Mutated Tao Chapter 433: Both parties


Chapter 433 Both parties

“Hehehe, why not? There is no mahjong in Daliang, but there is mahjong in Daqi.”

Just as the hallucination Hongzhong finished speaking, an old woman rolled out in front of Zhuge Yuan.

Li Huowang remembered her appearance, it was Beifeng who was captured by Zhuge Yuan and sent to Daqi!

I saw that Beifeng stood up with a very confused expression, but when he saw everything around him, his eyes quickly became shrewd.

Then her face twisted quickly, and the wrinkles quickly receded. His face first turned into a north wind suit, and then the sides of the mahjong tile suddenly folded inward.

From a rectangle to a square, the flesh and blood on that face quickly condensed, finally forming a six-sided dice.

Using the blood-red point, Dice looked up at Emperor Liang on the tree. There was a hint of complacency in his tone. “You really guessed every step? Then you guessed that I pulled Daqi’s Zuo Wangdao over through my heart?”

“Hehe, you can handle one table of mahjong, but what about two tables of mahjong?”

Hearing this, Li Huowang’s pupils shrank to extremely small in an instant. It turned out that Beifeng had other people who had forgotten their ways before, whether they were looking for Zhuge Yuan or deliberately losing to Zhuge Yuan, they were all pretending!

In fact, their purpose is only one, that is to let Zhuge Yuan turn them into Daqi people, then enter Daqi, and contact Zuo Wangdao over there!

It can be seen from this that Da Qi was not imagined by Xin Pan, Da Qi really existed!

Just when Li Huowang thought this way, the black and white vertical pupil in the air suddenly changed, and the pupil instantly became three, and the sixty-four hexagrams around him rotated rapidly.

Facing the addition of foreign players who have forgotten their way, the other side obviously does not want to sit still and start to act immediately,

The strange chanting sound in the ear became much louder in an instant, and the single voice began to split into several terrifying roars and whispers.

Li Huowang’s head suddenly started to hurt, and blue veins burst from the top of his forehead, and his facial features seemed to melt.

That is not the sound of chanting sutras at all, but some kind of sound that mortals cannot understand.

Bai Lingmiao is only affected by the evil spirit, and his personality will undergo such a huge change. It is hard to imagine what the consequences will be if a person’s emotions and eight bitternesses really become chaotic. .

Seeing that a big battle was about to start, Li Huowang was immediately anxious, enduring the severe pain and struggling to find that Xinsu Beifeng.

What’s even more terrible is that with Da Qi’s Zuo Wang Dao entering, the number of Bei Feng suddenly reached eight! Now it is even more troublesome to find that Xinsu Beifeng.

With a “boom”, those Zuo Wang Daoists sat cross-legged around the huge golden tree in unison, and began to read in their mouths.

The four dice just occupy the southeast and the northwest, and the numbers of the dice on their faces are four, two, five, and one

“The heart fasts to sit and forget, the ultimate way! Those who keep the truth, sit and forget to nourish; those who survive, follow the form to nourish. Form to nourish, make the form immortal; sit and forget to nourish, give up the form to the truth”

Zuo Wangdao’s weird voice instantly dispersed the weird chanting in the air, and the two voices began to intertwine in the air. Under the influence of this sound, everything around began to become psychedelic, both the people and the surrounding gold began to twist continuously.

With just Li Huowang’s thought, the gold bricks on the ground quickly rose up, condensing into a golden statue of Yang Na smiling and looking sideways.

“No, no matter what they do next! It will definitely become more and more dangerous! I must find that Xinsu Beifeng as soon as possible, kidnap him and leave here!”

Li Huowang’s mind turned quickly, and soon he thought of a way. He immediately took out a dagger, pulled off his clothes, cut his shoulders to expose his collarbone, and then began to take out turmeric paper. A talisman for divination.

Although this divination ability is not only ineffective for finding some profound existences, but also can be known by others, but whoever said that this thing can’t be used in reverse!

Following the yellow talisman in Li Huowang’s hand, he slammed into his **** collarbone. Before the bone crack appeared, he saw one of the eight north winds in the distance. Bei Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at himself.

“I found it!! It’s her!!”

The invisible Li Huowang moved on the twisted gold bricks, approaching that Xinsu Beifeng as if walking on water!

Li Huowang’s approach did not attract the attention of those big shots, and he had guessed it a long time ago, because neither Jian Tiansi nor Zuo Wangdao could spare their hands!

Facing the action of sitting and forgetting the way, it is naturally impossible for Si Tianjian of Jiantiansi and the national teacher of Daliang to sit and wait for death.

Li Huowang saw that as the white-haired Daliang Guoshi swung the XingXiu long sword in his hand, the whole Taoist robe moved automatically without wind, and some starlight embellishments appeared in the extremely low dark clouds.

Then another person covered in a big red robe also came forward, followed by three people. The most important person is Si Tianjian, the highest leader of Daliang Jian Tiansi.

A total of six veteran hands with unusually long nails protruded from the wide Taoist robe. They went up, middle and lower in turn.

There are three different types of old, young, and young, and the sound of chanting mantras with a peculiar melody came out of the robe one by one.

One day, one world, white lotus blooms everywhere. This lotus is not a buddha species, but it is also extraordinary in the world. It straddles the phoenix and shakes its Ying, and the tentacles become ancient smoke. I don’t know that this body is light, and it has been placed on the top of the lotus leaf.

With the sound of this sound, the sound of sitting and forgetting the way gradually weakened, and the twisting golden bricks around stopped, and the weird chanting sound began to occupy the mainstream, and the giant eyes in the sky also fell one cent.

Under the gaze of the giant eyes, the bodies of some marginal lands began to collapse continuously, first blooming like a lotus flower, and then the orderly flesh and blood began to return to chaos.

Just when Li Huowang thought that they would continue to fight, suddenly accompanied by a rumbling sound, the roots of the entire giant tree suddenly became unstable and collapsed.

Zu Wangdao, who was supposed to be sitting cross-legged, suddenly stood up with a laugh, rushing towards the crown of the tree.

There was a rumbling sound, and silver-white arcs emerged in the dark clouds of falling snow, followed by a piercing sound, and a dark thunder slammed down, and the whole battle situation became chaotic in an instant.

“Great opportunity!” Li Huowang quickened his pace without hesitation, and rushed towards the Xinsu Beifeng.

This time, the two sides are obviously here for the real thing. The whole world changes suddenly, sometimes at dusk and sometimes at noon, accompanied by the sound of chanting sutras in the air. After staying in this place for a long time, Li Huowang even felt that his body did not belong Own.

Li Huowang can’t see which side is superior for the time being, because he can’t judge at all now.

But no matter what happened around him, it couldn’t shake his determination. Li Huowang never took his eyes off that Xinsu Beifeng.

I saw that Xinsu Beifeng was gnashing his teeth and staring at the Emperor Liang who was being protected by the three Sitian young supervisors, as if he wanted to do something.

But the next moment, she covered her face in pain and knelt down on one knee, some dark golden liquid continuously seeped out from her eye sockets.

Just as a dark thunder fell from the sky towards her, a right hand missing **** grabbed her arm and pulled it violently.

“What’s wrong! Are you okay! You’re injured!” Li Huowang said, pulling Beifeng to retreat out of the battle.


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