My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1192: The sun and moon revolution, earth-shaking!


In modern earth, the price of building one kilometer of cement road is about 400,000.

The price will fluctuate slightly based on the complexity of the terrain and material requirements.

Based on the 150 kilometers of cement road, the cost of this road alone is over 60 million.

Of course, this is for modern times.

Both materials and labor are extremely cheap in the wasteland.

Like the first step in building a cement road: grassroots cleaning.

If we were to use pure manpower to clean up in modern times, we would have to pay at least 500 a day for someone to be willing to do this work.

But in Tianyuan Territory, when it was first built, the salary was basically equivalent to nothing. If the village gave out two pancakes every day, a lot of people would be willing to clean it up.

The other material is even simpler.

As the base material of cement pavement, gravel blocks are everywhere in the territory, and there are even more in the dense forests to the west. According to the current demand for materials, they can last for at least several years.

The output of Portland cement laid on gravel has never been in short supply. Even now, the output of the Imperial Building Materials Factory has exceeded the territory’s demand, and it has also provided part of the supply for the reconstruction of the western suburbs of Pingtan Shelter.

There is no shortage of this or that.

That’s why we have this wide and flat cement road now!

“The territory is so big!”

Fan Jing lay beside the window and looked out the window, his face full of shock and yearning.

There is also a large area of ​​uncultivated wasteland around the Taihu territory, which is divided into controlled areas by the lord Lao Zhan, waiting for manpower to reclaim it.

But actually?

No one dared to go out too far. Fan Jing himself went out once, but he was a little scared after being three kilometers away from the gathering place.

Rather than being so much a controlled area of ​​the territory, it is essentially a dangerous wilderness.

It is completely different from the land now wrapped behind the warning wall.

Whatever you can see now is the upright ‘territory’.

“The existing cultivated land area in the territory is about 50,000 acres, of which there are nearly 600 acres of greenhouses. Even in winter, it can still steadily produce fresh vegetables to supply the needs of residents and surrounding shelters, providing a continuous supply of food to the territory. Bring back wealth.”

Yu Lingjie is still introducing, proudly recounting the past few months.

In addition to the skyrocketing population, the development of other parts of the territory is also not slow.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In terms of clothing production, two corresponding flow factories have been built in Longteng Village.

With the assistance of semi-automatic machines, hundreds or thousands of new pieces of clothing can be produced every day.

Although the materials chosen are either cotton harvested before winter, fibers obtained through chemical synthesis, and some wild hemp picked from the dense forest.

But compared to other places that still use the most primitive places to make clothes, Tianyuan Territory is almost several eras ahead.


Not to mention the area of ​​cultivated land, not to mention greenhouses, not even to mention the large and small stalls and hawkers.

The ‘Future Cannery’ that was built when the Red Spider Caravan arrived has now been enlarged dozens of times in size, with as many as 300 employees being recruited.

It covers a wide range of business areas.

Not only can it produce all kinds of canned and pickled foods with a shelf life of more than three years. ….

It can also use raw materials and other seasonings to produce a wide variety of prepared meals with excellent taste, providing a taste that is about 90% better than freshly made on the spot.

Yihu, Aldrich and Kevin came once in mid-March.

The three of them only tasted half full, and then resolutely replaced all the nutritious meals in the shelter with prepared meals from the future cannery.

Although from a nutritional point of view, the proportions of prepared dishes may be far less nutritious than meals.

But the taste gap between the two can make people completely forget that there is such a thing.

And the most important thing is that the cost of nutritious meals is already very low, but this pre-made meal can still achieve two-thirds of the cost of nutritious meals.

Based on the current 80,000 people in the Pingtan Refuge and three meals a day, the amount of supplies saved is quite significant.

Coupled with the rich variety of flavors and dishes, the residents can not only praise the manager’s openness, but also make the shelter’s accounts more beautiful.

Why not?

Many managers of shelters in the southern suburbs are also interested.

Just because you have to join the alliance, the price of the goods is the friendly price, which is stuck on the cost line.

The price now is about the same as nutritious meals, which feels like a bit of a disadvantage.

This is why prepared meals have not yet become popular in other shelters.

