Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 24: Ian borrows Tianlei


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The heavy rain poured down, and the raindrops hit the branches and leaves of the forest fiercely, making the canopy tremble and making a noisy tide.

The mountains of Nanling were suddenly filled with thick rain and fog, and the hazy moisture spread across the forest and the road.

“This rain is really not the time.”

Seeing the rain, Snake Rock couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed. Although covered by the heavy rain, their march would be more concealed and they would not be hit by the artillery from Lai’an City, but conversely, their marching speed would also be affected.

Do you want to wait for the rain to stop before attacking?

He was still thinking about this question, but he didn’t know that when the cannon fired an hour ago, a troop set off.

Their target is the baggage of the mountain people army!

Because the roads in the Nanling Mountains are narrow, the troops cannot be deployed effectively. The mountain people’s supply troops are located at the rear of the mountain people’s troops. Troops – but this does not mean that its combat effectiveness is weak. In fact, any supply unit has a certain combat effectiveness, and there are several small teams as flanks to protect it.

But the raid team is even more elite.

In the mountainous area, a supply troop of more than 150 people is slowly advancing, and there are two large moose monsters guarding it next to it. Their tall and bulky size allows them to drag a lot of cargo.

“The rain made the road too muddy!” An officer of the supply unit looked at the torrential rain and couldn’t help shaking his head: “It’s even hard to tell the direction.”

“Isn’t the weather here like this?” Another officer said indifferently: “It’s not like I haven’t seen heavier rain… In the year of the big storm, the rain rushed down the hillside and almost washed the tribe away.” Gone.”

“That’s true.” The officer was not surprised by this. After all, the weather in Nanling was like this, and it was normal for it to rain and wind.

But even so, the forward speed of the supply troops will inevitably be greatly reduced. If you step on the muddy ground, if the shoes are not tight enough, you may even pull out your feet, and your boots will get stuck in the mud.

The wheels of the convoy hardly rolled on the wet muddy road, but were forcibly dragged forward by the power of the camel beast and the monster.

The mountain people’s army has no objection to attacking Lai’an City – not only because it is a holy place, but also because of the wealth of Lai’an City, although there have been two divisions of Mountain Pass and Jiangu and a Suspended Peak Division before They have been plundered in advance, but haven’t they all been killed by the new lord?

Since this is the case, the wealth of Lai’an should still be in the city, and the lord spent a lot of money to rebuild it, so maybe he can search for more now!

It is obviously unrealistic to expect that these mountain people really have any lofty nationalist spirit. In fact, they don’t even have a foul-smelling nationalist spirit-they don’t feel that their rebellion is really for anything’ Rebuilding the Kingdom of the Dragon God” and “Rebuilding the Federation of Mountains” are very clear to everyone. They are just a prop in the battle between the Flame Land and the Empire. Some of the most precious things must be sacrificed for food and the future.

Like life.

So, before the end of their lives, they must obtain as much wealth as possible and plunder what they want. All the rebel mountain people have been promised by the leader. If they capture Ancheng, they will be allowed to plunder for three days.

So, this team is full of momentum, which is the power formed by the greed for wealth and the desire for credit.

However, just as the supply troop continued to move forward, suddenly, the leading Ascendant officer seemed to hear some strange voice.


He couldn’t hear it clearly, but in the black jungle filled with rain and fog, there seemed to be some sounds of electric current flowing.

“There is a situation!”

As a sublimated person, it is naturally impossible for the officer to ignore this strange sign. He immediately raised his hand and shouted: “Defend in place!”

He said so, this is already a fairly quick reaction.

It’s still too late.

Because in the dark woods, blue lightning suddenly lit up.



The air suddenly exploded, and thunder arcs visible to the naked eye struck from both sides of the mountain forest towards the supply troops, and dazzling electric lights fell on every shocked mountain soldier.

——Crackling, sizzling!

For a moment, the front-end troops of the supply troops seemed to be hit by a thunder shell, and the personnel scattered in all directions. Among them, those who were not seriously injured were just rolling in the mud pit. Their bodies were pitch black, but they were not dead and could struggle. Standing up, he wanted to figure out what was attacking him.

And those directly hit by the magnetic storm have already turned into coke on the spot.

