Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3364: Mercury Dragon


“Fertile black soil” has become “abundant black soil”.

The cooperation between text creations can form positive feedback, which is actually the germ of a law. If there are more and more texts of this kind, the blending presented becomes more active, even if it is the evolution of emerging laws, it is very possible.

This is also where Ingres finds the text space interesting.

If it is applied to Dream Crystal, can it collide with the underlying logic of Dream Crystal to create novel sparks?

Angel is waiting to see.

When Angel was having fun operating the text creation, Steward Fan suddenly turned his head and looked at the path next to the curtain: “Our chef is finally here.”

As soon as Steward Fan finished speaking, a burst of humming sounded into everyone’s ears.

Angel also looked up.

I saw a mirror dragon covered in silver scales, flapping the membrane wings on its back, flying over from the end of the path.

It seems to be only about two meters in height, and it is obviously a miniature mirror dragon that has been deformed and shrunk. Judging from the dragon’s body, it has a big belly and small wings, and its eyes are like dreamy colored smoke, it seems to be a treasure dragon.

It is worth mentioning that it is covered with colorless silver scales. Even in this restaurant where the light is not too bright, you can feel the silver light like floating light, and the scales are like mercury pouring down the ground. Floating in the Yingying void. ——To put it in a more concise language, it is too bright, so bright that it is about to blind your eyes.

“This is… Mercury Dragon?” Angel whispered in the psychic belt.

He has heard before that the most classified mirror dragon in the Bailong Kingdom is Jumbo Dragon, which has various gemstone dragons, including diamond dragons, and gold dragons, mercury dragons, alga dragons, arcane dragons…etc. wait.

Special Jumbo dragons such as Algaron and Arcane are difficult to distinguish. But other treasure dragons can be easily and roughly distinguished from their scales.

Jewel dragon, the scales have gemstones forward; diamond dragon, the scales are like flashing diamonds; gold point dragon, the pure gold scales are recognizable at a glance;

The appearance of the Lailong in front of him is obviously that of a treasure dragon, and with the silver light of its scales, the title of “Mercury Dragon” appeared in Angel’s mind.

Not long after Angel’s words fell, Laplace replied in the psychic belt: “It is indeed the treasure mercury dragon.”

After a pause, Laplace gave Laplace a detailed introduction to the information about the Mercury Dragon: “Speaking of which, the Mercury Dragon is an alternative to the Jumbo Dragon series, and most of the attributes of other Jumbo Dragons tend to be Control metals or minerals, and their hobbies are also related to collecting treasures.”

“But Mercury Dragon is not like that…”

The power grasped by the mercury dragon is more inclined to the orthodox aggregate energy, perhaps because their scales are too much like flowing mercury, without any treatment, it is exactly the same as a mirror.

So each of its scales can be regarded as a stable mirror, which contains multiple levels of mirror space.

Because of this characteristic, if encountering a battle, the Mercury Dragon can also throw its own scales as a mirror of birth and death, and the explosion level is comparable to the instantaneous energy produced when a fine mirror collapses.

To put it in a simpler way: each scale is a nuclear bomb.

The scales of the Mercury Dragon are innumerable.

From this feature alone, one can know that the Mercury Dragon’s fighting style is absolutely wild. In the Bairi Mirror Domain, few races dare to confront the Mercury Dragon head-on. They are just as powerful as other races.

However, the scale attack of the Mercury Dragon is just a derivative ability generated by manipulating the mirror surface, and there are many similar derivative abilities.

For example, they can rely on the “mirror reflection” of the whole body to project countless clones.

These clones can also absorb concentrated energy, causing terrifying energy shocks.

They can also use the reflection of the mirror to create the effect of light and shadow illusion. Their illusion ability is also top-notch in the day mirror field.

After listening to Laplace’s introduction, Angel also had a general understanding of the Mercury Dragon. Leaving aside other talents for the time being, what he didn’t expect was that the Mercury Dragon could also manipulate Mirage.

Light and shadow illusion is classified under the banner of Mirage in Magic Island. In other words, illusions created by manipulating light and shadow, fog, and celestial phenomena in nature are all mirages.

The illusion created by Angel in the wilderness of dreams and the crystal of dreams is also derived from the mirage power of the power of “Celestial Change”.

