Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 37: The future of my hometown


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Shen Xueyue [December] is approaching.

Xiahui collar, in the evening, the crimson sunset penetrates the thin evening clouds, and sprinkles the tide in the city.

If Ian was not in Nanling, but in the imperial capital or somewhere else, he would be able to see heavy snow flying and silvery white ice crystals covering the ground.

Even in Nanling, the weather has cooled down, and the ground of the square will be covered with a thin layer of frost.

Ian stood at the top of the renovated lord’s mansion, sitting on the shoulders of the Cyclops, overlooking his territory.

The whole body of the new Lord’s Mansion Fortress has a metallic texture. It is a fortress made of germanium steel. It is essentially the same as a steel fortress, and it looks solemn and majestic.

One month after the end of the war with the rebellious mountain people, Xiahui City has fully resumed normal operation. There are several medicine orders from the Ninth Legion, no one in the past

The avenue in the forest is now gradually filled with the lively bells of caravans.

Because the pedigree of Baron Laian was completely banned, and Ian’s letter of appointment had already been delivered, this place was restored to its original name ‘Xiahui Land’, also known as ‘Xiahui Collar’, at the young man’s will.

The reason why it is not called ‘Ian Ling’ or ‘Arjomon Ling’ is mainly because Ian thinks this place is too/small, it is not necessary to put his own name, and if it is called Xiahui Ling , has a soothing effect on some mountain people.

Actually, because of the titles of ‘Messenger of the Dragon God’ and ‘Prophet of Thunder’, some mountain people have come to visit Ian tentatively. These people brought their own tents and seemed to plan to stay for a while.

Ian has a welcoming attitude towards these people. No matter whether these people are war refugees, who are going to defect to Ian for a living, or really think they are messengers of the Dragon God, they can become the labor force of the territory.

However, it’s just that the documents have arrived.

For the official award ceremony, the imperial capital sent people, and they are still on the way.

Theoretically speaking, the certificate of award and the host should arrive together, but the situation in the Xiahui collar is special, and the Marquis of Barton asked for a special case, so there is a situation like Ian who has received the certificate first and then paid for the ticket.

Xiahui Territory is roughly divided into four parts. Because the Western Region was facing the mountain people’s attack, it also faces the direction of the mountain pass, so most of the military camps and defense facilities are located here, and there are many wastelands on the edge. It is an area reserved by Ian for future expansion.

The north of the city is where the city hall and the lord’s mansion are located, as well as the lord’s private estate. Many alchemy workshops that deal with Xiahui grass are located here, and it is considered the richest area in the Xiahui region.

The operation of the city has returned to its original state, food prices have stabilized, and production has resumed. Farmers have also begun to reorganize their fields and are planting some turnips and beetroots to try to get some food before next spring.

Under Ian’s command, – everything is in order.

However, there have been some funny things in the fields.

According to the experience on Earth, Ian planned to carry out a land reform after counting the population and arable land.

No matter how the people below object, he must take all the fields that can be planted with Xiahui grass into his own, so that he can arrange the next development.

For this reason, I even plan to go to Isengard to borrow some money, so that the Lord’s Mansion will not have to pay for the land recovery.

Isengard generously lent 7,000 talers as the first batch of loans, which made Manyu have no confidence to call all the planters and tell his plan—but I found that I was talking about land reform When taking various measures, did the expressions of those planters change in the slightest?

No one is moved.

When Manchester City finished speaking, the planters who finally didn’t understand what the lord meant, we looked at each other, – the youngest old farmer stood up and looked at it without any hesitation. The old lord bowed.

“Master, you may have planted land in the future, right?”

The old man weighed his vocabulary carefully, and I hurriedly said: “So…you may know?”

“The lands of Leian… Uh, you mean, the lands led by Xiahui… were all yours in the first place?”

“You guys are just a bit of your spare time, so you don’t have the opportunity to help you cultivate your property… er, you mean…you don’t need to take back the land from you…it Wasn’t it yours?”

The old farmer’s cautious words still stimulated Man Yu’s young heart.

“What the hell? All the land in the territory belongs to the lord?”

Because he is indeed too young, whether he pays attention to the rules and regulations in that area, Man Yu only found out before consulting many classics that everything was just like that.

Terra’s land system is not a retreat, but an extreme primitive dictatorship—the lord has 100% power over everything in my territory.

In other words, all the land belongs to the lord.

If Manyu wants to use it, others must obey him conditionally.

However, by the same token, the lord is responsible for the danger to the life and land of everyone in his territory.

For example, if a warcraft or an intruder comes, under the theory of the leader, it cannot be completely resisted. The only thing we may need to do is to find the lord to expel the monster and the invader from now on.

