Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 50: Heart Light Body·Guiding Star (6900)


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The holy mountain is majestic and towering, like beams and pillars supporting the sky, and the many torches and eyes under the mountain are like the flickering stars of the past.

Yin En stared at these stars, and he understood why Qianganglong regarded her people as his greatest treasure.

He is not Solstner, he does not have feelings for the mountain people for hundreds of years…Steel Dragon’s life, such a long time, even if it is a pet, you have to develop your heart, let alone What’s more, she has never treated people as pets, so she naturally has a care that she may not be aware of.

Yoon Eun does not have this kind of love.

However, these people hope that Yin En can fulfill their wishes… and Yin En also hopes that they can fulfill his dream.

This relationship of mutual need…is like the light that connects the stars.

A pale blue star danced in Yin En’s heart, it was burning, jumping happily, about to fly out of the heart and soul, and manifest in reality.

Thus, Yin En let it come to reality.

A deep and melodious chime sounded, and blue sparks appeared in the void, burning in the darkness.

After that, it condensed and turned into a shining cross star.

A crystal-clear water-colored blue star hangs in front of the boy’s forehead.

But this is not the end – blue star sparks light up one after another, circling around Yin En’s head, forming a structure like a halo crown.

However, among the blue stars that emerged later, only two were shining with warm light, and the others were dim.

And the original blue star was shining brightly, it was the most dazzling jewel on the top of the crown.

This is the light body of the mind.

【Guiding Star】

Guide others to fulfill their dreams, and others will fulfill their dreams for themselves… Let everything in the past turn into merit and become the strength to go to the future.

A kind of power is blooming slightly.

But now is not the time to delve into the details.

“Yin En!”

At this moment, Elder Man Ya also climbed to the top of the holy mountain.

He didn’t really come to the altar, but stood on the edge of the sacrificial fire, looked up at Yin En from below, and asked loudly: “To you, what are we mountain people?!”

This is the only question he wants to know now – without knowing the answer to this question, the old man will never be able to get rid of his demons, and will never be able to advance to the third energy level.

Even if the answer disappointed him, Elder Manya was eager to know.

The white-haired boy lowered his head, and he looked into the old man’s eyes, which were staring at him persistently.

He laughed.

Yin En bent down and stretched out his hand. The old man was stunned for a moment. After he hesitated to extend his hand, Yin En held it tightly and pulled him to his side.

“It’s our mountain people. They are the first step of my dream.”

Yin En looked at those jumping mountain people, and he smiled from the heart: “Imperial people and mountain people are the same to me… It’s just that compared to the living imperial people, they are still moist.” , today’s mountain people need me even more.”

“So I need them more.”

“Elder.” At this moment, Yin En raised his voice slightly: “Get ready—go to the third energy level.”

“If I can represent the future of the mountain people, then you are the present of the mountain people. Our camp needs a third energy level, and I also need you to block the pressure from the empire and Flameland for me.”

“Believe me, as the heir of the dragon god, to become the third energy level – this is the best time.”

Yin En said so.

It is both an arrogant command and a gentle guide.

The prophet’s crown shimmered on the boy’s head.

Elder Man Ya took a deep look at Yin En.

He could naturally detect that the young man’s forehead, like a materialized spiritual creation, is some kind of mind light body… at least the embryonic form of the mind light body.

It’s a bit weird——in general, isn’t the heart light body a certain complete form of the true shape of the blood? The other party is obviously of the blood of a fairy, so his mind and light body should also be a fairy… Is it because of a psyker?

It doesn’t matter, fairies are always strange, there must be fairies like stars.

It’s just that Yin En has come to this point… The second energy level has the embryonic form of the heart light body…


The old man had already prepared the potion and made all the preparations—before Yin En arrived, Elder Man Ya even planned to risk his death to break through the third energy level.

But now, with the right ritual, his knot was untied.

The sacred fire was burning before his eyes, and another person who could lead the mountain people to glory… was also shining.

“That’s fine…”

Mumbling to himself, Elder Manya smiled.

He turned around and walked towards the sacrificial fire, with a calm and calm voice: “Then, Yin En——I will be your barrier and strength.”

“My body is old, but it can still block some rumors and wind and frost.”

“Thank you.”

Yin En watched as the old man stepped into the sacrificial fire and took the potion.

