The Elysium Across Deep Space Chapter 596: The times have changed dramatically


“How could it be it!” Wang Xuan frowned deeply, never thinking that the hidden danger came from a certain object, which he had seen before.

Kill list!

When he was in hell, he had seen it from afar.

Belonging to the lower half of it, its light traverses the boundless void that breaks the sense of consciousness, and is approaching him from an unknown place at a high speed.

“If I cross the catastrophe and break the limit, I may encounter its resistance.” He felt inconceivable, what level he is now, is just beyond peerless.

Will be targeted so early?

He has an ugly face. If he is accounted for by this thing in advance, then there is really no good end.

It stands to reason that this is not the case, this level is hardly noticed by the mysterious list.


In this extremely quiet sympathy, he found that the must-kill list spanned the endless sea of ​​stars, as if he was coming.

“This is just my remote sensing of the future, what fate and causal line might be triggered in advance?” His pupils contracted,

Wang Xuan hurriedly got up, without saying a word, grabbed the Hunyuan Shenni who was meditating quietly opposite him, and disappeared into the mist and disappeared from the real world.

The two supreme holy insects were really taken aback, and they almost lost their minds. They were falling into the deepest trance just now, but they were picked up by someone. No one can bear this kind of fright and excitement.

However, after seeing Wang Xuan’s serious expression, as if he was facing an enemy, they swallowed back the words when they reached their lips, and wisely did not express their dissatisfaction.

Obviously something went wrong, something dire happened.

In the mist, Wang Xuan broke through the domain six times, superimposed supernatural senses, and went to capture the crisis factors again in the dark. The dazzling list of dripping holy blood blurred and gradually disappeared.

He stood still for a long time, then walked towards the depths of the fog, and approached the hazy boat near the halo. The distance between the two was not as far as before. The boat is far away.

Unfortunately, he still cannot arrive. Taking this opportunity, he smelled the tea fragrance in the mist, accepted the baptism and purification of the veins flowing out of the scriptures, and cut off all kinds of tangible and invisible entanglements of causal lines.

“This means that when I cross the catastrophe in the near future, I will be found on the must-kill list?” Wang Xuan frowned, this is a bit incomprehensible!

This is definitely not something he can fight against now, the **** must-kill list, the ones who are killed are the true saints, and they are dyed red with their blood.


A quarter of an hour later, Wang Xuan took the supreme holy insects out of the fog and let them continue to retreat.

He experienced it silently for a long time, the sense of uneasiness was gone, and he no longer went to remote sensing. Afterwards, he immediately went to Gujin. This matter was extremely serious, and it needed the insight of a supreme being to analyze it to see if it could resolve this death calamity.

Beside the peach blossom grove, there are slight waves in Linghu Lake, and white mist drifts out.

“You are ready to cross the catastrophe, do you have a premonition that a catastrophe will occur?” Ancient and modern people are surprised, why did the list of must-kills find a transcendent in the field of transcendence?

There is only one possibility, if Lu Po is perceived by it this time, it will probably act because of it!

“Where are you going to go through the tribulation?” Gu Jin asked, he turned into a handsome man, peaceful, stable, but very serious, and asked seriously.

Wang Xuan responded: “I plan to cross the tribulation in no man’s land at the end of the 36th sky and deep space.”

“Changing the place, maybe it didn’t come here specially for you. The deceased recently fiddled with a supreme magic circle in the 36th layer, which involved a must-kill list.”

In any case, Wang Xuan has to find a way to overcome the catastrophe. If the Taoism stops here, it will cut off his extraordinary way forward.

“I will go to the decaying outer universe to survive the catastrophe.” He said after thinking about it.

Gujin Dao: “Theoretically, if you are really targeted by it, even if you escape to the outer universe, it may not be safe. Unless you completely get rid of the dependence on the supernatural center, for example, cut off the Daoyun and wash away the mythical pedigree. Extraordinary factors, etc. Or die once, disconnect the cause and effect, and cut the past.”

