Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 40: If you hit the front, I will steal the house!


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“…Although what you said is very touching, I still don’t quite understand it.”

Crossing his hands on the table, Ian stared at the old man in front of him. He was silent for a while, and then slowly said: “If you are really like what you said, dreaming of seeing stars…”

“Then why, facing the starless night sky and the fact that the stars are disappearing one by one, can you be as calm as you are now?”

“My lord.”

Old Farr’s tone became more serious. He considered his own words, and tried to express himself in as neutral a tone as possible: “Aren’t you the same? You clearly know how hopeless it is to look up at the starry sky… But still be sane.”

“Of course I am far inferior to you, my lord. I was crazy, but I survived… when everyone else committed suicide out of despair.”

“I am ashamed and persistent…to survive.”

“Perhaps my sanity now is the sequelae of my madness at that time.”

Ian didn’t reply, he just stared at the old man in front of him silently.

“I see.”

After a long time, he spoke again, and this time it was a matter of business: “Let’s talk about your work and treatment.”

Everyone has a dream, and no dream is absolutely unique.

This complex and dark world, but not lacking in hope and light, is originally formed by the interweaving of thousands of dreams.

Ian didn’t have a long chat with Farr the Elder.

After he exchanged with the other party about matters related to the management of the territory without changing his face on the surface, he found that the old man was very familiar with the affairs of the Xiahui Territory, so he immediately made a decision to let the other party come to work at the city hall tomorrow to assist Scott manages all matters financial and personnel appointments.

It is said to assist Scott, but in fact it is to guide Scott to learn this work.

As Ian’s deputy and secretary, Scott needs to do a lot of things, and he can’t do everything, so Farr actually makes the decisions.

Don’t be suspicious, and don’t be suspicious when employing people. As a prophet, Ian knows who will betray him and who will not.

So he believes in the ‘dream’ that Old Farr said.


It wasn’t until Old Fal left that Ian turned around and looked at the bright phantom moon and the dim night sky outside the window.


He said softly, sighed a long time, but finally smiled: “Above Terra, after all, not everyone has forgotten the starry sky.”

“I’m not alone.”

“A star observation tower… yes, it was something I wanted to do, but it just reminded me.”

The next day, Ian summoned Roland.

This green-haired young man who seems to be of iron people blood, most likely because he has lived with the dwarves for a long time and has adapted, is not as ‘naive’ as Ian imagined.

Compared with the true model of innocence, Adalbert, Roland is more calm.

He doesn’t like lying, he even hates it. This mechanical alchemist is as upright about his life as a mechanical structure. He firmly believes that if he goes against his inner voice and does something that he regrets, it is like a wrong element in an alchemy instrument. Parts like that will lead to a failure in one’s life.

This cannot be said to be a completely healthy attitude towards life. After all, not everyone can stick to himself throughout his life, and Ian can’t guarantee it. But this kind of person does have a unique will and charm to distinguish himself from others and appear unique.

“I think the flat land on the west side of the Xiakou of the Xiahui Territory is very suitable for industrial development! Next to it is the Guyan Peak Xiakou and the Xiakou mining area, which is rich in minerals, and it is also the transportation hub between the Xiahui Territory and the land of the mountain people. As long as a fortress is built there and armed with the developed alchemy industry, the future territory will be absolutely solid!”

Facing Ian’s question, Roland’s eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a large number of drawings and diagrams from his briefcase.

He pointed to a piece of flat land on the map and talked eloquently: “What I learned in the Fallen Star Hills is the ‘production chain’ from the most basic mineral extraction to the final mechanical formation. Planting is the main thing, and I have been back to build it long ago!”

The flat land he mentioned was exactly where Ian led people to clear it out and deceive the rebel mountain people to camp. The terrain is indeed good, but it will be attacked condescendingly by the surrounding mountainside camps.

But on the other hand, as long as Ian himself occupies the surrounding high points in advance, then the camp here is really cast in copper and iron, and no one can enter it.


Ian was very satisfied with Roland who saw this. He nodded and said: “In the future, the Xiahui collar will still focus on agriculture. But I will not give up industrial production.”

