Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2862 The position of the liberated


Caroline said at this time, the context and general framework of the panic world have been described.

Even if these frameworks are only superficial truths, and a lot of information inside is still conjectured by Caroline, the information that Angel is most concerned about has already been answered.

For example, when Carolyn saw Earl Fan for the first time, she thought it was the Liberator who handed over the control of Earl Fan to Angel. Angor didn’t understand it at the time, but now he finally knows the reason.

The liberated can control the awakened demon by nature, and even the liberated can control the demon.

That’s why Caroline was puzzled and guessed when she saw the Earl fan obediently staying beside Angel.

And the information that “the liberator controls the awakened demon” can also be used to explain the mural that Kael saw.

In the mural, the picture of the butterfly-winged man in the panic world and the awakened demon living in harmony may not be really “harmonious”. It is very likely that the butterfly-winged man is the liberator of the second awakening, and it controls the awakening The devil, this is the only way to ride on it easily, and it looks so peaceful and harmonious.

Of course, it is also possible that the Liberator handed over the control of the awakened demon to the butterfly wing man.

I don’t know which one it is, but it doesn’t matter.

In addition, whether the panic world is barren, the internal contradictions of the Frost Moon Alliance, the forces behind it, etc… These issues have also been explained.

However, “the more you know, the more doubts you have”, this theorem is also very suitable here.

After hearing so much information, Angel had a lot of doubts in his heart.

For example: What is the standpoint of the liberated?

The position of the liberated person determines the overall tone of the panic world, and also determines the wizard’s attitude towards the panic world.

Most importantly, this will also determine the way Angel will deal with some problems of Earle fans in the future.

Angel asked the doubts in her heart. After hearing this, Caroline pondered for a moment, and finally shrugged: “What is the position of the liberated? I can’t give a clear answer.”

“It’s like the wizarding world, everyone actually has their own ideas and positions.” Caroline pointed to the wise man: “It’s like dealing with the current issue of this place, the wise man has his own position , what he cares about is the reappearance of the glory of Naraku City.”

Caroline pointed to herself again: “I also have my own standpoint, what I care about is the triumphant return of Naraku’s hero.”

“My position is different from that of the wise master, but in the process of accomplishing the goal, we can coincide with each other.”

“Also, thoughts will change, and positions will also change.” Caroline looked at Angel and said with a smile: “If you capture my heart, maybe I will give the title ‘Flower of Naraku’ Throw it away, no longer waiting for Naraku, but waiting for you.”

Angel, who was teased and teased, did not change his face, and even maintained a friendly and polite smile. Just taut skin, showing the tension inside him.

Seeing Angor’s serious face, but his skin was taut, Caroline laughed even louder.

However, after teasing, Caroline still replied seriously: “So, when it comes to the issue of position, we can’t look at it one-sidedly. Of course, there is no way to really look at it comprehensively. Who can change the position? There is absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your own position?”

Having said this, Caroline added another proviso.

I saw Caroline suddenly change the subject: “However, I can be sure that when they attacked the wizard city, they must have followed the will of the panic world.”

“Because only the will of the world will be more hostile to the invasion of outsiders, especially invaders who plunder resources. And the wizards of the source world, in the eyes of the world will of the panic world, are the biggest invaders.”

“Otherwise, there is no need for those liberated to attack the wizard city.”

Angel: “The liberated should also need resources, maybe because they think that the arrival of wizards will embezzle their resources?”

Caroline: “Maybe there are such considerations. However, I don’t think liberated people can have such a long-term perspective.”

There are various forces among wizards, organizations, families, guilds and even city-states and countries, so it is relatively easy to unify the will of wizards.

And wizards themselves have a “scholar” side. When considering issues, some will start from themselves, some will start from the organization, and some will start from the long-term development.

Under such a cultural background, wizards understand the meaning of long-term layout.

As for the liberated people, even if their strength becomes stronger, it is difficult for them to have the overall view of a wizard in their cultural background.

Unless the liberated can unite to form a huge force like a wizard organization with a clear division of labor, and then discuss, argue, and argue more and more clearly.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to understand the wizard’s layout in the panic world.

For example, wizards have no colonial mentality towards the panic world, and their attitude is very gentle.

