Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2861 Stupid rankings


“When Caroline died, the curtain of the Frost Moon Alliance had already been rolled out, and it had been hundreds of years to conquer the planes.” The wise master replied for Caroline: “Although we will not leave the underground waterway, However, information from the outside world will still be collected regularly.”

So, Caroline knows about the Frost Moon Alliance.

Caroline: “When I was alive, I rarely paid attention to the affairs of the Southern Territory, but from the magazines and periodicals given to me by the wise man, I also know a lot of stupid things that the Southern Territory has done for nearly ten thousand years.”

Angel: …Stupid thing? The focus is really amazing.

Caroline: “I can sort out no less than a hundred stupid things that have had a major impact on the course of history. Among them, the incident of the ‘Frost Moon Alliance’ can at least be ranked in the list of stupid things Top 50 on the list.”

Angel: “Why?”

Although Angor doesn’t like the Frost Moon Alliance very much, it has to be affirmed that the Frost Moon Alliance has brought great benefits to the Southern Territory in terms of conquering the barrenness of the plane. Otherwise, why does everyone know that capturing the descendants of the demon **** has a great impact, but His Excellency Meng Qi raised his arms, and the major wizard organizations would still send people to follow him to the abyss. is extremely rich.

Of course, there are also wizards like Rhine and Earl Hei who stand on the top of the Southern Territory. They help Monchi more because they want to see if Monchi’s path is right, so as to learn from it.

However, this is still a very small minority.

More importantly, they still value the benefits brought by the Frost Moon Alliance. Whether it’s the bonus of conquering the wilderness, or the resting point of the outpost on the front line of the abyss, it will be of great help to the wizards of the southern region.

Look at Sanders for a glimpse.

During his apprenticeship period, Sanders spent 70% of his time not staying in the barbaric cave, but following the Frost Moon Alliance’s wasteland conquest team to reclaim various worlds.

Even if he became a wizard, Sanders would occasionally help the Frost Moon Alliance. Like, when Sanders used his witchcraft garden to help the Frost Moon Alliance smuggle some alien creatures; also, sitting in the stronghold city in the abyss, etc…

These are not necessarily what Sanders is willing to do. The reason why he does not refuse is mainly because of the profit, and the benefit that Sanders received from the Frost Moon Alliance’s famine expedition team is quite large.

So, even though Angel doesn’t like the Frost Moon Alliance very much, he can dialectically view the value of its existence.

If you want to say this is a stupid thing… Angel disagrees.

Caroline: “I know what you think in your heart. The Plane Desolation of the Frost Moon Alliance has indeed injected new power into the wizarding world of the Southern Region. However, everything can’t be seen on the surface. Without the Frost Moon Alliance, wouldn’t you Won’t you go to conquer the wasteland?”

“Also, the Frost Moon Alliance is essentially a group of abandoned children to keep warm.”

Abandoned children report to the group to keep warm? What does this statement seem to mean? Angel looked at Caroline suspiciously, hoping for an answer from Caroline.

Caroline said indifferently: “Abandoned children means that they have been put on the table before. But who can put them on the table?”

Anger: “A stronger organization?”

Caroline: “That’s right. However, this more powerful organization does not exist in the Southern Territory, but in the Source World.”

“To put it bluntly, the many wizard organizations in the Frost Moon Alliance were pawns of certain forces in the world, or in their own words, they were called agents.”

“The vast majority of organizations in an alliance are pawns of the past and discarded pieces of the present. It sounds interesting, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are endless troubles.”

Caroline: “Since they are pawns, they cannot all be of the same color. That is to say, when these wizarding organizations were still ‘agents’, there were enemies among them, and they absolutely Most are hostile.”

“Because the channel between the South Territory and the source world was cut off, the pawns became discarded pieces, and now they are forcibly integrated together to form an alliance. It seems that the development is still thriving, but how long can this situation last?”

“As long as the forces behind them return, the hidden dangers within the Frost Moon Alliance will inevitably erupt.”

“This is not a stupid thing, what is a stupid thing?”

