Daily Life at Hogwarts Chapter 1306: Everyone is making progress


What Ron said made Harry and Hermione a little speechless. They didn’t think about it, but it did make sense, and he knew something about the shelter. base

“What are you doing with that thing?”

Harry asked a little confused when he saw Ron stuffing the box by the fireplace into the bag casually.

With Ron’s posture, those who didn’t know it thought he was planning to evacuate the place.

“It’s filled with Floo powder. I dare say that the fireplace here must be able to connect to other fireplaces through the Floo network.” If it is exposed, the other party may summon a bunch of dark wizards through the fireplace to surround us, just like the encounter between Sirius and Lupine last time.”

“It seems that our luck is not bad.” Harry said lightly touching the badge on his chest.

“I have erased their memory.”

Hermione stood up again and motioned for Harry and Ron to move them to their seats and pretend they were asleep. base

“They don’t know we have been here, and if there are other dark wizards to replace them, they will probably only think they are asleep.”

Harry looked at the two dark wizards who were unconscious, and suddenly asked, “If it was Albert, what would he do with these dark wizards?”

“Probably…” Hermione hesitated for a moment and said, “Let them forget that they are wizards, and then send them to a Muggle prison. However, I’m afraid we can’t do that now.”

“That method is really good, at least it will stop those dark wizards from harming people.” Harry agrees with Albert’s approach. If he does not choose to kill them, it is undoubtedly the best way to lock them up There is a way.

Harry didn’t want to kill people either, but dark wizards were enemies after all, and he couldn’t just let them go if they were merciful, so he still agreed with Albert’s point of view, at least so that the enemy couldn’t continue to hurt others.

After dealing with the tail, the three quietly left through the back door, preparing to determine what the third red dot was.

Before the two men in the room, they would have suspected that it was their accomplice, but now they suspected that it might be some dark creature like a Boggart hiding in someone else’s house. base

However, it still takes some time to go over and confirm, so that they can easily do their own things after confirming that it is safe here.

When the three of them passed the park, they found that the obelisk full of names had turned into a statue of the Potter family. The Potters cuddled together, with baby Harry in Lily’s arms.

There is also a golden sign next to it, which reads:

October 31, 1981

Lily and James Potter died in this village

Their son Harry is the only wizard who survived the Killing Curse.

We commemorate the Potter couple

And warned of the violence that destroyed their family.

The golden sign is full of various words, which are the traces left by the wizards who came to pay their respects to the “Boy Who Lived”.

“Let’s go, let’s check the situation first.”

Harry moved his eyes away from the statue of the Potter couple with nostalgia, and walked towards the direction of detecting the fingers of the pocket watch.

After Hermione and Ron looked at each other anxiously, they hurriedly stepped up to keep up.

In the meantime, Harry said he saw an abandoned house and said it was his home.

“Harry, are you sure there’s a house there?” Hermione and Ron followed Harry’s gaze, but saw nothing. base

Harry turned his head to look at his partner, and asked suspiciously, “Didn’t you see it?”

“I didn’t see it.” Ron shook his head.

“I see, it’s the Fidelity Curse.” Hermione said suddenly.

“I almost forgot, the house has been cast with the Fidelity Charm, and the secret keeper is Peter Pettigrew.” Harry nodded and said, “However, that guy is dead.”

“So, now everyone who knows the secret has become a secret-keeper.” Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry’s hand and said, “You are also the secret-keeper there now.”

“Oh, I almost forgot about it, the house is over there.” Harry pointed to Hermione, “Unfortunately, it’s been badly damaged and completely deserted.”

After telling Hermione the location, Harry pointed Ron to the location of the house. base

However, they did not choose to stay there, but planned to continue searching for the red dot on the detection pocket watch.

It’s just that someone seemed to have seen through the disguise of the Disillusionment Curse on them, and was standing not far away looking at them and waving towards them.

“The man saw us!”

Hermione gripped her wand tightly and reminded Harry and Ron uneasily. It is definitely not normal for the other party to see through them who are hiding.

“That man is definitely not a Muggle.” Ron had already raised his wand.

