The Elysium Across Deep Space Chapter 606: The big villain Lao Wang


Wang Zesheng’s black domain expands, like the abyss of the universe, terrifying, deep, and shocking to the true saint.

At the end of the infinite void, the mechanical tengu said to himself: “It’s really like the appearance of a top villain, quite like the appearance of a Gedai devil.”

Its voice was indistinct, and most of it was swallowed back in its throat, afraid of being heard.

In the battlefield of the highest spiritual world, the scene above Wang Zesheng’s head is completely different from the black field near him. The knife turns the prayer wheel, which is extremely sacred,

Accompanied by gorgeous ripples.

The four sages quickly cast taboo spells to fight against the extremely aggressive man in front of them.

Their bodies were tense, and they felt that they had fallen into the most dangerous situation. If they were not careful, they might be doomed.

The lines of the endless royal path are intertwined, and between the two opposing sides, it seems that a sea of ​​stars in the universe has burst; and then the stars in the sky seem to be ignited.

In an instant, the highest rules were bumped one after another, and the stormy waves crashed on the shore.


Blood spattered from Zhi Sheng Miaozhen’s shoulder, a large piece of her forbidden grade A stomach was shattered, her left shoulder was pierced, and her shoulder blade was split in fours and fives.

On the opposite side, above Wang Zesheng’s head, the black long knife moved the scripture tube, and the holy light that flew down from it was indestructible.

It carries the true meaning of nine extinctions and rebirth, and it breaks dozens of spells of the Four Saints in a row!

The holy pattern of the paper saint’s body protection was torn apart one after another by the sacred light in the scripture tube. With a sound of Kacha, the phoenix crown made of magic stones on her head was chopped off, missing a large piece.

In an instant, Zhi Shengmiaozhen’s green silk fell down, and a cluster was cut off. At the same time, blood was seen on her head; she was injured by the bright light of the scripture tube.

She was deeply terrified, her parietal bone was in severe pain, and she was almost broken just by being hit by the beam of light.

She was continuously wounded, her black hair fell to the ground stained with blood, her left shoulder bone was broken, and half of her body was covered in blood.

In fact, the other three saints were also attacked indiscriminately, and some were more severely injured than her.

For example, the tattooed Sansheng, he is the target of the most important care. In his ears, there is a loud chanting sound, and he sees the mysterious man expanding infinitely, huge and boundless, looking down on him.

At this moment, he felt that he had become insignificant, and the man opposite seemed to burst through the star sea of ​​the universe, looking down at him as a true saint, like looking at a moth.


In his eyes, although the man on the opposite side did not move, the supreme holy light that burst out from the collision between the scripture tube and the long knife swept over like an extraordinary change, as if it was destroying the world.

Tattoo Palace Sansheng Yanqing’s child hole shrinks rapidly, and the 24 tattooed sky maps he created were all chopped into pieces by the light beams rushing out of the scripture tube, and the magic light curtain was also torn apart.

Bleeding into the sky, part of Yan Qing’s left body disappeared, and the main body seemed to be split open, half of his body was chopped off, and he suffered serious injuries.

For a moment, the four true saints spilled blood at the same time, their real bodies were all injured, and the holy blood stained the place red.

Their hearts skipped a beat, and now it was certain that this man must have the strength to be on the top half of the must-kill list.

The true sages of the Four Religions feel as if they are facing a peerless demon king who has disappeared for a long time and just broke through the seal.

Now, they can only hope that the supreme beings behind each of them are aware of it and rush over quickly, otherwise, some of them will definitely die.

Wang Zesheng circulated the “Nine Extinctions and Rebirth Sutra”, sprinkled holy light on his head, turned the prayer wheel with a knife, and the gorgeous light was purifying the highest spiritual world.

However, in the eyes of the opponents, it was the scriptures of death, which made the true saints feel tormented, and the layers of ripples threatened their lives.

Paper Sheng Miaozhen is holding a forbidden item, a holy sword, with a vast and boundless texture of the royal path, which merges with the extraordinary fire of origin beside her. go.

The sutra tube and the long knife resonate, and they both rotate at the same time. In an instant, the light of the knife swoops down with one scripture after another, and the roar continues in the air.

Amidst the chirping sound, the holy sword in Zhi Sheng’s hand shook violently, and then made a crackling sound, and then, the flame fused on the sword body exploded with a bang.