However, with this layer of foreshadowing, once the territory opens a policy to lower the price of prepared meals for external shelters, it will only be a matter of time before it takes over the daily meal market of other shelters.

No worries about food and clothing.

Accommodation and transportation are naturally no problem.

After several rounds of development, it is no longer the era when dozens of people crowded into Datong Shop.

“The village provides free eight-person dormitories, as well as paid family suites and individual rooms.”

“Even if you can afford it, the village also provides an independent personal courtyard with three houses, which is comparable to a small villa on the earth.”

“Of course, I know you want to ask how to live in the lord’s shelter.”

“Simple, we have to mention the unique contribution system of our Tianyuan Territory.”

The receptionists have long been prepared for the frequent questions from newcomers.

After saying that, Yu Lingjie was already prepared and started to take out the flyers from the small satchel she carried with her.

“In addition to the occasional tasks that are released daily to reward contribution points, anyone who can complete the inherent tasks on the flyer can get points.”

“If you collect 500 points, you can enter Tianyuan Dungeon!”


Fan Fuzheng was originally thinking about how to use his knowledge in the main competition, but when he suddenly heard this term, he couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Speaking of Su Shen’s refuge, it is a mystery from beginning to end.

After all, while everyone else was still in a log cabin or a small basement, his shelter was already made of stone and was strong enough to withstand bombardment.

Everyone was thinking about it, but they didn’t understand what happened.

As for now, it seems reasonable to evolve into a dungeon.

“The first person to reach level ten on each route will receive two hundred contribution points!”

Taking the flyer, Fan Fuzheng quickly saw the contribution points he could receive. ….

Not much, but it’s almost half of the points for entering the dungeon!

In addition, Fan Fuzheng also saw several reward projects that he had the opportunity to obtain.

For example, for technological breakthroughs, points between 100-2000 can be awarded depending on the degree of breakthrough.

For example, if you make outstanding contributions to a certain industry, you can also be rewarded with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 2,000 points.

“Entering the dungeon is difficult for other people, but it shouldn’t be a problem for me.”

Fan Fuzheng did not have this confidence before coming.

But after a recent tour of the outpost, the lost confidence came back again.

Especially after seeing the need for an excellent architect in the Tianyuan Territory, Fan Fuzheng’s desire to quickly establish a foothold became more intense.

“The next race is a key opportunity.”

At first glance, it seems that architecture has no use in surviving in the wild.

But in practical terms, it has many uses. For example, habitat construction, how to build the most reasonable camp in the simplest way, facing various complex terrain environments.

Another example is the utilization of resources. During the design and construction process, architecture pays attention to the effective use of resources. A detailed list will be made so that brainless combinations can be carried out according to the announcement.

There are also various small mechanisms and traps for security.

The reason why the Fan family has been able to live safely until now is because they have used these life-saving gadgets.

Thinking about this line of thought, Fan Fuzheng was too lazy to continue listening to Yu Lingjie’s subsequent introduction, leaving it all to the two interested children and wife to understand.

More than an hour later, the bus gradually slowed down.

In the distance, a modern town crouching on the ground like a giant beast finally revealed its full appearance.

If the development of Hope Village is divided into four stages.

The first stage is the newborn period.

When the territory was first established, the only facade of the village was some prefabricated houses made of colored steel, which could barely provide a place for everyone.

As for comfort and safety, there is no need to think about it at all.

When it rains, the mud roads in the village are all muddy, and you will be covered in mud and water within ten meters of walking.

The second stage is the growth stage.

Colored steel houses are gradually being phased out and replaced by houses with brick-concrete structures.

Dirt roads have also begun to be replaced by gravel paths, and a basic village and town structure has been established.

Different factories have sprung up on the ground, capable of producing various materials needed for the development of the territory.

The lives of the residents are no longer as tight as before, and are gradually improving.

The third stage is the development period.

At this stage, the color steel house has been completely eliminated.

Gravel paths have also been replaced by cement roads and asphalt roads, with a complete drainage structure.

The factory was moved to Longteng Village, giving greater emphasis to the village’s life focus.

The square at the entrance of the village is becoming more and more lively day by day, as if I have returned to the earth.

Even the land around the village has been developed entirely, and it is beginning to flourish.