“The flat land you mentioned will be developed after next year’s spring plowing. The city hall allocates funds for people to build industrial buildings in the canyon, purchase machinery and equipment, and build industrial camps while fully mining the mining area.”


Roland didn’t question Ian’s slowness, but was amazed at the speed of his lord: “Isn’t there only three or four months left? So fast?”

“It’s already very slow.” Ian pointed to the map: “The industrial production of Xiahui is imminent. Tomorrow. Tomorrow you will lead a team to explore the specific terrain of the inter-gorge and plan the division of industrial camps in the future. I will give In your two months, in two months, I will see a mature industrial town design.”

——This is impossible! In two months, it was barely enough to explore the land, and a complete industrial zoning was still to be designed!

Even if Roland himself learned this and learned from the mature divisions on the Falling Star Hills, in general, two months is too tight, right? !

The young mechanical alchemist’s complexion fluctuated, but he didn’t realize that he had been appointed by Ian as the general manager of the alchemy industrial park.

After returning home, Manager Moda, who knew this, stood up angrily, and gave his son a big ear scratch feebly.

The old manager roared angrily: “Are you stupid! You can’t do it all by yourself, so call someone!”

“You don’t have a teacher, no classmates, no friends and colleagues? You can’t tell. The lord wants to see if you have personnel management skills in addition to professional knowledge!”

Hearing this, Roland woke up like a dream – he found that his little cleverness was still a little bit less interesting compared with these real life experiences.

Actually, even Ian didn’t think of this… He wasn’t in a management position in his previous life, so how could he spend so much time thinking about it?

What Ian thinks is that the prototype of his artificial intelligence has been built by Adalbert. After two months of optimization, it will be time to use Roland’s design to do an experiment to see if it can be accelerated. Roland’s idea, help me think about it.

If it doesn’t work, then give it another one or two months and let Roland find someone.

However, even with the help of Ian’s incredibly detailed drawings, he tried to construct the general structure of artificial intelligence with spiritual matter in the virtual world, but the artificial soul still has not been found.

The primarch of the artificial soul is the brain slug of the Sequoia.

The brain-eating bug swarm is the final product of brain slugs undergoing mutation and distortion by the great elders of Sequoia, plus an unknown number of generations after artificial reversion to ancestors. They obviously cannot be used as a substitute for brain slugs.

The original intact brain slug no longer exists. Even though the information about many species in the Sequoia Base was recorded by Ian with a silver chip, there is no preservation of this kind of brain slug that is too similar to the brain slug. biological samples in close proximity.

So, there is only one way.

That is to learn from Grand Duke Sorin and the others, and extract it from the Sequoia people.

Sequoia natives, that is, Sequoia people, still have some brain slugs in their bodies. Although most of the symbiotic brain slugs have degenerated because there is no maintenance of the gene modulation warehouse, there are still some brain slugs that succeed It adapted well to the environment of Terra after Skyfall, and was able to be ‘monsterized’.

This kind of demonization means that the Sequoia Aboriginal Great Shaman can fuse with Warcraft, and then control the essence of those terrifying monsters-every Sequoia Aboriginal Great Shaman is essentially a “brain-attached” Slugblood’ Sublimator!

They turned themselves into brain slugs in order to coexist with the monsters and control their every move.

Of course, what Ian wants is not this kind of overpowering brain slug, he just needs the ‘seeds’ that some Sequoia people may have.

Adelbert has a fairly perfect method to expand and multiply this seed, and then fine-tune its structure to make it into a potion.

At that time, as long as Ian finds an excuse to give Xiahui an injection for all the people, then the same “national soul” as in the collar of Grand Duke Sorin will appear on Xiahui’s collar!

Because of previous experience, the practice speed will be much faster.

Now, Ian just needs to wait, wait for time, and wait for the qualified Sequoia people he recruited in Harrison Port to come over and say that they need their “blood”.

He just needs to wait for the entire city to operate and develop, craftsmen start to build agricultural buildings, and Roland and others go to explore the land between the gorge.

In this way, you can make all your plans on the right track.

