Pokémon Court Chapter 25: A feather dance?


For basic tricks, Terrance’s point of view is that they can drive the comprehension of advanced tricks, and at the same time play a vital role in promoting the growth of elves.

For example, Terrance once read in a newspaper that a trainer with the feelings of a fire-breathing dragon said: He is training two small charmanders at the same time, one has good potential, and the speed of improving strength is very fast. He successfully evolved into a fire-breathing dragon in a year, and soon realized the unique skill of dragon claw with his outstanding talent.

The other one, however, has been adhering to the most basic training, from the most basic “catch” trick, to comprehend “split” and “alloy claw” step by step and practice hard, and this little charmander has also evolved After becoming a fire-breathing dragon, under the deliberate guidance, he also comprehended the dragon claws naturally, and the dragon claws of this little charmander surpassed the former in terms of claw strength, sharpness, and fluency.

After some investigation, Terrance understood that the basic trick is not as useless as imagined.

Just say “catch”.

During the practice of Charmander, you can exercise the strength of the arms, the sharpness of the claws, and the bone strength of the back.

This has a considerable effect on the later comprehension of alloy claws, cleaves, and dragon claws. Similarly, the growth of claws also drives the strength of the evolved arms and wings.

So, most of the basic tricks have their corresponding value. If you ignore them because you think they have no tactical value, it is a small loss.

Just as Terrance was thinking, the green bird flew towards the thorntail again.

Knowing the attack method of the thorn worm, the green bird easily escaped the spinning this time, and flapped its wings to glide diagonally above the thorn worm. The immature beak shone with a faint light. .

However, the body of the blue-mongol bird is not very coordinated in flight. When it swooped down, its attack was directly dodged by the stinging worm that hastily dodged. After a short period of time, the trick effect disappeared.

“Not only the power, but also the duration, that is, the control of energy must also be practiced.” Terrance saw something new, pecking at this trick, if the blue cotton bird can control its duration and energy well, it will also It’s time for Qingmianniao to comprehend “chaotic suddenness”.

At that time, the green cotton bird can rely on a simple pecking attack to perform multiple combos, and the current situation where the energy dissipates halfway will not happen.

However, this also takes a long time to practice.

Observing the two elves again, seeing the thorntail that the green bird stopped attacking at this moment, without even thinking about it, it turned its head, rolled up, and rushed towards it quickly.

Seeing this scene, the Qingmianniao was extremely flustered, and quickly flapped its wings, trying to fly up, but the thorntail was not far from the Qingmianniao, and the Qingmianniao was in a hurry, but failed escaped, but to Terra’s surprise, although the flapping green bird didn’t fly, it shed a lot of white cotton-like fluff from its cotton-like wings, and swarmed up. Stuck on a spiny worm.

Cotton defense?


It should be a feather dance!

Ting Shu almost blurted out that theoretically speaking, Qingmianniao would not use or even learn this trick, but through the analysis of Master Shengzong, Qingmianniao with dual bloodlines of Bi Diao and Qixi Blue Bird will have a very large chance of inheriting this trick.

Right now, Terrance believes this inference, because he has seen the thorntail worm entangled in cotton feathers, and lost its fighting consciousness under the “peck” attack of the slow-moving green cotton bird.

After solving the thorntail, the little guy flapped his wings clumsily and flew towards Terrance, screaming cheerfully, as if he was asking for credit.

“Good job.” Terrance smiled. The green cotton bird was born not long ago. Although the opponent’s strength is also very weak, the first victory is already extremely rare for it. This is only the first time. Step by step, Terrance believes that with their joint efforts, Qingmianniao will become stronger.

As a reward, Terrance gave Qingmianiao some snacks that Pokémon Bird liked very much, which instantly made Qingmianiao feel very happy, and even couldn’t wait for the next battle.

He smiled and said that he was not in a hurry. Terrance took out some simple wound medicine and cleaned up the scars for the thorntail. Although the injury was not serious, but in order to thank the thorntail for the battle with the blue cotton bird, Terrance was not stingy.

The recovered thorntail nodded and hurried into the grass. At the same time, Terrance was also planning to find a safer temporary residence to spend the next month.

Living in the wild for a month, water is essential, but there is also a gathering place for elves, and the trees are not easy to disturb, so he can only find a place that is closer to the water source and more secluded as a place for himself and The residence of the blue cotton bird.

Ting Shu brought a tent and some common travel equipment, so as long as he is careful, there are no other major problems.

In the end, after inspecting a lot of places, Terrance found 3 water sources in total. This world is different from the earth. There are no scary little creatures in the wild in the original world. Generally speaking, the environment is still very good, and the water sources are relatively clean, but this It doesn’t mean that Terrance is going to use them as drinking water. He has brought some daily drinking water, looking for water sources, just for the more common things like washing.

And ~Soverse.com~ to solve the thirst of the blue cotton bird. These water sources are basically occupied by elves. With the bodies of elves, even if they use these natural water sources, they will not cause illness. As for humans, The most serious one is probably stomach upset or something like that, but if it is boiled, there is basically no big problem.

After careful selection, Terrance chose a location on the edge of a mountain range. The environment and terrain here are relatively flat, and he also found a very hidden corner. As a temporary residence, it is suitable for But that’s all.

After solving the problem of accommodation, the next thing is the problem of food. Although Terrance has brought some necessities, there are really not many things that can be used to satisfy the hunger, and it can’t even last for 3 or 4 days. Most of them are the nutrients prepared by Master Shengzong for the green cotton bird, so for his own food, he needs Ting Shu to go to the forest to find some tree fruits, even wild vegetables, mushrooms and the like.

At Terrance’s request, Sheng Zong also prepared some cooking tools and flint for him, so Terrance needs to cook by himself in the following days.

Fortunately, Ting Shu did not do this kind of thing less before, but now he is familiar with the road. With the company of Qingmianniao, he quickly collected a few good places to use as his own food supplements, and screened out those that were difficult to eat. After the things, they quietly retreated to the place where they started.

The external problems have been solved, and the temporary accommodation has been arranged, then Terrance should consider the serious matter, that is, the training of the blue cotton bird.

Although Master Shengzong has repeatedly emphasized that the potential of Qingmianniao is not bad, although Terrance recognizes this kind of thing, he is not interested in it. However, Terrance still believes in acquired hard work, talent plus hard work is the perfect match.


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