Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 732: Only through struggle can there be progress


Chapter 732 Only with struggle can progress be achieved

“Go to the backyard for a cup of tea?”

Fu Bi, who stood up with difficulty with his hands on his knees, said to Han Qi, who was being supported by an old servant.

Han Qi waved his hand and said: “Forget it, I’ll go home and rest first. I’m a little tired.”

Fu Bi did not force himself and nodded with a smile.

The hearing is over, which also means that they have work to do again. The issues raised at the hearing need to be solved by policies. Fu Bi invited Han Qi just because he wanted to listen to his suggestions.

But the current leader is Sima Guang, and it is not Han Qi who calls the shots. How could Han Qi be willing to follow Sima Guang.

Although Han Qi is more conservative in terms of ideas, he keeps a certain distance from conservatives and reformers. Unless he meets by chance, he will never get involved. of.

The main reason is that he is old and has no need in this regard, so why bother himself.

In fact, Fu Bi had the same idea as him before, but the appearance of the Public Security Bureau aroused an impulse in Fu Bi’s heart.

“Mr. Wen, I suspect that Xue Xiang has not told the truth at all. How could that million dollars be in Xihe?”

Jiang Zhiqi and other censors refused to give up. They laid such a trap, but there was not even a ripple. They saw that it was just a calm cloud, which made them unacceptable.

The little emperor is notoriously stingy, how could he secretly allocate his own money to the Xihe area.

If he wants to allocate it, he can say it clearly, because Wang Anshi will definitely support it, and the money is in the treasury, and no one can pull it.

Wen Yanbo just said calmly: “They shouldn’t dare to lie about such a big matter. If you don’t believe it, go investigate it yourself.”

You didn’t report to me before, but now you come to me to make the decision. You can go and play on your own.

Jiang Zhiqi and others looked at each other with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

In fact, they came to Wen Yanbo to see if Wen Yanbo would stop them, not to let Wen Yanbo support them, because they would definitely investigate the matter.

Sima Guang and the others are very clear about the purpose of this hearing, but most businessmen are not very clear about it, and they seem to be immersed in the answers they just gave.

When Zhang Fei and the others had packed up their things and left, many people were still stunned.

They all have a feeling, “What is the purpose of holding this hearing?”

Including those businessmen from Jiangnan, they themselves are confused and don’t know why they are here.

After the whole hearing, they only knew one thing.

The answer is “Public Security Bureau”.

The wealthy Xiangguosi Temple would naturally not be so stingy with the imperial court. After the court hearing, he drove the distinguished guests back to have dinner.

Xiangguo Temple has a vegetarian meal to entertain these distinguished guests.

You must know that many dignitaries in the Song Dynasty believed in Buddhism.

Including Wang Anshi who later retired to the mountains and forests, he was also studying Buddhism, but at this moment, he was not in this state of mind. When he passed by the Buddha statue, he didn’t have time to take a look, and went straight to Zhang Fei’s wing.

Zhang Fei first asked Xu Zhiqian to sort out the copywriting. After Xu Zhiqian left, he said to Wang Anshi: “Scholar Wang, please sit down.”

After Wang Anshi sat down, he asked in confusion: “You clearly invited me to testify, why did you change your mind temporarily?”

In the atmosphere at that time, he was also brewing a lot of words, ready to show off his singing voice, no, his eloquence, but it ended suddenly, which made him a little unhappy.

Zhang Fei said in surprise: “I remember that Bachelor Wang didn’t like to testify in court?”

“This is one thing.”

Wang Anshi waved his hand.

Whether it is a civil lawsuit or a criminal case, he really doesn’t like to testify in court, mainly because the format is too small and boring.

But this hearing is really different from the court trial. The court trial is more aggressive, and the hearing is relatively matter-of-fact, especially seeing that Xue Xiangdu can talk freely on it, he is actually a little itchy.

Zhang Fei explained: “Actually, the reason is very simple. It is because Xue Fayunshi’s answer was already perfect and exceeded my expectations. It was enough for the procuratorate to reject the accusations of those businessmen. Therefore, there is no need for Wang Xueshi to testify again.”

Wang Anshi chuckled: “Is it because Xue Xiang praised the public prosecutor’s law?”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: “This is indeed the turning point of this case.”

Wang Anshi looked at Zhang Fei curiously, “Why didn’t I realize before that you like to hear these words?”

