Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3357, cut into the topic


The words Eya said, in the ears of others, sound very sincere, even if they are not moved, they are enough to make people sigh.

But Laplace didn’t show any expression after listening. He just glanced at Eya indifferently: “Are you addicted to reading scripts again? You speak so hard.”

Read the script?

The most important thing is that Laplace also used the word “and” to express it. This means that Ea was also addicted to dialogue books?

Everyone looked at Eya unconsciously.

Eya smiled slightly, and slowly walked back to his place: “The scenes in the storybook that are enough to make people cry are indeed difficult to recreate. They need atmosphere and supporting roles to set off. Unfortunately, it is difficult at this moment There are so many preparations to enhance the atmosphere.”

This sentence is an admission that Laplace’s complaints are true.

Eya: “However, although there are lines borrowed from the script, the respect for the teacher is not false.”

Laplace shook his head helplessly, but did not answer.

Ea didn’t speak, but sat down calmly.

On the other hand, Mo Lian, who was sipping hot tea, frowned slightly: “I thought you changed your human form specially because I was here; but now it seems that it is because of your teacher?”

Jasmine put down her teacup and stared at Eya straight in the eyes: “If the main body knows, it will probably be even more annoying.”

Morian’s tone was teasing, but her expression didn’t have any teasing meaning.

Ea looked at Mo Lian: “There is no difference between you and the main body. What you think is not what the main body thinks.”

“Book-headed, without emotion.” Molly Ann snorted, and turned her head, too lazy to look at Eya again.

Ea didn’t say much, he could guess some of Morian’s thoughts.

Jasmine, the flower of the high mountains, was bewitched by something, or she had carried out some kind of self-strategy, and suddenly wanted to bloom in the warm spring; so Gao Leng became arrogant, and bluntly turned into coy , I feel aggrieved if I have a slight disagreement.

But the spring she was looking forward to was not really spring.

At least, Ea doesn’t have that strange feeling for Molly Ann yet, and he can’t force himself to become someone’s own spring to warm the flowers of the high mountains.

Ea also spoke bluntly, but unfortunately, Mo Lian didn’t seem to want to believe it.

Ea doesn’t care if he really doesn’t believe it, or pretends not to believe it; anyway, on Eya’s side, he has nothing to do with Molly Ann, and Molly Ann unilaterally treats him coyly or “disgusted” , can’t change Eya’s opinion.

It’s like watching a junior lose his temper.

It’s just that some of Mo Li’an’s deeds have become the gossip of many mirror dragons.

Looking at the flashing bright eyes of Kukulus, one can guess that it is trying to figure out something.

It is impossible for Eya to correct it in front of outsiders, so he can only shake his head secretly in his heart.

Ea ignored the two moody mirror dragons beside him, but motioned for Angel and Laplace to take their seats. After everyone sat down, Eya opened his mouth and said:

“Now, everyone is finally here, let’s get to the point.” Eya turned to the giant crystal shell, looking at the hunchbacked figure inside: “Prophet Jota, and the two elders, next I hope you can listen to the words that come down. After all, now that all ethnic groups are gathering in Crystal City, you, as the organizer, are the most convenient for information transmission, and this is why I invited you to come.”

Jota and the two elders behind him glanced at each other, and said in a low voice: “Your Excellency Eya, it is so solemn, is it true that the visitors from Geshen Jingyu are not kind as Graepnir said? “

Ea: “The so-called business has nothing to do with the good intentions of the singer and the Yusen clan, but we can start talking about them as the entry point of the topic…”

When Eya said this, he glanced at Graipnir: “Do you mind if I relay the plan of the singer Yusen?”

Gleipnir waved his hand: “Your Excellency Eya, please feel free.”

Eya nodded, and then continued to look at Jota: “The appearance of the singer and the Yusen clan is not as you imagined, it is just for communication. Their conspiracy… Oh, no, it should be said that Yang The conspiracy is directly on the surface.”

Speaking of this, Eya lightly pointed to the display book on the table: “And all of this starts with the display items they sell…”

Ea does not seem to have the reserve of a “big man”. He took the trouble to start from the beginning and narrate.

While Eya was talking to Jota and others, Grapnir was in the psychic belt, explaining the current situation to Angel and Laplace.

Yota and the two elders of the Jingmu clan did not come here for a long time, and they were about two or three minutes earlier than them.

Because of this, they are actually still confused about many things.

This is why Ea needs to start from the beginning with them.

