My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1213: Real and fake businessmen, confused contestants!


“This canyon is even more difficult than the Earth Fire Desert!”

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and understood immediately after browsing the detailed description of the terrain below.

Although the Earth Fire Desert is difficult, it does not directly test the contestants’ performance in a short period of time.

As long as you can buy enough drinking water and food directly from the merchants in the first stage without saving points, persistence will be tested more along the way.

But this is different in Rolling Stone Canyon, which tests the short-term upper limit of the contestants.

The fifteen-kilometer canyon needs to be cleared within fifteen minutes, so the speed needs to be maintained at at least sixty kilometers per hour.

Even if the terrain in the canyon is all downhill, it is still a big problem.

It’s not surprising that the difficulty level is one star higher.

The other side.

Qi Jie and the other two also selected rewards, which were also the first must-select item and the fifth item with the largest discount, coupons.

At this time, looking at the information displayed on the manual, the four of them were a little dumbfounded.

“There is someone who is faster than us. I don’t know who he is.”

“This is too perverted. One kilometer a minute, even aliens can’t rush through, right?”

“It seems that we need to use tools. I don’t know if our sandboard can go downhill at this speed.”

“Why don’t you give it a try? You can still teleport back even if you’re about to fail.”

Xi Ruyue suggested quietly, causing Guan Mao and Zhang Jun to shake their heads.

Although the fruit forest at the end of the canyon looks very attractive, the four-star difficulty is even higher than the Earth Fire Desert.

Both of them considered themselves extremely lucky to have made it this far, and it would be a bit rude to want to challenge the canyon as a freeloader.

But at this moment, there was a noise in the oasis ahead.

Looking around, I saw three figures walking slowly into the inner path.

Arriving earlier than the five others

It’s actually a human being!

“These three people are so fast. What’s the reason?”

Qi Jie was secretly shocked.

Little did they know that the three people on the opposite side were also shocked at this moment, surprised that five people came in succession.

And the man standing in the middle seems familiar.


“That’s Su Shen!” They couldn’t help but exclaimed, and the three of them quickly walked out.

As the most promising favorite to win this competition.

Every major territory has repeatedly warned its contestants before setting off that as long as they meet the human Su Shen, they should just follow closely and be done with it.

Even if you can’t eat the most fragrant ‘meat’, drinking some soup and water is an opportunity that others will not envy!

When they arrived at this oasis in the morning, they saw no traces of biological activity. They thought that the human Su Shen had already passed through the canyon and went to the terrain behind.

Unexpectedly, the final result was that they were one step ahead, a few minutes faster than Su Shen.

“Everyone is preaching that Su Shenqiang is terrible. In this comparison, we are not bad.”

With a hint of pride in his heart, the leading man walked out with a smile.

Although he didn’t behave like ordinary people climbing up the ladder and trying to gain friendship, he still maintained enough respect.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

Although they are slightly ahead, they are not too far ahead. They are still trapped in the oasis and cannot move forward. ….

Maybe Sumo has the tools to clear the canyon, and they have to rely on others.

“Lord Soma, I didn’t expect to meet you here!”

“In the Lower Palace Manting, the deputy lord of the Chang Palace territory.”

Gong Manting’s personal image is somewhat similar to that of the Jianghu Ranger.

The body is burly, like a hill, and the exposed skin is tanned by the sun, like a piece of hardwood that has been polished over time, full of texture.

The eyes are bright and firm, revealing a hint of the aura of a superior, but without the feeling of being superior.

Coupled with the short and rough hair that stood up like steel needles, standing next to two ordinary-looking men, he was obviously more eye-catching.

But the palace is full of court?

Never heard of it.

Suma knew that the Changgong territory was originally located in the west of the New World, not far from the Longqi territory.

As Longqi expanded several times later, Changgong naturally joined it and became Changgong City.

But although the palace was full, Sumo could not find such a person in the memory of the future ruins.

It must be that he died early due to some accident, or that he was not strong enough to rank in the wasteland.