The contraband item then fell apart and was destroyed.

Wang Zesheng walked forward. At this moment, the sutra tube became real, and several volumes of scriptures floated out automatically. Each volume revealed the process of his nine extinctions and rebirth.

The saber, the sutra tube, and the scriptures all floated and shone brightly, and then became more and more intense, shining forward, making the bodies of the four sages pale, as if they were about to become hazy and transparent.

The four saints gasped, their hair stood on end, the opponent in front, with that mysterious face, seemed to be in Nirvana, coming from the land of decay, he was improving and becoming stronger, seemingly unstoppable.

But right now, they can’t escape even if they want to. Whoever dares to retreat will become the weakest link there and will collapse from there.

“It should be sensed soon, there will be strong reinforcements coming, and the people on the top half of the kill list can deal with him.” The light of their hearts resonated.

They have no choice but to strengthen their beliefs and wait for changes and opportunities.


The bell wave is deafening, and the longbow in the hands of time innocent Sheng Shichuan

As the second form, it becomes a big bell, engraved with dense runes, and there are all kinds of innate creatures, as well as the picture of the deceased old saint’s real body. He urged this thing and blasted forward.

During this period, he is also evolving the time strange scroll, solidifying the high-level spiritual world, and cooperating with various time laws.

The true sage of Guixu even sacrificed the sky full of sand grains, each sand forming a world, and then the endless void collided continuously, and the shadows of the decaying universe emerged one after another.

He is interpreting the highest profound meaning of the law of space.

Up to now, the four saints have to desperately perform the strongest trump card, and they are all doing their best to fight.

Wang Zesheng has been walking towards them, without stopping. During this process, those scriptures were suspended, and countless words emerged, illuminating this place.

The scriptures flowed, like a sea of ​​extraordinary light rising and falling, and slapped towards the Four Saints with a bang.

The world of one grain of sand and one world of Guixu’s true holiness, the endless shadows of the decaying universe, are directly submerged by the sea of ​​scriptures, and at the same time, the sound of grand chanting is one after another.

Suddenly, a huge Wang Zesheng stood upright, with endless scriptures revolving around him, where he released the light of immortality, cutting off the rich Taoist rhyme of the four saints layer by layer, shattering their laws.

“The world returns to the ruins!” Zi Mudao yelled, his hair disheveled, his face covered with blood, he moved countless sand grains, countless shadows of the decaying universe, to form a scene of returning to the ruins, all worlds, all things, They all sink there and fall into it.

During this process, he was naturally pulling Wang Zesheng, wanting him to “return to the ruins”, swallow him in, and sink into eternal silence.

It is a vortex composed of layers of decaying cosmic shadows, burning the essence and blood of Zi Mu Dao, the light of the primordial spirit, but also beheading opponents.

This taboo method consumes a lot of money!

Unfortunately, this supreme magic method has failed.

There are countless scriptures around Wang Zesheng, floating page after page, all of which emit dazzling light, illuminating the words like stars in the sky, piercing through the world of Guixu.

Those words, such as forbidden iron spears, holy arrows, and divine axes, are here like swords, swords, and silver hooks painted on iron, destroying the sand grains of the endless world of the true saint of Guixu.

Then, the long knife on Wang Zesheng’s head turned the prayer wheel seven or eight times in a row. In an instant, he seemed to have experienced seven or eight times of birth and death, Nirvana, and cut out many layers of holy light.

With a bang, the True Sage Guixu was blasted by the multiple sacred lights, and his broken body was wrapped in a mass of fire from the primordial spirit, and flew out at a high speed.

In the multiple holy lights, there is Wang Zesheng’s figure, blending with each other, and merging into one, which also means that the world is returning to one, and the rebirth of the nine extinctions returns to the original body.

He took a step forward, with every gesture, the blood pressure of the true saint covered the four saints, and the primordial spirit illuminated the highest spiritual world. He swung his fist, made palm prints, and blasted forward.

At the same time, the long knife on his head also shot out, and when the scripture tube turned, endless wonders of the world of mortals surged out, tearing apart the domain of the Four Sages.


The long black knife pierced Shichuan’s big clock, and pierced the holy clock in the time domain through various innate gods and demons on the clock wall, and the phantoms of all saints roared together.