As for why Jota mentioned that “the guests in Gesen Jingyu are not good”, it is because not long ago, Jota just arrived in Yundong, and he still believed with certainty that Secretary Long came to the party on purpose because The arrival of the singer and the Yumori clan.

After all, the goods of the singer and the Yusen clan, whether it is a stele, a tower, or a feather, are all good things for EMI.

Moreover, as the manipulator behind the giant city spirit, Jota is very clear that not long ago, after learning about the products sold by the guests of Gesen Jingyu, Mo Lian immediately rushed to Piluxiu’s station, just to witness with his own eyes. The effect of the Monument of the Singer.

Afterwards, Mo Lian quickly arranged for his Dragon Crow to return to the station, presumably to send a message to the Bailong Divine Kingdom that the “Monument of the Singer” and the “Singing Tower” appeared here.

In Jota’s mind, Bailong Shenguo was probably also moved by these “good things”, and sent the mysterious dragon to discuss in detail.

Because of this, after Jota entered the cloud cave, in order to perform in front of Eya, he took the initiative to mention that he could matchmaking, so that the mirror dragon clan could get the goods of the singer and the Yusen clan first.

After Keyota finished speaking, he realized that Eya didn’t show any expression. Even Molly Ann, who was very excited at Piluxiu’s station before, was very calm at this time.

This makes Jota very puzzled. Have the “Monument of the Singer” and the “Tower of Songs” lost their appeal?

At this moment, Graipnir said a word: “Any benefit you get has a marked price. If you only see the benefit and don’t look at the hidden price, then you may I will fall a lot, and even fall so that I can’t get up.”

As the prophet of the Jingmu tribe, Jota is naturally not stupid.

He could tell that Grapnir was implying that there is no good thing in the world, and if there is any benefit, there must be a price to pay.

And now he is only looking at the benefits, not the harm.

Jota: “But everything is clearly marked.”

In other words, Jota and the others paid for crystals, which is the price for purchasing the “Singer’s Monument” and “Singing Tower”. The benefits obtained through the transaction are deserved.

Gleipnir: “Do you think you can buy this kind of thing that can change the pattern of the mirror domain with just a few crystals?”

Although you paid the price for the crystals, can you really pay the “clear” price with these crystals alone?

Gleipnir’s rhetorical question, Jota did not answer.

Because in his heart, he indeed believed that the two ends of the scale of this transaction were full of inequality.

Kyota believes that this inequality may be caused by different mirrors and different values. Just like dandelions in the material world, they are very common flowers and plants, but in the country of the Telu people, they are expensive luxury goods.

No matter what Jota thinks, he understands Graipnir’s meaning: Whether it’s the singer or the Yusen family, in short, these foreign visitors from the Gesen mirror domain are not good guests.

In fact, Jota still has doubts about this, but neither Ea nor Morian has refuted it. In Jota’s view, this is a kind of tacit consent.

Because of this, when Eya mentioned “business”, he immediately asked if it had anything to do with the “unfriendly visitors from Gesen Jingyu”.

Gleipnir finished talking about the situation on Jota’s side, and briefly described what she and Eya had said.

After she met Eya, the first thing she talked about was naturally “Dream Crystal Field”.

Gleipnir told the general situation of the dream crystal field, although it was just a straightforward statement without any subjective opinions; but even so, Eya also showed great interest .

In particular, he already knew that Kukulus had obtained the ability of “assimilation” from the Dragon Tomb of Kirishima, and he was looking forward to the Dream Crystal.

For this reason, Graipnir sent a logger to Eya on the spot.

That is, the pair of gold-rimmed glasses that Eya is wearing now.

Although there is a login device, Eya did not immediately enter the Crystal Field of Dreams. Is it due to caution or other considerations? Graipnir didn’t know either.

Since Eya did not enter the Crystal Field of Dreams, Gleipnir decided to take this opportunity to tell the story of Shulifa, the puppet of misfortune.

After all, this is an important matter related to the survival of the entire Sun Mirror Domain.

Therefore, Graipnir changed the subject and told the story from beginning to end.

However, although we have finished talking about the disaster puppet Shulifa, Graipnir has not had time to talk about the possible role of the logger in this matter.

Angel also expressed his understanding after listening. It is okay to talk about the role of the logger later. It just so happens that the prophet of the Jingmu clan is here. Loggers are promoted.

Through the spiritual tie, they are almost done talking.

As for Eya, he was still telling Jota the outline of the whole incident, and added some of his own understanding.

Ea started from the “Yangmou” between the singer and Yusen, and slowly stepped back, talking about some customs and general situation of Gesen Jingyu. A lot of information, even Laplace has never heard of it.