“Hello, Lord Palace.”

Sumo nodded slightly, still acting kindly but without losing a sense of distance.

“I didn’t expect you to be so fast. You have already crossed the desert on the seventh day.”

“No, we are just lucky, we just arrived in the morning.”

Gong Manting breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sumo was not as aggressive as the rumors.

“Thank you for the hard journey. Please enjoy the coolness in the oasis to relieve the heat!”


A group of people walked toward the center along a trampled tree-lined path.

Gong Manting led the way while chatting about the experience of several people crossing the desert.

“My two brothers are also from the Changgong territory. When we first arrived in this desert, we were lucky enough to share the points. We saved the points to buy contact talismans to find the location.

When we bought items from the merchants in the first stage, we originally planned to buy a tent for each person, but there was only one on the sales list, so we took the risk and bought it twice. Unexpectedly, in addition to the tent, we actually got something good. thing. ”

After walking a few steps further and pointing to the three large kites hanging on the tree, Gong Manting laughed.

This time the main competition gathers all the top players among human beings.

It’s both a good thing and a bad thing.

Full caution and strength allow these people to allocate physical strength and points very rationally.

But the price is the loss of some adventure opportunities.

Not to mention using points to refresh in the first stage, even people who buy water dare not buy more than one bottle.

“Since we won’t really fall to death anyway, we simply transformed the big kite we bought into a low-altitude hang glider.”

“As long as the wind direction is right, we can fly two hundred kilometers in one day.”

Speaking of this, Gong Manting changed his tone.

“Lord Su, how did you get here? It seems to me that you didn’t use this kind of gliding tool. This journey was very hard, right?”

Further inside the oasis, there is an open space that the three people simply cleared inside the center. ….

Three lonely tents stood in the middle, with an unfinished small fire piled in the middle.

“It’s really hard, we came all the way from the ground.”

Sumo answered truthfully.

Although the opponent is skating in the sky and they are skating on the ground, compared to the level of difficulty, the latter is indeed more difficult.

“You can walk so fast on the ground. It seems that Lord Su’s methods are better than ours.”

Gong Manting seemed to be flattering in a quiet way, but in fact, there was an uncomfortable sense of pride in his words, as if he was telling the audience in the sky:

Although the human Su Shen’s methods are clever, they are not bad at all, or even stronger.

In response, Sumo frowned and did not refute.

It is true that these three people got there first, and it is normal to be a little proud.

“By the way, you have also received the prompts from the game. Those of us who arrived first can choose any three of several rewards. In addition to the must-select Rolling Stone Canyon information, I recommend choosing fresh water and Bread.”

Gong Manting kindly reminded: “The merchants over there sell some high-priced goods, and the cheapest ones cost a thousand points. We have finally saved some points and it is better to use them in the back terrain. Even If you really can’t get through this canyon, you can just buy it again when you exit.”

Discover water sources and oasis in the challenge mission, and you will be rewarded with a total of 300 points.

Three consecutive nights without getting lost, crossing the entire desert, another five hundred points.

In addition to the 900 rewards for successfully surviving two disasters, as well as seven days of daily mission rewards.

As long as they can reach the border of the desert, the contestants are destined to earn more than 2,000 points in the main competition.

Though spending some money aside, having one thousand to one thousand five hundred dollars in hand is a reasonable range.

Coupled with the bonus coupon, even products priced at two thousand points can be purchased.

“Of course, if you can cross the canyon today, the fruit trees at the end should be edible.”

“Then there is no need to choose food and fresh water, just choose points and coupons to make more money.”

Gong Manting told the truth, but his understatement made Qi Jie and the others unhappy.

It’s only half a day ahead.

If they had not chosen to rest, they would have reached the edge of this terrain long ago.

Why are you still pretending now?

“We only have two rewards.” Qi Jie replied angrily.

“Only two items?”

Gong Manting was a little surprised and quickly reacted:

“Then the top ten should be able to choose three rewards, right?”

