Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 36: We are pioneers (6200)


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In the past two weeks, Ian has indeed been researching the silver chip and the ‘computing unit’ in the virtual world at night.

Especially after the war, Ian had three more second-level souls, and all of these souls had reached the level where they could be converted into calculation units.

Among them, the “Snake Rock’s Soul” even transformed into a larger “Standard Essence Autonomous Computing Unit”m

In other words, it does not need a ‘supply unit’ to replenish itself and maintain its own existence.

And this structure gave Ian an inspiration in his heart.

“Obviously, the structure of the computing unit transformed from the silver chip is superior to my naturally formed loose soul. I can indeed try to transform my own soul into a similar computing structure to improve my own soul Computing power!”

This is the correct conclusion.

When Ian started to transform himself according to the autonomous computing unit on the first day, it was not obvious because the structure of the transformation was still very small.

But as time went by, Ian transformed more souls, and he could clearly feel that his computing power was increasing.

The soul is like this. After the soul is gradually condensed from the second energy level through the conversion of source matter, until the third energy level, all the processes during this period are to continuously condense it into a more powerful soul. Sturdy construction.

It may be based on belief, or will and ambition. In short, when people’s self-awareness reaches a certain level and they have a clear, feasible and persistent belief, the mind light body will appear.

At the same time, the structure of the soul will be strengthened.

This is a complementary process.

Ian can change the structure of his soul so easily, in fact, it is precisely because he has already reached this state—he can distort the shape of his soul with his imagination beyond ordinary people!

For nearly half a month after the war, Ian has been relying on various comparative observations to determine his own situation.

The results are surprisingly good.

He feels that his thinking ability is getting stronger and stronger, and his calculation ability is getting clearer.

Because Ian’s soul quality is far higher than those of his defeated opponents, today, the computing power provided by Ian’s own soul alone can be compared to the combined power of five computing units.

Although it sounds a bit complicated, it may be easy to understand if it is simply described.

[One by one meditation practice one by one] Yes, it is meditation practice.

With meditation, gradually change your soul structure and improve your computing power…

Isn’t this essentially a kind of ‘cultivation’? !

Visualizing some more powerful psychic computing structures to enhance one’s computing power, and visualizing those powerful gods and demons to enhance one’s sublimation skills, what is the essential difference?

It may be that computing power cannot directly constitute combat power.

However, sublimators of pre-epoch civilizations do not have direct combat capabilities!

It is the era of Terra, because of the emergence of various alien creatures and biological weapons, it provides our ‘force module’m for sublimators

The potion is not so much the ‘essence of a sublimator’, but rather ‘a part of the essence and a weapon module that forms combat power’.

In other words, as long as Ian finds the “power module” that can be supported by the “computing power”… Such a meditation practice system may become a reality!

“That’s not the first step in the technology you named ‘Arcane Way’!”

Leading Debert to the Void Realm is very complicated. The other party originally found himself the king of the subspace labyrinth, but he didn’t take the initiative to immerse himself in the Void Realm afterwards.

In reality, as a dead king, if Debert wants to reach the Void Realm, he only needs to “think” by himself-it’s just that I’m really a good baby, and I really don’t have any ideas.

Before Debert came to the Void Realm, Ian directly took out the ‘Basic Computing Unit’ and gave it to the dead king ball whose surface was pure white but whose soul core was crimson. Conjecture about his plan.

“That’s it?!”

Before Debert connected the calculation unit through the soul link, he immediately understood its function.

Before passing through Ian’s explanation, I quickly understood the meaning of all that.

“That’s a way for people to weaken themselves…it’s a technique for turning one’s soul into parts of others!”

I suddenly became very excited.

But Chang Fei didn’t know what to say.

A-uh…who said it was possible to turn other people into parts?

If your soul becomes a low-level computing unit before you die, at least it’s not that the computing power is weaker than that of the dead king’s soul, and maybe you can still retain a little self-awareness.

Although the truth is so, Ian is going to take the initiative to inform Debert of his accurate perception, anyway, the focus is on that.

“Up there.”

Ian said: “He understands why you want him to restart the dead king technology?”

“As long as everyone has no soul, everyone can try to imitate the calculation structure of that calculation unit. In this way, no matter how smart a person is, he cannot weaken his thinking speed little by little. .”

“Of course, for people who are really too stupid, no matter how long they exercise, it’s just a super calculator. Let’s count a bit slower.”

