Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 740: A last-ditch battle


Chapter 740: A Last Stand

As the saying goes, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and misfortunes and fortunes may happen to people.

It’s just a light snowfall right now, and there are signs of a natural disaster, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a natural disaster.

Taking a step back, so what if it is a natural disaster? It is not uncommon for there to be no disasters in any year across the country.

Not to mention the emperor, even the yamen are not hungry.

The emperor would not be so panicked.

However, the ancients believed in the induction of heaven and man. Zhao Xu had just rolled up his sleeves and was preparing to die in person, but you gave this reaction!

This really hit my heart and killed me.

Zhao Xu was also panicked.

What does it mean?


In the conference room, a group of trainee prosecutors were sitting in silence, and they could only communicate with each other through their eyes.

Because the boss Zhang San was sitting on it, silent in thought.

After a while, Xu Zhiqian suddenly walked in holding a stack of copywriting, “Prosecutor Zhang, this is the copywriting you want.”


Zhang Fei looked up at Xu Zhiqian, reacted immediately, and took the copy from her hand.

Xu Zhiqian saw that he seemed out of sorts and knew that he had been worried about the weather recently, so she whispered: “It’s been sorted.”

“Thank you.”

Zhang Fei flipped through it casually and handed it to Zhou Zheng, “We will fight these lawsuits in the past two days, and then we will have a holiday. As for the remaining lawsuits, we will fight them next year.”

This year, all government offices have postponed their holidays and have a lot to do. The six departments have to be reorganized, and the government offices that have been abolished at the same time have to quickly sort out the information and prepare for the handover.

Zhou Zheng took it and said, “Yes.”

Zhang Fei glanced at the students again and said: “This year’s holiday, you should go out less to eat and drink. Study these cases carefully. Be sure to read the court hearings carefully. You can also cooperate with each other and practice in the classroom, because the remaining I leave all the lawsuits to you.”

He Zhizhong exclaimed: “Can we go to court to litigate so soon?”

Zhang Fei said: “There is no other way. Time is tight. After Zhou Prosecutor and others take you through these lawsuits, they will go south immediately. But don’t be too nervous. What is left for you are relatively simple lawsuits.”

“Yes, we will definitely work hard.”


Just after finishing speaking, Li Si suddenly came to the door.

Xu Zhiqian hurriedly walked over and whispered: “What’s the matter?”

Li Sidao: “Ms. Xu, here comes the shopkeeper Hou from the genuine bookstore.”

“Got it.”

Xu Zhiqian came to Zhang Fei again and whispered the news to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei stood up and said, “You guys discuss it, I have something to deal with.”

When I came to the front yard, I saw Hou Donglai standing in the yard, shivering with cold.

“Lao Hou, why are you standing here? Go sit in the room.”

“We don’t dare.”

Hou Donglai said sarcastically: “This is the procuratorate, where do we dare to sit around?”

“The Procuratorate is prepared for you. Walk around and sit in the room.”

“Forget it! Forget it!”

Hou Donglai took a step forward, “Actually, it’s not a big deal. It’s just that a group of people came just now, saying that they were from the Ministry of Rites and were ordered to inspect our publishing qualifications. They also said that the Ministry of Rites would re-examine private newspapers and periodicals. ”

Ministry of Rites? Didn’t those ministers officially take office only after the year? Why did I start working so quickly? Am I not working hard enough?

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, thinking that it might have something to do with God.

Hou Donglai saw Zhang Fei’s uncertain face and whispered: “Sanlang, will something happen?”

Zhang Fei was startled, “Oh, it’s okay, we haven’t broken any laws, don’t worry, try your best to cooperate with their investigation.”

“Oh, I know.”

Hou Donglai nodded and asked: “Is it really okay?”

Zhang Fei said: “Don’t worry, these are just three tips for a new official to take office. Just remember one thing. From now on, publishing matters will be under the control of the Ministry of Rites.”

Hou Donglai nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll remember it. If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.”

“Be careful on the road.”

