Super Dimensional Wizard: The second thousand eight hundred and sixty-fifth unlock the new world


“What’s your plan? Are you planning to go with me, or continue to rest in the bracelet?” Angel looked at Dan Gross: “Even if Guisi said that the space is still stable, but the mirror domain is another world after all. , who can guarantee certain safety? So, my suggestion is…”

Before Angel finished speaking, Dangros said first: “I’m going!”

After speaking, Dan Gross paused for a moment, then turned his palms to look at Angel who was squinting at him. It hesitated again, and stammered: “I, I actually just want to see more of the world, you, you, didn’t you promise me?”

“Most importantly, aren’t we together?”

What Dangros wants to express is: we can be partners.

And to Angel’s ears, the meaning became: Didn’t you promise that Mr. Ma Gu would protect me?

Anger pondered for a moment, then looked at Dangros’s persistent expression, and finally shrugged: “Then follow.”

After speaking, Angel looked at Geng Gui: “Can we go now?”

Geng Gui: “Yes.”

Angel nodded and said nothing more, but stretched out his hand and slowly reached towards the mirror.

With the touch of a finger, ripples like water ripples were set off on the dark and smooth mirror surface. Continue to stretch forward, you can feel a little bit of hindrance, but it’s like a layer of soft quicksand, which doesn’t cause discomfort.

For those who are about to step into the mirror field, unlock a new world. Angel was calm on the surface, but he was actually a little nervous inside.

Although he has been to the mirror image space created by Mirror Resentment, it was only transformed by the ability of Mirror Resentment, not the Mirror Realm.

This time, it was Angel’s first official step into the Mirror Realm.

With a slightly apprehensive mood, Angel walked into the mirror slowly.

When the whole body enters, the feeling is the same as before, as if being wrapped in sand, there is a certain squeezing feeling, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation that cannot be breathed.

This feeling doesn’t last long, about twenty seconds or so.

When all the discomfort faded away, Angel had already appeared in a strange space full of light.

Undoubtedly, this is the mirror domain…or in other words, the periphery of the mirror domain.

Anger didn’t pay attention to the surrounding environment for the time being, but closed his eyes to perceive his own situation.

Last time, when Angel went to the abyss, he could clearly feel that the magic source in the thinking space had become stagnant, and the use of magic power also had a sense of delay.

But this time it was normal. There was no problem with the operation of the magic vortex, and the surrounding space was still filled with primitive magic.

However, Angel still noticed that although there is a lot of original magic power in this space, it is not only the original magic power, but also many different types of energy.

These energies are very mixed, Angel can currently perceive dozens of them.

Among them, the energies that Angel has known and come into contact with include: the power of the void, the power of the abyss, the power of thoughts, and the power of demons.

The power of the void and the power of the abyss are just general terms given by Angel, which contain many kinds of power. For example, the power of the abyss includes the power of demon gods, the power of demons, the breath of the ancients, the breath of layers of abyss… and so on.

The power of mind and the power of demons are specific energies. Mind power corresponds to the mind master in the cold world. Even though Angel has never fought against the mind master, he has seen mind power items in the research and development institute.

The power of the demon corresponds to the power contained in Ermi’s body.

From this point of view, the energy of the mirror field seems to be a hodgepodge. Does the energy of any world exist?

Angel thought about it, but he understood. After all, the mirror field actually belongs to a special world, covering all the worlds that the mirror surface touches, so it is normal to have the energy of these worlds.

However, although the mirror field has energies from other worlds, the most mainstream, about 60% or more, is actually a kind of energy that Angel does not know the name of.

This kind of energy… Angel has a vague sense of familiarity.

He felt a similar power in Jing Ji, Aidanis, Olao, and even Jing Yuan. But it’s just similar, not exactly the same.

Just like the power of demons has many different branches, the fire attendant is good at setting fire, the winter troll is good at freezing, the shadow demon is good at hiding… and so on.

There are differences in the power of even the same type of demon: the fire demon, the fire demon, the young fire demon, the lava troll, this series of fire demons, in fact, the power of the flame demons manipulated Same.