If the invader defeats the lord and becomes the new lord, the original lord is also the one who can blame himself for this.

Because it is useful for the people to resist no matter how much they resist—as long as the enemy’s sublimation leader is eliminated, even a half-barbarian like the mountain people will engage in guerrilla warfare and street fighting to resist to the end, because once the enemy is angered for a long time, sublimation The latter is really an enemy who will conquer everything

‘Physically dig the ground eight feet to find it and destroy it.

Moreover, only without such a system can the lord have no motivation to protect ‘own’ things.

That is a weird custom that can only be made in the world of sublimators.

“That’s basically land reform!”

The land policy that Manchester City wants to preside over is actually very complicated. This is not to open up scattered fields, open up wasteland, and connect all the land suitable for planting in Xiahui Territory as high as possible, and then according to the actual conditions of each village and town Allocate arable land according to demand, and ensure that there is no

Anyone who has no need can have no land and cultivate nearby.

However, the right to confiscate the land is confiscated by the mansion of the lord.

Private trading of land is prohibited, and the use of land must be subject to the arrangement of the Lord’s Mansion.

But everything was like that in the first place—the farmer’s land didn’t have the right to use it—everything belonged to the lord in name.

One side is the original feudal dictatorship, and the other side is the plan to retreat first.

But the world is not a spiral backwards, and the original will also become backwards first. Before Manyu is sure of that point, he is forbidden to complain: “You haven’t borrowed Yisen’s seven thousand tales yet! It’s hard to return it. Is it?”

Of course I will.

I borrowed it based on my ability, why should I pay it back? At least not the seventh time.

Manchester City invested the 7,000 talers in the development of the territory, and invited several professional teams to survey the soil and terrain conditions in the territory. These mining areas in the Baisen Mountains were also explored, and a batch of them were purchased by the way. The mining equipment driven by the alchemy furnace is retreated to prepare for mining development.

At present, the exploration team is still exploring, but the news reported is not very exciting: the eight mining areas are all rich ore, and there is no iron, copper and tin. Discovered ‘grain iron’, which is a natural belt without a part

Minerals with different source textures, there are layers of extremely regular lines under the ore, common heavy iron, red steel and fluorescent copper are all refined and processed from grain iron and its associated minerals.

The appearance of grain iron means that there is no more rare sublimated metal vein inside the Xiakou mining area.

Although Li Xu was unhappy, he was generally strange. After all, with Xiahui’s conditions, even the appearance of Mithril mines was a surprise.

Everything is going well.

December 1, 773 Terra.

Xiahuiling’s first tax officer/civil servant exam is over.

The steward of Moda.

“Dad, do you feel better?”

—A young voice sounded in the room where the lights were not turned on and the windows were closed. What responded to me was the vague grunt of the old man.

Later, Mada, the chief steward of Lady Laian, sat up from under the bed in a daze. When I opened my eyes, I found that my last son, An Ling, was holding a cup of medicine and looking at me with concern.

Silently picked up the medicine and drank it in one gulp, the old man who became more energetic because of the bitterness took a breath, and then said: “Don’t look at you like that… Did you not allow him to take the exam yesterday?” ?”

“That’s because I’m afraid you are worried.”

The young man touched his head, and replied energetically: “And you did take medicine when you got off early, that’s fine.”

The old man glanced at each other.

The manager of Moda has always hated his eldest son.

I am a rebellious guy, as the first girl in my family, because I can’t inherit the position of steward, I have longed for life in a small city since I was a child.

As soon as Li Box became an adult, he stole a sum of money from outside his home and went to Nao Lixu. When Steward Moda led someone to chase after Nao Lixu, that guy hadn’t joined the caravan and left the Golden Plain.

It is possible to chase after him no matter what, the angry steward Moda swore before returning home that he would treat him as if he had had that son, and it would be heartbreaking to die like that.

But seven years ago, when the smiling son returned home with a mechanical alchemist diploma, the old man was still ecstatic at first.

Then I hung up the collar and whipped it hard.

Moda is in charge not because of An Ling’s rebellion, but because Li Xu is always too adventurous.

Ji Ru said that when Steward Moda wanted to move his family to Nauroran, Li Xu did the opposite and must stay in Xiahui Territory to work for the new lord.

“Dad, he has served the old lord all his life, so why don’t you try to be a tax collector who can become the new lord?”

That’s An Ling’s original words: “And you think that with your knowledge of mechanical engineering and inscriptions, you can play a small role in the hands of the new lord, which means that your achievements are lower than your father’s.” !”

