushed into the canyon.

The speed is not fast, but it is still about 60 yards, which is enough to pass the canyon.

And in order to save fuel, after the speed increased, he loosened the accelerator a little.

This resulted in rocks flying and falling from time to time on the way to the canyon, creating a thrilling scene.

If it weren’t for Marton’s really good driving skills, it would really be possible for an ordinary person to overturn his car.

“After passing the customs, the exit is ahead!”

The three people sitting in the back seat were frightened all the way, and their eyes were a little red when they saw the exit.

With the mood of surviving the disaster, the motorcycle rushed out of the canyon and stopped in the open space connected to the Giant Plain.

“It’s so cool, this Rolling Stone Canyon is nothing more than that, it can only stop some brainless aliens”

Knowing that hundreds of millions of people might be watching his performance at this time, Marton jumped out of the car and did not lose his composure with joy. Instead, he forcibly suppressed his excitement and looked at Pingyuan.



There is a sweet smell of grass, which is simply enjoyable.

Compared to the oasis sandwiched between the desert and the canyon, everything here feels extremely comfortable.

And most importantly.

“I’m afraid all humans and aliens would never have thought that our Wuyu Alliance would be the first to clear the canyon, and I, Jada Dalton, would be the first to clear the Rolling Stone Canyon!”

“Even the human God Su is probably still worried about how to clear the level now, right?”

The manual in my arms vibrated, indicating that there was new news.

Although he cleared the canyon on the lowest difficulty level, Dalton didn’t think there was any shame in it.

Didn’t you see how many people are waiting to clear the level?

And if you are riding alone, it may be difficult to complete the highest level of 120 yards, but it is not a problem to ride to 90 or 100 to complete the second to last gear.

“Boss, this”

Some of the three people who came here had already opened the manual and saw the information displayed above.

Seeing Dalton who was still silly and happy, one person stepped forward with an ugly expression. ….

“This seems to be different from what we thought.”


Dalton was startled, thinking that the reward was not as generous as clearing the desert.

Thinking about it, it took me seven or eight days to walk through the desert to reach the end, and it took more than ten minutes to break through the canyon.

The slight difference in rewards is normal.

“Let me see”

Taking out the manual, Dalton turned to the latest page by relying on the light of the motorcycle headlight.

The fonts were refreshed line by line, turning into unintelligible Spanish.

[Congratulations to player ‘Jada Dalton’ for successfully crossing the main race terrain ‘Rolling Stone Canyon’]

[As the 633rd contestant to successfully cross the ‘Rolling Stone Canyon’, you can choose to receive any of the following additional rewards based on your performance]

[1. The right to know the terrain, you can know the additional rules of the next terrain]

[2. Refresh times at merchants*1]

【4.Main race points*100】


“633 people?”

Seeing the dazzling ranking information, I was still excited as if someone had poured cold water on me.

On a hot day, Dalton felt his hands and feet were cold, and his body couldn’t stop shaking.

There are already more than 600 people. What the **** is going on?

He can be sure that he will definitely be the first person in the upper half of the area to clear the canyon, no one else.

Even those alien races can only look on with envy now, they are still half way from completing the level.

How could there be anyone, no, how could there be more than 600 people before him?

“Is the progress in the second half of the area so fast?”

The voice sounded, and a person next to him reminded Dalton.

They were indeed the first to clear the first half, but the second half did not follow the same rhythm.

But what’s going on?

Even if the progress in the second half is faster, it’s not so fast that more than 600 people have cleared it, right?

“Su Shen is not in the upper half of our area. Is it because of him that so many people in the lower half have passed the level?”

Another person spoke up and gave Dalton a critical blow.

Remembering that just now he was still thinking about being the first person to clear Rolling Stone Canyon, Dalton suddenly felt a burning sensation on the long and narrow horse’s face.

After working on it for a long time, he thought he could take the lead in clearing Rolling Stone Canyon in advance.

I didn’t expect that more than 600 people had already passed through the lower half of the area. The clown who co-authored it turned out to be myself?

It’s embarrassing, this wave is really embarrassing!

As soon as he shifted his perspective to the audience above, Dalton felt his toes gripping the ground, wishing he could dig out three rooms and one living room on the spot.

And more importantly, they have just instigated the sale of a customs clearance business.

Once the other contestants in the top half were informed, more than 600 people had already entered the Giant Plains ahead of them.

At that time, will anyone still pay a huge price to compete for the early entry spot?

“Damn it.”

Those who thought about buying a quota came to the plain excitedly. After opening the manual, they saw that they were ranked over 600.

Dalton couldn’t help but shudder, and all he could think about for a while was how to cover up this matter.

At the very least, we have to wait until all the clearance slots are sold out.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the off-road motorcycle purchased with 12,000 points be lost?

You must know that many of these points were borrowed from other contestants through contracts, including those used to acquire water wells.

If you don’t get points according to the income, you won’t be able to pay in the end

Dalton’s vision suddenly went dark, his legs softened and he sat on the plain, dropping the manual aside.

However, at this moment, the manual on the ground vibrated again, and the amplitude was larger than before.

In just a few seconds, I felt like I was about to jump up.

Are there extra rewards for clearing the top half of the zone?

Holding the last glimmer of Dalton had a look of expectation in his eyes and quickly picked it up.

What is surprising is that this time the manual does not wait for the user to turn the page, but automatically turns the page to the end.

Countless small black words are like ants, jumping on the page.

Several clear lines of text quickly formed.

[Congratulations to the player ‘Suma’ for successfully hunting the beast corresponding to the ‘100,000 Points’ level (Ankylosaurus Rex)]

[Beast Mountain will officially open the hunting ranking list, and you will receive additional rewards if you maintain the ranking]

[Competitors can open the manual at any time to view their current hunting list ranking. 】

[Note: In cooperative hunting, different levels of hunting points will be obtained based on contribution] 3931480.


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