Super Dimensional Wizard: Chapter 3360, Time and Body in the Painting


Eya coughed twice, and drew everyone’s attention back: “If you can provide enough loggers, then global deployment can indeed be done.”

“However, there are still some problems here.” Eya: “For example, under the eyes of the Doom Puppet, can the login device really be used?”

Won’t the Doom Puppet stop you?

Is there any backup plan if she blocks your arraignment?

Ea asked all the thoughts in his heart.

Gleipnir shook his head: “Whether she will stop it, I don’t know. After all, everything is possible before it happens.”

“As for speaking, is there any backup plan?” Gleipnir did not hesitate, and gave the answer very straightforwardly: “No.”

Still the same sentence, now their understanding of the doom puppets is still on “paper”, everything is unknown, it is difficult to think about more backup plans under such circumstances.

After Eya asked these questions, he also realized that he seemed a little too embarrassed. Gleipnir’s answer is also in his consideration.

Ea thought for a while, then nodded: “No matter what, at least there is a solution now.”

After all, they will tell all the ethnic groups in the Sun Mirror Domain about the coming of the Doom Puppet.

At that time, the result will be much different with or without a plan.

If there is no plan at all like Gesen Jingyu, it will only cause chaos among the various tribes, running around like hozen.

But if they come up with a plan, and the plan is tightly organized and involves all ethnic groups-let all ethnic groups send surveillance personnel-then, no matter what the leaders of each ethnic group think, at least they can reassure the people.

So, despite Eya’s many doubts, in fact, he is very grateful to Gleipnir and the Dream Mirror Clan for releasing the login device at this time, so that the Day Mirror Domain will not fall into despair.

Although Eya also felt for a moment that the timing of the release of the logger was too coincidental, whether there was something tricky behind it, for example, the puppet of misfortune was deliberately led to the day mirror domain by the dream mirror clan; but soon this kind of His thoughts dissipated. He could not believe in Angor or Gleipnir, but he believed in Laplace.

From a certain point of view, the birth of Laplace represents the will of the Sun Mirror Domain.

Even though Laplace doesn’t care about other ethnic groups in the Mirror Realm, it is absolutely impossible for her to betray the Mirror Realm and deliberately lure wolves into the house.

While Eya’s thoughts were flowing, on the other side, Angor and others were also talking in the soul belt.

The content of their communication is actually around the question raised by Eya: Is it possible to use the login device in front of the Doom Puppet?

Angel: “I am personally biased, it should be possible.”

As for the reason, Angel gave a more “fantasy” answer: the will of the mirror field will give convenience.

Although the will of the mirror field is just a kind of “pan consciousness”, without spiritual intelligence and subjective initiative; but it has a certain “crisis” consciousness.

This kind of crisis is reflected in: when the world is about to collapse, the general will must find a way to prevent the disaster from coming.

This is not speculation, Angel has experienced examples.

For example, the original Tan continent in the abyss world.

At the beginning, before the Yuantan Continent was about to collapse, it was trying to prevent the end of the doomsday. Finally, under the guidance of Pan Will, Angel came…

Similarly, the appearance of doom puppets and the infinite expansion of the confinement space will definitely make the will of the mirror domain have a corresponding sense of “crisis”.

In this case, once someone can propose a rescue plan, and the probability of success of this plan is extremely high, then the will of the mirror domain may facilitate it.

Even though the Will of the Mirror Domain cannot directly intervene in the result, it is possible to give some convenience to a certain extent.

Gleipnir: “So, do you think that even if the Misfortune Puppet prevents the control personnel from logging into the Dream Crystal Field, the Will of the Mirror Realm will secretly facilitate their login?”

Angel nodded, although it might be naive to think so; but the will of the mirror field can indeed affect the dream crystal field, after all, if the dream crystal field does not have the acquiescence of the mirror field will, it is difficult to attach Among the volumes of the heliotrope domain.

Gleipnir was silent for a moment without commenting.

When it comes to the will of the world, it is too far away for her… It is difficult for her to anthropomorphize the will of the world.

