Pokémon Court Chapter 24: The first battle of Qingmianiao


Early morning.

At the foot of Yantu Mountain.

Qingmianniao lay on the head of the garden tree in casual clothes, looking at everything curiously.

For a newborn creature, everything outside is so novel.

As the tree that originally accompanied Qingmianniao, even without the restraint of the elf ball at this moment, Terran is regarded by Qingmianniao as the only family member.

The moment Dangtingshu lightly put the newly hatched Qingmianniao on his head, he and Qingmianniao were destined to be connected.

If the trainer tames a new elf, the elf’s initial expression is mostly dazed and docile.

The green cotton bird looked at Terrance with intimacy and dependence.

Looking at the little elf green bird that he theoretically captured first, Terrance had a smile on his face all the time. This little guy with extraordinary potential will only be linked to Terrance’s future.


Welcoming the rising sun, Terrance caressed the green cotton bird gently. Qingmianniao also seemed to enjoy this kind of stroking, lying comfortably on Terrance’s hair, revealing a somewhat lazy look.

“That’s not okay.” Terrance said with a faint smile.

The one-month assessment period is still in sight, what awaits him and Qingmianiao is not leisure and vacation, this month, he and Qingmianiao will spend in constant fighting, training, and tempering.

Only in this way can the potential of Qingmianiao be fully stimulated! background!

Only leaving Autumn Leaf Town for more than ten days, Terrance got to know Master Shengzong, and has become a junior breeder himself, and initially got a very satisfied and even pleasantly surprised second elf. Let Terrance be full of hope for the future.

In order to live up to Master Shengzong’s expectations, and to become the trainer of Qingmianniao in a legitimate way, he has to make full use of what he says in the remaining one month, even if he is suffering and tired, in order to get Qingmianniao Bird and entering Tianguan Academy, this month’s hard work should be worth it, not to mention, if he can’t bear this bit of hardship, how can he make a name for himself and bring a better life to everyone in Qingguwu.

When Terrance came here, he had already marked the safe places, so the places he and the blue cotton bird walked through were not too dangerous.


When the garden tree and the blue cotton bird were advancing, a sound of grass swaying entered their ears.

Looking at the past quickly, Terrance was overjoyed: “I found it!”

I saw a body made of red and white, and a small insect with sharp thorns on the red back slowly crawled out, looking straight at them.

It is impossible for Terrance to wander around without a purpose. If you want to understand the situation of Qingmianniao at the first time, you naturally need to find an opponent, but this opponent should not be too strong. Qingmianniao has just been born, even if the potential is great, The current strength is also very weak.

In this kind of place, the little elf at the bottom of the food chain naturally became the best choice.

However, there are really not many thorntails around Yantu Mountain. It took a lot of time for Ting Shu and the others to see one, which was the unlucky guy in front of them.

It still doesn’t know at this moment that it has become a “partner training partner” in Terrance’s eyes.

I once bred a thorntail to evolve into a hunting butterfly. Terrance naturally knows the characteristics of this very common elf. Overall, the strength of the thorntail is not very strong, but if they fall into In a life-and-death crisis, it will also release toxins from the spikes on its tail to resist desperately.

So, if you don’t irritate them too much, they will be a good target for bullying.

After all, spinytails can only hit, spin, and poison needles. If you deal with it carefully, it should not be a problem to hand it over to Qingmianniao. Although it is not a natural enemy, Qingmianniao is also It is considered a bird, and has a natural restraint against the stingworm.

And Terrance is well prepared, he has the most basic share of wound medicine and antidote.

“Okay, this is our first battle on the road to the strong!” Terrance said to Qingmianiao with encouragement, as a trainer, although sometimes he can suppress some elves with his own strength alone, But the most important thing is to order your own elves to fight. As a controller of the battle situation, you are a participant but not yourself to participate in the battle.

After a night of adaptation and growth, Qingmianniao can already fly in the air by itself.

Although it doesn’t look smooth, Terrance is very satisfied with this level. After a few days of running-in, after the wings are more fully developed, the blue cotton bird should be able to fly more leisurely.

As for fighting, although Qingmianniao has just been born and has some resentment, its blood is still full of some militant genes, so the Qingmianniao is also very curious about the novel term of fighting.

It can also feel the energy contained in its own body.

Some basic tricks seem to be engraved in the elf’s memory.

Under Terrance’s order, the green bird flew towards the thorntail, as if to show its majesty, and the thorntail also understood at this moment that the comer was not good, but the little guy did not turn around Just run away~Soverse.com~It made Terrance heave a sigh of relief.


Spitting out a thread from the mouth of the thorn tail, it directly frightened the green Mianniao, and without Terrance’s command, the green Mianniao was directly hit at the beginning.

“Find a solution.” From the side, Terrance watched calmly. Although the elves depended on the trainer’s command, some of the most basic things, such as avoiding tricks, looking for opportunities to attack, and catching opponents’ mistakes, can also be solved. It is necessary for the elf to have a “spirituality”.

It can also be called “combat consciousness”.

These things need to be realized from the very beginning. If the elves form their own style, it will be too late to reverse it.

The green bird, which was caught in the white worm silk and landed on the ground, screamed in pain, but after hearing Terrance’s words, it immediately settled into a posture, and pecked at the worm silk on its body with its sharp beak.

“The first trick, pecking attack.”

Ting Shu thought to himself, pecking attack is the most basic trick of Qingmianniao. slightly improved.

When using the pecking attack, most of the energy can be contained in the beak, and then it will be considered perfect. This point is still a long way for the green cotton bird to go.

“Peck, it seems that this trick needs to be practiced.”

After systematically studying the knowledge about elf cultivation, Terrance knows that most trainers have fallen into a misunderstanding, that is, ignoring the “weak” or “impractical” tricks of elves, but as everyone knows, these Although the unique skill may have little tactical value in the battle, it is an important point to stimulate the growth of the elves and affect the overall development of the elves from a subtle point.


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