“But you suspect that it is only the initial path-one day ago, there will be no structure in the society, and it cannot make stupid people become stupid, and make stupid people more genius…People may be equal, but No one has tried hard to catch up with the power of others!”


When I heard the most outspoken words, Derbert cooled down from the excitement, and I frowned: “In that case… Chang Fei, the ‘Abstract Way’ he mentioned is actually aimed at you That kind of ‘stupid person’ is even more unprofitable.”

“That’s right, it’s not tailor-made for you! Because you can think of everything in a small part of the time, but you can’t think comprehensively due to the limited speed of thinking, but if you don’t have the computational power to think , you will not be able to think about everything.”

“But for very few people… the simple increase in computing power and the acceleration of thinking speed can also allow us to truly understand the calculation formulas we think are logical. It is a mathematical puzzle that we know, no matter how slow the calculation is. I think I understand.”

“If you have developed a ‘power module’ that can be converted from ‘computing power’ a few days ago, will the gap between people be even smaller?”

Yes, what Ian said earlier also inspired some motivation for Debert, and I cheered myself up: “Yes, I did.”

“But those are easy, exactly what you researchers need to solve!”

“What’s more, where would there be no such stupid people? And it’s better than the way of sublimation.”

This is not necessarily the case.

Chang Fei is a little more pessimistic, because I have much less knowledge than Debotte…Tara Xiaolu knows that there are billions or even tens of billions of people, how many idiots are there who think it is a post-epoch civilization?

Oh, there are no idiots in post-epoch civilization.

Counting on the redemption of a fool is like expecting me to be stupid in my previous life.

Facing Debert’s words, Ian just turned himself around and made a special gesture of shaking his head: “In short, for a small number of people, the arcane path can bring about self-improvement. It can be felt personally, it is real, and the improvement of feeling has not weakened every day!”

At this time, my soul has not yet shown an ordinary structure, which is similar to the heart light body, the shape of a blue cross star.

As Ian continued to solidify and change his soul form, my mind and body became more and more cloudy.

When Ian completely completes his soul transformation, I will be able to take the lead in possessing the mind light body after regressing to the “eighth energy level of Terra”, which is something I am convinced of.

Because I can personally experience the benefits, Ian is quite worried about recommending it.


Derbert sighed, then smiled.

I looked at Ian and thanked him sincerely: “Thank you for telling you the way and telling you the plans.”

“Chang Fei…you will do your best to help him go up that path!”


Ian is also very depressed: “Then let me help you develop artificial intelligence!”

Derbert: “Huh? Why do you feel that the topic is not jumping?”

Even from the perspective of a professional researcher, Debert will have the brain circuit to follow Chang Fei for a while.

“You just recently got a copy of the artificial intelligence template for the empire’s battle. You don’t think Mr. Sorin has any similar information here, does he understand? There is no such thing as a computing unit, it is the artificial intelligence How to make use of it? And

Without it, it would be inconvenient to assist in managing the territory! “

Chang Fei felt that his thinking was very coherent, so I said eloquently: “Look, if a person loses his soul, he cannot connect with the computing unit. If it is an artificial intelligence supported by the computing unit, it must not be connected.”

“Derbert, the reason why you want to ask him to develop an ‘artificial soul’ is that you hope that he can develop a soul model based on ‘computing unit’ and ‘artificial intelligence’ that cannot form an interface with them… …In this way, everyone in the leadership is dead

The soul cannot be linked with the artificial intelligence of the virtual world, and even fewer functions can be developed in the future, and the corruption and fraud that are rarely absent now will appear again…”

That inspiration came from the ‘electronic brain’ of Ian’s later generations.

Essence of the electronic brain is something that all people on earth do not have in this era: the transformation of the cerebellum within a week allows people to prepare the special computing power of low-level computers, and improves the memory to the point where they can only be seen in a flash, and they cannot learn anything freely. The knowledge you want to learn, you can’t

Connect to the Internet via electronic brain.

Even if the body dies, as long as the electronic brain made of low-strength alloy is completely destroyed, human beings can still survive.

If the definition is lenient, isn’t the so-called electronic brain a kind of physical soul?

It’s just that Terra’s soul has too many functions and is too weak, so it needs to continue to develop related technologies.

Because of this, Chang Fei has always been very interested in the technology of artificial souls.