Moreover, wizards in the panic world actually have a pretty good relationship with the local aborigines.

This is actually not difficult to understand. Even though the wizard covets the resources of the panic world, these resources have a natural boundary with the aborigines.

The aborigines are basically ordinary people. The resources they care about are not supernatural resources at all, but the most common resources that allow them to survive.

Supernatural materials may even be poison to ordinary people.

Therefore, ordinary aborigines don’t feel much about supernatural resources being coveted or plundered.

And the emergence of wizards, what can it bring to the aborigines?

Food and safety.

This is the survival resource that the aborigines are most concerned about. Once the safety of life can be guaranteed and there is a steady flow of food, the sustainable development of the population can be maintained, and the explosion of the population can also drive other social initiatives.

The most important thing is that wizards are not like demons, who are in danger of awakening at any time, but wizards will not experience such abnormal changes.

So, from the perspective of ordinary aborigines, wizards bring many benefits, but almost no disadvantages. In other words, they cannot see hidden dangers buried in the distant future.

Even if I saw it, I probably wouldn’t take it too seriously.

The life span of an ordinary person is only a hundred years. After a hundred years, no matter what the flood is.

Even if there are long-lived races in the panic world, they are still a minority. And most of the longevity races, whose flesh and blood are more delicious than ordinary races, are more likely to be targeted by awakened demons, so there are fewer and fewer longevity races, and they are also very confused about the way forward, and they will not have more insight than ordinary people.

So, the immediate interests are what the aborigines in the panic world are most concerned about. And wizards have indeed brought immediate benefits, which naturally makes their relationship with wizards more harmonious.

The same principle can also be used in the abyss. When the wizard went to the abyss, he had a good relationship with the aboriginals of the abyss.

The reason is roughly the same. The enemies of wizards are demons, and the enemies of aboriginals in the abyss are also demons. Wizards can bring abundant survival resources, and what the abyssal aborigines lack most is also survival resources.

With the same goals and access to survival resources, the aborigines naturally don’t dislike wizards too much.

Of course, from the perspective of long-term interests, the plunder of wizards will definitely bring harm to the world.

But what does the world hurt when you can’t get enough to eat?

Because of this, the aborigines will not have too much conflict of interest with wizards. The only thing that really conflicts with wizards is the will of the world.

Therefore, Caroline said that there must be a layer of conformity to the will of the world behind the liberator’s attack on the wizard city, and Angel agrees.

But the will of the world is not an intelligent body, and it is impossible for it to order to attack the wizard city. Therefore, behind the will of the world in the panic world, there may be a force similar to an extreme sect.

They hold high the banner of counterattack, in fact, it is only because the will of the world gave Li Hui.

After getting a general understanding of this answer, Angel thought of another confusion in his heart: “Since the liberators who have been awakened for the second time can restore their conscience, and they can also control the awakened demons, why don’t they control them?” The Awakened Demon, so that the Awakened Demon will not harass the ordinary aborigines in the panic world? Isn’t this the perfect solution to the danger of the Awakened Demon?”

Karoline chuckled lightly: “Recovering their conscience doesn’t mean they are willing to help the aborigines. At the same time, recovering their conscience can’t cover up the wrong things the liberated people have done in the past.”

“You know, the devil, as a guardian, is a heresy in the eyes of the aborigines. Everyone fears and everyone hates it.”

“What about the liberated?”

“The demons are the real guardians before they awaken. They are like knights, and they abide by a rule: they will never point their weapons at the aborigines.”

“The liberators have really pointed their guns at the aborigines, even their close relatives and friends! How do you think the aborigines will treat them? Tolerance and acceptance? Impossible.”

“People’s hearts are inherently complicated. What I said is actually only an analysis of the superficial problems. In fact, there are many deeper problems. Therefore, it is difficult for the liberated to help the aborigines sincerely.”

“However, the aborigines were not completely devoured by the demons, and the existence of the liberators is actually a key factor. Only by looking at the problem dialectically can we clarify the logic hidden in the fog.”

After speaking, Caroline looked at Angel: “The question you asked, you can actually understand it if you think about it, so I won’t go into details. Besides, do you have any other questions? “

Angel shook his head. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, these were irrelevant to the overall situation. More of his own curiosity than some pressing problem to be solved.