“Don’t worry, the three of us have chosen food and fresh water. If you are short of it, we are willing to sell some to you at the price of the fourth-stage merchants and 50 points lower, as if we are making friends.”

Fourth stage businessman?

Don’t you have to sell a bottle of water for 100 points? Seventy points for a piece of food?

Sumo’s eyes twitched when he heard this. The fresh water he sold to the foreign tribe was only fifty points per share. Who expected that someone would sell it to him for double the price?

And in a comforting tone of making friends?

“We have water and food, thank you.” Qi Jie stood in front, his tone becoming a little cold. ….

He could see that Su Mo was feeling a little unhappy now, but he took it out because of his bad feelings.

“Is there water and food?”

Gong Manting has been sophisticated for a long time, but now he felt a little confused when he felt the change in the other party’s attitude.

He met many contestants along the way, and some were even willing to exchange two hundred or more points for fresh water.

Now in order to make friends with Sumo, he is willing to sell it at a welfare price of 100 points.

No matter what I said, I felt like I had offended the other party.

Does the other party want to buy it at the price of 50 points from the merchant in the first stage?

Gong Manting’s expression changed, and finally he said angrily:

“Well, you must be tired all the way here, so we won’t interrupt your rest first!”

“Forget about the plants and springs in the oasis, you must also know about them.”

With two subordinates, the three of them turned towards the tent camp and continued to deal with the unfinished small fire.

Although the water from the Earth Fire Spring is not drinkable, it is fine for other things.

With plenty of time now, they plan to use spring water mixed with soil to bake some pottery, and try to see if they can distill the spring water to remove the side effects.

“Let’s go over there.”

Sumo turned around and looked around, pointing to the side of the oasis closer to Rolling Stone Canyon.

This oasis covers a vast area, and the open space in the center alone is twice the size of the previous oasis.

There are also many water points inside, but the spring point on the side of the canyon is the largest, so it is natural to occupy it first when there are fewer people.

“Brother Gong, they didn’t go to occupy the central position. Instead, they went to a remote place over there.”

Looking at the few people out of sight, Gu Wei quickly whispered.

Gong Manting was already feeling a little depressed. He turned around and took a look, feeling more and more that Sumo was avoiding them on purpose.

“Don’t think too much, maybe we arrived early and stole the limelight, which made Su Shen feel unhappy.”

Gu Honghai, who was concentrating on stirring up the mud, also raised his head and glanced twice, and then said comfortingly, which immediately caused the two of them to nod frequently and complain a little in their hearts.

Who doesn’t know that human Su Shen is the undisputed number one in any competition between big and small disasters.

It would be fine if no one saw it at the moment, but there are millions of viewers watching the main game, so it’s probably more of a curse than a blessing for them to steal the limelight.

“After burning the stove and pouring out two bottles of water, I’ll go apologize to Lord Su.”

Gong Manting seems to have a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat, and he feels unhappy if he doesn’t spit it out:

“But I never thought that the first human being could be so narrow-minded. It seems that the rumors from the outside are somewhat false.”

“Brother Gong, be careful what you say!”

Gu Honghai stretched out his muddy hand and pointed upwards without saying a word.

The three of them immediately shut up and concentrated on lighting the fire.

About half an hour passed, and when the sky became dark, Gong Manting stood up.

The three of them chose fresh water, and there was quite a lot left at this time, a total of five liters.

Take out two small bottles and fill them up. Gong Manting gritted his teeth again and tore off about 300g of bread with his hands.

“The three of us will go there together, you two, don’t talk nonsense later.”


Both brothers Gu Wei and Gu Honghai are on rare routes and have smart minds. They naturally know the pros and cons at this time. ….

Although they were a little depressed, the three of them forced themselves to comfort themselves and walked in the dark towards the light of another place in the oasis.

“Their arrogance is much bigger than ours!”

Before I got closer, the bright and hot flames were already coming from the gaps in the treetops.

The crackling sound of explosions continued, and the sky in the small oasis lit up.

