Super Dimensional Wizard: The second thousand eight hundred and sixty-sixth emptiness


Soon, Angel arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

The exposed part of the stairs is not high, there are only three floors in total, about six meters. Its shape is a spiral staircase made of steel-glass structure, and the glass on the fence is gorgeously painted, which is a typical church style.

“This revolving staircase also came along with it when the reflected space was solidified. In reality, it should be connected to a certain church, but the scope of mirror reflection is limited, and the church was not reflected together.”

“It’s a waste to put the ladder here, so Erbao and I made some changes to it.”

While speaking, Geng Gui walked up the stairs.

Without hesitation, Angel also followed.

When reaching the third floor, the stairs no longer go up, but a parallel carved floor path appears, which extends into the mist. From the stepped platform where Angor was on, at a glance, he couldn’t see the situation at the end.

“This is part of the transformation of the ladder.”

“Turn this staircase into an extended corridor, which can pass through the boundary of the space in the mirror, and finally arrive at the special space where the sweet dream is.”

“As for more transformations, after you go in, you will see… By the way, I forgot to tell you, there is nothingness in front of you.”

No void? Angel was stunned for a moment, it was the first time he had heard of this name.

Since “void” is used as the suffix, it is considered a kind of void?

Angel was about to ask Geng Gui, but he saw that it had already walked into the mist and stretched out. Looking at the floating fog, Angel hesitated a little, but finally chose to follow.

As soon as he entered the fog, Angel felt the familiar oppressive feeling of “submerged in quicksand” again.

This slight discomfort lasted for half a minute, and when the oppressive feeling disappeared, Angel had already walked out of the previous space inside the mirror and came to a strange place.

This strange land is extremely vast, no matter where you look in any direction, including the sky and the ground, you can’t see the end.

Anger has only encountered this feeling of being in the void.

But insisting that this place is empty space is a little different.

Because the void is pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers. Therefore, traveling in the void often requires enduring this endless darkness and boundless loneliness.

The biggest difference between this place and the void is that it is not dark here. Above is a dark high sky that cannot be seen from the top, and although the bottom cannot be seen below, it is extremely bright.

Moreover, this kind of light does not have a clear and single source of light like the sun and moon in reality.

The light here is what Angor can see below, and it is covered by endless brilliance.

It’s like the void below, every inch and every place is emitting light without any dead ends.

In contrast, the dark void above seems to be supported by the huge light source below, and the air corridor where Angel is located happens to be on the middle line between black and white, so there is a little bit here. It doesn’t feel dark either.

“Here is the emptiness and emptiness you mentioned? Is this also considered emptiness?” When Angel asked the previous question, his eyes were on Geng Gui; but when he asked the next question, he unconsciously looked down That bright place.

Geng Gui nodded: “Yes, this is the void of emptiness. It is also the place where you must come to travel through the mirror spaces of the mirror domain. In a broad sense, it is actually similar to the concept of void. “

Geng Gui gave an example: Think of this place as the sea, and each mirror space is a fixed island above the sea. If you want to reach each island, you must travel through the “sea”.

Angel: “Did you come up with these words yourself?”

Geng Gui scratched the hair on his head with some embarrassment: “No, it was what Master Juggernaut said. I just repeated what Master Juggernaut said.”

Angel smiled, didn’t say anything, but pointed to the glowing void below and asked: “Where is there? There is also a void of nothingness?”

“Yes, there is also the void of emptiness, but it belongs to the most special place of emptiness of emptiness.”

“It is… the sea of ​​empty mirrors.”

When Angel heard the name “Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors”, he was stunned for two seconds. Although he had heard about the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors from Laplace, Aidanis, and the Master of the Wise before, Angel always felt that the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors was far away from him, and it belonged to a known but unverifiable geographic term.

It is like the “source world”, knowing its existence, but will not touch it for a short time.

So, when Angel learned that the famous Sea of ​​Mirrors was below, he felt a sense of dislocation between time, space and cognition.