He thanked softly: “Thank you for your hard work, elder.”

The vortex is spinning, stirring up the gusts of wind and clouds between the sky and the earth.

Terra 773, on December 7th, the rebellion chief of the mountain people Kamubu, Kede Jiamu broke the two hundred years of history that the mountain people had no third energy level, and became the first third energy level among the mountain people.

In 773 Terra, on December 11th, the mountain people Avod, followed by Manya Avod, advanced to the third energy level when the holy mountain sacrificial fire was lit.

At the same time, the Avod tribe officially sent an express letter to all the mountain tribes, informing that the dragon **** sacrifice fire was rekindled, and at the same time announced that the “Dragon God Messenger” had also appeared.

The already chaotic situation in Nanling became more complicated.

“Dragon God Messenger? The sacrificial fire is rekindled? The mountain people have two third energy levels?”

In the imperial capital, the Marquis of Barton, who was about to prepare to return to Nanling, looked surprised: “Manya succeeded? It’s incredible. The mountain people have been tossing their holy mountain for three or four hundred years, and now they finally have some results.”

Even though he was as resourceful and thoughtful as he was, he never thought that things would develop so quickly—this year hadn’t even passed, and Fei Yandi sent five armors to support the mountain people.

Before Nauman City had time to do anything, all three armors were defeated by Yin En… That’s all, soon, a third-level rebel appeared among the mountain people!

This is big news, and it is a major event that makes the Marquis of Barton plan to go back and deal with it himself.

As a result, Man Ya is also at the third energy level.

“It’s unbelievable, the world is changing so fast.” He shook his head and said with emotion: “And, Yin En is also beside him? He said he is the envoy of the Dragon God?”

[Yes, General]

Colonel Mayova’s voice came from behind the communicator: [Yin En was at the scene at that time, and Manya wanted to take the risk of becoming the third energy level at that time, trying to awaken the Dragon God Sacrificial Fire, but because the risk was too high, In order to avoid the complete disintegration of the Avod tribe after his death, and the loss of the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult in Nanling, he entrusted Yin En to be the ‘messenger’, and if he died, he would help take care of the tribe and the Dragon Worship Cult]

This is the information reported by Yin En personally, can it be false? Neither Colonel Mayova nor the Marquis of Barton doubted the authenticity of this information. After all, they both knew that Yin En was a dragon blood holder, and it was more than enough to pretend to be a Dragon God messenger.

As for Yin En, the real messenger of the Dragon God, the one who rekindles the holy flame…

Impossible. Absolutely impossible!

“This is a good thing.” Regarding this information, the Marquis of Barton nodded slightly: “The result is the same as what we wanted, the only difference is that Manya succeeded.”

[Yes] Colonel Mayova’s tone is also full of emotion: [This is incredible, in the case of Elder Manya, the probability of his success in advancing to the third level is less than one in a thousand]

“It is 100% now.” The Marquis of Barton thought for a while, and then laughed: “In any case, Manya is our ally… There is a third energy level of the ally, who will completely wipe out the mountain people in the future The plan to integrate into the empire will be smoother.”

“Man Ya is really dead, and there is nothing the people below can do if they hate us. But Man Ya is alive, Yin En is the lord of Xiahui, and the messenger of the Dragon God. There are many articles in it, which can be transformed slowly .”

“What’s the situation now?” he asked.

[A large number of neutral mountain tribes are now approaching the Frodo Autonomous Region. It should be the call of the elders of Manya to advance and the dragon **** to sacrifice fire] Colonel Mayova said: [Yi Jiamu, Rong Gang , the rebel mountain people headed by Actinium Sanbu also confronted each other, and the group of steel pterosaurs was also approaching the south]

“Where is the king of the mountain?” Frowning slightly, Marquis Barton only focused on the fourth-level real dragon: “Where is she? Our contract should be to ensure that the steel pterosaurs cannot cross the Mars Mountains—” —Why is she missing?”

[The King of the Mountain said that she has something important to do] Colonel Mayova said: [But she left us a message before disappearing]

[She said that when she solves this matter, the Steel Winged Dragon King will not be her opponent]

“…the dragon can really do whatever it wants.”

After discussing the current situation in Nanling for a while, the Marquis of Barton hung up the communication. He closed his eyes, thought for a while, and dialed the second prince’s communication.

