Super Dimensional Wizard: The second thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight can not be found


“Are you planning to go now?” After handing over the key to Angel, the wise master asked.

However, the wise master waited for a long time, but did not wait for Angel’s response.

He looked back suspiciously, but saw that Angel froze for some time, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had fallen into long-term contemplation.

The wise ruler is a little confused. Is there anything wrong with what he said just now? Isn’t it just a normal statement, why is Angel stunned?

The wise master looked at the “dog hole” around him, and wanted to ask Geng Gui for his opinion. Geng Gui seemed to understand what the wise master meant, and said in a low voice: “When the master master said that sweet dreams are stored in the mirror space, , he suddenly did this.”

“Mirror space…so that’s how it is.” The wise ruler seemed to have thought of something, and couldn’t help laughing.

On the other side, it took a long time for Angel to recover from his own thoughts.

But even though he had regained his senses, his frown still did not loosen.

Seeing this, the wise master smiled and said, “Why, are you worried about entering the mirror space?”

Although it was a question, the wise man’s tone was very firm, as if he believed that Angel was worried about entering the mirror space.

After all, the mirror space is in the mirror domain, and the mirror domain is extremely unstable for any life and any object in the material world.

It is very possible that the channel of the mirror will collapse not long after the living person enters. In the end, either get lost in the boundless mirror world, or sink into the sea of ​​empty mirrors and become hollow people.

The wise master patted Angel’s shoulder and said with a smile: “You don’t need to be nervous. Although that place is a mirror space, it belongs to the outermost edge of the mirror domain, and it’s quite stable. You’ll be fine if you go in. Geng Gui’s guidance, even if something goes wrong, can bring you back to reality smoothly.”

Geng Gui also said in a timely manner: “I will ensure the safety of the sir.”

The wise man dominates: “Or, are you worried about Geng Gui?”

Angel quickly waved his hand: “Of course I believe in Geng Gui.”

After a pause, Angel said again: “I was just thinking, is it possible for the sweet dream to be brought to reality?”

“No.” The wise master shook his head: “Or, I don’t have the ability to make sweet dreams come true.”

“I told you before that the sweet dream has no form. It is Laplace’s ability to find and seal it up. Once it is released from the mirror space, it may be scattered directly. It’s very difficult to find it and seal it up.”

“At least I can’t.”

After listening to the wise man’s words, Angel’s brows frowned even tighter. If the wise masters can’t do it, then they probably can’t do it either.

This also means that sweet dreams really cannot be brought into reality…

“That’s troublesome.” Angel murmured subconsciously.

“Why… troublesome?” The wise master looked at Angel suspiciously.

Angel was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: “I originally thought that if it could be brought to reality, I could use some experimental instruments to study it. But if it is in the mirror field, it is estimated that It is difficult for me to conduct in-depth research.”

Before the wise man ruled, he was still puzzled, why he said that the mirror space was safe, but Angel still frowned. Now that I heard Angel’s explanation, I was immediately relieved.

The Wise Master is also an alchemist, and at the same time, he is also a scholar who is keen to study any subject. He understood too well that Angel wanted to study Sweet Dream’s mood.

If it were him, he would also be worried that he would not be able to carry out research in the mirror field. In addition, Angel has touched the mysterious level before, so it is understandable to be eager to break through.

The wise master smiled and said: “You are too worried about this. Don’t worry, you can go in and study directly with the experimental equipment. With the blessing of Laplace, the stability of the mirror space is quite high. The research is no problem.”

“I have also done some research on Sweet Dreams, and all the experimental instruments are operating normally.”

“If you have some research methods that need to make big noise, you can inform Geng Gui, and it will help you judge whether the mirror space can withstand your research intensity.”

Anger pondered for a moment, and said softly: “Then thank you, the wise master, and Geng Gui. But…”

“Even if it can be researched in the mirror space, the rules of the mirror domain are different from reality after all, and it may not be easy to research results.”