So, Angel guessed that the energy that occupies the most mainstream in the mirror domain should be related to the “mirror”. And this kind of energy, the branches should be very complicated. The mirror girl and mirror resentment he is familiar with are obviously two different mirror system energies.

Similar to Mirror Domain, there is also Quest World.

The power of the soul in the world of Quest occupies the main position, and it accounts for about 80%. However, according to Nice, there are still other types of energy in the world of Quest.

This is probably the unique characteristic of the special world, where mainstream energy and multiple energy coexist.

However, then again, the Nightmare Realm can be regarded as a special world, but in Sanders’ Nightmare Research Report, it is clearly recorded that the power of the Nightmare Realm accounts for more than 90%, and it is the absolute dominant force .

In many places, there is only the power of the nightmare world.

This is a bit different…

The specific reason is not clear to Angel, but because of the difference between the Nightmare Realm and other special worlds, not many wizards dare to go deep into the Nightmare Realm.

This includes source worlds as well.

The in-depth studies of the Nightmare Realm are one after another, but most of the research topics are written based on very little information, and there are almost no ones that really go deep into the Nightmare Realm.

Aside from the energy exploration of the special world, there is another very important reason for Angel to close his eyes: to perceive the wilderness of dreams.

At first, Angel thought that the mirror field might be the same as the abyss, unable to perceive the wilderness of dreams.

But the result was slightly different from what he had imagined.

——Can perceive, but the perception effect is not satisfactory.

If you want to use a metaphor, when Angel was in the Southern Territory, it was very easy to perceive the Wilderness of Dreams, as if there was a door in front of him anytime, anywhere, and when he opened the door, he could reach the Wilderness of Dreams.

And here, although Angel can vaguely perceive the wilderness of dreams, this feeling is no longer a “door”, but a strand of hair that seems to exist.

Through this “hair”, Angel can know that the Wilderness of Dreams still exists and has not been destroyed.

But you can also know this.

Want to enter the wilderness of dreams through “hair”? impossible.

The power tree in the thinking space is also dimmed at this time, only the power tree itself emits an extremely faint gleam. The condensed brilliance of other powers is dimmed to the point of being almost extinguished.

Angel could perceive the situation in the Wilderness of Dreams through the power tree before, but now, there is no other way.

In other words, although he can vaguely perceive the existence of the Wilderness of Dreams, it is actually no different from not being able to perceive it.

However, there is no difference in the results, but there is a situation worth studying: Why can’t the wilderness of dreams be perceived in the abyss, but the mirror field can perceive it?

Because the mirror domain is a special world, so it also has special treatment? Or in other words, he obtained the core power of the power tree, so that even if he is no longer in the wizarding world, he can still vaguely perceive the wilderness of dreams?

Based on the current information, Angel has no way to draw a conclusion. However, this is a topic worth studying.

When Angel came to the mirror field, he closed his eyes and said nothing. Neither Dangros nor Geng Gui bothered him.

It wasn’t until Angel opened his eyes that Geng Gui said, “Mr. Angel, this is the Mirror Domain.”

Angel looked at the black ball floating in mid-air in front of him, and the name in his mind automatically changed again: “Is this your real body in the mirror field? Ghost?”

“…The form is not important, is it?” Geng Gui said.

Angel: “It’s really not important, but different forms have different names, ghost.”

“I can change into any shape.” As he spoke, Geng Gui began to swell and grow limbs.

Angel: “Well, here are a pair of ears, and the eyes turn light red… Your hands are too long, so make them shorter, you don’t need to have such strong muscles, just round and fat A few more hairs on the head, very good.”

Looking at the brand-new Dabao, Angel could finally call out with peace of mind this time: “Geng Gui, you are doing well.”

“Thank you…thank you?” Geng Gui subconsciously wanted to thank him, but he realized as soon as he said the words, why did he want to thank Angel? Obviously it was matching Angel’s performance.

When Geng Gui doubted himself, Angel began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a relatively bright space.

The entire space is about a hundred meters square, and the edge of the space is not a wall, but an illusory mist.

The top of the head is the same, full of floating mist.

But it is worth mentioning that what you are stepping on is not fog, but solid masonry ground.