Angel stopped asking in a timely manner, but Caroline asked curiously: “You asked me about the Panic World, because you want to make it… Earle fans have a second awakening?”

Angel did not deny it: “It is.”

Caroline: “Is it? It sounds like you still want to be a little bit reluctant?”

“It’s more helpless than reluctance.” Angel sighed.

Now it is not a question of whether Angel wants to awaken Earle fans, but Earl fans seem to have a little bit of a precursor to a second awakening.

Earle fans have shown some emotional qualities before.

And this kind of trait should not appear under the control of the twisted seed.

Laplace’s words also prove that Earl fans are indeed heading towards the direction of the second awakening, and Laplace also pointed out the reflection of Earl fans’ hearts.

The subconscious of Earle fans has discovered the key to their second awakening.

—The chaotic embers.

As for the chaotic embers, according to Angel’s current speculation, they should point to Mr. Boiling.

After clarifying this matter, Angel began to hesitate in his heart.

Would you like to help Earl fans to undergo a second awakening? After Earmi awakened and became a liberator, could the twisted seed still control him? In other words, with Angel’s character, will he still control Earl’s fans?

This is just the most superficial question. There are still many choices that Angel needs to consider and make a serious decision.

For example, the position of Earle fans.

Earl fans have saved him many times. If there is a chance, Angel is also willing to help Earl fans to advance. However, after Earl fans become liberated, then it is necessary to consider its position.

And this is just a handful of the many problems.

The problem of Earle fans, the problem of Boiling Gentleman, the problem of the nightmare world… all kinds of problems affect the whole body.

Because of this, when Angel thinks of Earl’s second awakening, he feels a little headache and feels helpless at the same time.

“I don’t know why you are helpless. However, whether Earl fans can become liberators is a hypothetical question, and if you want to awaken again, there is a high probability that you will go to the panic world.”

“It’s too early to go to the panic world with your current strength.”

“So, in a short period of time, you can actually put these troubles aside temporarily.”

Caroline’s comfort is normal thinking. However, what she didn’t know was that Angel already had a clue to Earl’s second awakening, and what he was worried about was whether to do it or not? And what will happen if you do it.

However, Angel could not say these things, and could only hide them in his heart.

Caroline suddenly thought of something, and smiled: “Again, I really want to know, if you really have a way to get to this point in the future and make Earle fans become liberators, will you really do so?” Do you?”

Angel: …This is not something he will consider in the future, he is considering it now.

Because Angel has already started to think about it, he feels helpless and entangled now.

Seeing Angel’s silence for a long time, Caroline was not annoyed, and said in a low voice, “You don’t need to answer my question. The reason I asked this question is just to let you think about it in advance.”

After being silent for a moment, Angel asked softly, “If you were Ms. Caroline, what choice would you make?”

Caroline covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: “You are quite slippery, just rubbing up the pole.”

“However, for the sake of liking you, I can tell you about my choice.”

After a pause, Caroline said: “I mentioned it at the very beginning. To me, the world of panic is a gloomy world. It is full of sadness, and even those who are liberated cannot escape from this world.” A dark shade.”

“The liberated people say it is liberated, but it is still just an expectation.”

“So, if it were me, I would rather let it remain as an awakened demon. Crazy, cruel, cold and ruthless, at least it is an extreme color in the dark world.”

“Since you are ruthless, then simply be ruthless to the end.”

It wouldn’t hurt if Caroline just said her choice But the sentence added later began to have a tendency to violent.

To be completely ruthless is to go to another extreme: a world of complete darkness.

In the dark world, people are more sad, but in the dark world, they lose their lives.

However, Angel also understands why Caroline has such an idea.

Just like a wise man ruled this behavior, he helped Angel, not because he wanted to get something from Angor, but more because he hoped that Angel, the “odd number”, would break the underground waterway that lasted ten thousand years. years of stalemate.

Caroline’s words coincide with the idea of ​​a wise man to some extent.

Instead of letting the darkness keep covering the world, let’s simply create more complete darkness in the darkness, to see if it can become a variable that subverts the status quo of the panic world.

If it were Angel, even if he chose to let Earl stay in the stage of awakening the devil instead of becoming a liberator, his reason would never be Caroline’s idea.


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