Remaining silent is Gleipnir’s attitude.

On the other hand, Laplace nodded after pondering for a moment: “Although I don’t understand the convenience of the will of the world proposed by Angel, I don’t think that the Puppet of Misfortune should not prevent the control personnel from logging into the Crystal Field of Dreams. .”

The reason is actually very simple.

In Laplace’s view, mysterious things will not do “superfluous” things, even if they are mysterious creatures, any behavior of them has its own internal logic to support it.

, her function is simple: find people who wish for treasures, and listen to their wishes.

, her function is even more simple: to find the corresponding treasure.

, she has only one function: to let the person who wished for the treasure complete the mission challenge. Winners get treasures; losers get punished.

Every step of this mysterious thing is rigorous and has its own trajectory. And the internal cause of this kind of action trajectory is the operation logic of the mysterious thing.

Would a mysterious thing with such a regular operating logic do unnecessary “things”?

To put it bluntly, you can think of the Doom Puppet as a robot that acts according to the established rules. The robot cares about whether the process is in compliance with the norms and whether the result is correct, and will not do unnecessary things.

Only intelligent beings with complex emotions and heavy thoughts will consider various redundant situations.

Similarly, the Misfortune Puppet will not do superfluous things outside the established rules, such as stopping you.

There is a high probability that the Misfortune Puppet will give you a period of time to complete the challenge after setting out the task challenge; during this period, she will not stop any of your actions.

Only if you fail to complete the task challenge, she will punish you and send you to the confinement space.

The above is Laplace’s idea, which has nothing to do with the will of the mirror domain, but the result is similar to what Angel thought: the doom puppet will not prevent the control personnel from using the login device.

After Laplace finished talking about his thoughts, he looked at Angel: “If your idea is correct, the will of the mirror domain in the daytime will really give convenience; then I personally think that the will of the mirror domain is not I will definitely help the control personnel when they accept the challenge, but after the control personnel are sent to the confinement space by the doom puppets, they will help.”

Although the confinement space is punished by the misfortune puppets, it is still within the scope of the mirror domain. As long as you are in the mirror domain, you can use the login device to enter the dream crystal field.

Perhaps, after the control personnel are locked in the confinement space, they can also manipulate the login device to enter the dream crystal field under the convenience of the will of the mirror domain.

In this way, even if the control staff encounters a doom puppet, they don’t have to worry about being completely annihilated.

The physical body may not exist, but they can be reincarnated as the aborigines of the Crystal Field of Dreams, which can be regarded as a way out.

When Angel and others were discussing in the psychic belt, Eya refined the plan of “global control” with everyone.

Ea also hopes that “Dream Mirror” will join the discussion together, but neither Laplace nor Angel is willing to discuss, and their attitude is very clear: we are only responsible for providing the log-in device, and we will arrange follow-up control. Discuss among yourself.

Only Gleipnir decided to join them in the discussion.

As for Laplace and Angel, Eya didn’t dare to neglect, and took out a painting from his own space.

In the painting is a table full of cutlery, and beside the table is an elegant butler in a black tuxedo; judging from the face of the butler, it seems to be somewhat similar to Eya.

Just when Angel was wondering why Eya took out the oil painting, the butler in the painting suddenly moved.

He approached slowly, and then stretched out his hand. With a burst of ripples, his hand actually poked out from the painting!

The ripples in the oil painting are getting bigger and bigger, even affecting the surrounding space.

When the ripples reached the maximum, the butler slowly walked out of the oil painting…

In the blink of an eye, the butler broke through the dimension and stood in front of everyone.

From a closer look, the face of the butler in a tuxedo is more similar to Eya, as if it was carved out of the same mold.

When everyone was suspicious, Eya said: “This is my time body.”

According to Eya’s introduction, his body was a spirit in the painting.

The so-called spirit in the painting is actually the same as the giant city spirit, tree spirit, and book spirit. The characters in the oil painting have become “spirits”.

When Eya introduced, the butler also bowed to everyone in a timely manner, and introduced himself, calling himself Fan.

