Mutated Tao Chapter 316: Bu


Hearing that Li Huowang didn’t believe it, the shopkeeper’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

“Then I also heard from the old man in the village. I heard that the ghost wanted to be reincarnated, so he stole a lot of children who were under the age of one, and because he had been in the underworld for a long time, he all came to harm Huang Huada. Daughter.”

“That is to say, children have been lost in Cangshui County, and many women have been defiled, right?”

“Hey, that’s right! Being a Taoist priest is amazing, that sentence can beat me a few words.”

Li Huowang’s brows were frowned. Someone stole the child, and the woman was defiled. If this is really the only thing, then the local county magistrate should have sent arresters instead of notifying the Superintendent. There must be something in it that this salesman doesn’t know.

Li Huowang swung the whip in his hand and hit the horse’s buttocks, and the carriage immediately started to run.

Just before closing the city gate, Li Huowang finally arrived at Cangshui County. The gatekeepers saw Li Huowang’s Jiantiansi badge and hurriedly called for a head arrester to **** Li Huowang to the county magistrate’s mansion.

“Huh, huh, huh~” Messy footsteps sounded from Li Huowang’s side from time to time.

Looking at the young and middle-aged man hurrying past the carriage with a torch, Li Huowang asked the catcher who was leading the horse, “Who are these people?”

The head catcher clasped his fists together, “My lord’s words! These are the night watchmen drawn by the magistrate from the county! Now that the people in Cangshui County are under a curfew, anyone who dares to hang out outside, take them down immediately!” /

Li Huowang nodded in understanding and said nothing more.

“Woo…” The unfamiliar environment seemed to make Mantou feel uneasy, and it kept arching its **** nose towards Li Huowang’s arms.

However, Li Huowangzi kept scanning the deserted street, but found nothing unusual.

Soon, Li Huowang arrived at the Yamen of Cangshui County. The county magistrate obviously knew that Li Huowang was coming, and he brought a group of people to wait at the gate with the two big stone lions.

“Your Majesty, I have seen you!” Following the magistrate, who was wearing a neat official uniform, saluted, the master behind him, the county magistrate, the master Bo, and the envoy bowed their heads at the same time.

Li Huowang looked at the county magistrate from under the carriage. The magistrate looked to be in his forties, and was a bit too short, standing out among the crowd.

“Let’s gossip, let’s go in. The business is important.” Li Huowang said that he was the first to go in, and the others quickly followed.

“Wow~wow~” The sound of paper flipping rang continuously in the hall, and a group of people bowed their bodies at the same time, carefully looking at Li Huowang who was flipping through the files.

When the tea on the table next to him was no longer steaming, Li Huowang put down the things in his hands. “Nine children were lost, and five young girls were defiled?”

The magistrate on the side hurriedly stepped forward. “I believe that the number of defiled women is far more than this, just because they are ashamed to report to the official, so”

“Is that all? Is this the only thing?” Li Huowang fixed his eyes on the magistrate.

A drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead. He bowed to Li Huowang first, then turned his head and said to the others: “You all go down, Zhou Butou, let people surround the yamen.”

The sound of clattering footsteps disappeared, and only Li Huowang and Zhixian were left in the whole house.

“My surname is Lou. Although I don’t say that I am from Cangshui County, my hometown is also from Jiangnan Road. As a parent official, seeing the people so panic-stricken, my heart feels like a knife is twisted! I hope you will save the people like water In the middle of the fire!” Lou Zhixian, with tears in his eyes, knelt down for Li Huowang as he spoke.

This ceremony is a bit heavy. Judging from the last incident, the county magistrate and Li Huowang are not in a superior-subordinate relationship.

I just don’t know if what I said is true, or if I just pretended to show it to Li Huowang. “There are things to talk about. Besides these things, what else happened in Cangshui County.”

“There are still some thefts, but these things are insignificant! My lord, please take a look.” Speaking of Lou Zhixian, he took out a map from the side table and slowly unfolded it in front of Li Huowang.

This is a detailed map of the entire Jiangnan Road. Next to Jiangnan Road is Zongluo Road where Yinling City and Niuxin Mountain are located.

There are six roads in Daliang, big and small. Jiangnan Road is the smallest road.

“My lord, look.” Lou Zhixian pointed to some small dots on the map, “This kind of thing is not just a place in Cangshui! There are ten places in Pingcheng, Anshan, and Panshui around Cangshui. The same thing happened in five counties!”

Looking at the dots on the map, Li Huowang finally understood why Tuoba Danqing had to take action on such a trivial matter.

No matter how small things are, as long as they pile up into many, they are not small things.

Li Huowang picked up the map and looked at it, “There are so many places, how many children will be lost here?”

“There are fifty-seven people in total, and the number is still increasing. The government is strictly controlled, and Cangshui County is fine. Some people in other places have used this to make trouble.”

“Steal children under the age of 10, what are you going to do?” Thinking of what he experienced in this world, he always felt that those children would end badly.

“My lord, I still hope that my lord will save the people from the fire and water!!” Lou Zhixian lowered his head deeply again.

“Don’t worry, didn’t you say that some women were defiled by others? Bring them here and let me have a look.” Since these two things happened at the same time, it is natural to ask what is going on.

Soon a muddle-headed woman came to Li Huowang, but the other party couldn’t understand Li Huowang’s question.

It is impossible to tell who defiled her, nor when. If her parents didn’t find out that something was wrong, if it was her own, she probably wouldn’t have reported it.

For a while, Li Huowang actually felt helpless.

The so-called specialization in the art industry, Li Huowang is really not very good at this kind of thing.

“No, I may not be helpless.”

Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Li Huowang thought for a while, took out the talisman book from his arms, flipped through it, and turned his head to look at Louzhi County, “Is there a human bone here? It’s wider.”

Since Chen Xiazi said that this talisman can divination, maybe you can try it in this situation.

“Human bone?” Although he didn’t know why, Lou Zhixian ordered the head arrester to look for it.

When the sky was getting darker, the human bone that Li Huowang wanted came, it was a skull.

“My lord, don’t worry, it’s definitely a human bone, just dug out from a random grave.” The policeman who brought the skull looked flattering.

Li Huowang clamped one hand in his arms, and the turmeric paper was pulled out, he bit his finger pulp with his mouth, and quickly scratched on it.

“Busy and busy, the sun is impermanent, I am ordered to avoid famine by divination!”

A copper coin was pressed against the skull along with the painted talisman, and with a rattling sound, the skull cracked apart.

Li Huowang looked at the cracks on the skull with a serious expression, and compared the records in the talisman book, he began to interpret the hexagrams. “Well… this hexagram”


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