Zhang Fei smiled and explained: “Everyone likes to hear good words, but it really has nothing to do with this. The main reason is that Xue Fayun’s words almost brushed aside the issue that is not conducive to the equalization of losses. It’s clean and tidy.”

When he said this, his expression changed and he said seriously: “Because the key to this case is whether there are problems with the uniform transfer method and infringement of the rights and interests of businessmen. From the facts, it seems that there are some problems.

However, Xue Fayun cleverly sorted out the relationship and gave a specific conclusion, that is, there is actually no problem with the design concept of the equal transmission method. The problem is caused by the court’s lack of laws.

From the specific facts, this is also the case. The equalization method is just the imperial court’s own allocation and supply system. It is to protect its own rights and interests, rather than to encroach on the rights and interests of merchants. This is understandable.

However, because the businessmen themselves lacked a sense of security and had distrust of the government, they kept away from them, which caused a series of problems.

I think many people can’t refute this.

This will also be conducive to the implementation of the New Deal, because it will completely separate policy design and policy implementation.

If there is a problem in implementation, it is not necessarily a policy problem, it may be other factors. And this will also make the New Deal more stable, which is what I promised Bachelor Wang. ”

Of course Wang Anshi knew this and said: “Even so, if you ask me to go up and add a few words, it is possible that it will be delayed.”



“Master Wang, please be patient and don’t be impatient.”

Zhang Fei smiled and explained: “Suppose it was Academician Wang who was sitting on it and said the same thing as Ambassador Xue Fayun. Does Wang Academician think there will be such an effect?”

Wang Anshi said: “I wouldn’t say that.”

Zhang Fei said: “What I mean is that this occasion is actually more suitable for Xue Fayunshi than for Bachelor Wang.”

Wang Anshi asked: “How do you say this?”

Zhang Fei said: “If this is a discussion about whether the Uniform Loss Law should be promulgated, then it must be that Wang Xueshi should be asked to explain it, but this is a discussion about problems encountered during the implementation process. Obviously, Secretary Xue Fayun It is more suitable. After all, Xue Fayun is the executor.

As for Academician Wang, you are one of the decision-makers. There are so many things that you have to worry about. The same words coming from the mouth of Xue Fayun and from the mouth of Academician Wang may be very different.

If Mr. Wang agrees even slightly with the Public Security Bureau, he may arouse the dissatisfaction of many people. Judging from this hearing, Wang Xueshi can completely let the executor handle such situations in the future, while he will preside over the overall situation from behind and guard the final hurdle. ”

Wang Anshi nodded slightly. Indeed, he still had to worry about the opinions of his subordinates. Xue Xiang had no such scruples at all. Even if Xue Xiang made a mistake, he could make adjustments based on subsequent reactions. The key is whether it is a court trial or Hearings are all subject to rules, and objectivity is stronger than subjectivity. Anyone may be left speechless by questions.

After a while, Wang Anshi suddenly asked: “So, you are planning to take the opportunity to implement the public security law on Southeast Sixth Road?”

Zhang Fei said truthfully: “I’m not sure about this, because this is the decision of Bachelor Sima and others. However, the Public Procuratorate and the Procuratorate can indeed solve some of the problems in the law. Xue Fayun has already explained this in court.”

Wang Anshi hummed: “But at the same time, it will also bring some trouble to the uniform loss method.”

Don’t fool me, everyone knows what I’m talking about.

If the Public Prosecution and Procuratorate go there, maybe the shipping department will lose money!

Trading is about making profits and losing money, and you must have the blessing of power to be able to make steady profits without losing money.

“I don’t think so.”

Zhang Fei shook his head, “The public prosecutor and the procuratorate will not bring any trouble to the equalization method. It is the design of the equalization method that is flawed and creates trouble for itself.”

Wang Anshi frowned when he heard this, “What’s the flaw?”

“Too simple and crude.”

Zhang Fei said.

Wang Anshi immediately said: “I am already being very tactful.”

In his New Deal, he tried every means to make the New Dealer famous.

Zhang Fei said: “I mean in name only.”

“In name?”

“It means that the government directly goes out to do business.”

Zhang Fei said: “As long as this remains unchanged, everyone can always use this as an excuse to attack Junshufa. Everything can be attributed to one sentence, whoever can do business can win the government.

Moreover, this is actually not conducive to the implementation of the equalization method. Officials who are too upright will definitely be cautious and timid, fearing that they will betray the truth. Officials who are too treacherous will deceive superiors and deceive subordinates, take bribes and bend the law for personal gain.

