Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3363 Self-correction


The text message that came out of the glass box covered the sky like a black cloud.

When Butler Fan put the glass box on the table, the sense of occlusion covered most of the restaurant; in this case, the field of vision became black, not to mention blind spots.

Angel thought for a while and closed his eyes.

Two seconds later, Angel opened his eyes, and the surrounding text information was “refreshed” and disappeared. As long as Angel doesn’t check the glass box carefully, these black clouds of words that are obtrusive to the eyes will not appear again.

Not only Angel, but also Laplace and Molly Ann obviously closed their eyes to “refresh”.

Standing by the table, Steward Fan seemed to have foreseen this situation a long time ago. After everyone had “refreshed” the information, he pointed to the glass box and said, “This is filled with words.”

The glass box is said to be glass, but it is actually opaque, a bit like frosted glass. I can vaguely see the dark shadow inside, but I can’t see the whole thing.

As for the glass box in front of them, everyone can see that the lower half is full of thick and quiet black shadows, as if it contains… soil?

The top of the soil is empty, at least no outline can be seen through the frosted glass.

Fan Steward opened the lid of the glass box at the right time.

After lifting the cover, as expected, Angel saw the thick black soil below.

It’s just that nothing can be seen on the black soil.

Either, the “living text” mentioned by Steward Fan is a transparent existence, or it is hidden in the black soil.

If it is really a transparent living thing, it should not be possible to lay a layer of soil underneath, so Angel personally prefers it, and the answer is more likely to be the latter.

However, this glass box is not big, and the living creatures with words are still hidden in the black soil, isn’t it even smaller?

“Could it be an insect? Or some kind of miniature snake?” Angel thought to himself, and tried to infiltrate the soil with mental power.

However, before Angel’s spiritual tentacles emerged, he saw the middle of the soil move, and a section of pink silk thread exposed half of his head.

When he saw this pink thread, Angel was silent for a long time.

Not only Angel, but Laplace was also a little surprised.

Yes, this piece of pink thread is exactly the living creature in the glass box, and it is not an insect or a miniature snake as Angel guessed, but an…earthworm.

The pink earthworm slowly stirred in the black soil, like a miniature earth dragon turning over, bringing up some dust and mud.

“Are you disappointed to see it’s an earthworm?” Steward Fan’s voice came from next to his ear.

Angel shook his head: “No, I just didn’t expect it to be an earthworm.”

Fan Steward smiled: “I chose earthworms because I have just reached this point.”

When Ea started to create text living creatures, he chose relatively low-level invertebrates, starting from sponges and amoebas, and gradually advanced to hydra and schistosomes, and now he has just crossed over linear animals , into the ring animal. The representative of ring-shaped animals is earthworms.

So, don’t look at what Steward Fan took out is just a small earthworm, what is behind it is actually generations of invertebrates.

Today’s earthworm is the latest product after many generations, and it is also the most advanced living creature that Eya has researched.

After listening to Steward Fan’s explanation, Angel’s expression was a little surprised. He originally thought that Eya’s creation of living creatures with words was similar to Greya’s, directly crossing countless generations, and boldly entering the mysterious and extraordinary realm.

What I didn’t expect was that Eya’s creation of living creatures followed the theory of progression from low to high.

Angel’s expression was not hidden, Fan Steward saw this, and asked directly: “Mr. Angel is surprised?”

Angel thought for a while and said, “In the Southern Region, there is actually a wizard who is good at creating things…”

Angel gave a general account of Greya’s situation.

After listening, Steward Fan nodded with comprehension: “I see, Mr. is accidentally creating different ways of creation.”

After a pause, Steward Fan explained: “Actually, don’t worry too much about it. If the sorcerer you mentioned is really a creation, then she’s already close to it, or even grasped some of the principles of creation.”

“Living creatures with words are actually not real creations, and there is still a long way to go from the laws of creation.”

“After all, words are just words, and they are still different from real living things.”

Fan Steward’s explanation is actually an indirect way of saying that in terms of “creation”, the secret secretary Long cannot be compared with Greya.

However, they are different tracks in themselves.

Gleia is a real creation, a text creation of the Arcane Secretary Dragon, more similar to a “virtual creation”.

Fan Steward: “As for why the living creatures of words choose to advance from generation to generation, this is because, the essence of living creatures of words…is words.”

“Using words to express meaning must use logic.”

The logic of the text will also be reflected in the text space.

If you want to create a living creature with words, you must follow the logic of words and write the advanced process step by step.

“As you saw just now, the text information floating above the earthworm is like a black cloud. These text information are not all describing the earthworm, but also its predecessors, those sponges, schistosomes…etc. The text needs Logic, words and living things must also be determined according to logic, without the benchmark of the predecessors, it is difficult to write the follow-up wonderful.”

“Similarly, if our next text creation advances to molluscs such as squid and octopus, then there will be more text information on their heads, which must also include information related to earthworms.”

Words follow logic, and living creatures can only survive under the chain of logic.

Hearing this, Angel completely understood.

Everything in the text space is logic, or an “algorithm”. It is a bit similar to editing a program. If the program needs to run, it must be written according to the established algorithm.

The more difficult, the more complicated.

“However, Ontology has already begun to research ways to save a lot of repetition.” Fan Steward said at this time, pointing to the gloves written by Mo Lian before: “For example, if this pair of gloves is described according to the original text, It is also a large article, and now it can be created with only one paragraph of text, which is a similar research result.”

“This matter is familiar to Ms. Laplace.”

Fan Butler specifically pointed out Laplace. As Eya’s current body, he knew that Laplace had come into contact with the initial version of “Secrets in the Book”.