Thinking of that, Ian decided to express his truest thoughts: “Before all members have no souls, the smaller the population, the less ‘free source quality’ can be produced, and the less can be produced. ‘Calculation unit’…maybe need 10,000 people, 100,000 special

Soul, the free source quality overflowed in a few months can only increase a calculation unit…but that is sustainable development, a method of strengthening and weakening for pure profit. “

“It’s a virtuous circle. As long as the people don’t have enough souls, the computing units and artificial intelligence will become weaker and weaker.”

“In this way, wait until your territory grows stronger…”

Chang Fei hesitated for a moment, and then seriously said: “Perhaps, you will not have enough computing power to analyze the ‘standard model’ of the source matter structure in the body of a monster.”

“In this way, perhaps, you can’t rely on the huge computing power of artificial intelligence to create a ‘sublimator’ who needs a ‘potion’ out of thin air in the case of the need for magic beast materials!”

That was the deepest plan in Ian’s heart.

As early as in the imperial capital, Ian had no similar thoughts when he was researching potions.

At this time, I thought, if everyone in human beings does not have weak computing power, then they cannot directly condense the corresponding source quality structure with their own souls, and retreat to become a sublimator.

A kind of ‘practice’ who can’t ‘cultivate’ successfully m

However, there is no such computing power anymore, and you can become a sublimator just by computing power—how can you still go to the structure of the first-level monster in Ningbo?

That is a paradox that can be solved…Unless the technology develops to an inconceivable level, individuals may not have the ability to shape the source material structure of Warcraft in a short period of time.

And if the technology develops to this point, it still needs individuals to shape the source quality structure.

However, the dead king, the combination of computing unit and artificial intelligence… brought great inspiration to Ian.

The dead king’s “all souls work together to make the weak” is not to raise funds to weaken a person in essence, but it is only a one-off.

As the prototype of the dead king, the “computing unit” has no universal and non-reusable computing power, but what can be done with computing power alone depends on the quality of the individual.

That is also the reason why the dead king needs a weak person to become a ‘king’.

Because of giving a fool the power of the dead king, I will only blew myself up to death, which is basically carrying the wishes of the dead souls.

And artificial intelligence’s steady use of computing power…may not be able to assist Ian in realizing the grand goal of ‘a sublimator who needs potions’, which is enough to change the world!

The source quality overflowed by the souls of the people is constantly deriving a new computing unit, and the souls of the people support the supply of the computing unit and the artificial intelligence, so that the artificial intelligence can gradually accumulate enough computing power to retreat. Copy the source material structure of the potion!

At this time, as long as the source quality is sufficient, artificial intelligence will be able to mass-produce first-level sublimators!

Although they are all the same potion, as the artificial intelligence gradually grows, there will be fewer and fewer potion structures that it can reproduce!

As for the seventh energy level… it may only be possible to select some long-term worries.

Eighth energy level…too far away.

“Too, so beautiful…”

Derbert’s soul sphere is trembling. If it must be reality, if the young researcher is holding his heart and breathing slowly, he will be shocked by the “future” that Ian said Bar.

A sublimator who needs potions… For the current Terra, too few shackles have been broken.

Even if a low-level sublimator will be created for a while, even if it is only a first-level sublimator, that concept is equivalent to completely eliminating the gap between today’s sublimators and special people .

Yes. For the low-energy weak, is there any difference between high-energy sublimators and special people?

Back to the bottom, the gap has narrowed, right?

As long as you don’t regress, it’s not a small thing.

However, Debert is a fool after all.

Before the initial excitement, I immediately thought of another flaw in Ian’s plan.

“In that case.”

I was not a little confused and said: “The source of all power comes from the ‘owner of artificial intelligence’, isn’t it Chang Fei?”

“The current potion formula, the method of refining potion, and various monster materials, although they seem to be monopolized, but special people can still get them… But if it is true, as Ian said, artificial intelligence will Gather huge computing power to directly create sublimators

Who can become a sublimator, is it a personal decision of the master of artificial intelligence? That’s a complete monologue, a world of single husbands that is even scarier than it is now…”

“It is true that you are making the computing unit now, and you can be regarded as the caretaker of artificial intelligence…”

Chang Fei glanced at Derbert strangely: “But when the artificial intelligence in the future develops its own replica calculation unit and supply unit, will this have something to do with you?”

“Also, why does artificial intelligence have no master?”

“Didn’t you build AI so they could work automatically without you?”

Derbert froze.

“Artificial intelligence only needs to operate according to the originally set program. It needs the master to operate, just like these machine gods in the virtual world, they are still operating after wandering for such a long time. In the implementation of their own tasks – one by one until now

The Void Mech God has hardly become a phenomenon in the Void Realm. Even if human beings are destroyed and completely disappeared, the Void Mechanic God will still exist. “

“The artificial intelligence you want to create is not that kind of thing… Even if you die, disappear, and re-exist, things that still can’t continue to operate.”