He thought that the sea of ​​empty mirrors was still far away from him, but he didn’t expect to meet him so unexpectedly.

On the other side, Geng Gui saw that Angel had been looking at the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, thinking that Angel was worried about the danger of the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors. So he said: “Sir, there is no need to worry. Although the sea of ​​empty mirrors is also in the void, it is actually far away from us and will not affect this place.”

“Besides, this place belongs to the edge of the mirror field, the sea of ​​empty mirrors is not active, and the tumbling tide is relatively gentle, so it cannot reach the air corridor where we are.”

Angel was not intimidated by the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, after all, it is difficult to feel its horror if you have never experienced it.

However, some details in Geng Gui’s words made Angel a little curious.

“According to what you mean, where the sea of ​​empty mirrors is active, the tide will be very high?”

Geng Gui nodded: “Yes, if there is a large piece of broken reflection space in a certain area in the sea of ​​empty mirrors, it will cause a tidal disaster, and if the tidal disaster erupts in an all-round way, it can even pervade the silence of the uppermost layer.” There is no void.”

“However, this is the outskirts of the mirror domain, where the rules of the mirror domain are the strongest. Don’t worry about a strong tide.”

Having said that, Angor was still a little shocked when he heard the catastrophe that could fill the entire void.

It’s no wonder that when the wise master introduced the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, he said that the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors was the most terrifying disaster in the mirror world, not one of them.

In the following time, as they walked forward, Geng Gui continued to introduce the sea of ​​empty mirrors.

The reason why the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors emits bright light is because there are a lot of mirror reflections in the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, and most of the realistic images reflected by these reflections are during daytime. After all, on a dark night, there are very few things that can be reflected.

Because of this, a large number of daytime pictures are scattered in the sea of ​​empty mirrors, and they emit light independently, which makes the sea of ​​empty mirrors a source of light sources.

After talking about the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, Geng Gui went back to the air corridor.

Geng Gui: “In fact, we can travel directly in the void. Generally, we won’t get lost, and we don’t need this kind of air corridor. But for the safety of the master, Erbao and I discussed it and built this Air corridor.”

“During the construction process, Erbao and I were always worried that there would be creatures in the mirror attacking, but in the end there were no creatures in the mirror. I think it’s because this is the edge of the mirror field.”

Angel: “Don’t the creatures in the mirror like to come to the edge of the mirror field? Isn’t the space here very stable?”

After Angel stepped into the void, he was always vigilant. Because, according to the information he got, the phenomenon of birth and death of space occurs all the time in the mirror domain.

The birth and death of space will not only cause a devastating blow to the interior of the space, but also affect the surrounding area. If there is a mirror space hidden around it, and it is in the state of birth and death, that one is unlucky, and it may be torn apart by the birth and death of the space.

So, Angel was very careful along the way. But to his surprise, this air corridor has traveled more than half, but there is no accident.

“Accident” can be called “accident” because the probability is small and unexpected. Therefore, Angel did not think it was unusual that there was no accident this time.

What surprised him was that the corridor in the sky showed no signs of repair at all.

According to Geng Gui, the air corridor was built hundreds of years ago. According to Angel’s thinking, several accidents should occur in hundreds of years, causing damage or even destruction of the air corridor.

Strangely, not once.

This also means that this neighborhood may be safer than Angel imagined?

After having this conjecture, Angel took the initiative to use his mental power to investigate the surrounding space. The result of the investigation is not surprising… the nearby space is indeed very stable.

It doesn’t look like there has been a sign of space birth and death.

If this area is stable, then according to what Laplace said before, the creatures in the mirror should also flock to it.

But the reality is that Angel traveled all the way and never encountered any mirror creatures.

In addition, the air corridor has not been damaged, Angel is almost certain that this area should be a rare utopia in the mirror field.

For mirror creatures looking for survival, why not come here?

For this question, Geng Gui gave a clear answer: “Because the cohesion here is very weak.”