Buzzing, buzzing — a series of cyan-blue electric lights lit up, and huge black figures emerged in the hazy rain and fog, making piercing electric sounds.

It was a pair of sturdy power armors, which were two meters high and wrapped in dark green armor. There were two ‘I’ shaped magnetic storm generators on both sides of the body, and the driver passed a Thick sight glass resembling a diving hood to observe the outside world.

Cyan-blue electric light flashed beside the generator, and the dense rain poured down on the ground as if the current melted, sparking large swathes of charged mist.

Then, several power armors began to charge!

“Attack! Attack!” The officer immediately commanded the troops to fight back, and there was a continuous sound of bullets being fired, and the rain of bullets was like the current downpour, pouring on these power armors—but they were all covered by the outer armor It bounced off, and couldn’t even leave even a little mark on it.

“Impact-proof armor?! Where did the inscription craftsman install the things used for ether armament on the power armor?!” The officer was shocked when he saw this scene. The enemy’s terrible defenses are terrified: “Heavy firepower must be used-the sublimator must also go! Charge with me!”

He drew out the long sword at his waist, and the gust of wind visible to the naked eye was wrapped around the weapon.

The defensive power of the impact-resistant armor is related to the alchemy furnace core. These power armors are not armor, and the alchemy furnace core loaded must not be large. With the strength of an officer, it is enough to break through the defense and cause fatal damage to the driver inside.

However, another swift figure sprang out, bringing up a smooth Taotao sword light.

“Your opponent is me!”

Qing Chao laughed and rushed forward, his figure was hidden behind the huge size of the magnetic storm armor, just waiting for the moment when the mountain civilian officer wanted to block the magnetic storm armor!

He is holding two swords, the long sword of sea origin passed down by his family and the long sword of shifting wind given by Yin En shines in the rain and fog, and the streamer brings up afterimages that are constantly changing the trajectory. It was like a sharp arrow shot towards the mountain officer.

How could the mountain civilian officer think that there was such a master ambushing him? Before he could breathe, he could only forcibly raise his sword to block.

But his block was blocked for an instant by Qing Chao’s swift thrust of the left-handed sword—and the swordsman’s right-handed sword had already been cut from the side.

The sea-born long sword in the rain seems to be stirring the torrents. It easily cut into the officer’s left shoulder with a water blade several meters long, and then split it in two, making this unlucky mountain officer Died on the spot.

This is hand-to-hand combat – in an instant, it is not only a matter of superiority, but also of life and death.

Although Qing Chao is jokingly called a second-level ordinary genius by Yin En, how can he be truly ordinary if he can be called a genius in Yin En’s mouth?

This sublime person from a poor family and without much education, who can reach the peak of the first energy level just by practicing hard military swordsmanship, and can reach the second energy level with the potion, came to face some people who are just The mountain civilian officer who relied on his blood was really a dimensionality reduction blow.

“The first head.”

Qing Chao closed his sword, he didn’t even pay much attention to the officer he killed, he just recited a number silently, which was his habit as a mercenary back then – because he had another target, that is, the two men who had been killed by the commander The moose monster that died and started to go crazy.

“The second and third are coming soon.”

He smiled, and stepped forward without any hesitation—at that moment, the swordsman turned into a mist in the water and flew towards the mountain people’s army.

Going with him, there are five sets of magnetic storm armor.

The charge led by Qing Chao and the magnetic storm armor as the main force completely crushed the first and only wave of resistance of the mountain people’s supply troops.

Thunderstorms crisscrossed the teams, but they couldn’t harm the magnetic storm armor itself, while Qingchao was thrillingly shuttled through the arcs fired by friendly troops. Every time the sword light lit up, he could kill one mountain after another Civilian soldiers.

Nobody can stop you.

They smashed the forward guarding the luggage, and then trampled and smashed the supplies, food, and camp parts like an angry bull. The monster moose wanted to collide with the magnetic storm armor, but a sword The light skilfully brushed across its neck, and a huge deer head fell to the ground.

In contrast, the huge target of the magnetic storm armor attracted almost all the firepower. They waved the thunder whip and whipped the food supplies. In the flash of lightning, a fire in the rainstorm turned all the food into coke.

The earth is trembling, and thunder is criss-crossing.