However, wizards of the illusion department rely on talent and hard work to master mirage step by step.

As for the Mercury Dragon, relying on its mirror-like dragon scales, it forcibly used the mirage for its own use. Is this also considered a different kind of talent?

When Angor was thinking about it, the miniature Mercury Dragon covered in glitter had already flown to the dining table.

I think, when Steward Fan went looking for it before, he had already informed it of the identity of today’s visitor; therefore, even if Mercury Dragon sees that the guests on the table are all human bodies, he can’t see it in his dreamlike eyes. To too many emotional turmoil.

Only when it looked at Laplace, its eyes were a little more solemn.

If you think about it, this is also Steward Fan’s advice.

Fan Butler: “It is the chef of the Dragon Banquet today, named Avicato.”

“Good evening, everyone.” Mercury Dragon flew to Steward Fan and nodded lightly to everyone, “Although I don’t know whether it’s day or night outside, it doesn’t matter. I want to enjoy the Dragon Banquet with me.” , then it must be night. I prefer night banquets to day banquets.”

In short, no matter whether it is day or night outside, it can only be night on this side.

This is a mouthful, and it seems that there is a problem with the logic, but it did not cause Angor to react too much… Among human beings, there are more strange existences than Avicator, especially wizards. hobby.

It’s not too surprising that Avicator just likes night parties.

Compared to Avicator’s preference, Angel is more concerned about… the mysterious aura that seems to be absent from it.

If there is no accident, it must have come into contact with a mysterious object not long ago, or in other words, it has a mysterious object or a special secret treasure on it, which caused a mysterious aura to float on its body.

The mighty mirror dragon possesses a mysterious thing, which is not an exaggeration. If it were the same as in the past, Angel wouldn’t care too much if he sensed it.

Just like Sanders and Your Excellency Rhine occasionally have the smell of mysterious things, even if Angel smells it, treat it as if he didn’t smell it.

Also, Angel himself exudes a mysterious aura. He can’t ask himself, let alone others.

So, in the past, even if he sensed it, he just passed it by.

But this time, Angel was a little concerned.

The main reason is… Angel felt vaguely familiar with the mysterious aura on Avicator.

This kind of familiarity is not an excuse, but a real cognition: because Angel also exudes a mysterious aura that is almost the same as Avicator.

However, the mysterious aura on Angel comes from… the eyes of the evil witch.

Does that mean that Avicator has also received the blessing of the witch’s blessing?

When Angel was thinking this way, Avicator also looked at him, and Angor saw a trace of surprise from its slightly shining pupils.

Obviously, Avicato also discovered the mysterious aura of the same style on Angel.

Avicato: “You are…Mr. Angel, right? Steward Fan and I introduced you just now, a wizard from the human world.”

Angel nodded, stood up and saluted.

Avicato: “You have also been blessed by the witch?”

Avicator didn’t go around the corner, and asked directly.

Hearing Avicator’s question, Angel’s doubts were resolved. Sure enough, the mysterious aura on Avicator also came from the Eye of the Witch.

Angel nodded and did not hide anything. In other words, he can’t hide it either, the breath on his body is as straightforward as wolf smoke, anyone can see it at a glance, how to hide it?

Angel nodded while observing Avicator.

The blessing of the evil witch I got, not to mention the effect, the side effects are obvious anyway, the pair of cat ears should not be too dazzling.

Because he had been drenched in the rain, Angel faced Avicator who also fell into the pit, and wanted to find out whether there were “abnormal” side effects on it.

Unfortunately, Angel looked at it for a long time and found nothing wrong.

Perhaps, what Avicator received was the kind of blessing that had no obvious side effects?

Angel didn’t dare to ask, and could only envy him secretly in his heart.

Avicato looked at Angel: “Looking at the mysterious aura that taints you, I guess it won’t be long before you get the blessing of the witch?”

Angel nodded: “I was blessed not long ago.”

Avicato: “I got my blessing half a year ago, and your luck is pretty good. The end of the blessing will be next week. I thought it would be a smooth transition until the end of the blessing, but I didn’t expect you to be Catch this last train.”

