My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1220: The beast in your heart, a prehistoric creature!


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[Congratulations to player ‘Suma’ for successfully crossing the main competition terrain ‘Plain of Giants’]

[As the first contestant to successfully cross the ‘Plain of Giants’, you can choose to receive any three of the following additional rewards based on your performance]

[1. The right to know the terrain, you can know the additional rules of the next terrain (required)]

[2. Any merchant sells items with a random value (not higher than 500 points)*1]

[3. Any items related to the player’s route, with a random value (not higher than 500 points)*1]

【4.Main race points*300】

[5. Merchant Coupon (30%, up to 500 points can be deducted; not tradeable)]

Under the cold moonlight.

The scorching heat caused by the volcanic eruption in the desert seems to have completely disappeared.

There is no option to immediately enter the ‘Beast Mountain’, which is the same three-star difficulty level as the Earth Fire Desert.

The off-road vehicle stopped at the border between the Beast Mountain and the Giant Plain, and its tires drew a long black mark on the ground.

After parking the car, Sumo opened the slightly vibrating manual and saw new information displayed.

“One star is one star, and this reward is too stingy.”

Although compared to the original Earth Fire Desert, several rewards do not look inferior.

But compared with the four-star Rolling Stone Canyon, the gap between the two is obvious.

Not only are there strict restrictions on the two rewards that can only be chosen by dog ​​bettors, but the values ​​of the randomly selected items are also strictly limited.

Even merchant coupons are discounted up to 500 points, which is simply too stingy!

“It’s okay, after all, the terrain can be cleared in three hours, so we can’t expect too much.”

Resisting the desire to complain, Somo turned back and saw the fourth terrain he was about to face.

Detailed information about Beast Mountain.

[Terrain: Beast Mountain (Difficulty: Three Stars)]

[Description]: There is a beast imprisoned in the heart of every creature. After entering the mountain, special power will manifest the beast in the contestants’ hearts, and they will continue to attack until death.

[Additional rules]:

1. The type of beast is completely random and will change according to the number of points the contestant has and the number of refreshes.

2. Participants kill the beast, and the next beast will be refreshed after 24 hours.

3. Participants will pay points in the manual to check the corresponding coordinates after the beast is refreshed.

[Daily Mission: Seasoned Hunter (Kill the beast in your heart, reward: 500 points)]

[Challenge tasks:

Heart Monkey Continuous Slash: Kill ten corresponding beasts in total (main game points +2000)

Crying of beasts: Clear the beast mountain area (requires number of beasts > 200 to open, main competition points +3000)

King of Beasts: Kill the corresponding beast that is generated when you have one million points (Legendary Sales Sheet*1)]

Legendary! ? ?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t see it, you will be shocked when you see it.

Sumo didn’t have too many unrealistic expectations for the three-star Beast Mountain, but the actual surprise made him suddenly take a breath of air.


“The challenge mission can actually refresh the legendary sales list?!”

“And only one million points can be refreshed, so maybe the products with the lowest price on the legendary sales list have this number?!”

The epic three-star sales list has created a route with magical power like the Qi Refiner.

What can be refreshed by the legendary legend?

Su Mo was suddenly shocked, and he couldn’t help but fantasize about the products that might appear on the sales list.

Based on a consistent understanding of game ratings.

If the epic level can only allow the recipient to break away from the category of ordinary people, and have the ability to travel across the wasteland.

At the legendary level, items at this level have begun to destroy the balance of the wasteland, similar to the Hope during the ocean disaster, which is simply invincible.

“But besides me, can anyone really collect one million points?”

Su Mo muttered, not thinking that ordinary participants in the main competition could accumulate so many points.

This reward is probably just a pie created by the game, and I never thought that any contestant would actually get it.

After all, there are only thirty days. If you want to collect one million points, you must ensure that your daily income is no less than thirty thousand.

What is this concept?

After completing all the challenge tasks in Rolling Stone Canyon, I only got a little over one-tenth of 30,000.

Based on this number, the top eight terrains except Kirishima only cost 50,000 to 60,000.

And who can reach the finish line, who would be willing to give his points to others to try this legendary sales list?


“The beasts refreshed in the Beast Mountain are defined based on the number of points and the number of refreshes.”

“Millions, you won’t be able to spawn a Godzilla, right?”

Su Mo had a headache. The manual did not clearly state how many points corresponded to what kind of beast. It was all up to the contestants to enter and try.

If you really accumulate enough points, you will be eliminated directly by the generated beast, which will be too “fun”.

As for now, turning to the score column, the number displayed on the manual has exceeded six digits.