When the remaining mountain people finally got together under the command of another officer and prepared to launch a real counterattack, the figure of the magnetic storm armor and Qing Chao had disappeared.

Hit and run—this is the strategy Yin En assigned to them.

Only fight the first wave that is caught off guard, and destroy as many supplies as you can.

What they need to do is to raid the supply troops of the mountain people again and again, so that the opponent has to attack Lai’an city as soon as possible, and fight Lai’an city!

“The supply unit was attacked?!”

When the mountain people headquarters led by Sheyan learned the news, it was already an hour later.

The rainy day slowed down the pace of news delivery, and the thin chief had a look of disbelief on his face: “You mean, a team led by a sublimator, with five knights in sublimated armor, completely crushed the supply troops ?”

“How is this possible! They have three squads of armed men! In the end, they were overwhelmed by six people?”

Although he was so confused on his lips, he actually understood that this was normal—the Ascendant Swordsman headed by him was obviously a bit too powerful, and the brand new, new armed magnetic storm armor that appeared in Lai’an was very powerful. It was also shocking in rainy days. In fact, many soldiers were not directly electrocuted to death, but were paralyzed and shocked to the ground by the electric current erupted from the magnetic storm armor.

Some people drowned in the mud, some were trampled to death by armor, some were stabbed… The number of people who died in these strange ways was four or five times more than those who were directly turned into coke by electricity.

Snake Yan’s thoughts turned, he was not stupid, and immediately understood that this was the plot of the new leader of Lai’an City to urge him to attack Lai’an City—after destroying the luggage, the morale of the troops would be hit no matter what, The camp and supplies will be affected.

Even if they still have supplies in the camp at the mouth of the gorge, it will take time… Not to mention, if they can attack once before, can’t the opponent attack a second time?

Although Snake Yan didn’t know how his army’s marching route was predicted, even if he guessed it, he had to deduce it as reality.

This is a conspiracy.

He must attack immediately, because if this continues, when the soldiers really have to worry about rations, Snake Rock will no longer be able to control the army like it is now.

It is not only impossible for the scattered mountain people to defeat Lai’an City, they may even be defeated by Lai’an City in turn!

“Everyone is there, the goal, come to Ancheng!”

Without the slightest hesitation, he announced with the loudest voice, and asked the orderly to pass on his password to the whole army: “Since the enemy has left us without food, we will kill them all, and grab their food to eat for ourselves.” !”

“The food in Ancheng is our food!”

Snake Yan was already sitting in his armor as he encouraged his troops so much.

As the bones of the news were connected, the dark green Feiyandi fifth-generation land combat armor stood up from the transport vehicle, and then came to the front of the team with a swift gesture that is difficult for humans to understand: “Follow me to attack !”

The soldiers’ panic was dispelled by the armor.

——Yeah, so what if Lai’an attacked the supply troops? Doesn’t this just mean that the enemy is afraid of us?

As long as they launch an attack on Laian City, everything will be fine!


Above the sky, dark clouds rolled, and thick electric arcs flowed and rolled amidst the violent roar, showing the mighty power of nature.

When he came to the top of the tower in Ancheng, Yin En narrowed his eyes, watching the sword light flickering in the distance.

“It seems that Qingchao is the most stable one.” He muttered to himself, but laughed instead: “The commander of the mountain people is actually a smart man. Advance very steadily – if I really just plan to take advantage of the team’s march in the rain and concentrate my forces for a surprise attack, then I have no choice but to face such an array.”

“But this time it’s different.”

The boy raised his head, and in the incredible eyes of Scott and Lai’an militiamen behind him, he raised his hand and pointed to the sky: “Because the sky is also helping us.”

“Look. Thunder will be our weapon!”

Following Yin En’s finger, in the distant sky, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded, falling from the midair, and smashing towards the area that was most likely to be the mountain army.

Boom! A shining straight line appeared between the sky and the earth, illuminating the dark world and at the same time stirring everyone’s hearts.

Obviously, the mine trigger has begun to work.

Not just one.

The lights of the detonators intertwine and fall.

For those mountain troops who are marching, all this is unbelievable like a nightmare.

But for Lai’an City, this thunder light that descended following the guidance of its lord was almost as incredible as a miracle.


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