Manya of the third energy level, the envoy of the Dragon God and the Dragon Worship Cult… This boy Yin En is really surprising.

His Royal Highness will want to know the news.

As for what the king of the mountain has to do…

South Ridge, Department of Avod.

At this time, the mountain tribe is celebrating.

Since the food disaster and the rebellion, many traditional festivals of the mountain people have been skipped, and those days of celebration have been lost, and life is quite boring.

But because yesterday, the envoy of the dragon **** and the elder Manya who advanced to the third energy level restarted the sacred mountain fire sacrifice. In order to celebrate this most important happy event, the tribe relaxed the food control, and even took out the fruit wine that had been hoarded for a long time. Let people drink to their heart’s content.

As for the fact that Dragon God’s envoy looks like a white citizen…

Who cares, it’s not that there are no Baizhimin mountain people, and the other party looks so good-looking, and Elder Manya guarantees that he can’t be wrong!

The mountain folks had a drink, but Yin En and Elder Manya didn’t have the time to celebrate.

They have many important things to do.

“The King of the Mountain will arrive in the afternoon—she needs to bring Siou from his lair first.”

Elder Manya stepped out of his tent, looking much younger under the noon sun.

A ray of bluish-colored breeze lingered around him, and his eyes, which were slightly dull due to old age, became deep and crystal-clear, giving him a sense of confidence that he was in control.

This breeze is the appearance of the “life spirit” after the elder Manya advanced to the third energy level. In ancient terms, it is the so-called “vision”, which is the human spirit, soul and body. Beyond the limitations of ordinary people, it truly becomes a manifestation of a higher level of life.

It looks thin and fragile, but it can’t be penetrated by a direct attack from an alchemy cannon, because in essence, it is the psionic field in the body of the third-level sublimator, which is in harmony with the psionic field of the outside world. A layer of ‘fusion zone’ formed by resonance can provide all-round protection equivalent to a part of its strength.

The ‘Nightmare Breed’ that Yin En once killed was just a phantom with only power because it had no body or even a soul, so it could be defeated by him without this layer of life and spiritual defense .

Otherwise, it would not be that simple for Yin En to break its defense.

Noticing that Yin En has been staring at the long wind shield on his body, Elder Manya couldn’t help laughing: “Don’t you also have a heart light body? It’s a miracle, you can do it without the third energy level With a light body, isn’t this much more powerful than my ordinary third energy level?”

“Where does the common theory of the third level come from? Everyone is a hero, and I am not curious or envious.”

Yin En shook his head slightly, he withdrew the silver-blue light in his eyes, and finished modeling: “I am observing the essence of the vision.”

In Yin En’s mind, the field model observed through the vision horizon and the silver chip just now was reproducing in Yin En’s mind. The chimeric and interlaced structure of the system will cause a considerable part of all external forces to be transferred to natural psionic energy, and only a small part will be fed back to the third energy level.”

“As for the powerful life essence of the third energy level, the remaining strength is similar to massage.”

“Only extremely high-purity source quality and spiritual energy can break through this layer of damage reduction shield and achieve real damage.”

After hearing Yin En’s detailed analysis, Elder Man Ya couldn’t help but suppress his smile.

He nodded solemnly: “That’s it. The reason why the true form of the bloodline starts from the hero level (third energy level) is called ‘high level’, because of this essential transformation.”

“My experience can make you understand, which is the best thing.”

“It’s really rewarding. When I want to advance to the third energy level, I am confident that I can condense a better one.”

Yin En nodded slightly, he now fully understands why the third energy level is called a hero.

Just like many myths in ancient Terra mythology.

Only a ‘hero’ can defeat a ‘hero’.

To be more specific, in the event of a full-scale war on the continent of Terra, ordinary people without energy levels are the most basic soldiers and logistics, responsible for regional occupation and handling various sundries, and the first energy level is Special elite troops.

During the war, countries will temporarily use strategic reserves to catalyze a group of professional first-level bloodline true form sublimators. They are responsible for driving armor, giant combat machines and sky fortresses, and controlling some that require source quality control capabilities The special weapons are similar to the status of full armored units, with extremely high mobility and lethality, and are the main consumption force of war.