Due to this limitation, it is difficult for the Uniform method to reach its full potential. ”

In fact, Su Shi also pointed out this point, but Zhang Fei’s words were much more eloquent because Zhang Fei always spoke from Wang Anshi’s perspective.

Su Shi is saying that if you can’t do this, something will happen.

Wang Anshi answered very simply, “Get out of here.”

But Zhang Fei is saying that if you do this, it will not be enough to realize the potential of the Uniform Loss Method. In other words, it will not be able to fully reflect Wang Anshi’s talent.

Wang Anshi also asked humbly: “In your opinion, what should we do?”

“Actually, there was no good way before, but now that there is a business method, it is different.”

“Business Law?”

Wang Anshi said in surprise: “What does this have to do with business law?”

Zhang Fei said: “This business agency is between the government and the people. I wonder if Wang Xueshi has discovered that the shipping department is doing business. Many people are questioning it, but what the business agency is actually doing is business, but everyone is confused. I think it’s very reasonable. In this case, why not connect the equalization method with the business department.”

Wang Anshi thought about what was going on. The Business Administration was more profit-seeking than the Shipping Department, and asked: “You mean, set up a Business Administration specifically to do this business?”

Zhang Fei said: “You can’t say that directly, you have to be tactful.”

“What kind of euphemism?” Wang Anshi asked puzzledly.

Zhang Fei said: “It is to mix the disadvantages of redundant officials, the disadvantages of mergers, the Changpingcang method, the enterprise method, the loss method, and national security. Then use this as a reason to establish a super business agency .”

Super again?

Last time, a super promotion Chang Pingsi came back.

Wang Anshi said slightly excitedly: “What do you mean?”

This sounds a bit too complicated, mixing these factors together.

Zhang Fei said: “First, in the name of redundant officials, the Ordinance Department of the Second Government funded the establishment of a business agency. But if it does all kinds of business, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among many people.

We have to find a reason that no one can object to, and this reason is the Chang Ping Cang method. It’s just that this constant position method is mixed with the equal loss method.

In the past, the constant liquidation method was a state’s self-circulation. When the price of food was high, sell food. When the price of food was low, buy food. This was to stabilize prices.

In fact, the equalization method is similar to the method, except that the equalization method sells grain from abundant areas to poor harvest areas. The effect is similar, except that it can cross state capitals.

However, the Chang Ping Cang Law is recognized as a good law, and Sima Bachelor and others highly respect it. So combining the system of equal loss with the concept of the Chang Ping Cang Law will make it more just. ”

Wang Anshi nodded frequently.

Zhang Fei continued: “In addition, the equalization method also takes into account the supply of food to the capital, which involves national security. For this reason, the Agency can still bear the heavy responsibility of food reserves. This can be corrected. Another disadvantage of the equalized transportation method is that the cycle is too short. The current requirement for the equalized transportation method is to make a profit every year. This obviously puts too much pressure on the shipping department, but if it is responsible for the important task of grain storage, this becomes He has always invested in the long term and can make long-term plans, and Wang Xueshi can also do it with ease.

Once this business agency completes its grain reserves and becomes the largest grain dealer in the country, and covers the whole country, to a certain extent, it can invisibly weaken the status of the landlords and gentry, combat land mergers, and truly achieve the goal of being controlled by the state. Taking the lead, and at the same time leaving Bachelor Sima and the others speechless. ”

Wang Anshi’s eyes flashed sharply after hearing this, as if he had opened up the two channels of Ren and Governor, and some fragmentary plans in his mind were all connected together, making his new policy more three-dimensional. He said happily: “Super business Department, this is a good idea.”

After that, he asked again: “In other words, this business office only deals in grain trading?”


Zhang Fei nodded, “But this is enough, because controlling food is equivalent to controlling everything. It can subtly affect other transactions without being criticized. Nowadays, the transactions involved in the loss method are too If there are too many and too complex, it will be easy for people to break them down individually.

I dare say that as long as merchants are allowed to compete fairly, the shipping department will face losing money on many transactions because they simply cannot take care of it.

However, once the shipping department loses money, it cannot explain it to the superiors, and officials may take desperate risks, which will cause a series of problems.

Of course, in order to be more just and have more famous teachers, this government agency can allocate funds to establish an agricultural college to specialize in agriculture and recruit more young students to make the foundation more solid. Just like the Water Conservancy University in Hebei. ”

Wang Anshi nodded and said: “Yes, as long as we control the food, we can control everything. If I had known this, I shouldn’t have transferred Xue Xiang back to the capital. If we want to establish this business agency, we need a smart and capable official. Host.”