Thinking of that, Manager Moda’s expression turned even worse.

One by one, that silly child understands that his family is the family in charge of the next lord.

One lord and one official. Look at the presidents of the chamber of commerce, the captain of the guards, and others in charge of the old Laian. Which one was expelled? Xilin’s head was burned!

It’s not that Amber is loyal at all, the madman who spends all day outside the laboratory was retained.

But even so, the new lord still parachuted in—a new alchemist steward as the leader. The young one was hardly his grandson, but Amber treated me respectfully and treated me like a disciple all day long.

Being humbled to that point, he was kicked out of the laboratory and could only go to the alchemy workshop for four hours a day.

In that case, which artisan will find Amber from now on?

How can I be in charge of the small and big matters of the alchemy workshop?

Although Steward Moda has known Manyu since a long time ago and knows that he is a cold-hearted and good knight, there is a huge difference between a good knight and a good lord.

In particular, suppressing the post-lord officials itself is not something a good lord should do.

“He himself is afraid of death, and he is very confident. He really thinks that he will be buried… There is nothing you can do except let him go?”

Waving his hand, Steward Moda stood up on the arm of his own child.

“Why are you afraid of death…”

Helping up my father, An Ling murmured, I used to learn mechanical alchemy and inscriptions from a scholar in the Falling Star Hills, and I didn’t come back to take care of the old man until the drastic change in Leian.

Originally, An Lingdu planned to leave when his father was in better condition, and go to the imperial capital to continue his studies.

As a result, I never thought that the alchemy genius Man Yu, who I had heard about in the Falling Star Hills, would come to his hometown to become a lord!

One by one Huaiguang is under, God-sent good luck.

Is the opportunity seized or human? So I thought about it, and directly signed up for the tax officer exam. As for my lack of experience, I will tell you otherwise.

Anyway, with my own knowledge, even if I am a good tax official, I can’t go to teach. In short, let’s get involved first. It was said before that I would definitely be able to be taught by Manchester City.

Unexpectedly, my father got angry because of this, and he persuaded him for a long time before letting the other party let go and agreeing to go to the city hall for the exam.

Moda really didn’t have any headaches for the blunt eldest son. Manyu is obviously an extremely useless lord. Since I first came to Leian, I just took out the duchess in just one day and one night; You can see the truth behind the petty crime, and before I told Lai

The middle class in Anyu’s decisive attack on the ground and the thunderous method against the mountain people represent my inferior methods.

Working in the hands of that kind of person, the best thing to do is to have no thoughts of your own, and just seriously disobey the order of the other party.

But with his son’s jumping temper, is it impossible to meet Manchester City’s conditions?

Moda is not pessimistic.

But I also plan to persuade An Ling. The old man can see that An Ling will listen to his own opinions.

I allow me to take the exam with an identity outside my home, and the eldest son will use a false identity to take the exam—then things will be less troublesome.

What’s more… I’m dying slowly.

Turning his head, the old man looked at his closed window.

My house has windows open, and I haven’t been out for a long time, because Moda is very afraid that when I open the window and go out, what I see is not a completely familiar city.

The old man knows that with the arrival of a new lord, everything will be turned upside down, and the streets and the past that his past memories rest on will disappear. Most importantly, I am afraid.

I am afraid that I will stop believing that these past memories are all hallucinations, all false…

I’m going to die soon, Manager Moda is very vague about that.

Taking medicine every day can at least save me a few months of life.

I died of my heart, not really at the end of my life.

As long as I know it early, I will listen to the words of this Huaiguang monk, and we will go to the holy mountain to recuperate with the debriefer, and heal my heart disease…

But what’s the point of living? It is to distinguish between reality and falsehood, and also have the sustenance of my life’s struggle.

Steward Moda wants to see the New Territory City inside, because I want to keep all the memories of the past in my mind, and die with the memories of the old Leian… Only in this way can I rest in peace.

But…but I still want to know…

Shaking his head, Manager Moda said loudly——sentence, the voice was too loud, did An Ling hear it vaguely?


An Ling raised his head, and then he heard the old man muttering: “It’s for you.”

“Li Xu, if he must meet the new lord.”

The young man turned his head, and I looked at a pair of old eyes. The owner of these eyes, which were not close to death, stared at me and said in a healthy tone: “So I will take your share.” Go and see.”

“Look at what I will turn that city, that territory… the hometown you have lived in all your life into…”

“Yes, father.”

Hearing that, An Ling kept a smile on his face, wanting to make his father worry, An Ling finally showed a solemn expression.

I nodded seriously and shook my father’s hand: “You will help you to see it.”

“Look at…the future of my hometown.”


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