A total of 100,000 points, which is already a hundred times that of ordinary contestants.

“Qi Jie, how many points do you still have in your handbook?”

“Look, vomit, there are more than 2,000, vomit.”

Qi Jie squatted on the other side of the off-road vehicle and almost vomited out all the food he had eaten during the day.

An off-road vehicle with no comfort at all, the whole process feels like repeated centrifugal movements.

Especially since he was still tied to the seat, the three-hour drive had already reached its limit.

“Okay, you’d better take a break here first.”

It was unrealistic to expect Qi Jie to enter the Beast Mountain to explore, so Sumo decided to try it himself.

One hundred thousand points, what kind of beast will emerge?

Stepping into the range of the Beast Mountain with a hint of expectation, Somo felt his eyes flash suddenly, and heard a huge roar from the distance in his ears.


The ground seemed to be shaking, as if something giant was really running from a distance.

It seems, probably, as if


When can Tyrannosaurus be included in the ranks of beasts?

Squinting his eyes, his vision passed through the darkness of night and focused on a moving hill.

As the overlord of the prehistoric era, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, about three stories high, was charging straight at it at a furious speed. Every step it took made the rocks crack, as if it was tearing the ground apart.

Even if it occasionally falls into a low-lying area, its strong hind legs are like two springs, violently pushing the ground to jump high, and then fall heavily, causing a splash of gray rocks to roll!

“What the **** is this thing?”

Sumo raised his head and looked at the huge black shadow rushing towards the undulating mountains in the distance. He was shocked beyond words.

If it were just a Tyrannosaurus rex on Earth, although it would be a bit difficult to deal with, it wouldn’t be a big problem.

At best, if you buy a coupon for an external item from a merchant, you will be able to answer hot-button questions in front of hundreds of millions of viewers.

Going back to prehistoric times with a rifle, can you easily subdue a Tyrannosaurus rex?

However, now, this Tyrannosaurus rex has obviously been strengthened to a certain extent by the “100,000 points”.

Looking down from the head, what makes people excited is not the huge scarlet eyes, nor the ferocious and sharp teeth like bone swords.

But on the surface of its skin, there is a layer of cold scales that reflects the moonlight.

Just like a brave warrior puts on a thick armor, the Tyrannosaurus rex also puts on a thick layer of armor.

These armor pieces are scale-like, vary in size, and are closely arranged. Not only does it not affect the movement, but it increases the strength and flexibility of the body.

Even the top of the eyelids are covered with a thin layer, blocking any possible attacks.

“It wouldn’t be out of place if you put this thing in The Adventures of Lolo?!”

Su Mo shook his head inwardly, somewhat unable to understand how he could spawn such a monster with only 100,000 points.

Could it be that the game saw that my speed was faster than expected and was deliberately causing trouble?

Hmm. At first glance it seems possible.

But after careful consideration, it seems reasonable to place the armored Tyrannosaurus here.

On the fourth terrain, on the ninth day of the main race, you can have 100,000 points and rush to the Beast Mountain.

It is impossible for ordinary contestants to trigger such a rule, and there is no problem if the difficulty is set higher.

Besides, points can be transferred.

Sumo tried to withdraw from the range of the beast mountain. In a blink of an eye, the Tyrannosaurus rex disappeared.


Only the last remaining roar remained in the low night wind.

“It seems to be bound to the contestants, so it makes sense that they will disappear once they leave the high ground.”

If a Tyrannosaurus rex is generated every time you enter, then just jump across the edge of the mountain dozens of times.

Even if the following contestants can break through the canyon and pass through the plains, they will be in despair when they reach this mountainous area.

Think of dozens of armored Tyrannosaurus rex charging together.


Even those jade-armored men and horses that shuttled through the magma earlier could only run away when they saw it, right?

“This terrain is related to points. The more points you have, the more difficult it will be. I’ll try to transfer all the points to you and try again.”

“Good lord, please pay attention to your safety!”

Because of the natural isolation in the Beast Mountains, the roar of the Tyrannosaurus rex that Qi Jie just heard was not loud.

It’s like standing on the road with earplugs. Even if the V12 engine roars by, it doesn’t sound as quiet as a three-cylinder engine.

In addition, the night tonight is not very bright, and with his eyesight, he can basically only see a black shadow shaking.

The world was spinning, and he lay paralyzed on the ground dizzy. He didn’t realize the horror of the armored Tyrannosaurus Rex. Hearing the roar, he thought it was a big cat without eyes.

I’m really in a hurry, I’ll slide the shovel.

“Give you water, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Took out a bottle of water from the trunk and handed it to Qi Jie, who had a forlorn face on the ground.