In the first three stages, Hope Village did not develop rapidly.

It took about seven months to rebuild a human village from scratch on the wasteland.

But it is the early development of various industries that laid the foundation.

It was only then that the following five months of rapid development took place, driving the entire territory to soar in one fell swoop. ….

Go straight to the fourth stage, the soaring stage!

Today, the area of ​​​​Hope Village has been expanded again and again, and it has already increased more than ten times compared with the beginning.

The streets leading into the village are rarely wide, nearly ten meters wide.

The main road is a dark and shiny asphalt road, which serves as the facade.

The auxiliary road is a flat cement road that is low-cost and durable.

Compared with the simple layout of the outpost, the layout of Hope Village is undoubtedly much more sophisticated. The overall building is spread out in a grid shape, allowing residents to reach their destinations quickly and easily no matter where they are in the village.

As soon as they got off the bus, a group of newcomers were stunned in the reception area.

Looking from a distance, the buildings on both sides of the streets in the village are well-proportioned and well spaced.

There are both three- and four-story small buildings and bungalow courtyards hidden in the middle of the small buildings.

The overall structure is a bit like a resort. It looks loose and loose, not as tense as other territories in the New World.

However, laymen see the excitement, while experts see the door.

When Fan Fu opened his structural vision and looked over, the large tracts of dark green revealed everything.

“The people who designed this place are not simple.”

Looking like chaotic streets and alleys, in fact each structure is long and narrow. The width is limited by the terrain and is kept within a relatively narrow range, which is conducive to the concentrated deployment of troops in a limited geographical space and forms an effective attack on intruders. of blocking.

Buildings at different heights are also of great use. Buildings at high places are naturally good commanding heights, and can play a role in monitoring the blocks below.

In addition, there are many escape gaps specially set aside, clearly placed below the commanding heights.

This ordinary small town has mysteries hidden everywhere!

“I am not as good as me!”

The more Fan Fuzheng observed, the more emotional he became.

The so-called “sitting in a well and looking at the sky” is nothing more than that. Staying in the small Taihu Lake territory, it would be difficult for him to learn anything.

In particular, build ‘characteristic buildings’ and ‘characteristic structures’ suitable for wasteland.

There are almost no people on earth who study these things. If he wants to achieve results, he has to keep exploring and trying on his own.

But where in this small Taihu territory is there such a platform for him to try and make mistakes?

Those people on the World Channel are right.

Only this large territory is the stage for geniuses!

“Master Fan, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

The guard captain who received the verification message did not dare to neglect and walked over quickly.

By the way, he glanced at the little guard at the rear and took all the luggage and sundries from the Fan family.

“The meeting held by the lord today has already started for a while, and there will be another one tomorrow.”

“Do you think you should go to rest and wait first, or this time.”

“I’ll go now without waiting for tomorrow.”

When he heard that the meeting was not over yet and there would be another one tomorrow, Fan Fu was relieved.

If the meeting was over, how dare he bother the lord alone with this idea? He couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“You guys can hang out and rest in the village first. After I finish the meeting, we can choose a place to live together.”

“I know, don’t worry.” Zheng Yali nodded repeatedly, naturally understanding the reason why the family was treated like this.

If a man in his family can gain attention in the territory, his future will be bright and prosperous.

But if you only focus on the current enjoyment and miss the opportunity, it may be difficult to find it in the future.

“Okay, the meeting will be held on the B6 floor of the underground city, please!”

As soon as he heard that he was in the dungeon, Fan Fuzheng became even more excited.

Following the guard captain, the two of them walked towards the direction of the village.

After a while, I saw the first floor of the underground city exposed on the ground in the distance.

To be to the magnificent security wall, the bustling outpost, and the Hope Village we just analyzed.

This is the most powerful shelter that countless survivors dream of. At first glance, there is nothing magical about it.

Or to put it more bluntly, it looks very ordinary.

There is no alloy door several meters thick, and there are no complicated inspection procedures.

The entrance and exit are so straight and exposed on the ground, and you can even see shops on the first floor.

Is this a dungeon?

Fan Fuzheng shook his head and subconsciously opened the structural vision to find out.

However, what happened next made his heart skip a beat.

The ability has failed?

(End of this chapter)



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