The wise master nodded: “You are right. However, the process of research itself is a process of overcoming difficulties. If you can overcome these difficulties, you will naturally get results; if you cannot overcome these difficulties, it means… …It doesn’t match your compatibility, why don’t you study it with another mysterious thing?”

The wise man dominates the last sentence, which is actually a bit of a joke.

It’s just that it’s hard for Angel to laugh.

Anger said that he was worried about the research, but it was actually just a superficial wording. Because the so-called ‘research’ doesn’t exist at all.

The “trouble” he said is something else——

He originally planned to try to see if he could pull the sweet dream into the wilderness of dreams. This is the whole “research process” in his mouth.

However, the premise of all this is that the sweet dream must be in reality.

If it is not in reality, even if the dream conch can have an impact on the sweet dream, Angel has no way of judging.

Because the basis of Angel’s judgment is whether the sweet dream can enter the wilderness of dreams. The Wilderness of Dreams is attached to the wizarding world of the Southern Region, and only the substances in the wizarding world of the Southern Region can be pulled into the Wilderness of Dreams by the Dream Conch.

If the sweet dream is in the mirror field, it is equivalent to another world, not within the scope of the southern region. Even if you use the dream conch, it is impossible to pull it into the wilderness of dreams.

So, isn’t this a waste of effort?

And this is the reason why Angel really frowned.

“Why, do you have any other worries?” Seeing Angel’s still solemn expression, the wise master asked.

Angel forced a smile: “No more… I’m just thinking, if I enter the mirror world, how should I adapt to the rules of the mirror field and do research on sweet dreams.”

Speaking of this, Angel apologized to the wise master: “Before, I said that I could conduct research immediately, but the plan always couldn’t keep up with the changes. Now, maybe I have to wait a little longer.”

It doesn’t matter if the wise man dominates, he shrugged and said: “Yes, as long as you want, you can think here for a month. Anyway, the key is also handed over to you.”

Angel thanked the wise master: “One month, it won’t take that long, it should be soon, please allow me to think for a while.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for you next to you.” The wise ruler didn’t care, and sat aside, lost in thought.

For a while, there was a long silence in the lounge.

Angel and the wise master are both meditating, but the things they think about are different.

The wise master took advantage of this time to think about the identity of the “mysterious man”; while Angel was thinking… Is there any other solution?

Time passed slowly.

Half an hour later, Angel was the first to recover from his contemplation.

Just because he came back to his senses, it doesn’t mean he has an idea… He had already turned on the supercomputing state just now, and after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn’t find a perfect solution.

He does have some longer-term and more detailed ideas in his mind, but whether these ideas can be pieced together is a bit difficult at present.

Continuing to think about it, it is estimated that there will be no new answers, so Angel simply ended his contemplation ahead of schedule.

Although there is no solution yet, Angel is not ready to give up.

It is a pity to give up such an opportunity after all. His current plan is to take one step at a time, maybe the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.

Not long after Angel came back to his senses, the wise master also woke up from his contemplation. The inquiry may bring trouble to Angel. Thinking of this, after hesitating for a moment, the wise ruler finally didn’t ask.

The wise master suppressed the rising thoughts, smiled and said to Angel: “Now, do you have any ideas?”

Angel let out a long sigh: “I do have some ideas, but the gap between ideas and reality is like letting dreams into reality. It is basically impossible. There is a gully and abyss in between, and it is difficult to bridge Ah.”

Listening to Angel’s emotion, the wise master raised his eyebrows: “Your self-confidence is much less than before…”

Angel didn’t reply, but he said silently in his heart: He was not confident just now, he just wanted to retreat after the test. But who knew that such an accident would happen… Sigh!

Looking at Angel’s unconfident eyes, the wise man comforted him: “If you need my help, you can speak up at any time.”

“It’s okay, I’ll still…” Angel was about to refuse, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and changed his subject: “Hey, I thought of it, I really have one thing that may need a wise man to dominate Help.”

The wise master stretched out his hand to signal Angel to continue.

Angel: “Can the Master of the Wise contact Laplace for me?”

The wise master hesitated for a moment, and asked, “Are you looking for Laplace to… let her cooperate with your research?”