Laplace also nodded sympathetically.

Indeed, if you want to create a pair of gloves with the original version of “Secrets in the Book”, it is difficult to really create them without writing a long essay, starting from the creation of the world and the germination of all things.

Nowadays, one word can create, this is Eya’s progress.

The creation of dead things can already be simplified; in the future, it is not impossible to simplify the creation of living things.

After Fan Steward finished explaining the general situation, he put the glass box in front of Angel and Laplace and let them study it.

After Angor finished the glass box, he took a closer look and found that the “word creation” is really interesting.

This kind of fun is not reflected in earthworms.

It is “black soil”.

This live earthworm, because the information is too complicated, Angel really has no way to spy on it, so he can only read other text information. As a result, he found the difference of “black soil” after reading it.

The black soil in the glass box looks the same at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find two different descriptions.

One of the descriptions is: “Black Soil: A special soil with good fertility that can give birth to…”

Another description is: “Fertile black soil: a special soil, with signs of earthworm activity, has excellent fertility, and can give birth to…”

It is also black soil, but due to the different trajectories of earthworm activities, two completely different text messages are presented.

Angel also asked Steward Fan.

From Steward Fan’s mouth, I learned that in the beginning of the black soil, text messages were all the first type. Later, with the migration of earthworms and the settlement of earthworms in the black soil, part of the black soil began to change.

Yes, it was not Eya who took the initiative to change it, but a “program” in the dark, which made a self-correction.

Before, when Angel described the smell of Kao Kao’s saliva, the text information had also been self-corrected, but the correction at that time was to delete the extraordinary effect.

In a sense, it is a change in a worse direction.

But the self-correction this time is obviously changing in a better direction.

Don’t look at it as a single word difference, but there are thousands of miles of lies in it.

Being worse is because you have not yet reached this point, and the internal logic cannot support it; but being better is a manifestation of self-improvement, which means that the logical chain is enriching itself.

In analogy, it is a rigid program, and one is moving towards an intelligent program.

This seems to imply a logic: if there are more text creations, no matter whether they are living or dead, then everything here will become more self-consistent due to the abundance of text logic chains.

Isn’t this AI evolution?

Because Angel discovered this, he became more interested in text creation… It would be great if a similar ability could be reproduced in Dream Crystal.

I don’t know if the talent of the “Book of Time” of the mysterious dragon is a gift from the will of the world. If so, maybe it can trigger the experience dungeon? At that time, you will be able to use the Book of Time talent to derive “Secrets in the Book” and create text space…

Angel told Laplace his thoughts through the psychic tether.

The main reason is that since Laplace knows the talent of the “Book of Time”, he may also be able to judge whether this talent is a gift from the will of the world.

However, Laplace shook his head after hearing this: “No, this belongs to the blood talent of the Arcane Secretary Dragon.”

In other words, all arcane dragons have similar talents. Although… now it seems that there is only one secret secretary dragon.

Angel was a little disappointed when he heard this. It seems that the idea of ​​building a text space in the dream crystal field will not work.

However, just when Angel was sighing, Laplace said again: “Speaking of which, if you want to create text space in Dream Crystal Field, why should you consider the talent of the mysterious dragon and directly use Wouldn’t it be enough to drag this painting into the Crystal of Dreams?”

It’s like the reason why Angor pulled the Rabbit Building into the Dream Crystal.

Hearing Laplace’s words, Angel was taken aback for a moment: It seems to be right… Why did you go to think about talent, can’t you use dream conch?

Angel slapped his head violently. It seems that he had been observing the experience dungeon before, so his head was full of experience dungeons, and he forgot his “initial heart”.

Angel looked at Laplace: “Then ask Mr. Eya to borrow the painting?”

Laplace nodded: “Okay, but do you plan to tell Secretary Long about Meng Conch?”

Anger fell into a brief silence, and finally shook his head.

Although the dream crystal original has not used the dream conch too much, the importance of the dream conch will still not be weakened. Its importance is comparable to the Nightmare Realm itself.

Tell Laplace about Meng Conch because they trust each other.

However, Angel was reluctant to tell Eya, whom he had just met.

Laplace: “I understand, I will operate the borrowing of paintings.”

If it was Angel who went there, it is estimated that Eya would not borrow it until he got to the bottom of it; but Laplace did not have this problem. Even if you have doubts, you will respect Laplace’s decision.

Angel thanked Laplace.

Laplace: “It’s okay, I also want to know if the space for words can be reproduced in the Dream Crystal Field.”

A little interest flashed in Laplace’s eyes.

She is not very interested in creating texts in the outside world, but if it is done in Dream Crystal, then she is very interested…

In the eyes of Laplace, everything in the Crystal Field of Dreams is the place of fun. She is very happy to enrich the various “modules” of Dream Crystal. This feeling of perfecting the rules and the world step by step is also a kind of practice for Laplace.

Even, Laplace vaguely felt that whether he could break through the shackles should also depend on the Crystal Field of Dreams.

Because of this, it is impossible for Laplace to refuse Angel’s proposal. She even thought that if she wanted to borrow space for text, she would need to borrow a larger one. This restaurant is really a bit petty… Otherwise, go to Eya to order a larger one that is easier to use text space?

On the other hand, Angel didn’t know that Laplace had thought of finding Eya to do “couture”, and he was still observing the black soil.

However, this time he did not observe for nothing, but also did some other small experiments.

Angel used a stack of blank paper to write down various nutrients, and through step-by-step writing, finally blended into a plate of high-quality fertilizer.

He intends to add fertilizer to the black soil, through this external addition and interference, to see if the text is automatically corrected.

With Angel’s series of operations, the black soil really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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