All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 25: No one can take her away (25)


The age between twenties and less than thirty is a very good time.

She is wearing a black dragon robe and has a beautiful and bright face, which will not make people look down upon her. On the contrary, she exudes a dignified and majestic aura, and no one can suppress her in the court.

Because of what she has done, there are a group of brain-dead loyalists in the hall. Whoever dares to make some unreasonable words, these brain-dead loyalists will immediately jump out and spray each other with saliva.

Especially the military generals who followed her through life and death, a single roar can frighten those delicate civil servants who are looking for trouble.

I remember a civil official who suggested that it was not orthodox for a woman to be emperor, and hoped that Qianyan would give up the throne to King Ningshan.

Needless to say, this civil servant belongs to He Qingshan.

After tossing for more than a year, He Qingshan failed to make a name for himself, so he shifted his attention to the throne again and started to operate.

As soon as the civil official opened his mouth, he was sprayed with blood by a group of military generals. Dare to say a few words.

After the court, the generals went around twice in front of the official, split bricks in front of him, followed him home, and kicked the stone outside the threshold of the other party.

It is said that the civil official asked for leave for a few days later, as if he was ill, not seriously ill, Qianyan guessed that it was probably because of fright.

“Haha, it’s better for the master of the country to do it. That kid is going to hide and go around the road now. If he goes to scare him, he will probably urinate in public.”

“That’s not true! General Chen kicked the stone slab in front of his door to pieces, can he not panic? It’s been so long, General Chen’s martial arts have not regressed at all.”

“General Li is too modest, you split twenty bricks in front of that kid, and you joked that if you talk nonsense, you will chop his head off. At that time, he was so scared that his lips were black. Hahaha… What a coward. “

“Let’s not boast to each other, this is all thanks to the Master of the State Teacher. Without the help of the Master of the State Teacher, we few big bosses may not be able to deal with those who have all kinds of tricks in their stomachs.”

“That’s right, if it wasn’t for the national teacher to stop me, I would definitely beat that kid up. It’s still the national teacher who explained that if he was beaten up, King Ningshan would definitely get into trouble. Your Majesty Having to punish us is clearly a way of alienating the hearts of the monarch and his ministers. This strategy is very vicious.”

“Hey… now with the help of the National Teacher, we won’t be fooled, and we can’t wait to kill them.”

Xun Zihuai sat on a chair and drank tea, watching the group of people discussing without stopping. What He Qingshan was thinking in his heart, he couldn’t be more clear.

Your Majesty can solve this trivial matter perfectly. But he ran into it, so is there any reason not to intervene?

Your Majesty is busy with many things every day, and he takes care of these small things.

“National Teacher, the King of Ningshan may not be reconciled.” General Li stepped forward, “I also ask the National Teacher to give me instructions, what should we do next?”

“The King of Ningshan has not been given the title of imperial concubine, obviously he is not at ease living under His Majesty, Xiao misses that position.”

Xun Zihuai smiled secretly, was he titled the emperor’s husband?

That person is also worthy?

Your Majesty didn’t mean that at all.

Hehe, He Qingshan can’t sit firmly in the imperial husband’s seat.

“At first, I thought King Ningshan was a good person. If the national teacher hadn’t told us his true colors, we would have been deceived by him. Fortunately, the national teacher woke up and we realized this guy’s hypocrisy.”

“The world was built by His Majesty. He congratulates Qingshan, but he just wants to be emperor and dreams.”


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