Zhang Fei immediately said: “If Bachelor Wang can’t find a suitable candidate for the time being, I have a substitute here.”

Wang Anshi asked hurriedly: “Who?”

Zhang Fei said: “Cai Jing.”

“Cai Jing?”

Wang Anshi thought for a while and then said: “Oh, is it the student Cai Jing who went to Hezhong Prefecture with you?”

Zhang Fei nodded and said, “That’s exactly who he is.”

Wang Anshi said: “I admire his younger brother Cai Bian more.”

Zhang Fei said: “Actually, the two brothers have their own strengths, but as far as this matter is concerned, Cai Bian is not as good as Cai Jing.”

Wang Anshi asked: “Why?”

Zhang Fei said: “First of all, Cai Jing’s financial talents are better than Cai Bian;

Secondly, Cai Jing is more ambitious and his methods are more vicious;

Finally, Cai Jing does not adhere to Confucian ethics and is selfish. As long as the benefits are big enough, he will definitely betray me without mercy. ”

Is this recommending talents? Wang Anshi was surprised and said: “You can use such a villain?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “If you let Bachelor Sima take charge of this official office, will it be successful?”

Wang Anshi didn’t even think about it, “Of course not.”

First deny it and then talk about it.

“Exactly this.”

Zhang Fei said: “Because Cai Jing is very ambitious, he will take this matter very seriously, because he knows that once he gets this done, he will definitely enter the political hall, but if he messes up, he will It’s completely over. In other words, there is no benefit that can convince him to betray Bachelor Wang. This is an excellent opportunity to become a prime minister.

In addition, all those landowners are not good people. If you don’t find someone more ruthless, you won’t be able to defeat them. In fact, Xue Fayun is still a little afraid, but Cai Jing is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. He will definitely not I will show mercy to those landlords.

But blindly acting recklessly is not enough. Fortunately, Cai Jing is very familiar with the operating system of the Public Security Bureau, and he will know how to avoid being entangled by the Public Security Bureau.

When the situation is stable, Xueshie Wang can transfer him back and send a more stable person to take over. This will also prevent him from controlling too much power. Cai Jing is just a sharp knife that breaks the gap and can be taken away after use. This can also avoid the negative impact it brings. ”

Wang Anshi nodded, “Listening to what you said, Cai Jing is really a good candidate. But I have to seriously consider this matter.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Of course, I am just recommending a backup candidate.”

Wang Anshi suddenly asked: “By the way! Since you have such a good idea, why do you always hide it until now?”

Zhang Fei immediately explained: “I also found specific countermeasures based on the specific situation. When the Junsu Law was promulgated, there was no business department, and I didn’t know that the Junsu Law would encounter these problems. .”

“That’s true.”

Wang Anshi smiled again, “Okay, I will seriously consider this matter.”

This plan is really a timely help, because the New Deal is currently facing difficulties. The main reason is that Zhao Xu no longer supports him unreservedly, so he has to find another way.

And this super business administration can connect all his plans together, and the New Deal will inevitably become more stable.

In a side room not far away, a heated discussion was also taking place.

“This Xue Xiangguo is really cunning.”

Wen Yanbo stroked his beard and said: “These words are blaming the problem on the imperfection of the law, which is equivalent to shifting the responsibility to the public prosecutor and the law. This is really hard to refute.”

Wang Anshi’s New Deal was somewhat ahead of its time. He blamed it on imperfect laws, which is actually reasonable.

But if there is no advanced system, this reason is actually untenable. The question is that if there is a public security law, why not use it?

Fu Bi said: “Since the other party has raised this issue, we must take it. Otherwise, even if these problems become more serious, we will not be able to blame them.”

When the Public Security Bureau was established, it was to check and balance the New Deal. Now people welcome you to check and balance. If you don’t come, then you are just a fool!

Liu Shu said, “Could this be a conspiracy?”

Sima Guang asked: “What conspiracy?”

Liu Shudao: “Many people have suspected that Zhang San and Wang Jiefu are in the same group. The result of their back and forth is to promote the Public Security Law on Southeast Sixth Road. Could it be that they want the Public Security Law to protect Wang Jiefu’s new law. ”

Sima Guang waved his hand and said: “I don’t even bother to talk about this matter. You guys are really insisting on it. Let me ask you, is Fan Yaofu trustworthy?”