“That’s right.” Angel spread his hands and shrugged: “I have no other way now, I can only think about whether there is a solution from the source. And Laplace, not only discovering the sweetness She is also the one who gathered and sealed Sweet Dream. She must have a deep understanding of Sweet Dream. So I think, if she cooperates with me when doing research, I might be able to come up with new ideas .”

“I understand if you think so. I can contact Laplace for you.” The wise man ruled: “It’s just that I can’t decide for her whether Laplace wants to see you.”

Actually, if the ruler of the wise asks Laplace to come to see Angel in return, Laplace will probably not refuse. However, the wise ruler does not intend to do so.

It is true that he values ​​Angel, but Laplace is also very important to him. The world inside the mirror is the place he has always wanted to lay out, and Laplace is the top priority.

He can help Angor spread the word, but whether Laplace is willing to come or not, it is up to Laplace to make his own decision.

Angel nodded: “I understand.”

If Laplace is willing to come, Angel has some small ideas; if Laplace doesn’t come, Angel will most likely only have to take a step forward.

“Then wait a moment.”

After speaking, the wise master looked at Geng Gui: “Did you hear what Angel and I said just now? Go find Erbao and let it be conveyed to Laplace to see if she is willing to come.” /

Geng Gui replied “OK”, and the dog hole slowly closed and disappeared after a while.

After Geng Gui left, the atmosphere in the lounge returned to silence.

However, Angel and the wise master did not contemplate this time, but just looked at each other.

Seeing that the atmosphere was slipping in an embarrassing direction, Angel broke the silence first: “By the way, I actually have some questions I want to ask the wise master. I wonder if the wise master can explain it to me?”

The wise master didn’t want the atmosphere to be stiff, so he followed Angel’s words and said, “What type of problem? A bottleneck in practice?”

Angel shook his head: “No, it’s about some historical truth.”

The wise ruler narrowed his eyes: “You want to ask about Naraku City?”

Angel quickly waved his hand, he didn’t want to get involved in the mess of Naraku City, especially after learning some inside stories from Augustine, he didn’t want to get involved.

“It’s not Naraku City, it’s something that happened before the source world was disconnected from the Southern Territory, maybe it’s the secrets about the pan-plane, or maybe it’s some historical truth about dating.”

The wise master was slightly disappointed when he heard Angel’s words, but he still did not refuse: “Ask, let me see if I know.”

Anger did not hesitate, and immediately asked about the doubts in his heart.

His doubts are actually some unsolved mysteries in the previous conversation with Laplace.

For example, the truth of the panic world.

When was the Panic World discovered? What happened to some panic scenes that Laplace saw in the sea of ​​empty mirrors?

Can an awakened demon be awakened a second time? Also, where did the huge wizard city rising in the panic world come from?

Since in the Meteorite Age, there are wizard cities in the panic world, it means that the panic world has the resources that wizards want, but why is it that the panic world is very barren, and it is far away from the southern region, so there is no exploration the value of?

Angel originally wanted to ask the tree spirit these questions. But now there is nothing else, and the wise master is also an old antique who survived that era. Maybe he knows some truths about the panic world.

“Things about the panic world…” The wise master subconsciously glanced at Angel’s shadow He understood why Angel would ask about the panic world, and he probably said it was the same as the devil he said related to the second awakening.

“I actually don’t pay much attention to the affairs of the panic world. There was a wizard city rising in the golden age, she should know something inside.”

Angel: “Old friend? My lord means…” Sisia?

The wise master seems to have seen Angel’s thoughts, and shook his head: “It’s not Sisia. You don’t know… well, you shouldn’t know it? After all, her reputation was not obvious ten thousand years ago.”

“Yes, she is the same as me. She was left after the upheaval of Naraku City ten thousand years ago.”

“However, her strength is not strong, and she has not broken through the bottleneck of true knowledge, which also limits her lifespan, and her physical body died a thousand years ago. But her soul is still resting in the requiem stone, and has not entered Kui. ster world.”

(End of this chapter)


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