And the second energy level will serve as the commander of these troops, or establish a special strike team independently, just like the Feiyandi Special Battle Brigade in Nanling, to carry out special missions, which is the responsibility of each war zone important tactical force.

But the third energy level is no longer the tactical level, they are the main part of a country’s basic strategic power.

Each third energy level is equivalent to a high-firing warship that can soar in the air at supersonic speed. It is an existence that can directly change a battlefield or even the power balance in a theater, and reverse the victory or defeat of a key battle. .

If one party invests in the third energy level, if the other party does not add more, it will undoubtedly lose.

——Only a ‘hero’ can defeat a ‘hero’.

This is also the reason why after the chief of the Jiamu Department advanced, even though the elder Manya knew that his success rate in the advancement was 100 percent, he still took the risk to break through.

As for the fourth energy level…it is a super strategic weapon capable of burning mountains and boiling seas, destroying heaven and earth, and making mountains tremble and collapse.

The mere existence of them can guarantee the survival of a country. This is also the highest level of combat power that can be dispatched between major powers.

Fifth energy level?

The fifth energy level is not the emperor and the pope, it is the guardian of a country, the leader of the alliance, or even the gods walking in the world-you want these people to go to the battlefield in person? If we really want to get to that point, there is no need for war.

Many contradictions and interest disputes in the world are equivalent to non-existence and meaningless to them. If they want to fight…that is not something on the continent of Terra.

Elder Manya has now achieved the third energy level, even if he has just broken through, he will have a reputation in the empire.

Yin En estimates that just because of this, Nauman City will send people to approach them for further cooperation and propose a new contract that is more beneficial to the mountain people.

“The King of the Mountain and Xiou will be here in the afternoon… that’s just right, Elder Manya, can you let me see your heart light body?”

Yin En is not surprised that the King of the Mountain is so fast, one can even say that he left the line of defense and came directly to him. Cradle’s purification and detoxification system.

Two-pronged approach, if this can’t cure Siou’s void toxin, then the whole Terra probably can’t do anything else.

Before helping the King of the Mountain and Xiou to solve their troubles, Yin En had nothing to do. Naturally, he could only grab Elder Manya, the third energy level closest to him, ask him about his various experiences, and observe his There are various changes and characteristics.

“A little unskilled, I will try my best.”

Elder Man Ya held his breath and concentrated, the old man closed his eyes, and then the cyan breeze lingering around him suddenly rose.

Immediately afterwards, amidst a slight dragon roar, a pterosaur with a slender body, wings like knives, and a fine and smooth carapace leaped out of the long blue wind.

Compared to the normal Yanweilong, Elder Manya’s heart light body is more agile, and his body shape has also changed slightly – the normal Yanweilong is thinner and has a shorter tail, not like Like the heart light body, it is a wind whip formed by the condensed blue wind pillar.

Obviously, Elder Manya’s Heart Light Body is more perfect and powerful.

“It’s so beautiful…”

Yin En stared at the five or six meter long heart light body suspended behind Elder Manya, and he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “The perfect combination of source quality and spiritual energy is based on the source material structure in the true shape of the blood veins.” , then use the original ether as the flesh and blood, and finally use the obsession in the soul as the core… So this is the heart light body!”

The moment Yin En saw the heart light body, Yin En understood that all the cultivation of the first and second level of sublimation is for this moment.

The first energy level sharpens the limits of the body and learns to control the source quality; the second energy level condenses the soul and faith, using the source quality to affect the natural spiritual energy… All the training and practice at these times are to be able to control the mind The light body is condensed perfectly and correctly.

This is an essential transformation.

Yin En is close to Elder Manya’s heart light body ‘Dragon of the Wind’ – the image of the heart light body is different according to the bloodline and the real shape. The bloodline is naturally the image of the original monster, and the real shape is the first generation The image of a true form practitioner fighting with all his strength when determining the true form potion.

Psykers are quite special. For those who have psychic powers before the third energy level, most of their mental bodies are related to the obsession when awakening psychic powers, and their images are mostly strange, with everything.

Everyone will constantly transform their mind-light body into an image that is more suitable for them through practice based on this image foundation.

Moreover, every heart light body, or in other words, a person who has sublimated the third energy level, has a special ability because of the spiritual energy of life.