“Bathilda Bagshot.” Harry suddenly had a bad feeling, and moved his eyes to the detection pocket watch in his hand, and then looked at the old woman in front of him.

“Harry, we should leave immediately.” Hermione said, grabbing Harry’s arm. base

“Maybe, she is under the Imperius Curse of the Death Eaters.” Ron looked at the old man in front of him and whispered, “However, I think we should be able to subdue her.”

“Don’t be silly Ron, the Imperius Curse cannot be distinguished by a detection pocket watch.” Hermione looked at the detection pocket watch in her hand, and she was sure that the red dot was pointing to Bathilda Bagshot in front of her.

“Look at the situation first. If there is any danger, we will leave immediately.” Harry took the detection pocket watch and glanced at the red dot on it, then raised his heels to follow Bathilda.

After the three of them passed several houses, they followed Bathilda into the path and came to the door of her house. It could be seen that the garden of her house had been neglected for some time.

Bathilda opens the door with the key and invites the three into the house.

As soon as Harry walked over, he smelled a strange smell. Hermione and Ron next to him also frowned.

“Bathilda?” Harry asked, taking off the Invisibility Cloak. base

“Let’s go in and we’ll talk.” Bathilda said to the three.

“Harry!” Hermione shook her head at Harry and said, “We shouldn’t take risks, this looks like a trap.”

“Hermione is right, we shouldn’t go in.”

Ron agreed with Hermione, not because he was timid, but because the red dot on the detection pocket watch was right in front of him, and it should be said that it pointed to the old man in front of him, not his house.

And standing at the door, they smelled an unpleasant smell, which was a smell of corruption… In short, Ron didn’t want to go in.

“I know it’s rude, but you don’t mind if we talk outside?” Harry asked tentatively.

“You are Harry Potter.” Lei

Bathilda didn’t answer, but turned her head to look at Harry who took off the invisibility cloak.

“No, I’m not.”

Facing Bathilda’s cloudy eyes, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart grew stronger, and he couldn’t help but push back a step, reaching out to pull Hermione and Ron.

Both of them heard Harry’s words and turned their heads to look over. They didn’t know what Harry had discovered, but the tacit understanding in the past made them raise their wands and point at Bathilda.

“Back off, get out of here,” said Harry, moving his lips.

The next moment, Hermione took the two of them away, and they left quite simply.

A green light flashed from the direction they had just disappeared, and hit the old man at the door. base

“That’s really a trap. I just seemed to…” Ron panted heavily, covering his chest with his wand-holding hand. He seemed to have seen Voldemort just now.

“Hermione, do it again.”

Voldemort’s furious roar echoed in Harry’s mind. ~Soverse.com~ The next moment, the discomfort of apparating came back.

Harry panted and took out the invisibility cloak to put on himself, and then used Apparation again to take the two of them and disappeared.

“Can we stop Apparating, I feel a little sick.” Ron couldn’t help retching, he still couldn’t adapt to high-intensity Apparating.

“The guy is catching up, go to Grimmauld 12th Square,” said Harry. base

“Why don’t you go back to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?” Ron felt that the headquarters was safer.

“No, go to Albert’s shelter.”

Hermione didn’t give Ron and Harry time to react, and grabbed the two of them directly to the shelter Albert had prepared for them.

“It’s really dirty here.”

Ron was led by Hermione into a deserted building, and couldn’t help complaining, “Are you sure this is a shelter.”

“There is a room here that is protected by the Fidelity Charm.” Hermione took out a note and showed it to Harry and Ron.

“Why don’t you go back to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?” Lei

Ron looked at Harry and Hermione with some puzzlement.

“I’m worried there will be Death Eaters blocking us at the door,” Hermione explained.


Harry also didn’t want to take any risks. If he hadn’t left decisively just now, he would have been blocked by Voldemort. He could still feel Voldemort’s anger.

Hermione is right.

Voldemort did intend to do that, and if they Apparated directly to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, they risked being blocked by Death Eaters at the door.

Since Voldemort and the Death Eaters were blasted by Albert through Scrimgeour, their brains have obviously become smarter than before. base

If it wasn’t for Albert who also specially strengthened Harry, it would really be possible to overturn halfway.


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