However, the body of the bell still had an unstoppable trend, the cracks and waves intertwined, spread at a very high speed, and then broke with a bang.

A prohibited item was destroyed.

The body of Time Innocent Saint was also scarred by the fragments from the collapse of the big clock.

The black long knife flew over, cut through the time domain, cut open the frozen and blocked time and space, hit the true saint Shi Chuan who was flying away in the time-space vortex, and kept dodging, and beheaded him with a puff .


The four sages roared at the same time, and each of them went shopping. If one of them fell and was killed here, the rest of them would not feel better, and they were all actively helping.

With a sound of “stabbing”, as the sutra tube rotates, it interprets all phenomena in the world of mortals. fire.

With a bang, at this moment, 90% of the supreme sacred object of the Paper Temple was destroyed, and the sky was covered with ashes, leaving only a small ball of fire that could not be extinguished.

At this time, a child looked back in the depths of the void in Mohu, as if he was begging for mercy, and there was a faint Taoist rhyme.

Wang Zesheng remained unmoved, and turned the scripture tube, pouring it to Gao Weili, and the light of the imperial way surged, hitting the Zhisheng flying across the sky, and 80% of his body exploded.

In the violent turmoil of Dao Yun, the four saints desperately resonated and resonated with each other’s primordial spirits. The four icons are united, this is a helpless move, they are passively connected as one.

For a while, even their supreme laws and spirits continued to superimpose, becoming extremely terrifying.

Wang Zesheng’s complexion remained unchanged, the long knife on his head clanged like a keel, supporting it towards the sky, and then the sutra tube opened like a flower bud on the road, blooming one by one, like an umbrella, covering the knife body on the keel.

Then, the scriptures are transformed into textures and patterns, which are engraved on the keel and the umbrella surface of the scripture tube.

In an instant, a large pitch-black umbrella appeared in his hand, and it turned slowly. He walked forward with such overwhelming coercion that it made the heart of the True Sage tremble.

The blood energy of the four saints who had just merged into one body was dispersed by the impact with a bang.

Wang Zesheng rotated the umbrella, sprinkled the black ripples of the people with the rash, and dimmed the light of the four saints’ primordial spirits, causing their reorganized bodies to shatter again.


Someone sacrificed prohibited items and shot forward

Go, cut off the old king’s head.

With a sound of Kacha, the big umbrella rotated, the forbidden item was cut open by the face, and the back clothes fell to the ground.

Then, the **** umbrella rotated slowly again, flickering out a terrifying beam of light, completely ending the trend of fusing the four of them into one body.

The spiritual light of the four saints was scattered and could not be connected. The bodies of the four saints were broken and stained with blood.

Wang Zesheng stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the tattoo Sansheng.

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Tattoo Palace is terrified. What he sees in the eyes of the other party are the circulation of the supreme imperial dao runes, the birth and death of endless stars, and the ruthless killing intent.

He tried his best to use the strongest escapism to get rid of it, but no matter how many changes he made, he was still unable to get rid of that big hand in the vortex of time and space.

Especially, when the big umbrella was rotated, he let out a scream, and his mind was wide open, and the Tianling Gai was blown away by the black light that swept over.

With a bang, he was caught by Wang Zesheng’s big hand and held in his palm.

“The supreme and extraordinary source, the rest of the seniors, why don’t you show up?!” The tattoo Sansheng yelled in his heart.

“Whoever comes will not be able to save you!” Wang Zesheng grabbed his flesh and blood, and the sacred bones of the Imperial Dao creaked and broke.

“Wang Yusheng, your father is here, don’t you want to see him?” In the mysterious sea of ​​stars, the phantom of the true saint of the Demon Court appeared in front of Wang Yusheng who was dormant here.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please read the latest chapter content. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu looked around subconsciously, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

As well as my own body…how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, he is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it’s not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, this appearance is only the age of a high school student…

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don’t tell him that the operation was a success…

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to operate or not, but a fairy technique.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be… that he crossed over?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside which was obviously not well positioned, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title made him silent for an instant.

“Necessary Beast Breeding Manual for Novice Breeders”

“Postnatal care of pet animals”

“Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls”

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are not’s the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu’s eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories flooded in like a flood.


Pet animal breeding base.

Practice pet breeder. The website will be closed soon, download the Star app to provide you with the great **** Chendong’s other side of the deep space

Beast Master?


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