“Also, take a closer look. After the establishment of the Frost Moon Alliance, they offered a lot of favorable terms, hoping that more wizarding organizations would join. But take a look, have any large wizarding organizations been merged by them?”

Angel thinks about it carefully, it seems that there are really no such organizations, and they are basically small and medium-sized organizations. However, although these organizations are small, they are allied together, and with the strength of Monchi, even super-large organizations like the Barbaric Cave will shy away.

“Why don’t large organizations join the Frost Moon Alliance? The reason is simple. Large wizard organizations are powerful in themselves, and their existence is not an ‘agent’.”

Angel seemed to have realized something: “Like, behind the Guanxing Church is the Temple of the Prophet?”

Caroline smiled and nodded: “You know a lot. Indeed, behind the Guanxing Church is the Temple of the Prophets.”

“Not only the Guanxing Church, but also your barbaric caves. Although it seems that you are only rooted in the southern region, there are many wizards from the barbaric caves in the source world, and many of them have established forces.”

“If you go to the source world now, as long as you report that you came from the barbaric cave, you will not worry about your future.”

“Your background makes it impossible for you to become agents. Since you have a solid background, why do you need to get involved in the muddy water of the Frost Moon Alliance?”

This is the first time Angel heard that the internal organizations of the Frost Moon Alliance belonged to different forces.

No wonder Caroline called the establishment of the Frost Moon Alliance a stupid thing.

Why do proxies exist? For war, for resources. But now these agents are actually united. Once the forces behind them return to the Southern Region, this hidden danger is indeed not small.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that hidden dangers cannot be avoided at all, the main thing is to see the wisdom of His Excellency Monchi.

After Angel learned some facts about the Frost Moon Alliance, he originally wanted to continue asking about the Panic World. But thinking of the “stupid list” mentioned by Caroline, I felt a little itchy, and couldn’t help asking: “Then what is the number one stupid thing in Ms. Caroline’s mind?”

Caroline: “Of course it’s about cutting off the access between the source world and the southern domain.”

“Hmph, a group of idiots think that cutting off the teleportation array will allow the southern region to develop independently. In fact, it will only marginalize themselves.”

“People from the source world want to come to the Southern Region, even if they don’t use the teleportation array, there are other ways. But conversely, if the Southern Region wants to go to the source world, there is basically no way. Who is this hurting? Not yet Hurt yourself.”

“Just look at how many legends have been born in the Southern Territory after cutting off the channel.”

If Earl Hei was here, he would feel sympathy. His current problem is that he wants to go to the source world, but there is no way.

If the teleportation array still existed, how could the Black Earl be so sad.

Angel’s cognition of this matter is not so caring. The main reason is that he is not eager to go to the source world, and he also has a way to go to the source world.

However, he also understands why Caroline listed this matter at the top of the most stupid list. From a macro point of view, this is indeed a stupid thing that neither harms nor benefits oneself.

Although Angel wanted to continue to ask about other stupid things on the stupid list, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. One gossip is enough, and now is not the time to gossip leisurely.

“Since there are forces from the source world behind the Frost Moon Alliance, is their description of the Panic World in the Record of Desolation also inspired by these forces? Or is the Panic World really as described by the Frost Moon Alliance? So barren?”

Caroline: “I don’t know if it was ordered by the forces behind it. But according to my opinion, it shouldn’t be. It is estimated that there was a deviation in the middle of the information dissemination.”

“However, in this matter, it doesn’t matter whether there is a deviation due to a misunderstanding, or there is really a powerful force behind it. Because, if it were me, I also support the description of the Frost Moon Alliance.”

“The panic world is not barren, but the materials there have a deep imprint on the world.”

The so-called world brand, in simple terms, is: “local characteristics”.

Like the same plant, two completely different varieties will appear due to the different growth environment and climate. This variant is the so-called local characteristic in the local area.

If it is expanded to the world level, it can be understood in this way. The “local characteristics” of the material are heavy, so it is very difficult to transplant.

If the local characteristics are not so important, that is, if there is no deep imprint on the world, it can be improved and planted in other worlds.

There is a very extreme example here: velvet grass.

