Mutated Tao Chapter 163: Goodbye Mrs.


Li Huowang, who was carrying the pastry on his back, was panting heavily as he struggled to climb up the dirt road of Mount Henghua.

He only has one hand now, and he has bought a lot of snacks. This time going up the mountain is more difficult than last time.

In order to prevent the pastries from getting wet with his own sweat, Li Huowang deliberately moved the pastries further away, which made it even more tiring.

Finally at a corner, Li Huowang couldn’t bear it any longer. He put down the pastry and leaned against a crooked-neck tree, gasping for breath.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he went up the mountain non-stop, and Li Huowang suddenly felt a little hungry.

Li Huowang thought for a while, reached into the pastry box and took out a piece of mung bean cake, put it in his mouth and ate it.

The crispy outside and soft inside soothed Li Huowang’s hungry stomach. He had never eaten such a pastry before, but after eating it, he found that it was unexpectedly delicious…

This pastry seems to have just been made today. It is crispy and fragrant, and it is even more delicious than the cream cakes and chocolates I ate before time travel.

As for the fact that the master’s cake was eaten by him, Li Huowang didn’t think it was a big deal.

It’s not the first time I’ve come here, so you don’t have to be polite with the teacher, I think she won’t meet outside.

“There are so many cakes, should it be enough for the teacher to eat?” Li Huowang looked at the stack of cakes and finished speaking, then immediately smiled knowingly.

“Not enough, twice as much, I’m afraid it’s not enough for Shi Tai.”

Li Huowang first smiled and then was taken aback, when did he become so close to Mrs. Jingxin?

Thinking back, although the teacher is greedy, lazy and dirty, she came to this world by herself, and besides those senior brothers and sisters, she is the one who treats her best.

Because he was Xinsu who murdered him before, he helped him expel Danyangzi, and before he left, he deliberately gave him a sword because he was afraid that he would be in danger on the road.

“If you don’t want to send Bai Lingmiao and the others home, it’s actually a good choice to live in the town below the mountain. This is the territory of An Ci’an, and other forces will not come to trouble me.”

While thinking about what was there and what was missing, Li Huowang ate most of that box of mung bean cakes, so he quickly stopped.

Looking at the lush and green scenery of Mount Henghua all around, Li Huowang breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly thought of something, reached into his arms and took out a book. This is the translation of “The Sutra of Fire Jacket”.

After slowly opening it, Li Huowang wanted to see how much he was influenced by Dan Yangzi, but he was shocked to find that he didn’t recognize any of the words on it.

This abnormal change caused Li Huowang, who had just rested for a while, to hold his heart together. “No, hurry up!! Danyangzi’s speed of seizing me is accelerating! If I take it off again, I will be completely assimilated by Danyangzi!”

Li Huowang quickly stuffed the book into his arms, picked up the pastry again and continued to climb up the dirt road.

Finally after the moon rose high, Li Huowang returned to the gate of Anci Temple.

After seeing the diamond-shaped couplet of the female script again, Li Huowang immediately felt very cordial.

“Master, I’m here again! Look what I brought you!”

The excited Li Huowang walked towards the dark Anci Temple while shouting.

“Is there no light in the nunnery? It seems that I am too lazy to light it.”

As soon as he stepped into the dilapidated Bodhisattva Temple, Li Huowang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“Why doesn’t it stink?”

Li Huowang threw the pastry in his hand, stood on the spot and took a few deep breaths. He was shocked to find that the strong smell in Anci nunnery had disappeared without a trace!

“No! There’s a big problem!” Li Huowang, who was a little confused, couldn’t care about other things, and rushed towards the depths of the nunnery.

“Master Jingxin! Miaoyin!! Miaoxin!! Where are you!!”

Li Huowang’s voice kept echoing in the nunnery, but no one responded, and his heart was completely panicked.

Suddenly, Li Huowang heard something moving in the distance, he rushed over, and when he got close, he realized that it was the sound of a pig snorting.

When he came to the pigsty behind the latrine, the scene in front of him froze in place on the spot.

A fat man as big as a small house was lying in the pigsty, and those fat pigs with black hair surrounded her like suckling piglets.

However, they are not eating milk, they are eating people!

The molars of the pigs used to eat swill and feces opened and closed, tearing off the fatty flesh from the **** man and swallowing it into the stomach. The noses of each pig were red and bloody. Almost.

“Go away!” The red-eyed Li Huowang drew his sword and rushed down. Without waiting for the pigs to look back, he cut them all in half with a circular move.

The other people, Hei Zhu, were frightened by the murderous Li Huowang and fled in all directions.

When Li Huowang came in front of the dead fat man, he knelt down slowly while holding the head that had been gnawed until only half of his face was left. It was the face of Master Jingxin.

“Ahhh!!” Li Huowang’s heart-piercing shouts echoed throughout Anci Temple.

Holding the teacher’s face tightly, Li Huowang’s tears dripped on the ground. The meditator is too dead, the only person in this world who treats him well has left with the hope in his heart.

“Who is it!!” Li Huowang, who was almost insane, rushed out of the pigsty like a gust of wind, looking for the enemy in the nunnery with his sword in hand.

However, he did not find anyone in the nunnery except for more nun corpses.

Jing Xin Shitai has been dead for some time, whoever those people are, those people are long gone.

“Who killed this!!” This thought almost filled Li Huowang’s mind, but when he drew his sword and rushed towards the mountain gate, he gradually stopped.

Li Huowang, whose eyes were bloodshot, came back to Jingxin’s wife, took out his long sword and started digging a hole beside him. He wanted to bury the teacher, and didn’t want her to be eaten by pigs after she died.

It takes a lot of digging to bury the teacher’s wife. Li Huowang dug it for a long time, and he barely finished it until noon the next day.

Just when Li Huowang was about to push the teacher down, he found something unusual. Her body had been left overnight without any signs of smell, nor did it attract any flies.

Seeing all this, Li Huowang subconsciously recalled that they were corpses on the water, they also didn’t stink, and they were also so lifelike.

“Could it be that they were all killed by the same group of people! People killed by them will no longer rot? Who are they?!”

“Something’s wrong! Wait!” Li Huowang suddenly realized that he had overlooked something. After thinking for a while, he rushed to the pigsty and looked at the black-haired pigs he had killed before.

After one night and one day, the pigs killed by themselves also did not attract any flies or stink.

Li Huowang staggered out of the pigsty, and looked around in disbelief at the surroundings without any signs of fighting.

Corruption is an integral part of any world.

However, at this moment, there seems to be a problem in this world, and the function of rot seems to be out of order.

“Perhaps the wife was not killed by others.”

Looking back, Li Huowang turned his head to look at Mrs. Jingxin. Her disgusting skin, which was supposed to be rotten and covered with pustules and maggots, became very smooth and fair at this moment.


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