Liu Shu nodded immediately and said, “Of course it’s trustworthy?”

Sima Guang asked again: “Su Zizhan, is Su Ziyou trustworthy?”

Liu Shu nodded again.

Sima Guang clapped his hands on his chest, “Then am I trustworthy?”

Liu Shu was so aggrieved that he almost cried. I just said it. Are you so excited? He nodded and said aggrievedly: “I have never doubted Mr. Junshi!”

Sima Guang asked with tears in his eyes: “Then why don’t you believe in the public prosecutor’s law?”


Liu Shu was immediately dumbfounded.


To the north and south, the public security organs, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies all belong to us!

Zhang San is not even a prosecutor. The only influence in the court is his father-in-law. He is a piece of cake!

This is why Sima Guang never doubted it, but he also wanted to kill Xue Xiang at the time, so he understood what Liu Shu and the others were doing, but was unwilling to use his power to pressure the public prosecutor, so he had the idea of ​​resigning. .

It’s not that he has doubts about the Public Security Bureau or Zhang Fei.

Seeing Liu Shu’s defeat, Wen Yanbo couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Jun Shi! Uncle Liu Xiao is just asking, are you so excited?”

Sima Guang was stunned for a moment, and realized that he was a little excited. He quickly cupped his hands to Liu Shu and said, “I was a little excited when I spoke just now. I hope my filial uncle will bear with me.”

“How dare you, how dare you, Mr. Jun Shi is right, he’s just got the best of you.” Liu Shu also quickly handed over his hand and bowed in return.

He only realized now that his suspicion was unreasonable.

Fu Bi smiled and said, “Don’t bother Jun Shi. He is so worried about the manpower problem that he may not even be able to eat.”

Wen Yanbo suddenly understood and laughed.

It’s the same old problem again.

Sima Guang was very puzzled: “Master Wen, please don’t laugh at me. This is really a problem. Where can we find people? We haven’t even started in Hebei yet, let alone the Sixth Southeast Road.”

Wen Yanbo said: “Can’t you lower your requirements a little bit? Just good moral character is enough. You don’t have to be familiar with the public security law. You can slowly understand it after you go there.”

Fu Bi said: “You can’t say that. Regarding the Public Security Law, in fact, it doesn’t matter if your morals are slightly flawed, but you must be familiar with the Public Security Law, because the essence of the Public Security Law lies in its system.”

Sima Guang was very stubborn and said: “What both of you said is biased. Regarding the selection issue, we have to take both of them into account. One is indispensable. Otherwise, we will make the same mistake as Wang Jiefu.”

Wen Yanbo said: “It won’t take more than two or three years, don’t even think about it.”

Sima Guang said: “At least three years, Zhang San and Su Ziyou stayed in Hezhong Mansion for three years before they slowly promoted the public security law to the surrounding areas, not to mention Southeast Sixth Road.”

“There is no way.”

Fu Bi suddenly spoke.

Sima Guang hurriedly asked: “What good advice does Mr. Fu have?”

Fu Bi said: “There are two ways. The first is to imitate the success of Hezhong Mansion. Aren’t there one or two batches of students from the Legal Academy who just graduated? Let Zhang San take them to Southeast Sixth Road.”

Sima Guang glanced at Liu Shu and said, “I’m afraid this is not possible in this situation.”

Sima Guang has great trust in the talents of this Law Academy, but the gap between Zhang San and the conservatives is getting bigger and bigger. Southeast Sixth Road is the stronghold of the conservatives. If Zhang San is allowed to take people there, it may Both progressives and conservatives will attack him.

Fu Bi said: “The only way is to do the opposite and transfer all the backbone of the Gyeonggi region to the southeast region, while Zhang San and his students stay in the Gyeonggi region.”

Hearing this, Sima Guang couldn’t help but think.

Don’t think it’s just a change of people, but it’s a huge difference. Let Zhang Fei take people to Southeast Sixth Road. Everyone is worried. Both factions don’t believe him. But let Zhang Fei take people to stay. In Gyeonggi, there is nothing to worry about, because they all keep an eye on it and can even intervene directly.

At the same time, the public prosecutors and law officials in Gyeonggi can be said to be the earliest batch of public prosecutors and law officials. They are very familiar with the public prosecutors and law system. At the same time, most of them are officials with a good reputation. There will definitely be obstacles for them to go to Jiangnan, but they will definitely It’s not as big as Zhang Fei’s.



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