Pokémon Court Chapter 22: Night 1


When Terrance was in the Old Green House, apart from learning the knowledge of cultivators, he did not relax his physical training. However, because he mainly focused on studying, his physical fitness was better than the average of his peers. Just a little.

Holding the culture medium, Terrance came under a tree and took out a fruit to solve his dry tongue.

Although the road is difficult, the human body in this world is very good, and Terrance’s physique can still bear it.

“The optimum hatching temperature for flying elves is 40 degrees. Although there is a nutrient solution to release heat, the temperature is still not enough. Besides, the dragon blood of the Qingmianniao has been greatly improved. I need to find a suitable place Come to hatch.”

Looking down at the thermometer in his hand, Terrance knows that if the hatching temperature of an ordinary flying-type elf egg exceeds 40 degrees, the embryo may die. However, the Qingmian bird has a nutrient solution to adjust, and the optimum temperature can be raised appropriately .

A good incubation environment also has a great influence on the innate potential of elves.

The elf egg with white background and blue stripes was floating in the center of the culture solution, shaking as if it might break at any moment. After observing for a long time, Terrance was about to get up and go to the upper layer of Yantu Mountain.

It is close to the crater, and the outermost temperature may be suitable for the birth of blue cotton birds.

Early this morning, the Tanabata blue bird came with an elf egg. According to what Master Shengzong said, if this blue bird is well bred, it will not be inferior to the main force of the Four Heavenly Kings in various regions. Great incentive.

Although the elf’s potential doesn’t mean anything, it’s a good start. Terrance is confident in nurturing the green bird.

Although talent is important, it still depends on acquired hard work.



Above thousands of miles above the sky, a black shadow is watching every move of Terrance. Threatened, it will be the first to appear.

And in the shadow of the forest, a figure is also paying attention to Terrance and the others. This is the elf of Master Shengzong, who is now carrying out Shengzong’s order to secretly protect Courtyard’s safety.

Without the hunting swallowtail in hand, it is still too dangerous for Terrance to travel through the forest alone, and no one can guarantee that no accidents will happen.

But Terrance didn’t know it at this time.

Swish Swish——

Ting Shu, who had already started to set off, suddenly saw a black shadow jumping up, and quickly hugged the elf egg tightly, making a posture of defense and escape.

But it wasn’t until Terrance saw the true face of this guy that he was relieved.

It is a very small brown creature that looks like an acorn.


Shaking his head, Terrance avoided this little guy. Because this kind of elf looks too much like an ordinary acorn, it often scares the little elves who are looking for food in the forest, making them grow up A frighteningly odd disposition, especially in foraging Bobos, often frightened by acorns.

Acorns generally don’t take the initiative to attack, so after successfully scaring Terrance, they jumped directly into the grass.

It was a false alarm, but fortunately it was not an aggressive elf.

Yantu Mountain is not close to here, Ting Shu walks this way very carefully, observing the surrounding environment very carefully, but until the afternoon, he has not reached Yantu Mountain yet.

“There is a lake….”

The forest lake can be said to be a small ecology, and there are often many elves living here, because many elves will come here to drink water at a certain time.

This place is already close to Yantu Mountain, and Terrance didn’t expect to see the lake.

At this time, there were not many elves around the lake. When he got closer, Terrance could clearly see the loach swimming in the lake.

However, these loaches dived into the mud in the lake immediately after seeing Terrance approaching.



Two noises appeared at the same time, and the lake was splashed with a lot of water. Terrance stood behind and could see two Marilou jumping into the water to play.

There should be a lot of elves around here, but Terrance didn’t find them, and Terrance didn’t want to stay for a long time, so he continued walking towards Yantu Mountain without resting.

When seeing these water elves, Terrance felt a little fond and sad.

Hunting Swallowtail is actually not the first elf in Old Green House. When Terrance came to Old Green House, Grandma Oran had an elf by her side, but that Shui Yibu was too old. grew up, and died shortly after.

As a result, Grandma Oran was seriously ill.

When an old buddy who has been with me for decades passes away, no matter who it is, it will be sad.

“Ah~~~” With a long sigh, Terrance somewhat hated the feeling of separation between life and death.

Looking at the little life that is about to be born in his hands, Terrance doesn’t know what it will be like decades later.

However, now is not the time to think so far.

The blue cotton bird has not yet been born, and a great future is waiting for them to develop~Soverse.com~ Holding the fairy egg, Terrance looked forward to the birth of a little life.

“After crossing these thorns, you should be able to climb Yantu Mountain, right?”

Ting Shu continued to move forward. He recalled Master Shengzong’s words that some directions may be blocked by thorns, but in the wild, he would rather cross the difficult thorny road than take the rocky road.


Ting Shu has already prepared a knife. There are obviously traces of people living here. The road is still easy to walk. Did not get out of this thorn.

Stopped, Terrance planned to rest here for the night. In this environment, obviously no elves lived in this kind of place, so it was relatively safe.

On the first night spent here, Terrance felt very lonely.

It was different in the past, this time the hunting swallowtail was not by his side, the cold and dark night sky stimulated Terrance’s perception all the time, it was the first time living alone in the wild, to be honest, Terrance didn’t like this kind of thing very much I feel that human beings live in groups, and the more people there are, the more at ease they will feel. Maybe it’s because Terrance has just set off for a trip, and he is still a little uncomfortable with this situation.

At night, although this place is under the volcano, it is very different from the scorching heat during the day, and a trace of coolness still surges into the heart of Terrance. Hug and fall asleep, and use your own body temperature to give the elf egg a comfortable environment.

This assessment can also be said to be Terrance’s own experience. It will last for a month in total. This time is not too long for any trainer, but for this indescribable strangeness, Terrance couldn’t help clicking his tongue. This feeling of being completely out of the crowd, which is different from traveling, is really not very pleasant.


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