Having just seen off Hou Donglai, Zhang Fei was about to return to the conference room. Suddenly he saw Xu Zunxun getting off the carriage. Zhang Fei immediately walked over and said, “Father-in-law, please don’t come in such a cold weather. I can just watch here.” ”

“What a troubled time!”

Xu Zun sighed and suddenly looked forward, “Isn’t that the shopkeeper Hou of the genuine bookstore?”

“It’s him.” Zhang Fei nodded.

Xu Zun immediately asked: “What’s going on over there at the bookstore?”

Zhang Fei said: “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the Ministry of Rites suddenly sent someone to inspect and said that from now on all newspapers, periodicals and publishing will be under the control of the Ministry of Rites, so he came to ask about the situation.”

“This shopkeeper Hou is quite cautious.”

Xu Zun nodded and whispered: “You’d better go there in person later to see what’s going on, and let them send you the newspapers and periodicals that will be published recently.”

“Is it also because it’s not raining?”

Zhang Fei asked.

Xu Zun nodded.

Zhang Fei said: “Is it so serious? It’s not certain yet.”

Xu Zun sighed and looked around, “There was no disaster in any year, but it happened at this juncture. Wang Jiefu has been in trouble for so many years, at least there has been no disaster in Gyeonggi. This year, the government just announced that it will restore three provinces and six departments. This is what happened.

I just came back from the Imperial City, and there are already people making excuses for the ancestral method. You have to be careful about the genuine bookstores and be careful not to be taken advantage of. It’s best to show it to me. Some people will write very obscurely and you may not be able to understand it. ”

“Well, I’ll arrange the tasks for those students later, so I’ll go over and have a look.” After saying that, Zhang Fei asked again: “Didn’t Bachelor Wang already raise the three deficiencies back then?”

Xu Zun immediately warned: “You must not say this nonsense. Wang Jiefu said it, but others may not be able to say it, especially at this time. You must remember that the emperor is also the emperor.”

Wang Anshi’s three shortcomings are that it is not a scientific argument, but a political rhetoric, which is not an accurate answer. Unless you abolish the connection between heaven and man, or even abolish the name of “Emperor”, otherwise, this kind of statement must not be said nonsense. of.

For example, at this time, if you say something, you are not afraid of changes in the sky.


It’s really a natural disaster.

If manpower cannot withstand natural disasters, there can only be accountability. Regardless of whether the emperor believes it or not, you are the best person to take the blame.

This is what Xu Zun is worried about.


Zhang Fei nodded and said, “My son-in-law has remembered it.”

Xu Zun whispered again: “Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected, so you have to be prepared to deal with it.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “I have been thinking about how to deal with it. I always believe that risks and opportunities coexist. For us, this is also an opportunity.”

Zhang Fei returned to the conference room, arranged the tasks, and immediately rushed to the genuine bookstore.

However, when he arrived, everyone from the Ministry of Rites had already left. According to Hou Donglai, the people from the Ministry of Rites had hinted to him that he should try not to publish until the Minister of Rites formulated new publishing rules recently.

The Ministry of Rites has so many things to do, but it is anxious about this matter. You don’t need to guess, but you are worried about malicious speculation.

At this moment, public opinion must be controlled to avoid being detrimental to the emperor.

Zhang Fei simply let all genuine bookstores have a holiday.

After coming out of the genuine bookstore, Zhang Fei stopped by the Bianjing Law Firm and unexpectedly met Fan Yong and Chen Maoqian.

“You two are here too!”

“Sanlang is here.”

Fan Yong stood up, bowed, and explained: “Isn’t it the end of the year? We want Lao Fan to help us settle the accounts.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “What a coincidence! I also planned to come over today to take a look at the firm’s accounts.”

Chen Maoqian suddenly said: “Say, Sanlang, at this time, are you still in the mood to check the accounts?”

Zhang Fei asked: “What do you mean?”

Chen Maoqian glanced outside.

Fan Li understood the idea, immediately gave a few instructions, and then closed the door.

Chen Maoqian then whispered: “Haven’t you noticed that it hasn’t rained in three months?”