Sumo finished transferring his points, leaving only a thousand points similar to those of normal contestants. He once again mustered up his confidence and stepped into the Beast Mountain with high spirits.


As soon as his vision blurred, a familiar roar sounded in the distance, and the armored Tyrannosaurus Rex that had just disappeared appeared again.

And the location where it appears is not the very beginning, but the last place where Soma stayed when he exited just now.

Damn it, don’t I only have one thousand points? Why am I still this guy?

Sumo’s expression changed, and he quickly took a few steps back, retreating before the Tyrannosaurus rex ran away.

Is it possible that the game test measures the highest number of points instead of the current number of points?

Having this idea, Sumo simply asked Qi Jie to transfer his points back, and then helped him into the mountain.

“Just sit here. If something goes wrong, just exit.”

Qi Jie nodded, rubbing his stomach and burping, while sitting on the ground in a daze in confusion.

Isn’t it just a big cat?

It is indeed a bit difficult to deal with it with bare hands, but humans never fight unprepared battles.

Give him some time, and he will be able to whip out a trap quickly when he returns to the camp. Isn’t it just a big cat that can hold it in his hand?

Besides, with a strong off-road vehicle around, is it possible that a mortal body can still withstand the collision of cold iron lumps?

You really think you are the Tiger King, right?

Sorry, it really works.

About two minutes later, Qi Jie crawled out and escaped, his pale face suddenly turning rosy.

Including the constant retching and burping before, it also completely disappeared as if it was a miracle of rejuvenation.

“What? Are you okay with motion sickness?”

Su Mo was a little surprised and quickly supported Qi Jie who was about to rush to the off-road vehicle.


This is a lot of strength. An ordinary person would really be unable to hold it back.

“Lord, there are dragons and Tyrannosaurus rex, run away quickly!”

Qi Jie was so frightened that his lips trembled, and his whole mind was still a little confused.

Unlike Somo who could clearly see the armored Tyrannosaurus rex from a distance, he didn’t have that kind of vision.

So when the Tyrannosaurus rex rushed over, the distance was less than a hundred meters away.

For a prehistoric creature with a body length of nearly 20 meters, this is only a few seconds of walking.

Before coming out, Qi Jie even had a feeling that if he climbed a little slower.

I’m afraid it will have to be picked up by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and put in its mouth.

“You must have watched too many anime. When dealing with small prey, Tyrannosaurus rex usually chooses to crush it into meat pies, and then take it back and enjoy it slowly.”

No, are you so comforting?

After being reminded of the flaw in Qi Jie’s words, Su Mo coughed lightly and forcibly turned him around.

“That guy can’t get out of the fourth terrain, don’t be afraid.”

“Is that so?”

After shivering and confirming that the Tyrannosaurus rex had indeed disappeared, Qi Jie’s legs softened and he almost sat on the ground.

I have to say that the scene just now was really exciting, so exciting that he was cured of his motion sickness. If this method could be implemented, wouldn’t anyone get motion sickness?

No, what on earth am I thinking about?

Qi Jie’s mind was very confused. His mind, which had been confused after getting car sick, was so frightened that he became a little confused.

“It seems we have to stop in the mountains tonight to deal with this armored Tyrannosaurus”

Sumo frowned, feeling really troubled.

The strength of this Tyrannosaurus rex can be observed with the naked eye. It is no weaker than the giant lizard used by the dwarves to attack the city.

So, it should be very difficult to penetrate its armor with a gun.

Use bombs?

This is a feasible way, but you have to go to the merchant to refresh and try to see if you can get 5,000 points to obtain coupons for external items.

And Sumo is not sure whether the game will let him bring weapons directly.

“It’s really troublesome, but luckily I didn’t collect a million points in the canyon before coming to this mountain. Otherwise, the human Su Shen was stopped by a beast, and it would be embarrassing to have to be trapped in the mountain in the final race!”

Su wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his head, returned to the main driving seat and sat down.

The information gained tonight is enough.

Not only did I learn the two terrain information behind the canyon, I also saw the precious legendary sales sheet challenge mission.

“Beast Mountain should bring some trouble to the contestants, but it is best to clear it as soon as possible.”

“I have a hunch that Lingyu Lake should be the final destination for most people.”

Can’t cross the mountains, can’t reach the lake.

Armored Tyrannosaurus, right? I’ll give it to you in two days!

No, it would be great if these mercenaries with their own armor could take back their territory for cultivation and development.

Sumo looked at the rolling hills with some regret, and finally shook his head and chose to reverse the car and leave!

(End of this chapter)

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