Geng Gui paused, and then said: “Master Juggernaut once guessed that the concentration of cohesion power should be related to the activity of the sea of ​​empty mirrors. The sea of ​​empty mirrors outside the mirror domain is not very active, and the concentration of cohesion power Not strong.”

“The creature in the mirror is very dependent on cohesion. Even if you know that the periphery of the mirror field is safe, but it is not a last resort, the creature in the mirror will not go to the periphery to solidify the space.”

Angel: “Then why is your space solidified on the periphery of the mirror field? It is also for the convenience of the wise master to enter and exit?”

Geng Gui shook his head: “That’s not true. The spaces of me, Erbao, and Xiaobao are all solidified on the periphery, because we don’t rely much on cohesion. In reality, we can also absorb primitive magic power to practice .”

“It’s the mother who has a much higher need for cohesion than us. However, with the help of the goddess, the mother can stay on the periphery for a long time without worrying about problems.”

Angel nodded understandingly. When Laplace mentioned the one-eyed family before, he said that they are very special. They not only have the characteristics of creatures in the mirror, but also have the nature of the material world.

This allows them to travel between the mirror domain and the real world, maximizing their benefits.

However, the one-eyed family is not all advantages. For example, although they can absorb the original magic power to practice, the energy system is still in the cohesive power system, which also causes them to go to the mirror field to advance when they advance.

In addition, they have the nature of the material world, taking the lead in the real world, and at the same time lose the special talent of the creatures in the mirror: the time body.

Even though they can solidify the reflected images, memories and spaces, they cannot be used to construct the time body.

In general, there are gains and losses. Perhaps this is also a special kind of check and balance?

After walking for about half a minute, the air corridor ushered in a fork in the road.

Angel was a little surprised. He thought that this corridor would lead directly to the location of Sweet Dreams, but to his surprise, there was a fork in the air corridor.

Geng Gui: “This fork in the road can lead to Xiaobao’s territory.”

Angel suddenly realized that this corridor can also be used as a guide for visiting.

In this way, don’t You Nu and Er Bao also have branches in this corridor?

After hearing this, Geng Gui shook his head: “My mother did solidify a space before, which was connected to the air corridor. However, the space that my mother solidified recently is about to collapse because it has contained too much filth from the underground waterway. In order not to If it affects the air corridor, it will actively cut off the access to the air corridor.”

“As for the second treasure, its solidified space is often replaced, and it can be maintained for several years. It often changes once a month or two. According to it, it is to exercise cohesion, and because the replacement The number of solidification spaces is too frequent, so it is not connected to the air corridor.”

Angel understands You Nu’s situation. But in the case of one eye and two treasures, it’s a bit…unique.

However, Angel was too lazy to delve into it.

Whether it is Laplace or the wise man, they all have the same judgment on the one-eyed and two treasures: they have a deep personality, have a city, and have unknown abilities.

This kind of guy who likes to make himself mysterious either has real skills or fake skills. The second treasure is obviously the former.

For those with real skills, Angel will still be cautious.

Since Erbao has no interest relationship with him, there is no need to conflict with it. As for how not to conflict? It’s very simple, just don’t bother with it.

“Then there are only three places to go in this air corridor?”

They are the solidified spaces of Dabao and Xiaobao, and a special space where sweet dreams are hidden.

Angel’s question actually implied that: Since there are only these three destinations, is it worth spending a lot of time to transform such an air corridor?

Geng Gui shook his head: “No, besides these three, there is another fork in the road.”

When Angel was about to ask where the fork in the road led to, he saw a new fork in the air corridor.

And this branch road extends diagonally downward.

Because the light below was too bright, Angel couldn’t see where the fork in the road led. But looking down, one could see the fork gradually becoming a black spot, showing how deep it had sunk.

It’s like going straight to the sea of ​​empty mirrors.

“This fork in the road is what I call the fork in the road, and it is also the main reason why we built this air corridor.”

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