Zhang Fei said: “I’ve heard about it even if I didn’t find it out, but I can’t call the shots.”

Fan Li suddenly said: “But we heard that someone wants to take this opportunity to cause trouble.”

Zhang Fei frowned when he heard this, “What do you mean?”

Fan Yong said: “Didn’t I tell you that day in the imperial court that many businessmen are very dissatisfied with business taxes. We big businessmen have to manage it from top to bottom, and the money cannot be counted as expenditure costs and earned money. It’s not a lot, so it’s unfair for the Taxation Department to collect taxes like this!”

Zhang Fei said: “But I also said that this must be done step by step and cannot be accomplished overnight.”

Fan Yong said: “Of course we believe Sanlang, but the problem is that many businessmen don’t believe it.”

Chen Maoqian immediately said: “If a drought really happens this time, many businessmen plan to take the opportunity to raise prices.”

Yes! These unstable factors must also be taken into account. Zhang Fei frowned secretly and said, “Is this what you think too?”

Fan Yong said: “No matter what we think, it doesn’t work. Once a natural disaster occurs, everyone has to look at the faces of grain merchants. When grain prices rise, everyone has to follow suit.

But the real big grain merchants are all powerful people. They are very dissatisfied with the new tax law. Anyway, if we get the news, they will definitely take revenge. ”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Things are rare and valuable. It is natural for food prices to rise during natural disasters. Otherwise, can we still be called businessmen?”

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned.

Fan Lidao: “Sanlang, you. You support this.”

“Of course I don’t support it.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “But I must also admit that this is the nature of businessmen and the rules of business. As a prosecutor, I can only find a way to make them suffer.”


Chen Maoqian said: “Sanlang, this matter has nothing to do with us.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “You can rest assured that the public security organs, prosecutors and the law are fair and impartial and will never force others to do anything. Since everyone thinks the tax law is unfair, I will find ways to make the tax law very fair. ”

Fan Yong asked anxiously: “It won’t harm Chiyu, right?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Of course not. I will promote business to become more prosperous.”

Of course, everyone is still talking privately, because there are still signs of drought. If you make a noise now, if this is not the case, it will not only be embarrassing, but the emperor will find you to settle the matter.

But this Chinese New Year is destined to be uneasy.

There is no New Year atmosphere in the entire Gyeonggi region. People do not dare to eat a bite of meat or buy a new piece of clothing. They try to save as much food as possible.

However, what should come will eventually come.

In the blink of an eye, March has arrived, but not a drop of rain has fallen from the sky, and the weather has also warmed up abnormally.

There are various signs that this year’s drought is almost certain.

The people sat on the edge of the fields, looking up at the sky, their dull eyes showing despair.

It was dusty inside and outside the capital.

In and outside the imperial city, various public opinions are also aroused.

The laws of our ancestors are immutable!

Many ministers petitioned the emperor, hoping to suspend the reform of the official system and immediately restore the ancestral laws.

Even the queen mothers of the two palaces were hinting to Zhao Xu that it was too unlucky and you should slow down.

This was a serious blow to Zhao Xu’s confidence!

What a coincidence.

I can’t tolerate his disbelief!

I just came out and said a few words and made a decision. This has not officially started yet, so you just do this to me.

How to play this!

And beside him, there was only one good friend, Zhang Fei.

So Zhao Xu summoned Zhang Fei into the palace.

“Zhang San, between you and me, the monarch and his ministers, we always talk about everything. Just tell the truth. Did I really do something wrong this time?”

Zhao Xu asked very dejectedly.

Zhang Fei asked carefully: “What did you do wrong?”

Zhao Xu said angrily: “Don’t you know the comments outside?”

“Oh, this is the matter!”

Zhang Fei said: “I think the unexpected situation today has nothing to do with His Majesty’s reforms. These are two different things.”

“But how could it be such a coincidence?”

Zhao Xu said: “Wang Jiefu and Sima Junshi have been reforming for several years, and there have been no disasters in the capital. But I just took charge of the reform, and we encountered this drought. Moreover, the prime ministers did not agree with this reform of the official system. Alas. I really regret it now!”