Gong Manting looked helpless and glared at Gu Wei who was speaking:

“The trees in this oasis can’t be burned for months. It’s okay for them to like big fires.”

The small fire of three people in front of this big fire was obviously not enough to look at.

Guessing that Sumo might have deliberately used this to crush them, the three of them raised their legs in silence.

However, when we walked out of this short section and came to an open space.

What they saw in front of them made the three of them stunned at the same time, and their raised steps were also stunned in mid-air, a little at a loss.

Near the Earthfire Spring, a house appeared at some point.

There are three straw huts set up on the side of the house, one side is next to the wall of the room, and the other side is semi-open to the outside.

Looking inside through the open part, there are small beds made of treated reeds, which look more comfortable than their windproof tents.

And the crackling sound just heard not far away was not the sound of a fire burning.

“This fire is too strong. Get the pot over quickly, it will be burnt in a moment!”

Xi Ruyue was hurriedly carrying the iron pot, and the aroma of oil that made people’s index fingers tremble could be heard from inside.

It turned out to be a fried cake!

Gong Manting’s eyes widened with an incredible expression.

I saw seven or eight yellow dough pancakes tumbling up and down in the iron pot, making crackling sounds as the oil heated up.

When Guan Mao fetched an empty small basin of water, Zhang Jun put down a few chopsticks and fished out all the fried cakes.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief and saw Gong Manting who looked like a wood merchant standing not far away.

“Hey, why are you here?”

Guan Mao was a little confused, but he still greeted him out of habit.

Su Mo and Qi Jie had the confidence not to react to the deputy lord Gong Manting, but that didn’t mean they could.

Walking in the wasteland, who doesn’t want to have a few more friends?

“What does this guy call you?”

“Oh, my name is Guan Mao, and I come from the Fiery Territory.” Guan Mao looked strange and turned around to point at Zhang Jun: “That’s my buddy over there, Zhang Jun. We both belong to the same territory.”

“She is Xi Ruyue, from Mengyue Territory, we are all Sanren.”

“Sanren? You are not Lord Su’s”

“No, we also met Lord Su in the first stage and followed him all the way.”

Guan Mao said “honestly” without the slightest thought of pretending to be a fox or a tiger.

He knew very well that the current behavior of the three people had shocked the entire palace.

Reinstalling doesn’t make much sense.

“This is what Lord Su ordered us to do. He and Brother Qi went to explore the canyon over there.”

“We only need to finish making five boxes of pancakes before he comes back, and each person will be rewarded with five pancakes.”


A reward of five loaves?

Gong Manting was shocked, but the Gu family brothers next to him swallowed involuntarily.

“You have this pot, this oil, and the raw materials”

“Sorry, this is requested by Lord Su, so we can’t disclose it to you.” When mentioning the material, Guan Mao quickly shook his head and refused.

It’s not a question of whether you dare to say it or not. In fact, even they don’t know where the material comes from.

Noting the change in Gong Manting’s expression, Guan Mao thought for a while and added:

“But if you want to eat it, Lord Su said yesterday that we humans can get it directly at the lowest discount.”

“Get goods? Do you do takeout?”

Gong Manting’s drooped eyelids suddenly trembled, and a glimmer of light shot out of his eyes.

Compared with the black bread, this pancake is obviously more

“I don’t know the price.”

“Oh, the price is cheap, one cake is 10 points, the minimum order is five.” Guan Mao laughed.

Qi Jie has given the three of them certain authority regarding the sale of goods.

Although unlike those aliens who want to make money, they can’t make any difference from selling to humans.

But looking at the bright side, they don’t need to pay high costs to get the goods.

And as long as the sales figures are ideal, are you afraid that the righteous Brother Qi won’t give them some small profits?

Already familiar with Qi Jie’s character, Guan Mao continued to introduce eagerly:

“Not only oil cakes, we also sell fresh water, and the price is even cheaper now than before.”

“A bottle of water only costs 30 points, you can get as much as you want!” 3931419.


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