Avicato said to himself, there seemed to be nothing wrong with these words, but after careful consideration, Angel found something wrong.

What does blessing have to do with our luck?

Angel and Laplace just didn’t want to listen to the complicated arrangements outside, so they came here to take a break and try the mirror dragon’s dinner by the way. Why is luck involved now?

Could it be that… this dinner was actually related to Avicator’s mysterious blessing?

Thinking of this, Angel and Laplace glanced at each other, and they both saw similar expressions in each other’s eyes. Obviously, Laplace thought of this too.

Is it such a coincidence?

Anger’s witch blessing is related to food, and Avicator is also related to food?

Laplace didn’t hesitate to guess, and asked directly: “You mean, the dragon feast you made is related to the blessing you received from the evil witch? Your blessing is the blessing of the gourmet department?”

Facing Laplace’s question, Avicato didn’t dare to evade, and quickly said: “The Dragon Banquet is indeed related to the blessing of the evil witch, but the blessing I got is not the blessing of the gourmet department.”

“What is the specific blessing, please read it next, and you will know.”

Avicato originally prepared some speeches before the meal, but because of Laplace’s sudden question, these speeches were also thrown away by it.

Go straight to the point.

“Next, I will start making the Dragon Banquet.” As soon as Avicato finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and a basket flew out from an unknown space.

The basket landed on the table.

Everyone could clearly see that there was a bunch of dewy fruits in the basket.

The shape of the fruit… Angel has never seen it before, maybe it is a fruit unique to the mirror domain?

Avicato put out the fruit, is he planning to make pre-dinner fruit?

Angel looked at the fruits with extremely weird shapes. Although the shape is a bit weird and the color matching is a bit unappetizing, the smell of the fruit is very sweet. It should be good as a pre-dinner fruit?

It’s just right, you can taste the fruit of Jingyu, what kind of taste is it.

When Angel was thinking this way, he found that Avicator didn’t mean to hand out the fruit, but just swallowed the fruit one by one.

Eating fruit is nothing more than nothing. What surprised Angel the most was that as the fruit was swallowed by Avicato, the mysterious aura on it boiled instantly like a flame contaminated by wine.

Originally, according to Avicato’s words, the mysterious blessing on it should soon “expire”, in other words, the mysterious aura on it is basically in a state of dissipating.

But at this moment, the rising mysterious aura is stronger than the mysterious aura on Angel’s body, and there is even an illusion that Avicator is a mysterious humanoid.

“Is this…activating the blessing of the evil witch?” Laplace asked.

Fan Steward nodded slightly to Laplace: “The blessing that Avicator has received is after eating the fruit…”

Fan Steward was about to explain, but just halfway through, Avicato’s voice came out from the mysterious atmosphere: “Everyone, which part of the meat do you like to eat?”

Angel was taken aback for a moment: “Huh?”

Laplace frowned and said nothing.

On the other hand, Jasmine, who was on the opposite side, said kindly: “I like to eat breast meat. The muscles are strong and close to the core. They are full of energy and nourishing.”

After Mo Lian finished speaking, she glanced at Angel: “If you don’t know which part of the meat to eat, I suggest you try dragon tail, dragon wing, or dragon neck meat.”

Angel: “???” What are you talking about?

Mo Lian did not explain, and continued: “As the three major energy deposits of the mercury dragon, the dragon’s tail has a lot of redundant aggregation energy. Not only does it have a unique taste, but it can also serve as the core of the aggregation energy after being swallowed.”

“If Mr. Angel wants to stay permanently in the Sun Mirror Domain, it will be difficult to survive without a core of aggregated energy.”

“After all the mainstream energy here is still dominated by aggregation energy.”

“Dragon Wings, although the taste is mediocre, can increase the resistance of the space after swallowing, which is a great gain when traveling through the void.”

“Dragon neck meat has the most delicious taste and can directly increase the strength of the flesh…”

Based on her own understanding, Molly gave some suggestions to Angel.

But Angel was still dumbfounded.

Morian is going to dismember the Mercury Dragon for a feast? so cruel?

When Angel was thinking this way, Steward Fan finally said what he hadn’t said before: “As long as you eat a certain fruit, the body’s designated organs will multiply.”

(End of this chapter)

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