Only in front of Zhang Fei did he reveal his inner emotions. He did regret it.

What a coincidence. Originally, this pot belonged to Wang Anshi, but you couldn’t hold your breath and bore everything for Wang Anshi. Zhang Fei was silent for a while and said: “Your Majesty, the matter has come to this, and regretting will not help. We must act quickly.”

Zhao Xu frowned and said: “But now the ministers are asking for the restoration of the ancestral law. If I don’t listen, what if the disaster becomes more serious?”

Now, both the prime minister and the official believe that this is God’s will and the ancestors’ hints. Although no one can prove whether they are right or wrong, the problem is that no one knows how severe the drought will be. Seriously, if he insists on reform, once the disaster further expands or even becomes more serious, it may really affect his right to rule!

Things like this are really tricky because they are out of control.

Not to mention Zhao Xu, no matter how wise a monarch is, he has compromised due to natural disasters.

It can only be said that Zhao Xu is really unlucky.

Zhang Fei pondered for a while, “Actually, I have an idea, but it’s just a little unkind.”

Zhao Xu asked: “What can we do?”

Zhang Fei said: “Your Majesty, you can first go to Bachelor Wang to discuss whether to restore the ancestral method.”

Zhao Xu frowned slightly, “Sir, I will definitely not agree.”

As soon as the words came out, he immediately reacted, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Zhang Fei.

The meaning of Zhang Fei’s words is very obvious, that is, let him give up his car to save his handsomeness!

Zhang Fei immediately explained: “Your Majesty has misunderstood. This is just to ensure that nothing happens. Because the matter has reached this point, we must try to solve these problems, but Your Majesty, you are worried that it cannot be solved. Indeed, no one can do this natural disaster.” I don’t know how long it will last, so this is just to ensure that even if the worst outcome occurs, it will not affect His Majesty.”

The implication is that the top priority is to find ways to deal with the disaster. However, due to the uncertainty of natural disasters, the emperor cannot openly refute the laws of his ancestors. So to solve the problem, he must first find someone to come forward and memorize it first. With this in mind, if it really becomes very, very serious, we can give an explanation to the subjects so that the emperor will not have to shoulder everything.

Zhao Xu struggled for a while and said: “But how to solve it?”

Zhang Fei said: “It’s the New Deal and the Public Security Bureau. Natural disasters like this are common. If it doesn’t happen today, it will happen in the future. If the reform results in these years do not have better effects in dealing with natural disasters, then It’s really worth reflecting on, but I’m confident I can handle it.

Don’t mention it first. Last year, the new tax law was adopted. The taxes paid by ordinary people were less than in previous years. There should be some surplus food in their families. Even in the face of drought, the court will be more calm than before. . ”

These words gave Zhao Xu a little confidence.

In fact, Wang Anshi had to stand up, because if the emperor took a step back in reform, it might lead to a complete collapse of the reform. He was really forced to do so. If Wang Anshi was sacrificed, he could still maintain the reform.

The key is, this is just the worst, worst result.

I was really helpless, so I sacrificed Wang Anshi.

In the end, Zhao Xu adopted Zhang Fei’s suggestion.

Immediately summoned Wang Anshi alone and asked how to deal with it.

Wang Anshi answered very decisively, Yao and Shun were so wise, how could they not encounter natural disasters? This is not the same thing. Those officials who use the topic as an excuse are all treacherous. Your Majesty, please do not believe it.

Although Wang Anshi does not agree with Zhao Xu’s return to the three provinces and six ministries system, he is still riding a tiger and is unable to get off. Those opponents will definitely fight the rabbit. As long as the emperor takes a step back, the next target will be the New Deal.

Zhao Xu pushed along and asked Wang Anshi to take charge of dealing with the disaster.

Wang Anshi accepted the order happily.

As he walked out of the door, Wang Anshi let out a long sigh, with a hint of sadness in his firm eyes.

How could he not understand in his heart that the emperor asked him to shoulder this responsibility, and if he failed to deal with it, his career as prime minister might end here.