Then, he analyzed again, saying: “You have your own unique super-substance, some of which are not in the mythical pedigree, and you replace them all with unique ones before you cross the catastrophe.” Perhaps he should be able to get rid of the entanglement of the unknown fate line.

“Plus, it… the bracelet that the mobile phone refines for you to deceive the heavens, etc., is not a big problem.”

Wang Xuan nodded, no matter what, it is impossible for his practice to stagnate because of this.

In the following time, he actively “prepared for battle”, and he has never crossed the catastrophe once. He is facing a big enemy like this, and needs various self-adjustments.

He used certain unique mysterious factors in the world behind the earth to replace all the supermatter in the flesh and soul.

Then, he stripped off the Taoist rhyme accumulated in the extraordinary center, burned it, tempered it, and erased the traces of the extraordinary center.

There is no doubt that doing so is very wasteful, and a lot of squandering of Dao Yun is the essence. But it was cut off like dross and melted away.

However, Wang Xuan didn’t feel distressed at all. On the contrary, he felt that this was a kind of penance, which further purified the Dao Yun and made it return to the original.

Fortunately, he is based in the 6-break field, and he is fast in cultivation, and he can attract a lot of Dao rhymes. He repeatedly sacrifices and continuously purifies,

It did take quite a long time, he was 23 years later than the original time.

Originally, he had retreated for 50 years, followed by another 48 years. He should be able to pass the catastrophe. Now he has added another 23 years. It has taken a total of 121 years since the last time the limit was broken.

He is in the dojo of ancient and modern times. Located in the 36th heaven, it is relatively easy to go to the deep space of outer space,

This time, Gu Jin personally sent him on a long journey, and, instead of leaving, hid in the space-time vortex and stared at him secretly. The Heavenly Tribulation is very grand and incomparably magnificent. It has torn apart this decaying deep space, and there are big cracks in the void everywhere.

Wang Xuanlu’s observation of the broken foundation is here, even if the catastrophe is far beyond common sense, he still blocks it, passes the level smoothly, repairs the injured body with the unique myth factor, and quenches the soul with thunder.

Until it was all over, he and Gu Jin were far away, and suddenly felt something, and immediately entered the mist.

In the distance, a dazzling beam of light streaked across the deep space of the outer universe, with a **** light, quite rash, it did not stay, and disappeared at a very fast speed.

“Did you really attract it?” Wang Xuan’s heart palpitated, his eyelids twitched wildly, feeling unbelievable, which is a bit outrageous. Gujin said: “I’ve said it all, don’t think too much, it may not appear for you. The dead are posing in the highest magic circle, imitating the effect of some kind of blood sacrifice.”

Wang Xuan nodded, but he believed that, no matter what, he would have to travel to the outer universe in the future, so he needed to be more cautious.

After a lapse of 121 years, Wang Xuan once again broke the limit and became a Transcendent who surpassed the Peerless Realm of the Two Heavens.

However, looking at the entire Extraordinary Center, he still does not have the ability to reverse the overall situation, and cannot interfere with the fate of the Scarlet Battlefield.

From the 9th level of the heavenly level to the 2nd limit breaking of the super peerless world, he has retreated consecutively. He didn’t take much rest during the period, and he was a little tired mentally.

When he stopped, ready to soothe his mind and prepare to set sail again, he could not help sighing after studying the accumulated battle reports and watching various major events in the extraordinary center.

In the original **** battle, the alien Wu Linkong finally died in battle. His old face was stabbed by the years and never recovered. He detonated prohibited items and led the enemy to destruction.

The starry sky has been wiped out, and in the battle report, only his old appearance with his wounded body looking back at the end is the last complete and clear picture captured by the outside world.

His body was pierced with a cold spear, and a sharp long knife was stuck on his shoulders and waist bones. Half of his body was bloody, and his head was pierced by an eternal black iron arrow.