Ian has a lot of patience to wait, just as he could wait for four years until he grows up, until the “opportunity” of Isengard and Master Goser arrives.

However, this time, Ian has no time to wait.

Because the next night, Ian received a message from the Dragon Worshiper.

“The leader of the Jiamu Department, Guin Jiamu, with the support of Fei Yandi, has already advanced to the third energy level.”

Pansha is now in Shuangmu Town, and he borrowed the communication device of the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce to contact Ian: “They plan to cooperate with the group of steel pterosaurs to break through the Frodo Autonomous Region with the assistance of the South Sea Fleet for defense, and get the A high-quality port, to receive the support fleet from Flaming Land… But we can’t be sure about the specific movements of other troops on the other side, and the Lions must also be careful.”

“Third energy level?”

Ian was also a little surprised: “Didn’t it mean that the mountain people don’t have the inheritance of the third level? Flameland happens to have the chief’s advanced potion formula?”


Pansha is also puzzled: “Theoretically speaking, the formulas for the heroic level (ancient name of the third energy level) of our mountain people are all in the Book of Silver Glory…”

Yes. Ian suddenly thought of it. The Flame Land was probably at the Avak Laboratory. Through cooperation, he obtained part of the information of the Book of Silver Glory, and then used these information to induce some mountain people to rebel, right? That’s easy to understand.

“How to deal with it?”

Thinking in his heart, Ian asked solemnly: “Does the empire have an additional third-level combat power to deal with it? Or is it Dragon Worship…”

“It’s very troublesome to deal with the steel pterosaurs. The steel pterosaur king is a very cunning old dragon. He has been running around with the king and the knights of the Marquis of Barton recently.”

Pansha is also in a dilemma: “We are on the defensive now, and we can only defend the holy land and our own tribe. Once we go out, we may be attacked by surprise.”

“However, Grandpa said that he can advance…but not by relying on blood, but by relying on dragon organs to try to transform into a dragon.”

Speaking of this, Pansha’s tone was a bit sour: “But it’s okay to say that this kind of advanced success, once you fail…you will die.”

“Grandpa wants me to contact you, that is to say, he wants to make preparations in advance. After all, Anfa is from Canaan Moore. If Grandpa dies accidentally, then you and I will be responsible for assisting the King of the Mountain and managing it. Internal matters of the Dragon Sect…”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

Although Ian also wants to become a senior member of the Dragon Worship Cult, that doesn’t mean that he just sits and watches a friendly member die and he takes the position. He shook his head and said calmly to Pansha: “Let’s Find a time to meet in private, I have news about the book of Yinyao.”


At the beginning, Pansha also planned to meet with Ian to discuss how they should cooperate.

After all, Ian still has the title of envoy of the Dragon God. Maybe he can gather some mountain people to share the pressure of the Dragon Cult and the Frodo Autonomous Region?

Who knows, Ian’s following sentence shocked him and wondered if the other party was lying: “You found the news about the Book of Silver Glory in the imperial capital?!”

“It’s not in the imperial capital, it can be said that it is in the imperial capital… More importantly, I got some enlightenment in the holy land of Xiahui Lake.”

Ian does not intend to throw out the Book of Silver Glory directly, because if the Empire knows that the Book of Silver Glory has reappeared, they will most likely know that Adalbert is also Grand Duke Sorin and Shannon. There is a connection with Min, as long as you continue to trace, you will definitely be able to find him.

So, Ian thought of a set of rhetoric, and cooperated with the inheritance of priests in Xiahui Lake to help the Dragon Worship Cult, or in other words, helping Elder Manya advance to the third energy level can be regarded as helping him share Pressure from the Mountain Folk and the Flame Lands.

Not to mention…

——If all the mountain people go to the coastal Frodo colony, then wouldn’t I have a chance to steal my home?

Besides, these mountain people are very rich. The two boxes of elemental crystals seized last time are only used for less than half, but if they can capture some more…

Thinking of it, Ian’s tone became brisk: “Do you have any information about the distribution of the troops of the rebel mountain people?”

“I think I can really help…a ​​little bit.”


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