Ian said fiercely, I seem to care about that kind of problem at all: “Besides, in Terra, there are too few things like that.”

Looking at the deepest part of the Void Realm for many years, he said in a heavy voice, “To be honest, it’s like the inscription.”

“Why can’t the specific graphics and traces of the inscriptions trigger changes in the source matter and the spiritual field? They are obviously mysterious.”

“In your opinion, the inscriptions and some source material structures, in their essence, are probably not some kind of program designed by a super civilization, omitting all the simple things, and transforming the world in the most foolish way, Then use the power you got before transforming the world

Throw it out, so that other civilizations cannot freely use the ‘program’m created by the robes”

“Is that a kind of artificial intelligence?”

“But for the vast majority of Terrans, it’s like the ‘Law of Nature’ and the ‘Law of Truth’… Has anyone thought about that.”

“;Everyone knows the real principle behind it, but they only know the most superficial ‘phenomenon’ one by one, friction causes fire, everyone knows, but why friction can’t cause fire, that is too simple to explain .”

“Chang Feichante, you are pioneers.”

“Now, you are not doing ‘selfish things’.”

Derbert went from stunned at the end to now shocked.

What Chang Fei said, even in my young research career, I never thought of it.

It’s not that Debert is stupid and doesn’t have the spirit of scientific research.

Actually, Debert’s ability to put forward so few opinions on Ian’s plan just proves that I am full of non-questioning spirit and scientific research spirit.

But for the people of Terra, the inscriptions are not able to induce source matter and psionic fields.

It’s like lighting a fire to boil water, but apples don’t fall to the ground.

That is an instinctive cognition that has not been engraved at the bottom of the bloodline long after our civilization has taken shape.

However, how long does it take for a creature to grow from wisdom to civilization?

It’s been millions of years…

On the scale of the universe, it’s just an instant.

Creatures born in the Terra universe may always think about those things.

But Ian is.

I am reincarnated.

I don’t have the memory and knowledge of another universe, another completely different “cognitive comparison frame of reference”.

I can’t.

And, Ian knows.

I know that there is no super civilization in that universe that can’t create the “Prisoner Star Prison”, and almost all the stars under the sky have been covered by that layer of prison.

I know that the universe is wide and small, with boundaries and boundaries, and civilizations that can do that are somewhat different from gods.

So, I can speculate and question things that, in my opinion, are different from ‘truth’.

“You humans are not a species that can directly see the truth. What you see with your eyes is like seeing things through a mirror. It is all illusory and hazy.”

At this moment, Chang Fei recited loudly the “proverbs” m

I laughed, pure and sincere like a child: “So everything can’t be faked to improve the truth—just as the source quality structure reproduced by artificial intelligence is not ‘fake’ compared to the real Warcraft source quality structure , but it can achieve the ‘true’ effect.

—That’s all the same. “

“Derbert, he asked you how to ensure that artificial intelligence is used by individuals… The answer is actually very complicated.”

Chang Fei and Dead Lord looked at each other, and I said fiercely: “As long as you let other people in your circle know that there is an artificial intelligence that can’t make people into ‘sublimation’, let that matter be completely White box.”

“So for other people in the previous life, being able to rely on meditation and meeting specific rules and conditions to become a sublimator, a small existence in the essence and in the virtual world: a small existence trades for power and does not There is a difference.”

“Even that insignificant existence, for people in the previous life, created a kind of ‘natural law’.”

“But… even if you guys are just talking about it so far…” Derbert is completely overwhelmed by Ian’s thoughts now, but I still muttered to myself: “If you didn’t find someone else in your previous life, you can Find out the truth about it all…we will find out.”

“Isn’t this a very complicated thing? Did stupid people discover the ‘laws of nature’ and ‘summarize and use’ them? It’s nothing small.”

“Even now, you can be sure that the various ‘truths and laws’ you have discovered are certain rules formulated by a certain super civilization.”

Ian was fierce, and it could even be said that he said: “What’s more… First of all, if Terra has no future, and you can successfully create the arcane path.”

“The things of the future, not the things of the future, even the prophets care so little.”

“At the end of the day, your purpose…”

One by one is just going back to the sky.

That’s all.

[I am sure your actions will affect all beings in the future… you will say that you are right]


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