Velvet Grass is the main material of the Velvet Potion. It is not a native magical plant in the wizarding world, but it can take root in the wizarding world without even needing to be improved.

It is equivalent to saying that the velvet grass has no symptoms of “acclimatization”, which is a typical representative of the world’s imprint.

“How heavy is the world imprint of the panic world? Once the materials there leave the panic world, they will lose their extraordinary power at an extremely fast speed.”

“That is to say, if you want to keep those materials from being greatly affected, you can only spend time in the panic world and process the materials before taking them away.”

The so-called processing means refining materials into semi-finished products like an alchemist, directly and fundamentally eliminating the brand of the world. In this way, taking away these alchemy semi-finished products will not be affected.

Carolyn: “In order to make more efficient use of these materials from the panic world, some wizard forces in the source world are trying to build a city in the panic world.”

When Caroline said this, Angel recalled the picture drawn by Laplace in his mind.

Sorcerer cities rise slowly above the panic world, and a large number of wizards fly towards the city of wizards facing the light. The whole picture is full of epic sense.

These cities are probably what Caroline said, the cities built by the wizards of the source world to use the materials of the panic world.

Caroline: “However, do you know the ending of these wizard cities?”

Angel: “… Something went wrong?”

According to Caroline’s questioning method, Angel could guess without thinking deeply that there must be something wrong with these wizard cities. Either suffered a major change, or simply crashed directly.

Sure enough, Caroline nodded: “All crashed, and countless wizards were killed or injured. Among them, there are no fewer than ten fallen legends.”

As soon as these words fell, not to mention Angel, even the wise master showed a look of surprise.

It is true that there are many wizards in the source world, but there are still very few legendary wizards. It is definitely a huge tragedy for ten people to fall in one fell swoop.

Moreover, the legendary rank includes fourth-level wizards to sixth-level wizards. If there are sixth-level wizards, they are already comparable to some ancients in the abyss.

If legendary wizards were compared to demon gods, ten demon gods would have fallen in this battle.

In the wizarding world of the Southern Region, there is no need for ten demon gods. As long as one demon **** descends, they will encounter a doomsday-like crisis.

It is conceivable how terrible this tragedy in the panic world is.

“Why did you die? Who did it?” The wise ruler couldn’t help asking.

“According to the information I learned from some sources, it was three liberators who besieged the wizard city.” Caroline said.

“Three liberated people? Only three?” The wise master frowned: “If the strength of the liberated people is compared with the practice system of a wizard, how many levels can it reach?”

Caroline: “The liberated is just a title, and it does not quantify strength. As far as I know, the strong among the liberated can reach miracles, and the weak are probably comparable to true knowledge. The three liberated, and It has not reached the level of a miracle, and the reason why it can cause such a large amount of damage is that the liberated person naturally has the ability to control the awakened demon.”

“They controlled countless awakened demons and attacked the wizard’s city. Among the awakened demons, there are many legendary strengths, and there are many powerful monsters mixed in them. Therefore, in the end The wizard side exited disastrously.”

Angel: “Then what happened after this? Didn’t the source world respond to this disaster in the panic world?”

Caroline: “I’m not too clear about the follow-up. However, it is rumored that the source world responded, but in the end it was nothing.”

Angel: “The reason for nothing is…”

Carolyn shook her head: “I don’t know but the reasons are nothing more than those few.”

“My personal guess is that the panic world is no worse than the source world in terms of energy level, and there are also miracles, which form an environment of mutual checks and balances in terms of strength. But the panic world is the home of liberators, wizards It is not so easy to launch an attack.”

“Moreover, the world of panic has always been shrouded in a strange atmosphere. There may be a more powerful manipulator behind them. The wizards of the source world may also be afraid of this, and dare not act rashly. “

The above is just Caroline’s guess, but it’s not true, and she can’t guarantee it.

However, whatever the truth, one thing is certain, the panic world is very dangerous.

It is so dangerous for the wizards in the source world, let alone the wizards in the southern region.

That’s why Caroline said that she would support the Frost Moon Alliance’s “slander” against the panic world. Most wizards are profitless, knowing that the panic world is very barren, so naturally they would not go there.

In this way, there will be no danger.


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