His gray hair was wet and straight, his body was broken, and his face was wrinkled, but his eyes were bright and bright, as if a fire was burning,

Then, the sky collapsed there, and the starry sky collapsed! “Back then, in hell, you were afraid that something would happen to me, so you went to find me specifically to respond. Unexpectedly, you couldn’t hold on after all. I went out again and only heard your bad news.”

Although these things are unavoidable on the path of Chaofan, Wang Xuan was still a little disappointed and remained silent for a long time.

“The new Saint Star Road is open. If there are extremely different people who have accumulated enough depth, you can try to make a breakthrough, which can speed up the breakthrough. If you cross the tribulation, the saints can’t stop it!”

When such a news came out, it shook the Great World of the Extraordinary Center.

The supreme beings at the top of the Transcendent Pyramid hope that there will be a few more true saints. Is this opening the door to convenience?

All ethnic groups and major traditions are under heated discussion.

When Wang Xuan learned about it, he had to sigh, the times are changing drastically, and something is about to happen!

Some of the Jedi attached to the supernatural center and migrated with it, some stone statues are splitting, and thick fog rises in some areas.

There are extremely ancient organizations that are being revived. They are not pure creatures, some are more like psychics in stone fetuses, and some are machines with will.

“The ones on the list, the blood sacrifices that should be sacrificed, the ones that should be destroyed…” A terrifying voice echoed in some ancient places.

However, although some mechanical wreckages were making sounds, they had already decayed. As soon as they finished speaking, their heads fell off.

Recently, the supreme beings have sensed that the must-kill list has become more active. They have come out of **** and haunted many places.

The highest spiritual world, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun are exploring all the way forward, they are not rushing for the road, they are studying various mysterious areas,

Along the way, they saw all kinds of weird things.

As powerful as they are, they have observed and learned a lot, and they have lived for many centuries, and they are all amazed, such as discovering a spiritual flame left behind by the supreme being after death.

This creature, everything in its lifetime has been wiped away, only a ball of blank spiritual flames as white as paper, jumping there, still alive.

They once thought that this strong man was spiritually nirvana. But in the end, it was discovered that the other party had lost the meaning of existence, memory, and original imprints were gone.

They even saw a rotting corpse. The remaining dao rhyme is still very strong, but it is indeed dead, and the primordial spirit will die forever.

“It feels very old, at least it has been dead for more than ten centuries. It should be a top figure among the old saints.”

A few years later, on the way, they saw the invisible causal line of fate spreading from the endless deep space, just like a fishing line extending into the world of the highest spirit, and leading to the distance.

“Who is fishing?” Wang Zesheng showed a strange look, and pulled out a long black knife from behind, touching the silk thread, wanting to test and sense it.

However, this causal line of fate is quite fragile. The moment the black long knife arrived, it blurred and then broke.

Then, in the distance, the silk thread was floating in the direction of the source of the broken thread, and there was an extremely weak but very angry trace of emotion


“Interesting, let’s go down and have a look.” Wang Zesheng held a long knife, and even he used a weapon to be on guard in this kind of place.

“Look at what you did, you cut the line and let the other party’s fish go.” Jiang Yun said.

“I don’t think this is a pure and serious fisherman, it’s somewhat malicious.” Wang Zesheng said.

In the highest spiritual world, he chased Jiang Yun along the direction of the fishing line, but the line he cut off gradually faded and disappeared without a trace.

The two are still moving forward, searching in the vast supreme spiritual world, and exploring in this direction of deep space. Many years later, they found a strange causal line again. This time, Wang Zesheng did not act rashly, but traced the source cautiously.

The two walked away for several years, deeply surprised how long the fishing line was, until later, they stopped in the chaos and thunder of the supreme spiritual world. There, they saw 14 colors of terrifying spectacle, and in a quiet place behind the spectacle, a fisherman with a very vague outline emerged.

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