Pokémon Court Chapter 17: Full marks


Ting Shu has already reasoned about the composition of the potion, and there should be no mistakes.

Ting Shu also knows the twenty different fruit materials in front of him.

For Terracotta, more than half of the problems have been solved, and this assessment is no longer difficult for him.

Next, it is only necessary to analyze the burning of the walking grass.

Different elves, different tricks, different environments, and different berries may even cause the walking grass to burn. Knowing the true condition of the walking grass will greatly guide the direction of treatment.

Solution does not mean perfection. What Terrance wants to do is to solve it as perfectly as possible.

That is, the pursuit of full marks.

“It’s interesting, but it shouldn’t be wrong.” When Terrance murmured, his mind was thinking quickly, and then his eyes showed a bright light.

At this moment, without any hesitation, he picked up a red berry with his right hand, and directly peeled the skin with the knife next to it.

“It seems that he has found a solution.” Mikri on the other side did not act in a hurry, as if everything was sure of success.

In fact, all the assessors have already moved at this time, and most of them have found their way.

Even if there are some differences, they are all ways to relieve the burning.

As for whose effect is better, it needs to be judged by the final assessment results.

There was silence all around, only the assessors were busy, berries, leaves, medicinal materials, pollen and various things were combined in their hands.



“Guess, how many people will pass the assessment in this session.”

As for the proctors here, they also gathered together to comment on the examiners of this year.

“About seven or eight?” someone said.

“I’m looking forward to the results of those two people.” The one who spoke was Qiao Yiling, who was in charge of Terrance’s first exam.

“Oh, those two little guys are really amazing, but I’m more optimistic about Mikri.”

“The three of them are not simple. If you guessed correctly, the top three this time is very likely to be produced by the three of them.”

Finally, the person in charge said: “That kid named Terrance is said to be recommended by Master Shengzong to take part in the assessment, and Qiao Yichun is a student of Master Shengzong.”

These words startled the unsuspecting invigilator immediately.

“So that’s the case. No wonder you have such outstanding abilities at such a young age. It turns out that it has something to do with Master Shengzong.”

The invigilator observed the examiners, and the time passed bit by bit, and soon, more than half of the time had passed.

“Almost done.”

Ting Shu is grinding with a wooden stick. He knows all the herbs on the table. This feeling makes Terrance feel very emotional. He thinks that the pharmacology of his combination is the most perfect.

“After reading so many books, it really is beneficial.” Terrance shook his head, and his hands became faster.

As time went by, Terrance didn’t feel the slightest effort, on the contrary, his movements were smooth and smooth, and finally, with a snap, he stopped.


Looking at the blue paste-like object in front of him, although it is not beautiful, Terrance is convinced that it has a great effect on the burning of walking grass.

Ting Shu took a deep breath, smeared the blue ointment on the walking grass, and then raised his hand.

“That kid is done!!”

Tingshu is not the first one to complete it, but he is not slow. There is no need to wait for the assessment time to end, and the invigilator can check the completion first.

The invigilators of the examination questions are completely clear about it. To be able to become an invigilator, their own level is at least an intermediate trainer. The knowledge that appears in the assessment of a junior trainer is obviously not difficult for them. .

“Let me do it.” Qiao Yiling, who had been staring at Xiaochun and Terrance, walked over and began to help Terrance check.

At this moment, the time is almost ten minutes.

Seeing Qiao Yiling approaching, Terrance also gave up his position. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yiling picked up the walking grass and observed its condition.

Not long after, she put down the walking grass, and then took a deep look at Terrance.

“Congratulations, good grades.”

He was smiling, obviously Terrance’s grades satisfied her.

“Does that count as passing?” Terrance asked.

“Not yet. The rest of the ointment you made still needs to be inspected by other invigilators. I’m just doing the first judgment to prevent accidents when walking.” She said with a smile, “The final score, Will post when everyone is done.”

“I see,” Terrance nodded, and looked around. At this time, Xiaochun also finished. Mikoli was a little earlier than him. More than ten minutes passed, and now it’s time for the assessment The final stage.

Without Terrance or anything else, he began to wait quietly. A few minutes passed quickly, and the assessment was over.

The other assessors were anxiously waiting for the result, but Terrance and the others were very leisurely.

Walking towards Xiaochun, Terrance could hear the inferences of the examiners, some of them were very strict~Soverse.com~but there were also strange answers.

For example, burns caused by ghost fires, burns caused by flames…

“Is it the burn caused by the strong sunlight?” As soon as he met Terrance, Xiao Chun couldn’t wait to express her inference.

“That’s right.” Same as Terrance’s answer, the burn caused by the medicine on the walking grass is at least 99% similar to that of a sunny day.

Hearing that Terrance gave the same answer, Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief. Although she was very confident in herself, she still wanted to confirm it with Terrance.

“It seems that you all played well.” At this time Mikri also came over and said to the two with a smile.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Based on the results of the written test of the three of them, naturally there is not much problem in the second test. Next, they just need to wait for the final result to be released.

The review speed of the invigilator was also very fast, without keeping them waiting for a long time, the middle-aged man in charge had already walked over with the list.

“Next, I will promote the passers of this assessment.”

“A total of ten people, respectively—”

“Miccoli, 100 points!”

“Joe Chun, 100 points!”

“Ting Shu, 100 points!”

Ten people were read, from high to low, there was one with a score of 98, and the lowest was 87, and the rest were all unqualified with a score of less than 85.

“Full marks.” Hearing the result, Terrance heaved a sigh of relief. Now, he is also a breeder!

Four years of hard work were not in vain after all, he really wanted to announce the good news to everyone in Ancient Green House, but now is not the best time.

Junior cultivators are not enough, far from representing anything, Terrance understands that he still has a long way to go, to be promoted to intermediate, even advanced, and even pursue the throne of top master!


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