Single name and a fan.

This is probably a pseudonym. But everyone is not surprised, the name “Eya” is fake at first glance, and it is normal for him to inherit the character of “hiding his real name” at that time.

Ea brought out his time body “Fan” not to attend the meeting, but to express that he would not be negligent, and that he was going to let Butler Fan bring his most respected teacher to have a “Dragon Banquet”.

To put it simply, Eya and others are here to refine the details of the global deployment, and Fan Steward takes Angel and Laplace to enjoy the “Dragon Banquet” feast.

From the perspective of Prophet Jota and others, Eya’s behavior is quite rude, after all, he is also a guest. But Jota didn’t dare to refute, and now it’s the most important thing to discuss how to deal with the puppets, and he doesn’t have the heart to enjoy his appetite.

Angel is actually not hungry, but he really doesn’t want to hear the detailed details, because these details are nothing more than the coordinate area arrangement of the “controlling personnel”.

As for the general source of the control personnel, it can only be determined after a meeting of all ethnic groups.

And these things are meaningless to Angel, so naturally I don’t want to hear them.

Now that Eya gave the ladder, Angel and Laplace discussed it and agreed to go to the so-called “Dragon Banquet”. And Gleipnir stayed here. If there are any important details, they can also be notified through mind synchronization.

Seeing that Angel and Laplace agreed, Steward Fan bowed respectfully: “Please follow me, both of you.”

Fan Steward did not take them out of the cloud cave, but returned to the previous painting. Fan Steward tapped the picture lightly, and a door opened in the oil painting.

Through the door, you can clearly see the dining table inside and the exquisite tableware on the dining table.

These things are all drawn on oil paintings, but behind the door, they have changed from a flat surface to a real existence…

Fan Butler stepped into the door first.

Ingres is very wary of all unknowns, and so is the space in the painting. He turned his head and glanced at Laplace, seeing that she didn’t feel anything strange about the door opened on the oil painting, his heart just settled down a bit.

Laplace walked into the door first, and Angel was about to follow. However, just as he was about to step into the door, Eya’s voice came from behind: “Please wait a moment.”

Angel turned his head to look.

Eya: “Mr. Angel, although it’s a bit presumptuous, I still want to confirm one more point: Can the logger really provide unlimited access?”

Eya’s words stunned everyone present.

Isn’t Gleipnir present, and she also clearly said “enough” before, why did Eya suddenly turn around and ask Angel? Also, why does Eya think that Angor will know whether the stock of the logger is sufficient?

Angel looked at Eya with doubts.

Aya paused, and said: “Algalon likes to study alchemy and forging very much. I have read the alchemy books written by it, and I also know something about human alchemy.”

Speaking of this, Eya lightly tapped the glasses she was wearing.

This glasses-shaped register is the product of human alchemy, and the materials used are also from the human world.

Among the people present, only Angel was a human being.

The answer is self-evident.

After being silent for a moment, Angel nodded to Eya: “Unlimited supply is difficult. But in order to deal with deployment and control, we can still provide enough loggers.”

Ea nodded lightly: “Knowing this is enough.”

Paused, Eya continued to ask: “Can I ask another question?”

Angel didn’t say a word, but he didn’t walk into the painting door, which is actually a kind of tacit consent.

Ea: “Mr. Angel is an alchemist?”

“Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to pry into privacy; it’s my old friend, that is, Algaron, who is preparing to refine an item recently, and wants to start with human alchemy. ~Eya means that I hope Angel can help.

But everyone present knows that in the field of forging, Algaron is the most “great” existence in the day mirror field. When Angel went to see Algaron, it might be who helped whom.

Ea is obviously taking advantage of this to give Angel a convenience.

Angel could also feel Eya’s kindness, he thought for a while, and replied: “If there is a chance, I would also like to see Master De’s forging technique.”

Did not give a direct response, but also showed his intention.

Eya smiled and said, “There should be a chance.”

Seeing that Eya had nothing else to say, Angel nodded slightly, turned around and escaped into the door in the painting.


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