Elder Manya and his astral body also have it. It is a kind of sheltering wind, which can be blessed on oneself or the designated target, so that it can completely deflect and dodge almost all long-range attacks in a short period of time. Enemies who are close to each other will also be perceived by the high-speed movement of the wind-attribute source quality disorder, and they will not be able to accurately hit the target while slowing down, and they will even be blinded for a short time.

At the same time, if it is used to attack, the frenzied wind will create a vacuum, pull all the matter in all directions, pull all people or things in a huge range into the vacuum, and temporarily bind them in place.

This ability stems from the wind control power of Yan Weilong, and also from Elder Manya’s obsession with wanting to ‘guard’ and ‘unify’ the mountain people, which is the same as psionic power.

Elder Manya displayed his abilities continuously, and the mind light body flew over the tribe and the mountains. Yin En observed it for nearly half an hour, and couldn’t help feeling a little tired—he had just entered the third energy level, so naturally it was impossible to maintain the mind light for a long time body, half an hour is enough for an all-out battle.

“Thank you elder.”

Of course Yin En won’t let the old man hold on, he thanked softly, grateful from the bottom of his heart, which instead made the elder smile: “It’s good that you have gained something.”

Of course Yin En has something to gain.

After all, he also has a mind light body now.

It’s just that his mind light body is a bit strange, so Yin En wanted to prove himself by observing Elder Man Ya’s mind light body.

As an awakened psyker, Yin En’s precognitive vision already represents his obsession with “wanting to know everything”. The soul is condensed, but theoretically it is also a manifestation of obsession.

But…his heart light body “Guiding Star” is a bit strange.

Originally, Yin En felt that his mental light body should be a kind of precognitive mental light body formed based on the predictive vision, such as the form of “prophecy book”, which allows him to predict various information in more detail , guiding others towards a better future.

It is not only in line with Yin En’s obsession with seeking knowledge, but also in line with the essence of a prophet guiding others to a better path.

Yin En even planned to use this excuse to cooperate with the rumors of the “prophet who brought down thunder” that had been widely circulated, and directly confirm his identity as a prophet after he reached the third energy level.

But the result…is slightly different.

Yin En’s heart light body is not a book, but a star.

Needless to say, the star is the foundation of all Yin En’s wishes, which is more reasonable than the book.

If it weren’t for the fact that there is no starry sky in this world, he would not be in a hurry to go to the high sky and become a lord, but would happily form an adventure team to travel the entire Terra world and explore the whole picture of this novel world.

Starry sky? It won’t be too late for me to travel all over Terra first!

The shape of the cross star crown is a manifestation of arrogance in Yin En’s heart – he believes that he comes from a world with a higher social form, so he has the ability to guide everyone on Terra to the sky .

Yin acknowledges this arrogance without taking pride in it, nor does he consider it mean.

This is true.

But every time Yin En tries to activate the Guiding Star, it will give back a strange feeling of ‘not meeting the conditions’.

This is strange—the heart light body is a condensed thing that comes out of the heart and soul. Once it is born, its owner can understand its name and how to use it.

Although the ability itself needs to be discovered, how can it be impossible to use it?

After observing Elder Manya’s heart light body, Yin En found the answer.

“It turns out that my heart light body is the type that needs extra energy filling?”

“No, it should be that my heart light body is too strong, but my physical body has not yet reached the third energy level, so if I want to use it now, I can only pay extra energy, so as not to force it and hurt myself.” /

Thinking to himself, Yin En has not yet reached the third energy level, but he has the ancient dragon core, ether crystal and silver chip. He can also condense some ‘primordial ether’.

Closing his eyes, Yin En mobilized the source seed and sent the original ether in his body to the heart light body.

A water-colored cross star appeared on the top of the young man’s forehead, and then ten other stars were derived, which lit up one by one, forming the ring of the crown.

The “Guiding Star” is still the same as when it first appeared. Its body, the largest and most dazzling cross, is shining on Yin En’s forehead, and two brighter, warmer crosses are located on both sides. , surrounded by other dim doji stars.

However, it is different from the past when Yin En tried to push but could not succeed.

With the support of the original ether, the entire guiding star is shining brightly.

More than that…

At this moment, the phantoms of the insect swarm and the spiritual disaster, among the two shining stars… flashed away.


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