Obviously, these are Eya’s own knowledge reserves.

For example, Eya started from the origin of the name “Song Sen Jing Yu”, and talked about the rise of the singer and the Yusen clan, becoming the “twin stars” that shined on the entire Jing Yu, but also because they were too dazzling , It also led to a wave of blindness and arrogance within the singer and Yusen clan.

It was also at that time that they changed the name of Jingyu to “Gongsen”.

It is enough to show its pride.

This kind of blind arrogance, if they don’t encounter any major events, then they may be able to be arrogant all the time; but fate can’t always look at them, the mysterious thing of disorder is unintentionally triggered, and it makes them fall because of blind arrogance I suffered a great loss.

Now, Gesen Mirror Field is on the verge of complete disappearance and danger.

It can be said that this is not only an innocent natural disaster, but also a man-made disaster caused by years of blindness.

By introducing the characters of the singer and the Yusen clan, Eya cut into the topic of “the puppets of disaster”… This point was not mentioned by Gleipnir.

It was completely deduced and supplemented by Eya himself.

If it is someone else’s brain supplement, it may be arrogant and bragging. But Eya is different. As the extremely mysterious secret secretary dragon, if he can speak earnestly, there must be other ways to prove it.

Not for nothing.

Because Eya added self-understanding and added a lot of detailed knowledge, Angor, the “transmitter of original information”, couldn’t help listening to it again.

Ea continued to tell the story, starting from the accidental puppet being summoned, and talking about the disintegration of the Geshen mirror domain, and the ignorant low-level singers were even sent to the surrounding mirror domains as outposts for the “expedition”.

The Prophet Jota and the two elders of the Jingmu tribe heard this, and combined with the “Yangmou” they had learned before, the story immediately connected.

“It turns out that what Graipnir said is true. They are not good guests… but they want to use this method to transform the environment of the Sun Mirror Domain as their future shelter.” The Prophet Tower muttered silently.

Jota’s expression was still calm, but the eyes of the two elders behind him were round with anger.

You know, as the host, they have already reserved a lot of things from the singer and the Yusen clan in advance, and even paid a lot of crystals for the priority construction right of the “Song Tower”.

It turns out that even if the singing tower is built and the environment is improved, it will only pave the way for future singers to come.

How does this make them feel better?

It was already their restraint not to scold on the spot.

“Actually, you don’t need to be too angry, because, if there is no accident, the large troops of the singer and the Yusen clan will not come to the White Sun Mirror Domain in the future.” Eya: “So even if you have completed the construction Ge Tower can also be used.”

As long as the singer does not come, the buff effect of the singing tower is real.

“Not coming?” Prophet Jota was stunned: “Aren’t they already on an expedition? How could they not come?”

The misfortune puppet Shulifa has begun to erode the entire Geshen mirror area. In this case, they have only two choices, face up to the difficulties and solve Hulifa’s demands; or immigrate quickly and stay away from Hulifa Law.

The former is very difficult. It has been confirmed through countless human lives that it is basically a moth to the flame.

Therefore, they actually have only one choice: to stay away from Gesen Jingyu.

Since there are already outposts coming to Bairi Jingyu to launch an “expedition”, and the conspiracy is also on the surface, it stands to reason that the next step is that the big troops of Gesen Jingyu should come, right?

How could Eya let them not worry?

Ea did not answer but asked instead: “Under what circumstances do you think the large troops from the Gosen Mirror Region will not come to the Daylight Mirror Region?”

Jota: “There are better options.”

Eya nodded: “Indeed, if they had a better choice, they would indeed not come to the Sun Mirror Domain. What about other than this situation?”

Jota pondered for a moment, and suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his head abruptly.

Opposite –

Ea was looking at himself quietly, Jasmine sipped tea and lowered her brows, and Kukurus was looking into the void from a distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Jota turns to look in their direction.

Gleipnir was silent, Angel and Laplace seemed to be unaware, but the two elders of the same clan behind him looked at each other in blank dismay. From each other’s eyes, they both found a trace of frightened.

Until then, Jota swallowed his saliva, and said in a slightly hesitant voice: “There is another possibility that the Bairi Mirror Domain is also in crisis.”

When the Bairi mirror area is also in crisis, the large troops in the Songsen mirror area will naturally choose to stop.

Just, really?

Jota felt a little disbelieving, but it seemed that this was the only possibility.

Jota watched Ea, waiting for his answer.

Eya sighed lightly, without hiding anything, and nodded directly: “Yes, you guessed it right.”

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