But he did not blame the emperor, because he knew very well that, first of all, although he opposed the reform of the official system, he believed that this natural disaster had nothing to do with it.

Secondly, the emperor must not give in to this, otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted, but except for him, no one can bear the blame.

This is the wisest thing to do.

At least give him a chance to solve the problem.

Sure enough, when everyone learned that the emperor asked Wang Anshi to deal with the disaster, they became even more unscrupulous.

Before, everyone was very tactful because the emperor was opposite.

Now facing Wang Anshi, he must die.

Revenge old and new grudges together.

I scolded Wang Anshi because Wang Anshi destroyed the laws of his ancestors and spoke lies, thus attracting divine punishment. He wished he could describe Wang Anshi as the most traitorous person in history.

Wang Anshi immediately organized his troops to criticize those ministers who used the topic as an excuse.

But there is no point in talking about this matter. The problem still needs to be solved. If the disaster is allowed to spread, it will be useless no matter how much Wang Anshi talks.

At present, Lu Huiqing is in Hebei, and Zhang Dun, Zeng Bu, Wang Juqing, Shen Kuo and other capable generals are all on Jingdong East Road. As for Deng Wan and others, they can only play a role in the court and can really help. The only person he could solve the problem with was Zhang Fei.

So Wang Anshi called Zhang Fei to his home.

The countermeasure given by Zhang Fei is, of course, to use work for relief. After all, this method has been used very well in Hebei and Jingdong East Road, and it has avoided unrest in the two places, so why not continue to use it.


Wang Anshi sighed: “I have thought about this, but it has already cost a lot of money to deal with Hebei and Jingdong East Road, and it is even more expensive to open the Xihe Road over there. Now the inner storage cannot be retrieved. Spending too much money, and in times of disaster, we have to work for relief, which requires food, but the food in the capital has to supply the royal family, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops. It is not yet known how long the drought will last. So.!”

First of all, we must protect the royal family, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and the imperial army. Finally, it will be the people’s turn.

Starving a few people to death will not stir up any trouble, but starving a few ministers to death, try it, the pressure of public opinion will be greater than starving a thousand people to death.

Not giving food to the Forbidden Army would be even more fatal.

As the ruling class, we must still put the overall situation first.

The warehouse contains grain, so it cannot be distributed randomly!

Zhang Fei said: “We can issue banknotes to help us survive the crisis.”

Wang Anshi’s eyes lit up when he heard this, “Yes! How could I have forgotten this treasure?”

But then he shook his head and said: “I’m afraid this won’t work. When paper money is issued, people have to buy food, but the price of food outside is already rising. If those grain merchants don’t recognize paper money, wouldn’t it be a piece of waste paper? .”

Zhang Fei said: “There are many forms of banknotes. Given the current situation, paying taxes this year will definitely become a problem for the people. The court may want to reduce taxes. In this case, we can issue a tax currency and use this kind of banknotes. By paying taxes, no matter whether the grain can be sold or not, at least it will have its value.”

Wang Anshi nodded slightly and said: “But food is always the key.”

Zhang Fei said: “This aspect can be left to the Public Security Bureau. I will submit a new tax bill to the Legislative Council to force those grain merchants to sell grain on the market. However, the court will also have to release a batch of grain.”

Wang Anshi said happily: “Can you do it? Duke Wen and others used this matter to force officials to abide by the laws of their ancestors.”

You are not the president of the court now, so you have no precedential authority.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “In this regard, Duke Wen is not my opponent. I will find a way to get this bill passed. But now we have to fight a public opinion war with them first”

Wang Anshi asked hurriedly: “What’s your clever plan?”

He was dissatisfied with other things, but he was convinced when it came to publicity.

Zhang Fei said: “Since they have already reached this point, it is better for Academician Wang to just follow their words. Natural disaster! It comes at the right time. This is the test of the New Deal.”

Wang Anshi stroked his beard and said, “What if it doesn’t rain?”

Zhang Fei said: “Then we can only admit defeat.”


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