The bricks are cut into irregular shapes, and the effect is quite aesthetic.

Besides the brick floor, there are two most noteworthy places in the whole space: street lamps and unknown stairs.

The street lights are on the brick road, and there are rows of street lights. The structure of the street lamp is rather unremarkable, black metal stakes, topped with a semi-closed square glass lampshade, and the outside of the lampshade is a white grid.

The only thing that surprised Angel was that these street lamps were gas lamps.

The metal stakes are both lampposts and gas pipelines.

The sound of airflow coming from the inside of the lamp post, and the sound of tick-tock liquid collision, all indicate that the street lamp is now in operation.

This is why this space is bright.

Because all the street lights are running, the light is very bright, even if the head is covered with white fog, there is no sense of confusion, everything is like daytime.

It’s just that this seemingly ordinary scene made Angel wonder: where does this gas come from?

Under the earth? Or, does the Mirror Region have a special place for gas supply?

Angel thought about it, but still felt that it was impossible.

At this time, Geng Gui seemed to see Angel’s doubts, and took the initiative to explain: “Everything here comes from a corner of a certain city outside that is reflected on the mirror. When it is reflected, the lights are on. Yes, it will always be on when it reappears…until this space completely collapses, the light will go out.”

“It sounds a bit like…” Nightmare Realm.

It’s just that the Nightmare Realm not only reflects reality, but is higher than reality.

Angel pointed to the upward staircase at the end of the streetlight: “Is this staircase also a reflection of the outside world?”

Geng Gui nodded: “Yes, but with Er Bao’s help, I modified the ladder a little bit.”

Angel: “Reform?”

Geng Gui: “Yes, you can go and see for yourself later, sir. After all, you are going to the place where Sweet Dream is, and you have to climb this ladder.”

Angel didn’t say anything, but let Geng Gui lead the way.

Geng Gui nodded, and while leading Angel forward, he briefly introduced this mirrored space.

Angel also took this opportunity to inquire about the unique energy in the mirror field.

In Geng Gui’s narration, Angel finally knew the name of this energy that dominates the Mirror Domain.

—Aggregate energy.

This name is not the common divisor of all creatures in the mirror domain.

There are also some mirror domain creatures called: Ning Tai and Condensing Tai.

The unique nature of this energy lies in the manipulation of reality relying on the law of the mirror field. To put it simply, it is the transformation and control between virtual and real.

However, most mirror creatures are not very interested in the real world. They care more about the living environment inside the mirror than manipulating the world outside the mirror.

The internal environment of the mirror field is too harsh, and the birth and death of the space is as simple as drinking water.

Therefore, the nature of aggregation energy in the manipulation of virtual and real is used by the creatures in the mirror in the mirror space reflected by condensation.

The creature in the mirror can fix the area reflected outside the mirror in the mirror by manipulating the aggregated energy.

Just like the space where Angel is now, it is a space in the mirror that Geng Gui condenses through cohesion.

After continuous reinforcement, the stability of Geng Gui’s space is quite high. As long as there is no accident, it can last for more than ten years.

Ten years is very short for the lifespan of an extraordinary creature. However, as far as the Mirror Realm is concerned, there is a space that can last for ten years, which is actually quite good.

Moreover, is also because ten years are not long, so if there is an accident…for example, the tidal shattering natural disaster in the mirror domain, causing the space to collapse, Geng Gui will not feel too distressed.

It can be said that this feature of aggregated energy is tailor-made for the creatures in the mirror.

In order to survive and survive for a longer period of time, the creatures in the mirror will continuously absorb the aggregated energy, look for a suitable mirror reflection, and solidify the space.

After listening to Geng Gui’s narration, Angel rubbed his chin and pondered: “Now I kind of understand why you can’t get around the word ‘birth and death’ when you mention the Mirror Domain.”

It is precisely because too much space in the mirror has been solidified that there are so many births and deaths, right?

Moreover, many creatures in the mirror are not strong themselves, and the solidified space may not even be able to carry a small object in reality, which also leads to the birth and death of the mirror field.

No wonder, this kind of extreme birth and death situation is obviously rare in other worlds, but it is common in the mirror field…



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